Gossip God

Chapter 156 Disturbance

Although everyone is greedy for the baby and knows that it is impossible to get the baby without sealing the evil demon, how easy is it to seal the evil demon? Moreover, this fierce demon must be sealed by himself to grab the baby at ease. If others seal the evil demon, but you take away the treasure, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not release the evil demon against you.

Since you have come here, you must have figured out a way to seal the evil spirit, whether it is spiritual or not. Of course, I haven't seen the baby's shadow now, and everyone is unwilling to come up with means to avoid being picked up by others. Now as soon as the people of the fair came, the original balance was immediately broken.

The fairies do not lack a treasure, but they need fierce demons, and the evil demons who live with the baby can undoubtedly become a great helper for the fairies. But how can the fierce demon be subdued by a word or two of the fairies? Therefore, if the immortals want to subdue the evil demons, they must show some means. It is best to defeat both the evil demons and the people who besiege the evil demons.

The people of the fairies came in formation, and they also expected that the fierce demons would not accept their proposal, so when the fierce demons refused, the people of the fairies began to fight. Their formation is very strange, unlike the Taoist formation. Although it has some Buddhist flavor, it is certain that it is not a Buddhist method.

When Yi Qianxiang was wondering, Feng Qingyu said, "These people are actually Confucian practitioners."

Yi Qianxiang wondered, "Confucianism?"

Feng Qingyu said, "Oh, your practice is short. I'm sure that Xu Yunzi hasn't told you, right? The practice in the world can be roughly divided into Taoist, Buddhism, medicine and martial arts. The representative of the doctor is Mo Wen. You also know it. The martial arts family has not had any talents for many years. Er, in fact, your infinite sword school should also be regarded as a martial artist. The two martial doctors generally rely on the golden elixir of Taoism, but they just focus on differences.

Yi Qianxiang said, "So, the main method of practice is just the three Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian families?"

Feng Qingyu said, "Exactly, you know the Taoist's golden elixir and foreign elixir, so I won't say more. Buddhism does not pursue magical power, but epiphany and predestined are focused practice. Your guest elder Zhixian is a master of Buddhism. In fact, when enlightenment reaches a certain level, the divine power will naturally appear.

Then Feng Qingyu pointed to several people who were maintaining the array: "They are different. Confucian practice not only focuses on self-cultivation but also cultivates the mind, but does not care about magic magic, which can be regarded as being in the middle of Buddhism and Taoism. Although it is not difficult for them to realize the Tao, it is difficult for them to produce magical power naturally. Of course, because of their self-cultivation, they have little loss in heaven, and their natural disasters are also very weak, and most of them are not as good as ordinary thunderstorms.

Yi Qianxiang said, "I think these people in front of me are very powerful."

Feng Qingyu said, "These people are true, but they are individual extreme people. In the eyes of Confucianism, only helping the world for the people is the road of panic. The pursuit of self-dement and freedom is just a small skill in the world. But just as Taoism inevitably has scum villains, Confucianism also has extreme people who cultivate magical power, which is actually similar to Buddhism.

Yi Qianxiang said, "So these people are all scum of Confucianism?"

Feng Qingyu said, "No, I'm just an example. Let's talk about the ghost art of our Taoist sect. Some people use it to exorcise evil spirits and protect the countryside, while others use him to control ghosts and gods and seek personal gain. The ghost art itself is not good or bad. The difference lies in the people who use it. The magic power of Confucianism is the same, but after all, it is the subordinate of Confucianism.

Although Feng Qingyu said that these people were subordinate to Confucianism and could not be regarded as panic, their means were really powerful. There was no mana fluctuations around the fierce demon, but the fierce demon gradually trembled, and even the blood and murderous spirit dissipated a lot.

Ning Changfeng praised: "Good means." There is a reason why Ning Changfeng shouted like this. He is thinking that if there is a group of people who can help him calm the enemy and don't move, then isn't he one arrow?

Feng Qingyu knew what he meant and smiled, "I'm afraid it's not as easy as you think." Just as Feng Qingyu's voice fell, someone helped Feng Qingyu prove his correctness.

Everyone has been fighting for the treasure for so long. When they saw someone taking action halfway, they suddenly confused the murderer. How can this work? So they used their means to seal the demon first.

If they want to take action, the people of the Immortals can't sit idly by, but these people did not use any other means, just expand the encirclement. The people of the Immortals Association did not take the initiative to attack anyone, and naturally others could not attack others, otherwise they could not say anything even if they were killed by others.

Since the people of the Fairy Club took the initiative to make way - in the eyes of other monks, even if the expanded encirclement of the Fairy Club made way - everyone did not take the initiative to find the trouble of the Fairy Club and used their own means to lean against the confused demons.

Just when everyone thought that they could pick up a bargain and had to take action against others to prevent others and themselves from robbing the evil spirit, the evil spirit suddenly opened his scarlet eyes and roared, and the murderous blood burst out on a scale of ten times the past.

Yi Qianxiang and others have retreated a lot early when they saw the opportunity, and they were almost blown away by the blood of the evil spirit, let alone those who were close to the evil demon. By the time the blood demon broke out, the two fast had flown to the front of the fierce demon and just met the two wolf heads of the fierce demon. Although the two had magic weapons to protect themselves, they were still torn into pieces unexpectedly.

Before the two blood fog dissipated, the fierce demon shouted again, and a simple and elegant Fang Ding appeared in front of everyone. The next moment, everyone was shrouded in the earth fog again. At this time, the earth fog was not only shrouded, but also spinning rapidly, like a violent sandstorm to devour all People.

Feng Qingyu stood aside and looked at this spectacular scene and said, "Although the Confucian method can suppress people's murderous intention and murderous spirit, it is also limited. Since you want others to be quiet and love others, you can't have the intention to kill yourself, as long as there is murderous spirit and oppression of killing and killing. The gas will explode ten times."

Yi Qianxiang said, "This is the world a long time ago, but the evil demons are already the ultimate of the immortals. Even if it is ten times the explosion, they are still the ultimate immortals. If they change to another place, these people will definitely die."

Feng Qingyu said, "There is also a difference between the ultimate of the earth fairy and the ultimate of the earth fairy. Although the fierce demon just now is powerful and has the cultivation of immortals, it has received the checks and balances of the road of heaven and earth. It is only the ultimate cultivation of the immortals. It is difficult to effectively attack other practitioners while urging the magic weapon. Now it's different. This ten-fold outbreak allows him not only to fully support the array, but also to attack. The destruction of these people will only happen sooner or later. Even if you can escape, only some immortals have that ability.

Feng Qingyu and the other two talked about the lively, but no one meant to help. First of all, of course, it is because there are no friends among the trapped people, and secondly, it is also because this is a human opportunity to rob the treasure. Since he has entered the array, it is his personal fate. Wealth and honor are determined by fate.

However, although Yi Qianxiang did not want to help those people, he went to trouble the immortals.

Yi Qianxiang drove Yunfei to the opposite side of the immortals, smiled and saluted, "Are you the masters of the fairies?"

The leader looked at Yi Qianxiang and asked tentatively, "Are you Yi Qianxiang?"

Yi Qianxiang smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I would have such a big name."

The leader said, "Yi Qianxiang, I know you know a lot about the immortals, but I'm still willing to give you a chance, because you are a genius. Join the Fairy Club. You are qualified."

Yi Qianxiang said, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Besides, in the fairy society, you are just a little shrimp. How can I believe you? Don't you just want to make a great contribution through me? Why is it so unpleasure? Let's just fight directly. If we win, the great success will naturally be yours.

The leader said, "Yi Qianxiang, don't be too arrogant. If it hadn't been for your use, I would have wiped out you out. Can you think my magnificent array is a decoration?"

Yi Qianxiang laughed and said, "Haoqi array? It's non-nonsense. It's really humiliating.

The leader's energy-raising kung fu seems to be really good. Yi Qianxiang's words are really unpleasant, but he still put up with it and smiled and said, "You said yes, that's right. Now please retreat. There are sayings are the beauty of a gentleman and adults, and there are also sayings that good dogs are not good dogs."

Yi Qianxiang smiled and said, "Exactly, since you understand this truth, what else are you doing to block the fierce brother?"

The leader said, "It's not your turn to host the justice of others."

Yi Qianxiang said, "Actually, we have almost talked nonsense, and the fierce brother is about to come out. Are you ready?" Although Yi Qianxiang said politely, he was not polite at all and did it before he finished speaking.

Yi Qianxiang knew that this formation would make people follow under the pressure of Haoran's righteousness, so he was domineering and dominated the world as soon as he got started. The hegemony of the world is not comparable to ordinary spells. Tianjie represents Tianwei, and even Tianwei can fight against Tianwei in the world. This domineering spirit can be seen.

Haoran array is also a kind of domineering, which is different from the domineering power that dominates the world. It is a natural momentum and a feeling that can naturally make people submit. To put it as an image, Haoran array is a kind of benevolent government and commanding the world, and the prestige of the world is an invincible army and commanding the world. Both of them command the world. Compared with a long time, the power of the world is absolutely not comparable to the vast array, but Yi Qianxiang does not need a long time, as long as he only needs to break through a gap.

The timing of Yi Qianxiang's action was very clever. Just as he broke through the vast array, the fierce wolf also just broke through the encirclement of others and slipped out along the gap opened by Yi Qianxiang.