
Chapter 55 Night Attack

Holding the big knife in his hand, the cold handle made Yang Yu's nervousness relax a little. It was five days, and it was the darkest time of the day that the bandits of Lin Shanzhai had fallen into a deep sleep without any movement.

Although he knew that there was no alert in Lin Shanzhai, he had to face a large-scale fight for the first time, which still made Yang Yu feel very nervous. After wiping his knife-wiping his hand on the robe, Yang Yu whispered to the leopard beside him, "It's time. Let's go."

After the leopard Wei nodded and gently puffed his lips and whistled, a hundred leopards got up at the same time and quietly touched Lin Shanzhai.

Yes, Yang Yu is leading people to attack the life-threatening Biao who occupied Linshan. At this time, less than eight days have passed since the two ethnic groups appointed Yang Yu as a princess.

The process of becoming the co-owner of the two wolf and leopard races is very simple. It is so simple that the whole process is like going through the scene. Although the process of making a blood oath is extremely simple, its effectiveness is not ambiguous at all. No matter what decision Yang Yu makes, the two wolf and leopard will be executed immediately without a discount. .

But after Yang Yu said his plan, the werewolves and leopards had no choice but to cooperate fully. After becoming the co-owners of the two clans, Yang Yu had absolutely sufficient manpower to attack Lin Shan. If they were not afraid of attracting the attention of the tigers and bears, Yang Yu could attract tens of thousands of people to grab the small Lin Shan, but Yang Yu still chose A few elites were used to raid Linshan.

Yang Yu used to attack Linshan are 100 leopards and 1,000 werewolves. Each leopard is equipped with two*, which is the main force of the night attack, while a thousand werewolves are only equipped with weapons, but there must be mad wolves around them. A thousand werewolves and mad wolves, even if they are unarmed, If Lin Shan's horse bandits refuse to surrender, this thousand werewolves will have to fight with bare hands, but if the horse bandits really surrender once they kill the life, as Gao Yongming said, then these thousand werewolves can accept the weapons of the horse bandits and use them to take care of the horse bandits.

After there were more people, the target was big. In order not to be found by the caravan by the Jinshui River, more than 1,000 people divided several times before crossing the Jinshui River. After crossing the Jinshui River, in order not to be found by the bandits, the whole team walked day and night and walked for two more nights. When they reached the foot of Linshan Mountain, it was already the third update of the second night. God, let the team take a break. When it was the best time to launch a night attack, Yang Yu finally issued an order to attack.

Leopard Wei led a hundred leopard people to the front. The leopard man was born with night vision. Although there was only extremely weak starlight, the leopard man was almost unaffected, and the leopard man walked barefoot on the ground without making a sound.

Yang Yu's eyes can't be unaffected in the dark night, so Yang Yu can only follow the leopard team. Although he has tried not to make a sound, his leather boots will still make a slight sound when stepping on the ground. Although the sound is not loud, it still sounds very loud in a quiet night, but good At afar, this sound is not enough to alarm the bandits in the cottage.

Yang Yu is surrounded by Gao Yongming and Yang Dazui. Gao Yongming is familiar with the terrain in the cottage, so he must come, but Yang Dazui actually did not have come, but Yang Dazui knew that he would stay in the Yucun to cast weapons. After he no longer participated in the war, he did not do anything. He also wanted to follow Yang Yu, and Qin Shouyi also refused to stay and came out with Yang Yu, so Yang Dazui and Qin Shouyi pleaded with Yang Yu when they had time. Later, Sun Shoude and Bai Zhengxing also felt that there should be several guards around Yang Yu. It was also after Yang Dazui begging for him, Yang Yu agreed to let Yang Dazui follow him. However, Qin Shouyi is still too young, so he didn't let Lin Shan come this night attack.

Before the gate of the cottage, after Baowei stopped and waved his hand, more than 100 leopards quickly dispersed and quietly dispersed along the wooden wall. When Yang Yu gave an order, they were about to climb over the wooden wall and entered.

Yang Yu looked at the Zhai Gate. The Zhai Gate and the wall are made of round wood, about three meters high, but it is not easy for Yang Yu to turn over, but looking at the appearance of the leopard, he doesn't seem to pay attention to the wall.

After Baowei nodded and signaled that the wall was not hindered, Yang Yu waved his hand, and the 100 leopards who received the signal immediately climbed up. The three-meter-high wall was useless for them, and there was no obstacle at all, and there was no sound in the process of climbing over the wall.

Yang Yu was waiting at the gate of the cottage. The gate was bolted inside. He only needed to open the gate after the leopard and others went in. After hearing two soft sounds behind the gate, Yang Yu knew that he had taken action inside, and the two bandits guarding the gate had been killed.

The village door is supported by roundwood and is quite heavy. When it is opened, it inevitably makes some noises. Leopard Wei and a leopard man opened a crack in the village door, enough to accommodate one person to enter and exit, and then they will no longer continue to open the door.

After Yang Yu entered the cottage sideways from the village gate, Baowei nodded to Yang Yu and whispered, "Brothers are already in place, and all the smaller rooms are in charge."

Yang Yu nodded and whispered to Gao Yongming beside him, "You and Baowei go to urge Biao. Once they are found, they will attack immediately. If everything goes well, after you start to do it, I will lead the brigade to support. Go ahead."

Gao Yongming didn't say anything, nodded gently, and led Baowei and more than a dozen leopard people to quietly touch through the wooden houses.

Gao Yongming is very familiar with the terrain in the cottage, but after passing the front yard, it is the place where the bandits live. Gao Yongming is relatively strange here. After slowly walking in front of several snoring wooden houses, he can see several separate huts. These smaller houses are made of stone, which are more than wooden houses. There are many, and these stone houses live in the confidants who have a high status in Ma Bandits.

These huts are the main target of this night attack. Although he knew that there must have been a leopard man ambushing next to these huts, Gao Yongming observed hard and did not find any trace of the leopard man. He was secretly surprised by the leopard man's hidden kung fu. After looking around, he found that it was not too dark because the sky was too dark. I'm familiar with it, so I can't tell which is the life-threatening residence in a little farther away, so I can only walk in and have a look.

Gao Yongming involuntarily pulled out the long arrow behind him and slowly walked to a hut that could only see the black whining outline. Gao Yongming could not be silent like a leopard man. Although he had been as careful as possible, he still made a small sound from time to time. Although the sound is not loud enough, it is fatal enough.

After Gao Yongming finally pointed to a stone house, after the leopard Wei standing beside Gao Yongming waved his hand gently, the twelveth brother leopard man immediately touched the stone house pointed to by Gao Yongming, and there were seven or eight leopards ambushed next to each stone house. When he saw the leopard Wei walking towards the life-threatening stone house, the leopard man beside him was also He appeared from the dark and was ready to launch a raid on the stone house with Leopard Wei.

After arriving at the door of the stone house, all the leopards were also ready to raid. After the leopard Wei raised his right hand and fell heavily, 100 leopards launched an attack at the same time.

When Baowei finally sent a signal, a leopard man in front of Baowei suddenly kicked the door. The wooden door could not withstand this foot, and it was torn apart. However, just after the leopard man broke the door, a knife suddenly flashed and cut off one leg of the leopard man who kicked the door.

Everything happened in an instant. When the leopard man saw the knife light, the leopard man who kicked the door had broken a leg, so that the leopard man who had been cut off a leg was also extremely hard. Although one leg was broken, the leopard man did not hum and lose his center of gravity. While his body fell forward, the leopard man's two thorns in the sword's hand stabbed forward one by one, but the two thorns in his hand had just been handed out, and a flash of knife flashed again, cutting off the leopard man's hands together.

He dared not make a sound anxiously. As soon as he opened his mouth and shouted, his breath would be disturbed, and the knife would be affected, so the muffled sound was just a quick cut. He deliberately did not kill the leopard man, but cut the other party's hands and legs with a knife, just wanted the leopard man to shout in pain, but he never thought that the leopard man who was eagerly broke his hand and broke his legs. Unexpectedly, there was still no sound at all. After sliding forward on the ground with only one leg, he opened his mouth and bit his calf.

While cutting off the leopard's head with a knife, he felt scared. Although he eagerly did not know what the attacker was, he knew that these people were not easy to fight!

Speaking of which, he was also urging Biao's life. He was originally asleep, but in his sleep, he heard a sound of footsteps. Lin Shanzhai had been stable for a long time, so he did not expect that someone to pull out his beard, but urging Biao to become the lord of Lin Shan was not only by his skills. He soon noticed it. No, because if a horse bandit got up at night, the footsteps would not be deliberately lowered. Although he did not expect that there would be a night attack, he was still alert, but it was still a little late to find out. When he got up and drew his knife, the leopard man had kicked open his door.

The house is the largest in the stone house, but it is still too narrow. It doesn't want to be blocked in the house. Therefore, while cutting down the leopard man, he rushed forward and wanted to rush out of the stone house, but as soon as he took a step forward, the two dark * were divided into his chest at a very fast speed. The mouth and lower abdomen thorns.