Gossip God

Chapter 188 in Wanxian Mountain

Feng Qingyu and Yi Qianxiang's fighting skills are no more powerful than these generals, but their escape skills are much higher than theirs, and they run away in a blink of an eye. Although these heavenly soldiers and generals are unwilling, there is already the sphere of influence of Wanxian Mountain in front of them, and these two small fish are not good enough. Although the gods are not dead, it is quite uncomfortable to reshape the Dharma body in the reincarnated pool.

Since Pangu opened up the world, Hongjun has understood the way of heaven, and then passed on three friends, including Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laojun and Tongtian. Of course, Hongjun was the first to understand the way of heaven, but he was not the only one, such as Pangu. But Pangu still turned into the existing Kunlun land, so Hongjun became one of the best.

In fact, Pangu can't say that he understood the way of heaven, but created the way of heaven. He turned into this vast earth, and all the mountains, rivers, trees, flowers, birds, insects and fish on this earth are his way. Naturally, the best among them are human beings.

From the beginning of the painting of Fuxi, the emperor of heaven, the world has practiced. At this time, Hongjun Taoist people have also turned into the vast road, which is the sky.

Pangu's creation of heaven and earth can be said to be a great achievement, but there are some imperfections in the way of heaven. Later, Hongjun Taoism turned into heaven, and this way of heaven was perfect. At this time, the three descendants of Hongjun Taoist also saw a trace of heaven - after all, they and Hongjun are of the same lineage and are closer to the way of heaven than others. So the three publicly discussed the list of gods, stripped some blessings and destiny from the heavenly way, and gave people magic spells to maintain the heavenly way and run the galaxy.

But in addition to their one, there are countless powers? For example, the lamp Buddha, such as Zeus, the god king on Mount Olympus, such as the Lord God of heaven, such as Allah, and Bo Xun, the devil who turned into heaven. These gods are also figures of the same era as Hongjun, but let Hongjun walk in front of them.

In addition to these uncles, there are actually many uncles, let's call them second uncles. These two uncles are just not as tall as the old men and can't open up a world by themselves. Wanxianshan's current mind is these two uncles.

At that time, when he was appointed as a god, the three disciples of Hongjun Taoist did not greet these two uncles, and then made a heavenly court. But these two uncles have no choice, can't they? Although Hongjun's three descendants practiced a little late in the world, their skills are very powerful. Moreover, there is such a heavenly court that does not hinder the affairs of the two uncles, and the two uncles are too lazy to pay attention to them. Life has passed like this.

But the two uncles did not expect that before long, Yuanshi Tianzun and the three of them also reached the state of forgetfulness in heaven and turned into the vast path of heaven. In those years, the heavenly fate, which was stripped from the heavenly way, slowly produced seven emotions and six desires because of the growth of people's world, and actually tried to rule the whole fairyland.

Not to mention the ambition of the gods, in this regard, Hongjun and others are not as good as Pangu. The seven emotions and six desires are Pangu's Tao. Their fate cannot be more binding than Pangu's Tao, which means that they have not yet reached the height of Pangu.

Even if they are not as good as Pangu, the fate of heaven is still higher than the practice method left by Fuxi. Because the world with this god grows up, it will slowly integrate the soul of this god. Even if this god is killed, they can reshape their Dharma bodies in the reincarnation pool in the heavenly court.

Of course, every reshaping of the Dharma body will consume part of the fate, but compared with their rich fateful fate, it is only a small part, and these blessings can also be supplemented by the sacrifice of mortals. This is also an important reason why Wanxianshan can't gain an advantage after fighting with Tianting for a long time.

If you want to kill the gods, you must deprive them of their heavenly blessings and destiny, but there are several ancient immortals in Wanxian Mountain who can deprive them of their heavenly blessings and destiny. You can't have any trivial little people to take action from ancient immortals.

Of course, there is such a group of two uncles in Wanxian Mountain, and the gods still dare not attack, but Wanxian Mountain can still be done with Wanxian Mountain everywhere. Moreover, although immortals are not as immortal as Xiaoqiang as the gods, as long as they are not cut off, they can also practice from scratch from the realm of immortals. This can also be regarded as comforting themselves. In fact, if a fairy wants to grow into a flying fairy, he doesn't know how many years to be. An alternative like Feng Qingyu is simply Countable.

Yi Qianxiang and Feng Qingyu caught up with Fang Hong and laughed all the way to the foot of Wanxian Mountain. The Tianxian who was attracted this time was no longer the last person. Feng Qingyu took the crowd to his cave. After everyone stood down, Feng Qingyu said, "Now Wanxian Mountain and Tianting are basically deadlocked, but the two sides have There is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation. Do you want to join Wanxian Mountain?

Yi Qianxiang said, "Kangfu Tiandao is also where I practice. I have figured it out that I want to join Wanxian Mountain."

Fang Hong and the red-haired double lion said at the same time, "I would like to follow Yi Qianxiang."

Xu Tianer frowned and said, "Isn't it said that after flying to the fairyland, she is a free immortal? Why are there so many things?"

Feng Qingyu said, "I can't help it. Now the heavenly court is so smoky that we need to wait to clean up the world."

Xu Tianer didn't agree: "Is it okay if I don't join?"

Feng Qingyu said, "Of course. Wanxian Mountain is a place to provide shelter for all immortals. Even if you don't join Wanxian Mountain, you can practice here." Then he turned to Yi Qianxiang and said, "Second brother, you can take Fang Hong and the red-haired double lion to choose the cave in a moment."

Yi Qianxiang said, "Okay, there is nothing wrong now. Let's go now."

Feng Qingyu took Yi Qianxiang and others out of his cave. Several people rose up in the clouds and flew to the distance. On the way, Feng Qingyu said, "The peaks of Wanxian Mountain are divided into four classes. The lowest level is my cave, which is followed by Feixian Cave Mansion, Jinxian Cave Mansion and Wanxian Mountain. There is no such thing as seniority in Wanxian Mountain. As long as you can make a cave in the mountain, you can practice on the mountain, and no one will care about you.

Fang Hong said, "How should the fairy practice that day?"

Feng Qingyu said, "The practice of immortals is similar to that of earth immortals, but it is just a perception of the way of heaven. Of course, you can also worship teachers, depending on whether there are immortals who are willing to accept you. In fact, it's almost the same whether you worship a teacher or not, unless you can accept the inheritance of the golden immortals.

The red-haired two lions were also concerned about this issue. Hearing Feng Qingyu say this, they feel that worshipping teachers is not so important. Who can be closer to the way of heaven than Yi Qianxiang?

The three of Yi Qianxiang are now immortals. Although Yi Qianxiang is more powerful, he can't make a cave on the peak where Feixian lives. There is no need to worry about the lack of many empty peaks in Wanxian Mountain. Soon, Yi Qianxiang and the three found a peak.

In fact, every mountain is similar, but the difference in posture. Yi Qianxiang looked at it for a long time and didn't have any doctrine, so he simply went down a mountain close to Feng Qingyu's place.

There is a monument on the peak, and there is no word on it. Feng Qingyu said, "It seems that this is still an unknown mountain. Since you have chosen it, give it a name so that others will know that there is a candidate here."

Fang Hong said, "Brother Yi is awarded the title of gossip in the world. Why don't we call him Baguafeng?"

Fang Hong's voice fell, and the three words Baguafeng appeared on the stone tablet. Feng Qingyu explained, "This is also a kind of fairy magic power, which is the achievement of Wanxian Mountain itself, but Fang Hong, your name is domineering enough. I guess this mountain is not easy to live in."

Yi Qianxiang said strangely, "Why?"

Feng Qingyu said, "The second brother doesn't know something, and the practice of the fairy family is also different. It is mostly calm, but there are also those who like to fight and find faults. However, you don't have to worry too much. There are all kinds of immortals living in Wanxian Mountain. Even if you find faults, you won't fight fiercely. Just play with each other. When my brother first came here, he was also beaten a few times. Feng Qingyu said with a smile on her face, and it seemed that there was no loss at that time.

Yi Qianxiang said, "It doesn't matter. It's always beneficial and harmless to compete with each other."

Feng Qingyu said, "Okay, you can open the cave."

Fang Hong said, "Do you have to dig a cave? Can't we build a hut?

Feng Qingyu said, "Of course, but you have to dig a cave to prove that you are qualified to live on this mountain."

Fang Hong said, "Well, let's go and chisel it quickly."

In fact, there is no need to choose. The scenery on Xianshan is beautiful, and there is no difference where it is. The three of them showed their magical power and chiseled a cave.

After the cave was opened, Feng Qingyu said goodbye and told them that the elders of Wanxian Mountain would come to give them something tomorrow and settle them down by the way.

On the second day, an elder from Wanxian Mountain came. The fairy called himself Hao Jie and was already a golden immortal cultivation. In fact, what is said is not complicated. It is nothing more than what is fairy grass and fairy flower, what is divine stone and iron in the fairyland, and the situation of the whole heavenly world.

There is no doubt that the center of the heavenly realm is the heavenly court. The west of the heavenly court is the boundary of Wanxian Mountain, Lei Ze in the east, the Xuanwu God Pool in the north, and the Phoenix Forest in the south. These four places are also vast and boundless, even if they fly for millions of years, they can't find an end, but there is a legend that the golden immortals go to the extreme. If you are far away, you will be lost in it.

There are still such things in Tianting. If it weren't for Elder Hao Jie, they really didn't know it.