
Chapter 134 The situation is very good

A month has passed since Yang Yu returned to the desert. In the past month, Yang Yu has been busy every day. The first thing he must do every day is to recruit in person. The best thing for Yang Yu is that he can finally pull up a unit that will have all four orcs.

The bear man has completely defected to Yang Yu. The negotiation process was smooth and outrageous. After seeing the wolf stick, the bear bigfoot had planned to have a good talk. As a result, the wolf stick did not talk to the bear bigfoot. First, let the bear bigfoot look at the clothes sent by Yang Yu, and then let the bear bigfoot look at the weapons in their hands. Finally After taking the bear's big feet to the table and making him eat a meal of dried meat, the wolf stick said Yang Yu's behavior lightly and put down a sentence. If he feels that Yang Yu can entrust it, then worship Yang Yu as the leader. As long as the bear man worships Yang Yu as the leader, all this will have everything. Grassland There are also the position of bear man and livestock. If there is anything else to say about the bear's big foot, just go back directly. There is no need to talk about anything. Of course, all the good things that make the bear's big feet red and are about to bleeds, naturally don't think about it.

Xiong Dajiao didn't talk nonsense. After waiting for a big meal, he held his round stomach and didn't even say hello. Then he returned to the territory of the bear man. Then before dawn, Xiong Dajiao has led all the elders of the 20 tribes of the bear man to come. Then, Yang Yu naturally became a bear man. The leader.

The tiger people did not all turn to Yang Yu, but Yang Yu didn't care much about it. After all, the tigers had just died, and the tigers could not immediately accept to defect to Yang Yu, but this time the tigers split into two factions. At least half of the tigers chose to defect to Yang Yu, and Yang Yu's answer was also straightforward. Yang Yu will recruit troops in the tribe. From then on, these tiger tribes are no different from the other three tribes. Yang Yu is not reluctant to those tribes that do not worship Yang Yu's leader, as long as they don't cause him any trouble.

Yang Yu, who has almost mastered all the power of the orcs, is much more convenient when selecting the source of soldiers. He gives priority to those who are young and strong, and the complementarity of the four orcs is simply too strong. An army that includes the four races is perfect.

Yang Yu planned to first ask for all the unreserved light of the horse bandits on the grassland. After several battles, Yang Yu felt that it was very necessary to establish a well-trained standing army. Yang Yu temporarily set the number of standing troops at 25,000.

Among the 25,000 troops, the wolf clan accounted for 10,000, and the other three ethnic groups each accounted for 5,000. Yang Yu still considered not to let the four clans have a sense of favoritism before making a choice. For the orcs, when you recruit, they will not leave any complaints about the youth of a tribe. , I think that Yang Yu will weaken their tribe by doing this, but will be very happy and very happy. If there are fewer people selected by Yang Yu in a tribe, or simply not pick one person, then everyone in this tribe can't raise their heads, which is a very humiliating thing, so the orcs of different tribes have seen it these days. The first thing to do is to ask each other how many people in each other's tribe have been selected. The party with many people is proud, and the party with few people is invincible and ashamed. Then they boast about how powerful the selected people in their tribe are, but in the end, it is often the selected party in the tribe has the upper hand, because There are many people they can boast about, and the other party can't praise what they used to say, so in the end, most of them turned into a full martial arts. After a crackling fight between the two sides, they used their fists to separate the victory and defeat, and so on, which became a program that must be staged every day.

Ordinary orcs are like this. The attitude of those tribal elders can be imagined. Except for the tribes that the tigers have not defected to, all the tribal elders of the other orcs have not left Yang Yu's side these days and are noisy every day. I hope it will affect Yang Yu's decision made that several more people in his tribe were selected, and at this time, the wolf stick and leopard Wei always looked arrogant. Why? Because their two tribes were all selected, no one can compare with them.

After selecting 25,000 people with extra difficulty, Yang Yu divided them into four dissatisfied tens of thousands of people. Among them, the selected team, led by Leopard Wei, is regarded as Yang Yu's own army. This army is a little more than 5,000, 2,000 werewolves, and the other three clans 1,000 people, plus dozens of Baowei's tribe. A leopard.

Lang Qing led an army. In addition to the nearly 2,000 werewolves previously under Lang Qing, Yang Yu gave him 2,000 tigers, leopards and bears each, and the rest were replenished by the werewolves, which was the only 10,000-person team under Yang Yu.

The remaining two 10,000 teams are distributed equally according to the remaining number of the four clans. Each of them has 1,000 tigers, leopards and bears and 3,000 werewolves, led by wolf sticks and bear big feet respectively. Both of them have participated in the original war against the Dawu army and have enough prestige.

Except for the tiger clan, the other three ethnic groups have people to lead the first army, which is also a special arrangement made by Yang Yu. However, Yang Yu can only grope whether the distribution of the four clans is reasonable or not. It turns out that the orcs are fighting for all ethnic groups. Although they are also cooperating with each other, they have never had the experience of mixing the four races together, so Yang Yu can only try step by step how to distribute the most powerful lineup.

When Yang Yu was busy reorganize the army, good news also came from Lin Shan. The Lu family's grain has been delivered for a long time, but the quantity is not large, which can only be regarded as an urgent solution, but Zhao Yixing's grain is much more, and there are three convoys of 600,000 catties of grain. It is still buying grain in China, and it will continue to be delivered in the future.

After receiving the news from Lin Shan, Yang Yu was overjoyed. At the same time, in addition to sending food to the desert, Yang Yu quickly asked the orcs to make a list of the most urgently needed things, and then sent a message to Zhao Yixing to help with a large number of acquisitions. At the same time, he also gave Zhao Yixing 200,000 taels of silver, as long as it was necessary for living. West, just buy it.

In addition, there is another big news on Linshan, that is, after Qin Shouyi and all the remnants of Yunzhou arrived in Linshan, they immediately began to build a smelting furnace, how to build a furnace, how to select ore, and how to smelt the finished product. Yang Yu has handed it over to them. Qin Shouyi's progress is very fast. Now Large-scale smelting weapons have begun. At least 300 small weapons such as * and gun heads are released every day. However, although iron ore is not a problem now, the coal used as fuel is beginning to be in short supply. If coal is also scarce, the weapons smelted every day can be more than doubled.

There are many coals in the desert, and almost no need to be mined. You just need to pick them up. At worst, just send more people to send them. Yang Yu ordered that 10,000 people were immediately in charge of mining and sent them to Linshan. When they came back, they brought back the refined weapons and grain. Although everyone did not bring much, After more people, the carboniferous sent and food weapons brought back are flowing like running water. The only inconvenient thing is that the team transporting the carboniferous can only cross the river at night, so as not to be found by passing caravans. Although Yang Yu shouted loudly, it is better to keep the secrets of the orcs for more time. Good.

With the return of a large amount of food and weapons, Yang Yu distributed them according to the heads of various tribes. Although each tribe did not receive much at the beginning, they couldn't stand it every day. There were real things in front of them, and then told them that there would never be no shortage in the future. The effect can be imagined.

After the hope became a reality, every day in the desert is full of laughter. Such a scene has not been seen for decades after the war between the orcs and Dawu. There is no need to say more about the wolf and leopard. The newly attached tigers and bear people are also grateful to Yang Yu and are glad that they have stood in the right team and followed the right people. It's not out of the desert yet. It's like this. If you get to the grassland, you have to die happily. It's second to follow Yang Datou to the grassland to eat and drink. The key is that the orcs have been forced to huddle in the desert over the years. That's not that they want to go back to their homeland and return to their haunted grassland. Now, Isn't this wish about to come true?

It was the foundation that Yang Yu had laid before that led to the current outbreak, and after having food weapons, Yang Yu let those tigers who defected to him take them to the edge of those desperate tiger tribes every day to imagine their future life, not just talking about the days of full food and clothing. These are all secondary. Yang Yu let Those tigers ate serious dried meat and took new weapons to discuss how to kill the powerful army that dared to invade into a river in the future. This move was fatal to the tiger people, especially the young tiger people. In a few days, even the tiger people in the tiger tribe began to strongly demand rectification. Each tribe worshipped Yang Yu as the leader. If Mr. Zhang did not agree, these tiger people would make trouble all day long, and some tiger people secretly went to find Yang Yu, hoping to join Yang Yu's army. Unfortunately, Yang Yu said that unless the whole tribe came to join, all the interviews would be done. If you want to leave the tribe itself, don't think about it.

The tiger people who were hit by Yang Yu once now lack not food, but dignity and hope, especially those who insist on staying in the desert. When they think that they are the same companions, they will have to gallop on the grassland and wash away the shame of the past, but they stay in the desert and can only watch. How can this make them endure it, so there are fewer and fewer voices that insist on refusing to take Yang Yu as the leader. Even if they don't want to, they dare to speak out again, because in the face of those contemptuous and angry eyes, they really can't stick to it.