
Chapter 90 Someone is coming

The pick in Yang Yu's hand looks ordinary. Although he doesn't know what material is made, Yang Yu knows that the reason why he can dig hard ores like mud is not because of the material of the pick pick. Where the pick is not easy to touch the ore, there is a bustling and mysterious pattern, and in addition to the pattern, he is also careful. He carefully wrapped the patterned position with a piece of leather. Yang Yu also uncovered the piece of leather before he found the mystery on the pick.

Yang Yu pointed to the pattern and said in a low voice, "What is this?"

Wolf Qing said disapprovingly, "Oh, this, this is a five-line charm. I think the five-line charm on this pick should be a stone-breaking charm in the earth magic. With this charm on the pick pick, breaking the hard stone is similar to digging sand."

Yang Yu frowned and said, "Is there such a wonderful use of the five-e elements spell? Why didn't anyone tell me about it?

Wolf Qing scratched his head and said, "This is very normal. As we all know, I don't think it's a matter, so I didn't tell you. Well, we were lucky enough to find eight tools for mining stones in the warehouse where the tools were stored, and I gave them all."

After looking at the pick in his hand several times, Yang Yu said in a low voice, "What else is the use of this five-line charm? Is it common to engrave runes like this?

Wolf Qing shook his head and said, "This kind of thing is rare and very rare. Basically, the effect of the magic charm is similar to that of a magician's personal operation. There are as many kinds of magic spells, but it is difficult to make magic charms. Even a magician, he may not be able to make symbols, and the magician will seal the spells. Carved into a charm, you need to inject your own five elements of power, which is very troublesome. It takes a long time to rest to recover. Therefore, although the magician will also make a charm for use, it can rarely spread out. As for the engraving of charm on gold and iron, it is even more difficult. I'm afraid that if it is less than level 7, the root It can't be made on gold and iron.

Yang Yu raised the pick in his hand and said, "Is it common to use such a tool?"

Wolf Qing shook his head and said, "How can it be? This kind of magic charm made in the tool itself, and it is not disposable and can be used for a long time. Even if it is very low, the price is absolutely not low. As far as I know, a rune engraved with a broken gold charm is sky-high, at least 10,000 taels of silver. , this kind of earth magic charm does not need to be as simple as that kind of broken gold charm, so this pick should also be 10,000 taels, 10,000 taels!?"

Lang Qing didn't wait to finish speaking, but he finally realized that something was wrong. This ordinary tool was worth 10,000 taels. How could it be regarded as ordinary? I'm afraid that no one in the world is willing to use such a luxurious tool, and it is even more abnormal for such precious things to appear in an old nest of horse bandits.

"Now you also think something is wrong, don't you? Think about who urged Biao? How can he use this to write things just to mine?"

After hesitating for a moment, Lang Qing said, "Is it possible that this was snatched from the caravan, and then used it?"

Yang Yu shook his head and said, "It's impossible. How could Xubiao not know the value of this thing and throw such a precious thing into the warehouse?"

At this time, Baowei said, "I know this thing. It was found by one of my people. It's not in the warehouse, but in a confidant's room. We don't recognize these magic charms. Seeing that this thing is just a tool, we took it out and threw it into the warehouse."

Yang Yu nodded and said, "That's right. These things can't be thrown in the warehouse, but I don't know if they are ready to sell them after rushing them, or ready to use them for their own use. Later, I'll ask Ma Liu to see if he knows, but I still feel strange who will spend a lot of strength and capital. , just making these ordinary tools?

Wolf Qing hesitated and said, "Have we been in the desert for a long time and are out of touch with the outside world? Now this kind of tool or weapon is very common?"

Yang Yu thought for a moment, but still shook his head and said, "It's impossible. There are still so few magicians. How can there be so many such tools or weapons? Well, I don't think about this. Just ask Ma Liu later. Now it's a good thing that we have such a treasure in our hands. The speed of mining can be greatly accelerated. Hey, this pick is so simple for mining, isn't it the same for smashing the ore?

After Yang Yu finished speaking, he chiseled a head-sized ore on the wall of the cave with a pick, and Yang Yu also felt it. When the pick with the magic charm was chiseled into the iron ore, it seemed to have entered a soft sand, almost effortlessly and could point out the power of the magic charm. The stones are dug out.

After a piece of head-sized ore fell to the ground, Yang Yu crossed the sharp picks at both ends and gently patted the ore. The head-sized iron ore suddenly broke into powder.

Yang Yu was overjoyed and said, "It's done. It's not easy now. Don't mine the ore first. When the ore is broken into powder, baby, this is really a treasure. For us, these picks are priceless. Whoever smashes with these things has to be careful. Don't do it. The magic charm on the head is broken.

As soon as Yang Yu's ecstatic voice fell, he saw Ma Liu also come over in a hurry. Yang Yu said, "Have you arranged everything?"

Ma Liu nodded and said, "It's all arranged. Master said that the journey was tiring, and he had a rest at this time."

Yang Yu lowered his voice and said, "My cheap master is a magic stick in the Temple of Light. To be honest, I don't worry about him. The people you arranged are right. Don't reveal the flaws. Anyway, that's my master."

Ma Liu nodded and said, "Don't worry, the boss. I arranged two clever people to wait for the master's instructions. Outside the master's residence, Brother Baowei arranged ten leopard brothers to guard them secretly."

At this time, Baowei also said, "Brother, don't worry, I picked out all the good hands. I dare not say anything else. At least if Shenhui sacrifice wants to do something, I can find it as soon as possible."

"That's good. In a word, be careful. I don't know whether my master is sincere or fake now. I'm always worried about those magic sticks. Besides, my master is really tied up. Hey, what's the matter? I've become a robber who blocks the way, and robs clothes and eats. Even the master has to be robbed.

Several people laughed, and Lang Qing smiled and said, "It's true that there is such a thing as robbing the master in the world. Brother, you said that your master has been tied up by you, so what else can he teach you? I think a big mouth can learn something from him."

Yang Yu quickly shook his hand and said, "You can't say that. I always feel that my cheap master is strange all over his body. Besides, there must be my teacher in the threesome. No matter what it is, my master is also a divine sacrifice, and he can always teach me something."

Leopard Wei also nodded repeatedly and said, "There must be my teacher in the threesome. The eldest brother's words are right and very reasonable."

"Hi, of course, Mr. Kong's wise saying is reasonable. In short, my master has to pay close attention to it for the time being. Let's wait and wait for a while. However, although my master is a cheap master, he also saved the lives of the fat man and the big mouth. As long as nothing particularly unfavorable to us is done, he can treat him politely. If he really accepted my apprentice sincerely, there was no need to say anything.

After saying that, Yang Yu handed the pick in his hand to Ma Liu and said, "Do you know what's going on?"

Ma Liu took the pick-up and nodded and said, "I know this. I knew about these things when I stared at them for mining a few days ago, but I don't know where these picks came from. Maybe they were taken from which caravan."

"You don't know where you came from, so forget it. After all, we have good things in our hands. Ma Liu, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the mine for the time being. Don't make any mistakes."

Ma Liu quickly arched his hand and said, "Please rest assured, the small one must not let something go wrong here."

At this moment, Lang Qing said in surprise, "Well, why did the white eyes come back?"

Yang Yu turned his head and looked, but saw a werewolf riding on the back of the mad wolf and running towards them quickly. After arriving in front of Yang Yu, the werewolf turned over and saluted Yang Yu, "Leader, you are back. I took people to hunt on the grassland and found a large group of people and horses coming towards our forest."

Yang Yu was shocked and said, "What's going on? Make it clear."

After taking a breath, the wolf said, "I took 50 brothers to hunt in the east of Linshan. These days, there are fewer and fewer prey near Linshan. We have reached a distance of nearly 300 miles from Linshan. Just the night before yesterday, we found a firelight on the grassland, so we came over to have a look, but Now it is a horse team of more than 400 people. These people seem to be good, and they are definitely not a passing caravan. In order to figure out their movements, we followed them for another day, but these people rotated very fast, but we couldn't keep up. But last night, we I found the traces of that group of people. They just came towards Linshan. I felt that something was wrong. I asked the rest of the brothers to monitor their movements and came back to report the news first. When I left, they were still about 200 miles away from Linshan, but I set out overnight, if it was the speed of the day before yesterday. Judging, they should be able to arrive tomorrow.

"Can you see their identity?"

After thinking about it for a while, the wolf said affirmatively, "In my opinion, these are definitely not caravans. Looking at clothes and armor, they don't look like that family-rabbled team. I think it's like a team of bandits."