
Chapter 32 Faucet

Yang Yu will shed tears because in this bitter place, he can give a group of suffering people something that can change their fate. If he is proud and happy, he will cry with joy, cry with joy, and naturally tears.

Yang Yu would not feel embarrassed by tears, because everyone present was full of tears. After Yang Yu shouted the word success, the sinners who had been suppressed for too long did not cheer, shout, and did not celebrate crazily. They were just crying silently.

Hu Zhong burst into tears. He wanted to open his mouth and shout a few times to spit out the fire in his heart, but he couldn't open his mouth and wanted to touch the broken knife, but his feet seemed to have taken root, and the heavy and could not move at all. Hu Zhong only felt that his strength was taken away in an instant. He could only move and looked at Yang Yu like that. The half-cut knife raised in his hand.

The past is like a horse lantern, which quickly flashed in Hu Zhong's heart. He lived in the desert for 34 years. Thirty-four years of sadness, unwillingness, humiliation and anger have already condensed into a volcano, but this volcano is dead. Without an opportunity, the volcano in his heart will never have One day of the eruption, but the moment Yang Yu raised the broken knife to declare success, the volcano in Hu Zhong's heart was resurrected.

Looking at Yang Yu, who was holding a broken knife, Hu Zhong suddenly had a feeling that Yang Yu was the god sent by Haotian to save him, giving him a chance to revenge, a chance to recover what he had lost, and a chance to get a way to burn the flame in his heart. What is it that can do all this?

Hu Zhong felt that his knees were weak, and then naturally knelt down on the ground, with his palm facing the sky, and his head respectfully lying on the ground. At first, he did not want to kneel down to worship Yang Yu, but at this moment, Hu Zhong just felt that he should kneel down to save Yang Yu, so he naturally did it as he wanted. Although this, it is impossible to express one in ten thousand of his gratitude to Yang Yu.

But after Hu Zhong first knelt down, he seemed to send a signal. Starting from the people around Hu Zhong, they knelt down and worship Yang Yu one after another. Soon Yang Yu had no one around him standing around him.

Yang Yu was qualified to be worshipped by these people, because he changed the fate of these people, but Yang Yu still felt flattered when he saw Bai Zhengxing and Sun Shoude kneeling down with the crowd, Yang Yu felt that it was very inappropriate and quickly went to help Bai Zheng. Come on.

"Sir, thirteenth brother, and everyone, get up quickly. How can Yang Yu and He De? Don't you break me by this heavy gift?"

Yang Yu vigorously helped Bai Zhengxing up. After Bai Zhengxing got up, Bai Zhengxing said in a hoarse voice: "I am full of reading the book of sages. I used to be famous all over the world, but only then did I realize that they were all false. I watched the people around me being taken away by one by one by this desert. Life, watching the people around him being taken away one by one, can't help but claim to be talented, but can only teach them to read and write words in the desert, and can only give them a name. I hate it. I hate this injustice. I hate the world that is unfair to me and unfair to us. But what can I do? It's not that I have no choice, or that I don't want to watch the people around me go to perish, but since you came here, it has changed our fate. You gave us a way to live. How can you make me not worship you!"

Yang Yu nodded slowly, let go of Bai Zhengxing, looked at the people kneeling in front of him, meditated for a moment, and slowly said, "You are sinners, and some people call you bitches. At the beginning, I don't think you should call you sinners, let alone pars. Because you are not guilty at all, how can you call the sinners? But after staying here for so long, I think you are really guilty."

But when Yang Yu opened his mouth to speak, someone looked up at him, but after Yang Yu finished his words, almost everyone raised their heads. They were not convinced. Although they respected Yang Yu, they were still not convinced, because they felt that they were not guilty. Although they were be demoted to sinners by Emperor Wu Huang, they were not guilty. .

Looking at the people who raised their heads, Yang Yu continued to say in a low voice: "This world is a world where the strong are respected, a world of the law of the jungle, and you have no power, no power is your original sin. If you have the power, you will not be trapped in the lonely city for three and a half years. If you have the power, you will not become a sinner and be driven to this desert to wait for slowly die. Therefore, the name of the sinner on your head is not unfair.

You are trapped in the desert and waiting to die because you are too weak to fight with orcs, caravans, let alone big martial arts, so you will die as sinners. However, when I come, I give you strength. Although you are still very weak, you still have strength. I don't It will only make enough weapons for you and teach you how to make weapons. Whether you decide to pick up a weapon and grab it from the caravan, or provide weapons to the orcs to occupy the place you deserve. At least you have your fate in your own hands, so from now on, you are no longer guilty. People! Now, everyone, get up. I don't want to see you kneeling on the ground. You have been kneeling for decades. It's time to stand up.

After Yang Yu finished speaking, Yang Dazui was the first to stand up, clenched his fist, and said fiercely, "Brother, you're right. From now on, we will stand up. We are no longer a sinner who can be slaughtered by others. Except for you, no one in the world wants us to kneel down!"

Hu Zhong's heart was stirred. At this time, he couldn't stand it any longer. He raised his head and roared wildly. His voice was extremely sad and desolate. Hu Zhong kowtowed respectfully to Yang Yu three times, then stood up and said to Yang Yu, "Brother, I, Hu Zhong, refuse to worship heaven and the earth in my life, but I have to worship the eldest brother. You are right. No one in the world can make us kneel down except your eldest brother.

Everyone stopped talking, but after banging three times at Yang Yu, they stood up. In just half a day, these dead people became ambitious, as if they had been reborn.

At this time, Bai Zhengxing suddenly bent down and bowed to Yang Yu and said, "The young people have worshipped you as the leader, but it's just their young people who lead all the sinners. From today on, the sinners of the combination regard you as the leader. Please don't dislike us and the old and weak women and are willing to accept our followers. You."

Yang Yu hurriedly helped Bai Zhengxing and frowned and said, "Mr. Bai, what is this? Don't break up with me. Everyone is living and living together. Let's talk about it. Besides, Mr. Bai is highly prestigious, and he needs me to lead everyone there."

Bai Zhengxing sighed, "Over the years, we have lacked a person like you who can take us out of a desperate situation. If I have this ability, why wait until today? Please don't refuse."

Yang Yu thought for a moment and felt that although it was not much sense for all the sinners to obey his orders, if he and the sinners go to the public and retreat together, it will be more convenient to do things in the future, and if he deals with orcs on behalf of the sinners in the future, he will also be famous. Anyway, the young people have worshipped him. As a big brother, it's not a big deal for all the sinners to listen to him.

After figure it out, Yang Yu nodded and said, "Well, if you have no objection, I'll give it a try. I hope I won't let everyone down."

Seeing Yang Yu's consent, Bai Zhengxing immediately saluted and bent down and said, "Seeing the leader, from now on, under the order of the eldest brother, don't dare to diso obey."

How could anyone refuse to agree? After Bai Zhengxing took the lead, a group of people bowed to Yang Yu one after another. In this way, all the sinners worshipped Yang Yu as the leader and obeyed his orders from then on.