
Chapter 70 The Distance between Heaven and Hell

Yang Yu has heard the power of the magician many times, but it was the first time he really saw it. When the magician took action, Yang Yu immediately found that he had lost his calculation.

Yang Yu, who has never had a fight with a magician or a real strong man, lacks respect for the strong. He doesn't know where he comes from and always thinks that no matter how powerful the magician is, it is not invincible, so he knows that the possibility of a magician in this white team is almost 100%. Bai, but Yang Yu still launched an attack brazenly.

Just as soon as he started, Yang Yu, who took the lead, suddenly felt that his feet moved. After Yang Yu immediately jumped up, he could avoid a big pit that suddenly appeared under his feet. However, although Yang Yu escaped the big pit that suddenly appeared under his feet, the people riding on the horse could not avoid it. Almost at the same time, the ground appeared Seven deep pits devoured the seven knights who rushed to the Bai family's team, and after devoured ten people with horses, the deep pit immediately closed silently and buried the ten knights who fell into the deep pit alive in the ground.

As soon as the war began, more than a dozen people had died on both sides, but the results of the Bai family were caused by that magician alone.

Everything happened in an instant, "The spell can still be used like this!" This is the only idea in Yang Yu's heart. The magician's silent but lethal magic made Yang Yu, who narrowly escaped the disaster, but he did not turn back. Now that he has started a war, only one can survive.

After Yang Yu jumped over the big pit that suddenly appeared and disappeared on the ground, he shouted and rushed to the white man. It was only a distance of more than ten steps. He should have arrived in an instant under Yang Yu's high speed, but under the sudden darkness in front of Yang Yu, four earth walls appeared around him, as if it were a cage. Yang Yu was trapped in it. Yang Yu, who had no time to stop, hit the earth wall in front of him fiercely. Although he was not injured, he was also knocked unconscious. Yang Yu was stunned and found that four earth walls surrounded him, like a big hand, to pinch him into the mound about to be formed.

In an eager period, Yang Yu did not hesitate to think and cut it fiercely at the earth wall in front of him, but it did not cause any consequences except for some soil. However, when the earth wall was about to be surrounded, the earth wall suddenly stopped moving and then scattered on the ground and turned into a pile of low earth. .

After the collapse of the earth wall, the turned mound buried Yang Yu in the unavoidable mound. Although the mound only reached Yang Yu's thigh position, it trapped Yang Yu firmly in it.

When Yang Yu struggled to climb out of the mound, it was also the most dangerous time. If someone took action against him at this time, Yang Yu could not avoid it. However, although Yang Yu's situation was critical, he was still safe and sound, and it was Gao Yongming who saved him.

When Yang Yu rushed out, Gao Yongming's long arrow left the string and went to the white man. Although he was blocked by the earth wall by the magician next to Mr. Bai, the magician could not do everything when casting the spell. If he wanted to attack, he could not defend. If he wanted to defend, he could not attack, so the earth magician When several large pits were turned out on the ground, the earth wall in front of Mr. Bai disappeared, and at this moment, Gao Yongming shot three arrows at Mr. Bai.

Although there is no such thing as capture the king and shoot people first, Gao Yongming understands that Gao Yongming does not care about others, but just shoots arrows at Mr. Bai. In order to protect Mr. Bai's comprehensiveness, the earth magician can only kill ten horses. The bandits gave up and continued to cast spells at the moment they were about to kill Yang Yu, but turned into an earth wall again, which could block Gao Yongming's pearl arrows.

When the earth wall appeared in front of Mr. Bai again, Gao Yongming immediately changed his target. After pulling out the arrow branch from the arrow pot with his right hand at a very fast speed, he shot it out with beads. Every time the bow string rings, someone must fall down. Once the earth magician wants to cast spell again, Gao Yongming immediately Although shooting the long arrow at Mr. Bai was extremely simple, it forced Mr. Bai and the magician around him to protect themselves.

Gao Yongming's archery is high, which is obvious at this moment. The bow is a good bow and the archery is excellent. It is a simple bead arrow, but it makes a magician helpless. Mr. Bai and the magician are at least protect themselves, but the rest of the Bai family are in big mold. There are 30 long arrows in Gao Yongming's arrow pot, as one When the arrow pot was shot into the air, 21 people in the Bai family had fallen under Gao Yongming's arrow. As for the remaining long arrows, they suppressed the magician to death.

The earth magician had no tree after casting spells and killing ten horse bandits at the beginning. Seeing the people on his side fall one by one, although he was anxious, he was helpless. The archer was already quite restrained by the magician, and the speed of casting spells was not as fast as archery, although the powerful enough magician could be applied at the same time. Law self-preservation and attack, but unfortunately he is not strong enough. He is just a six-level magician. Before reaching level seven, he can only be restrained by the archer.

Seeing Gao Yongming say that he restrained the opposite side to death alone, Yang Yu was surprised and happy. The other party's magician was too powerful to make Yang Yu feel the crisis. Gao Yongming was born in an invincible posture, but it made Yang Yu full of hope, especially to see that those guards of the Bai family have given up. When other opponents rushed to Gao Yongming together, but fell to the ground one by one under Gao Yongming's extremely fast archery, Yang Yu suddenly had an illusion that Gao Yongming was not shooting arrows alone, but holding a machine gun and bursting everyone who dared to rush to him to the ground.

After Yang Dazui ran to the mound and hurriedly helped dig Yang Yu out of the soil, the two immediately raised their long knives again and rushed to the white man again. At this time, there were only four people left in the Bai family except the magician and servant beside him.

Except for the random arrows fired by the pioneer camp at the beginning and put more than a dozen people on the other party, all the remaining results were caused by Gao Yongming alone. Among those who were shot down by Gao Yongming, there were many five-level good hands, but at this moment, they could only die aggrievedly on the road of charging like a man. These people are far and close to Gao Yongming, the most There are only more than ten steps, and the longest is 30 or 40 steps, but this short distance has become an insurmountable chasm for them.

How fast is Gao Yongming's archery? From the start of the war to the fall of the last Bai family guard, the time was exactly one minute, and in a minute, Gao Yongming shot exactly 60 arrows and shot the last four guards to the ground one by one. At this time, Ma Liu and a group of horse bandits had just run into a semicircle, and they had not had time to defeat the Bai family. The team was surrounded, let alone do it.

Seeing that things were not good, the earth magician immediately cast a spell and raised four high earth walls around him and Mr. Bai Si in the same way as to besiege Yang Yu and besiege himself.

After shooting an arrow, he forced a magician into a cage. Gao Yongming is absolutely proud, but in a short time * 60 arrows, Gao Yongming paid a lot. Not to mention the blood of several fingers of his right hand, the muscles and meridians of the left and right arms have been received in the stimulation just now. The injury is still supported by one breath. If this breath is relieved, I'm afraid I won't open the bow within half a month.

Seeing that the magician surrounded himself, Yang Yu, who felt that the overall situation had been decided, shouted, "Come on together, open the turtle shell and kill them."

As soon as Yang Yu's words fell, the earthencircled into a shell suddenly disappeared, and when the earthen disappeared, Yang Yu was surprised to find a small flame in Prince Baisi's hand.

"Recede, disperse!"

Seeing the flame in Mr. Baisi's hand, Yang Yu instinctively sensed something was wrong. As soon as he finished his words, after Mr. Bai Si gently threw out the small flame in his hand, the small flame flying in the air suddenly spread at a very fast speed. Almost in an instant, the small flame had been divided into hundreds of small flames, but this has not yet At the end, after more than 100 flames flew in all directions, although the speed was not very fast, the flames expanded at a very fast speed. When a small flame flew in front of Yang Yu, it had become the size of a washbasin.

Yang Yu turned around and ran back, while Gao Yongming started to shoot arrows again, but the earth magician immediately guarded Mr. Bai Si.

Yang Yu's speed was very fast, almost the same as the speed of the flying fireball. Seeing that the fireball could not be above Yang Yu, the fourth prince Bai smiled coldly. After pinching his right hand in the air, the flying fireball exploded.

When the fireball exploded, there was no sound, but when the fireball exploded together in the air, a thunder exploded at the same time, setting off the extremely powerful fire and rain, as if even the thunder was dedicated to cheering for the fourth prince Bai.

It was just a blow. At least half of the horse bandits who were still standing fell down, while the horse bandits who were far away and lucky to be fine also stayed in place. Although they were not burned to death, their beards were curled up.

Gao Yongming's distance is also relatively far away, but half of the fireball sent by Mr. Bai Si was aimed at Gao Yongming. Although the distance was slightly far, after the dense fireball exploded, Gao Yongming had fallen to the ground and did not know his life or death.

Yang Yu was fine. Just before the fireball was about to explode, Yang Dazui threw him to the ground from behind, so Yang Yu had nothing to do except for several burns in his limbs, but Yang Dazui's back was charred and he didn't know whether to live or die.