
Chapter 107 with Treasure Mountain

I didn't expect that he could learn dark magic from the divine sacrifice of a temple of light, which is extremely pure and bloody dark magic.

It was also because Keus, as a sacrifice in the Temple of Light, could teach him dark magic. For a moment, Yang Yu had a lot of doubts about Keus' identity, but Yang Yu would not ask Keus what he wanted to hide.

Yang Yu was looking forward to what he was about to learn. He didn't know whether Keus would throw him a secret book or teach him by words and by himself. He slowly told him the origin of magic, but it was extremely beyond Yang Yu's expectation. Keus did not give him any secrets and did not start a long explanation to him. What.

Keus stretched out his hands and said the mysterious and incomprehensible spell for a long time, he suddenly pressed his hand on Yang Yu's head. Just for a moment, Yang Yu seemed to feel that his head was about to explode. After Yang Yu screaming in pain, he lay down on the ground, although the heartbreaking pain was just a In an instant, Yang Yu felt that his strength had been taken away, making him lie on the ground and unable to move.

After Yang Yu screamed and lay down, the ten leopards secretly outside heard Yang Yu's screams and immediately rushed in. After seeing Yang Yu lying on the ground with a painful expression, they were all shocked and angry and immediately wanted to take action against Keus.

At this moment, Yang Yu said to the leopards with difficulty: " Stop, I'm fine."

A leopard man hurriedly helped Yang Yu up and shouted, "Head, are you all right?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Yang Yu nodded to the leopard man and said, "I'm fine. You all go out."

The leopard man looked at Yang Yu as if he was not kidnapped. After glaring at Keus a few times, he pushed out the door in surprise, but at this time, they did not dare to go far and stayed outside the door. As long as Yang Yu called, they could immediately start rescue.

The moment Yang Yu lay on the ground, the first thought flashed in his heart was a bad thing. Keus really had bad intentions, but soon, Yang Yu found that he suddenly had a lot of things in his mind. Many of them had never been exposed to, but they were self-contained, very complex and mysterious things.

It was because of this discovery that Yang Yu thought that Keus did not do anything to him, but really imparted knowledge to him in an instant, but this method of imparting knowledge was fast, and it was indeed extremely magical, but the process was really painful.

Yang Yu held his head and said to Keus with difficulty, "Master, what are you doing? Are you too cruel? Does anyone learn dark magic have to be like this?

Kaus shook his head and said, "Of course not. It takes at least dozens or hundreds of times to indoctrine such a huge knowledge system. Of course, it's uncomfortable to pour it all into your mind like this. Well, it's good. You haven't become an idiot or died of your brain. I'm really worried that you will become an idiot. Congratulations on learning all the knowledge of dark magic quickly and successfully, saving you and my precious time.

Yang Yu was angry and afraid and said, "Damn it, you took me as an experiment, right? I said Master, I'm your only apprentice. Are you too cruel?"

Keus looked at Yang Yu with a strange face and said, "Do you think our master-apprentice relationship is comparable to that of master and apprentice in the normal sense? Have you seen anyone whose master was kidnapped? I think you tied me up to be your master by a very violent means, so I will teach you in a very violent and painful way. Don't you think it's fair?

Yang Yu was stunned and speechless. After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said, "I knew you still had a grudge, but I didn't expect you to cheat me here. Forget it, I won't say anything. I tied you up, and you almost made me an idiot. Now the two of us are even, right? If you think we are even, can we try to be a normal master and apprentice in the future, Master!"

"You passed the test and received punishment. Of course, you are my good apprentice. Well, good apprentice, Master still has a lot of things to expect you to do in the future. Now you can go ahead with your work and seize the time to practice. Now you are familiar with all the dark magic. Well, it can't be said to be all, but at least most of them You know the dark magic. Now what you lack is magic, so the most important thing for you is to cultivate your magic or start accumulating sacrifices. You now know how to make people's souls into sacrifices. Although the effect of only the soul is not as good as adding flesh and blood, it is better than yours. It's good to practice slowly by yourself.

After thinking hard for a moment, Yang Yu said, "Master, I know how to do it and how to cast magic, but there are many magic spells that must be recited, but there is a problem. I don't know the meaning of those spells, and I don't know how to pronounce them in Xiyi dialect!"

Keus frowned and said, "Forget this matter. You don't know Xiyi. This doesn't work. Those spells were not originally used in Xiyi, but just simulated the pronunciation of demonic language in Xiyi. Those Xiyi languages are meaningless at all. No wonder you don't understand it, but you don't need to know it. What do you mean? As long as you can speak Xiyi and read it according to it. Well, this matter is easy to solve. Do you have Xiyi people here?

Yang Yu shook his head and said, "There are no Xiyi people on Linshan. Besides, even if there are Xiyi people, I am not in a hurry to learn now."

Keus frowned and said, "This is troublesome. You can only use those magic that are so simple that you don't need to recite spells for the time being. It seems that you are really suitable for the Great Curse. Only the Great Curse can be cast without chanting spells. Well, you practice the Great Curse for the time being. After that, when I find a Xiyi man, I will solve the language problem for you. Remember, no matter what kind of magic, a low-level magician who has experienced hundreds of battles can definitely defeat a magician who is higher than his level but rarely fights with others. If you want to become a great magician, just learn It's far from enough. You must be familiar with the magic you know.

Yang Yu bowed solemnly to Keus and said, "Thank you for your teaching. I have written it down."

Keus nodded and said, "Okay, if there is nothing else, you can go and seize the time to practice your magic."

After Yang Yu saluted again, he staggered out of Keus's door. After seeing the leopard man outside the door, Yang Yu said to the leopard waiting outside: "I'm fine. You don't have to worry. You don't have to monitor my master in the future. Just go straight back to the leopard. Tell him that there is no need to be monitored in the future. ."

After withdrawing the people who monitored Keus, Yang Yu covered his still painful head and returned to his room. He couldn't wait to try what he had learned in his mind. Although there are still many magics that he can't use at this time, there are many magic that only requires very little magic and no curses. As long as the mind arrives, it can be sent instantaneously.

After Yang Yu did his own **, he began to examine the amount of magic in his body. Although he didn't know how to check the magic in his body, now it is natural, as if he had been practicing the complex magic to the extreme all his life.

When Yang Yu tried to run the magic in his body, he was surprised to find that there was no magic in his body, not at all. This discovery surprised and depressed Yang Yu. If there was no magic in his body, there was no way to use any magic at all. Dark magic can use sacrifices to gain powerful power, but the problem is that even sacrifices need magic. If there is no magic at all, Yang Yu can't even sacrifice.

Dark magic is just a magic driven by dark power. In essence, dark magic is no different from other ordinary magic, but the reason why dark magic is regarded as a flood beast and everyone shouts to fight is that dark magicians like to use blood sacrifices to obtain power that they could not drive. After the dark magicians caused countless large-scale massacres, the people on Xiyi mainland finally united and led by the Temple of Light to clean up all the dark magicians they could find, and the dark magicians who survived had to really hide in the darkness, never again Dare to appear in front of the world.

Yang Yu took the risk, with great expectations, and easily learned dark magic that he couldn't believe it. He gloriously became a dark magician destined to be at odds with the people on the Xiyi mainland in the future, but at this time, he found that he did not have any magic. For his discovery, Yang Yu really can't laugh or cry.

After trying for a long time, Yang Yu still refused to give up and was still thinking about where the problem was. Now he can feel that there is indeed no magic in his body, but there is another extreme power in his body, which exists in his limbs, but Yang Yu wants to try to use It is absolutely impossible to use this power by mobilizing magic.

Yang Yu felt that the power in his body came from thunder and lightning, but sadly, this power could not be seen. Even if this power from thunder and lightning could destroy the world, he could not be used. However, after Yang Yu was just depressed for a while, he suddenly thought that since this power was not used, why not invite Teach Keus. Maybe Keus can come up with some ideas for him so that the power of thunder and lightning in his body can be used by him as he wants.