
Chapter 125 Negotiation

Someone in the orcs facing each other in front of them heard a new sound from behind. When they saw Yang Yu and their figures, someone immediately cheered, and as more and more people looked back, the cheers soon sounded.

Yang Yu rode first and rushed to the oasis. When he passed through the orcs that gave way, he listened to the shouts around him. Yang Yu's body trembled uncontrollably, and a stream of blood rushed to his forehead, and the fatigue on his body disappeared without a trace. At this moment, Yang Yu just wanted to kill all directions.

The formation of the wolf and leopard and the tiger and bear are a hundred steps apart. At this distance, both sides can clearly see each other's faces. If it hadn't been for the civil war between orcs, it would have been dark long ago. However, although the situation between the two sides is imminent, they are still silent. During the confrontation, they were still waiting for the ongoing negotiations in the open space between the two sides. At this time, when Yang Yu led the horses behind him through the array and arrived at the open space between the confrontation between the two sides, the wolf and leopard clan cheered all day long, while the tiger and bear clans were still silent, just quietly looking at the sudden. Yang Yu and others came out.

Yang Yu rode a camel and quickly passed in front of the tiger and bear clan, running to a small group of people still negotiating in the battle. Under Yang Yu's intentional demonstration, he was less than ten steps away from the closest to the tiger and bear clans. This is a complete provocation. It is impossible for the orcs to tolerate such provocation, but out of Yang Yu's will. Unexpectedly, the tiger and bear clans did not react too fiercely to Yang Yu's behavior.

When Yang Yu quickly ran to the negotiating crowd and suddenly strangled the reins, Bai Zhengxing and a group of werewolf leopard tribal elders immediately came forward and shouted, "I have seen the dragon head (big leader)."

Yang Yu turned over and got off the camel, nodded to everyone, and shouted, "Let you wait for a long time. Now, leave this to me."

A total of 20 people, ten tigers and ten bearmen negotiated with the wolf and leopard clans before the battle, and 20 people from the wolf and leopard tribes also came to negotiate, all of whom were elders of various tribes, plus a Bai Zhengxing. Although the number of people is the same, the tiger man is extremely tall and strong, and the physique of a tiger man can almost match two. The leopard man is more powerful and tall than the thin werewolf, and the bear man is even bigger, especially these bearers as negotiators. Almost all of them are about three meters tall, and their fat and large bodies are much larger than the tiger man, but they don't look as tough as the tiger man.

The thin werewolves and leopards were in front of the tiger and bears, just like a child standing in front of an adult man. There is no doubt that Yang Yu's momentum has fallen. However, after Yang Yu's arrival, the leopard man riding on the camel behind him stood forward, at least he is no longer at a disadvantage from the height.

Surrounded by everyone, Yang Yu stood in the front, but without waiting for Yang Yu to speak, a tiger man in front of him suddenly said, "You are willing to serve an outsider as the leader. The two tribes of wolf and leopard have fallen to this point. What qualifications do you have to talk to us? Piece."

Yang Yu ignored the tiger man and said to Bai Zhengxing beside him, "Mr. Bai, what's the situation now? With so many people gathered, why do you have to negotiate?"

Bai Zhengxing arched his hand and said, "After all, this is an orc civil war, and there have been differences between the two tribes of tigers and bears. Whether to start a war or let the werewolves and leopards leave, the people of the two tribes have different views. After we ordered, we have gathered all the forces that can fight within a day, but they have only today A decision was made to ask us to fight here.

Yang Yu frowned and said, "Oh, that's going to fight. Why do we have to talk about it before the battle?"

Bai Zhengxing smiled disdainfully and said, "Some people in the tiger and bear clan are willing to give us a chance, saying that as long as we don't leave the desert and let our Yunzhou people fall under the control of the tiger and bear clans, they can not blame the past, so now they have to talk about it again. Maybe they think they have adjusted everyone together. , one stop here can scare us."

After all, the civil war between the four orcs is not so easy to fight. Although the two tribes of tigers and bears have been suppressing the wolf and leopards in order to seize survival resources, they really want to meet each other, but they can't easily make up their minds. After all, the four orcs have always existed in the world as a whole in history, and now suddenly Becoming a sworn enemy that does not provide for Dai Tian will certainly not be easily accepted. Perhaps most of the tiger and bear clans have been used to being strong over the years, but if they really want to kill Zeng Jin's brothers, it will inevitably cause most people's deep thinking and rebound. Otherwise, they will not wait for Yang Yu to come back. Yang Yu has predicted this situation. But the current situation seems to be better than he expected.

After a cold smile, Yang Yu said, "How did you answer them?"

Bai Zhengxing shouted awe-inspiringly, "Our answer is that if you want to fight, then come and fight!" However, they still seem to have some illusions. Until now, they don't fight, and they don't retreat.

After nodding, Yang Yu took a step forward, slowly glanced at the tiger and bear people who seemed to have a sense of oppression in front of him, and shouted, "You all heard that if you want to fight, fight. If you don't fight, you can leave. Do you have any other questions?"

A tiger man stood up and shouted, "This is our orc's business. It's not your turn to interrupt as an outsider!" Humans, I know you bewitched them to leave the desert. If you don't want to die, you'd better shut up!"

Yang Yu immediately shouted in a louder voice, "How dare you say that we orcs? The four orcs, with the same spirit and bitterness, advance and retreat together. But how did you do it! Answer me! How did you do it! Did you say we orcs when the werewolf starved to death? Did you say we orcs when someone starved to death? You occupied the best oasis, occupied the best resources, and then watched the werewolves and leopards starve to death. Is this called orcs? Even if you don't care about the feelings of the same orcs, it doesn't matter whether they live or die, but now that the werewolves and leopards have a way out and they have hope to survive, you still have to mobilize here and would rather start a civil war than let them leave. You are trying to trap them here alive. You Do you still dare to say you orcs? Pooh!”

was robbed by Yang Yu for a while, but the tiger man couldn't even insert a word, because Yang Yu said the big truth, and he can't say it, but everyone understands the big truth, but the power of words has never been the decisive factor. Whose fist is bigger, who is more reasonable? The tiger man was well bapt and angry, but shouted, "If you want to die, then come and fight."

At this time, a bear man suddenly stood up, reached out and pulled the angry tiger man, and said, "Slow it, this leader Yang, I now know that you are the co-owner of the two races of wolf and leopards. Now that you have arrived, there are many words to say. I have a proposal. I hope you can think about it."

Although this bear man is very large and looks fierce, he speaks politely. Yang Yu bowed his head and said, "Please say it."

"We orcs have indeed had a gap over the years, but after all, we have to be the orcs and cannot be divided. We don't just want to stay in the desert all the time, but it's not the time for Yang leader to make weapons, so why don't we take out the method of making weapons? We orcs and so on have accumulated Wouldn't it be better to have enough strength to kill back to the grassland together? Of course, in this case, the two tribes of wolf and leopards will have to wait a little longer, but now it is too dangerous to go out. In addition, we will not interfere in the relationship between you and the two tribes of wolf and leopard, and you can have extremely noble in our four orcs. Status, I think this is better than starting a war?"

After Yang Yu looked up to the sky and laughed, he said coldly, "If we promise not to leave, will the tiger and bear clan take out everything to share with everyone?"

The bear man hesitated for a moment and said, "This is to be discussed by everyone."

Yang Yu sneered and said, "We grow peaches. If you come to pick them, you will know that you will grab them. If there are difficulties, you don't know how to help. In this way, we will still leave, but I can promise that which of you two ethnic groups is willing to leave the desert and come to the grassland, we can accept it, and there is no different way. Do you say, okay? "

Yang Yu's last sentence was said to the two tribes of wolf and leopards who stretched out their hands. At present, everyone responded, "Yes."

The wolf stick said strangely, "Fatty Bear, we crawled out of the dead together. Not to mention that I don't take care of my old comrades-in-arms, if you can't stay any longer, although you come to the grassland to find us, we still miss the friendship of the four orcs. With our bite of food, you won't be starving."

The bear man, who was called a bear fat man by the wolf stick, looked extremely ugly and retreated into the crowd. At this time, the powerful tiger man said angrily, "You are shameless. You have to die, so come on."

Yang Yu glanced at the tiger man and said, "Are you the leader? If you can make the decision, then come and fight. If you can't make the decision, then die and let the one who can keep his word come and talk to me.

The voice of the wolf stick was thought inappropriately at this time and said with a strange smile, "Leader, you look up to him too much. It's just a second ancestor who is eager to appear in front of his father. You can spit less."

Yang Yu laughed, but the tiger man was furious. He raised his fist and wanted to hit Yang Yu. At this moment, he heard a majestic voice and said, "Lao San, step away. It's not your turn to talk here."

As soon as the words fell, a tiger man who looked slightly old but was full of dignity stood forward and said in a low voice, "Are you really going to take the two wolf and leopards to death?"