
Chapter 178 Lin Shan Famous General Training Course

Yang Yu doesn't know what orcs should look like. He thinks that orcs are really talented and talented in fighting. They are not afraid of death. They are strong and move quickly. Even their vision and hearing are more than one level higher than human beings. In short, human beings can't compare with orcs at all, but Yes, orcs can't beat human beings. Of course, they can't beat a well-trained army.

Yang Yu really wants to fully exert the strength of the orcs. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to do it. No one is omnipotent, but now Yang Yu has found an elite, so Yang Yu has a great opportunity to look forward to seeing a powerful army that has never appeared in the history of orcs, and what's more wonderful is that this The name of the legion is the Undead Bird Legion, which completely belongs to Yang Yu alone.

On Linshan, a new hall was built with logs. It is said to be a hall, which can only accommodate more than 100 people. In the hall, Yang Yu's generals leading soldiers, such as Wolf Green, Wolf Stick, Bear Big Feet, etc., sat on a small horse, raised their ears, and couldn't take their eyes off the podium. Xiao Han, that's right. The only function of the newly built hall is the classroom, and Xiao Han is naturally a teacher.

A soldier bear, a nest of bears, the biggest effect on the bear in a war is to shout to kill, and then for the orc generals who rushed up first, tactical tactics are only used by cowards. Real warriors don't need tricks. The only characteristic of the so-called brave generals and famous generals is that he can fight and kill. Of course, these concepts are the old calendar. Although the current orcs still follow this method of leading troops, psychologically, the orcs are still eager to learn from the human beings who almost destroyed them. Even if the orcs are stubborn and do not want to make progress, they will become mature after experiencing a crisis of extinction. .

A strong army can't have good soldiers. Without a qualified general leader, no matter how powerful the soldiers are, it is useless. Yang Yu knows the biggest problem of the orcs. Of course, he has to find a way to change them. Before Lu Tianming arrived, Yang Yu first gathered all the generals under him. Then ask Xiao Han to tell them what a qualified general should know.

An excellent soldier is easy to cultivate, but an excellent general is not so easy to cultivate. The reason why a famous general can become a famous general is that in addition to learning, he must also have talent. Yang Yu does not ask what his subordinates can become famous generals, but at least they have to know what they can do and what they can't do. When to do what not to do, at least, you have to be a qualified general.

In addition to the generals who are leading the troops now, there are only a few people in Yang Yu's guard camp, but they are all generals prepared by Yang Yu for the future, so naturally he also needs to listen to the class. Yang Yu himself is in a little man's self-esteem. Naturally, he can't move a horse like his subordinates and listen to Xiao Han's lecture regularly. Therefore, Yang Yu's excuse was to monitor whether the students of the first phase of Linshan's famous general training class listened well, moved a teacher's chair, sat on the side of Xiao Han's podium, and acted as a listener.

Xiao Han removed his black armor, put on a lady's uniform, tied his long hair into a ponytail, and held a short teaching whip in her hand. She looked weak and beautiful intellectually. In any case, she could not get close to the legendary black general, but what Xiao Han said was all A clear message was conveyed to a group of old men sitting below that the girl who was teaching them was a recognized famous general.

"In view of the terrain on the grassland and your special situation, our first lesson today is how to deal with large-scale cavalry raids. Now it's almost done. I have a question to ask you. You have 500 soldiers in your hand and lack equipment to deal with heavy cavalry. Next, facing the raid of more than three times the number of heavily armored cavalry on our side, there are still 500 steps away, and the nearest brigade reinforcements are 30 miles away. Well, there are so many prerequisites. Now you answer my question, Leopard Wei, you answer first.

When Xiao Han had a pretty face and asked her first question after talking for half a morning, the first question was Bao Wei.

Leopard Wei stood up from Mazha and stood up and shouted solemnly: "Inspector, the 500 people I lead should be mixed arms, that is, 100 orcs and four races each, plus 100 human cavalry. If I know the detailed information of the enemy before the war, the enemy's combat effectiveness is low, and I will hedge against the cavalry. If the enemy's combat strength is comparable to ours. If so, my choice is that behind the bear and tiger temples, the leopards are scattered and break out, and the human cavalry leaves the battlefield as soon as possible. The werewolf cavalry is divided into two teams and search on both sides and the rear of the incoming heavy cavalry to see if there are any other enemy troops. After the situation is identified, they will leave the battlefield at the fastest speed.


"Lack of equipment, the enemy is three times stronger than mine. If the enemy's combat power is low, I can win more with less. If the combat power is equal, I can't defeat the other party. As a leader, I am the leader's army. The most important thing to do at this time is to let the leader know what has happened. The bear man's action is relatively slow, tiger man Without a mount, it is impossible to run over the heavy horse. They will be sacrificed to stop the first wave of offensive of heavy riding and give others time to escape. The leopard man sprints have a short-range sprint speed, but the distance will still be caught up, allowing them to disperse and break through and reduce casualties as much as possible. Human cavalry is the fastest and should inform the leader as soon as possible, and Werewolves are fast, have good endurance, and can play the role of scouts, so they need to get more information.

"Why let the werewolf divide the troops?"

"After the separation, the place for investigation is larger, and at least half of the intelligence may be sent back."

"But after the division of troops, encountering local scouts is likely to cause undue casualties."

"We are the leader's own army. Casualties are not what we consider. We only think about the safety and victory of the leader!"

Xiao Han nodded, smiled, waved his hand to let Baowei sit down, and after sweeping around the nervous faces of the people below, he pointed to his big feet and said, "You, you answer this question."

The bear's big feet seemed a little at a loss. After standing up, he said for a long time, straightened his chest and shouted, "I'm all bear people. We can't run away. I took my children to fight him. I can beat him. Naturally, I will break up the other party. If I can't beat him, I will die in a vigorous battle. Anyway, I can't run. "

Xiao Han's face darkened and said coldly, "The first lesson I taught you is to tell you to learn to retreat. It seems that you don't remember. Come on, drag down and fight, 30 sticks!"

Although Xiong's big foot looked depressed, he scratched his neck and said, "It's okay to fight, I admit it, but we bear people just can't run away. At least don't let me pull a few cushions, and you still let me show my buttocks out and cut it for others."

Xiao Han's face and said, "Who let you turn your head and run away? It's not stupid to know that you can't run. You bear people are tall and have long arms and a big iron bar. As long as they are collected and formed into a round array, even if it is a heavy cavalry charge, although the casualties are bound to be serious, they will definitely be able to keep it. The formation is not chaotic. As long as the speed of the heavy riding falls, it is not when you bearers launch a counterattack. Even if the enemy can charge one after another, you can form a round array and fight and retreat. You can't persist until the reinforcements come, or let the enemy retreat in the difficulties. But you are stupid to lead 500 soldiers to rush up and die like this, isn't it? ! I have repeatedly warned you to judge the situation, to know how to advance and retreat, and to know how to attack and defend. Do you take it as a deaf ear? The reason why the orcs fell into this end is not that you don't know how to advance or retreat. You also attack when it's time to attack, and you're stupid when you shouldn't attack. Humph, now you can be convinced!"

Xiong's big foot slapped himself on the head fiercely and said with a chagrined face, "Convinced, convinced in my heart, Miss Xiao, no, what the instructor said is absolutely right. I am convinced by this stick."

When Yang Yu shamelessly begged Xiao Han to give a lecture to him first, Xiao Han put up a condition, that is, all the rules in the classroom are determined by her, and Xiao Han's first rule is that anyone who can't answer her questions or makes her dissatisfied, she will have to be beaten with a stick. No matter who she is, she has to be hit by a stick. As for how many sticks she gets, it depends on her mood. Yang Yu agreed to Xiao Han's conditions, and Xiong Dajiao was the first person to be hit by a stick.

Xiong Bigfoot is also an old man and the head of the bear clan. Xiao Han said to fight. Yang Yu felt that Xiong Bigfoot could not stand it, and now he wanted to plead for Xiong Bigfoot.

"Well, that, I said..."

As soon as Yang Yu opened his mouth, Xiao Han immediately turned his eyes to Yang Yu, with an angry face. Yang Yu immediately gave up his intention to plead. After coughing, he looked at his nose and heart, and did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Han looked like his name at this time, with a frosty face and said coldly, "Someone seems to be planning to plead for mercy, which makes me very unhappy. It seems that there are too few thirty sticks. Add twenty, come and beat him fifty sticks!" Let me tell you, hit it lightly, hit less, and hit it again.

If the people of that clan want to be beaten, they will be beaten by the people of that clan. When the bear bigfoot took the initiative to climb to the door, the two young and strong bear people looked at their patriarch in embarrassment. At this time, the bear bigfoot said on the ground: "Tell you, hit hard, hit well, and wake me up the old fool. If you dare to stay Love, the instructor has let you go, and I can't let you go.

After the two orcs looked at each other, they both closed their eyes, and then the stick with the thickness of Yang Yu's arm fell heavily on the buttocks of the bear's big feet. Although the bear's skin was rough and thick, the fifty sticks came down, and the bear's buttocks of the bear's big feet were also flawed, and the flesh and blood were blurred, which only saw the faces of the generals in the classroom as dirt. Sex, you should know that this time it's the bear's big foot to be beaten, but next time, I don't know whose turn it will be.