
Chapter 86 At least caught up

When the Bright Temple found that the divine sacrifice was missing and began to search in the ghost gate, Yang Yu and they were almost arrived at Linshan.

When Yang Yu could already see Lin Shan, his heart was also getting higher and higher. Although he was in a hurry when he came back, the time to go back and forth had been 20 days. The closer he got to Lin Shan, the more scared Yang Yu was. He was afraid of hearing the news that Gao Yongming had died.

Looking at Lin Shan, which was getting closer and closer, Yang Yu was anxious. In order to come back early, as soon as he crossed the Dinghai Bridge, Yang Yu asked someone to vacate a four-horse-horse car, but pulled him and Keus, left the large army and galloped back day and night. In the middle of the night, he ran away. It took more than two days, but Yang Yu and Keus in the car were upside down enough. Yang Yu was better, but Keus was unlucky. Yang Yu was afraid that he would never be able to control Keus after loosening Keus, so although Keus was delicious and attentive all the way, he was tied to Keus's rope. But Zi never let him go.

After running for more than a day, although it was an empty car, the four horses pulling the car had also reached the limit. They began to foam one by one, but Yang Yu still urged Zhou Tai, who was driving the car, to speed up.

"The big owner can't run any more. If we run again, these horses should be exhausted. In that case, we will go back more slowly."

Before Zhou Tai finished speaking, a horse hissed, but finally fell down. After a horse fell, the speeding carriage suddenly turned a corner and almost fell to the ground. When Zhou Taian stabilized the carriage, he jumped down and untied a dead horse from the carriage, trying to use the remaining three The horse continued to drive, but after the three horses that had reached the limit stopped, they could no longer run. No matter how Zhou Tai beat them with a leather whip, the carriage could not move.

Seeing that there were only less than 30 miles left, but he was forced to stop. Yang Yu was anxious and angry, and his heart was fierce. He said to Zhou Tai, who was still trying to make the carriage move again, "Ok, don't do it. I'll go back first. There is only this way left. I also carried him back."

"I'm sorry, you're a little tired. When we go back, you can have a good rest."

After saying that, Yang Yu jumped out of the carriage, carried Shenhui to sacrifice to Keus, and began to run to Linshan.

Keus was resisted by Yang Yu on his shoulder, and the taste was naturally not good, but Keus didn't say a word, as if it was not him who was tied up and turned around.

Yang Yu just spread his legs and ran, regardless of how Keus felt on his shoulder. He ran to Lin Shan as fast as possible, and Yang Yu's running speed now is really not slow. Although he is still carrying a person quickly, it is almost the same speed as running a horse, but Yang Yu has not run far, probably It was two or three miles away, and I saw several people riding towards him.

Seeing someone riding over, Yang Yu refused to stop. At this time, one of the oncoming people shouted, "Is it the master?"

"It's me, how's the fat man now?"

The speaker was Ma Liu. After getting together with several Yang Yu, Ma Liu immediately turned over and got off the horse and said with an ugly face, "Brother Gao, he..."

Yang Yu's heart sank straight and shouted, "What's wrong with him? What's he doing?"

Ma Liu sighed and said, "Go back quickly. Maybe you can meet the Gao brothers. I guess this will happen for a while."

"Go back quickly."

Yang Yu only said that Gao Yongming was dead, but after listening to Ma Liu's words, he was still saved. At this time, Yang Yu stopped talking nonsense and immediately put Keus on Ma Liu's horse, turned around and got on the horse. After grabbing the reins in Ma Liu's hand, he patted the horse and ran away.

Yang Yu only hated the slow running of the horse, but desperately urged the horse to run fast. When Ma Liu and others saw Yang Yu's appearance, they didn't have much time to say anything. They immediately plucked the horse and began to chase Yang Yu and gallop towards Lin Shan.

Under the rapid horse's rush, the distance of more than 30 miles also arrived in an instant. He ran directly into the gate that opened in Linshan. After shouting to get out of the way, his speed did not decrease at all. He ran over in the crowd who hurriedly dodged a passage. It was not until the backyard that Yang Yu stood still and shouted: " Where is the fat man?"

When Yang Yu shouted, Lang Qing flashed out of the room occupied by Biao. After discovering that it was Yang Yu, he immediately said, "The fat man is here. Come on, big brother."

After Yang Yu jumped down from the horse, he took Keus and arrived at the door three or two steps. He didn't care to talk to Lang Qing. He dodged and rushed in from the door that Lang Qing had let him. After staying in, Yang Yu saw Gao Yongming lying in ** at a glance.

Gao Yongming looked miserable. The whole body was full of flesh and blood exposed after the blisters were broken, and the blood was still flowing. Yang Yuba Kesi put it on the ground and didn't care about anything. First of all, he stretched out his finger and looked in front of Gao Yongming's nose.

"There is still gas!"

Yang Yu was immediately in a happy mood. After shouting, he immediately took out the dagger in his arms. After cutting off the rope tied to Kerus, he shouted to Kerus, "Save him quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly!"

Keus slowly stood up from the ground and slowly pinched his arm, but after stretching out his hands and slowly putting them on his face, a white light soon flashed out of his hand.

Yang Yu was shocked and angry and shouted, "What are you doing? Why don't you save him quickly?"

Kius said coldly, "He can't die, but if you want him to live, you'd better be polite to me."

The situation is better than others. Yang Yu immediately changed his tone and almost begged, saying, "Are you an old man? Uncle Keus, I beg you. Please treat him quickly. As long as you cure him, you can do whatever you want me to do. You can do whatever you want."

Kesli also ignored Yang Yu, but slowly rubbed his white-lighted hand on his face and said, "If you let me heal me earlier, you don't have to work so hard as now. My eyeball is dead. If you want to recover, you can only wait more."

Yang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "I tell you, your eyes will be fine for a while, but if my brother dies, even if your eyes are healed, what can you do?"

Keus laughed and put down his hands, but his eyes recovered as before. Keus looked at Yang Yu, who was so anxious that he was about to go crazy, and smiled, "What, do you think you can catch me off guard now? You have to figure out the situation. Now if I don't want to take action, no one can force me to take action!"

Yang Yu put his hands together, bowed to Keus's face, and said, "Ok, you're an uncle. What are you talking about? I'm sorry for you. I'll make amends for you. I just beg you not to talk nonsense. Hurry up and save him, okay?"

Kius smiled again and said, "Well, as long as you promise me one thing, I will save him immediately."

Yang Yu nodded repeatedly and said, "You say, as long as I can do it, what do you say!"

Kius suddenly swung his face and said, "If I let you die before you save him, will you?"

Yang Yu immediately nodded and said, "Ken, but you save him first. When he is fine, I won't die late. Anyway, I will agree to whatever you ask for. I swear to God, is it okay?"

After looking at Yang Yu, Keus shook his head and said, "Well, I'll save him first and then say something else."

After saying that, Keus walked to Gao Yongming's body, looked up and down, and stretched out his right hand. After the white light began to flash on his right hand, Keus put his shining right hand on Gao Yongming's face.

Baowei and Langqing didn't know what had happened from beginning to end, but when they saw that Gao Yongming's face began to heal quickly after the white light flashed, both of them were surprised and happy. Langqing couldn't help saying, "It's so amazing! Isn't that fat man saved?

Leopard Wei was also surprised and said, "I can't resist as a fat man this time. It's great that the eldest brother can only see him for the last time when he comes back. I didn't expect to really come back to life!"

Yang Yu watched the wound on Gao Yongming's body heal quickly, and finally put his heart completely back into his stomach. He waved his hand at the two to signal them not to talk first, and whispered to the two, "The fat man's life is great, and this life is finally picked up, haha."

After Yang Yu finished speaking, Keus said coldly, "Don't be happy too early. Your brother's vitality is almost cut off. Only now, you can only cure the trauma."

Yang Yu, who was already smiling and couldn't close his mouth, was stunned when he heard the words and shouted, "What? No way? What should I do?"

Kius said calmly, "What should I do? It's easy to save him, but you have to leave here. No one can see my next magic. Now you leave immediately."

"As long as there is salvation, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Yang Yu immediately greeted Lang Qing and Bao Wei who stayed in the room and quickly walked out of the door. After they left the room, Ma Liu, who was guarding outside the house, said urgently, "How's the big boss?"

Yang Yu nodded and said, "There should be help. Don't talk, just wait."

"All of you leave far away, well, a hundred steps away, no one can come without my call. If someone walks within a hundred steps without my call, don't blame me if someone dies!"

Wolf Qing took a look at Yang Yu and whispered, "What's wrong with this man? Why is he tied up? Let's go. Will it be all right?"

Yang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, the fat man's little life can only be saved by him. If you leave, leave quickly."