
Chapter 143 Yamaguchi Group Attack

Li Yu also smiled, and then said indifferently, "Don't be careless. Be careful of being sneaked in by the undercover agent. Don't give too much power to the newly received little brother. You can't trust them too much. Arrange these people in each hall. By the way, the number of people in the secret hall has expanded to 500."

Li Dong was also overjoyed when he heard this, "I know the boss!"

At this time, people from the Rben Yamaguchi Group also sneaked into J City.

Ichiro Big Dog looked at the night scene in the distance and then said lightly, "J City is really a beautiful place."

"If it is controlled by our Yamaguchi group, I think it will be more wonderful." The little dog is also **. He smiled and continued to say.

After a while, Ichiro the big dog suddenly said to a dark corner not far away, "Are you ready? We must take J City tonight! This is not our territory, so we must move fast! Do you remember clearly?!

At this time, there was a sudden crowd** in the dark corner, but no one replied.

Ichiro Big Dog nodded with satisfaction and then took the lead in leaving.

Li Yu was also looking at the night scene outside the door at this time. I don't know why, the night always brings him an indescribable sense of belonging.

"Rain, when will J City calm down?" The nightingale hugged Li Yu and asked quietly.

Li Yu smiled and immediately replied, "It should be soon. I think the Yamaguchi Group of R should be unable to calm down."

"Well, will he really support us after we pass this?" The nightingale continued to ask.

Li Yu lit a cigarette and frowned. Naturally, he in the nightingale pointed to the body and replied, "I don't know, but at that time, even if your father still wants to stop us, it is probably unlikely."

"Hmm." The nightingale hugged Li Yu again, and then both of them were silent. They quietly looked at the nightingale in the distance and listened to the sound of insects around. Life was also very comfortable.

In a blink of an eye, Ichiro took people to the Spanish teacher's territory, the agricultural area. He casually pulled a person and asked fiercely, "Who is covering here?"

This man saw that the big dog Ichiro was so fierce and was unwilling to show weakness. "Fuck, who the hell are you?! I don't know whose territory this is, so I dare to come here to install it. Forced! You don't want to live, do you?"

Big Dog Ichiro snorted coldly, then took out a short knife and cut him in the face, and then put it on the young man's neck. "Are I qualified now?"

"Don't, don't mess around." The young man didn't expect the big dog Ichiro to take action so decisively. He was shocked and shouted nervously.

"If you don't want to die, answer my question honestly!"

"Okay, I said, this is the territory of Boss West." The young man quickly replied, after all, now his life is controlled by others and dare not be careless.

Big Dog Ichiro smiled and then said, "How many people do he have? Where is the headquarters?!"

The young man hesitated for a moment, and the big dog Ichiro then brought the knife closer to his neck.

A drop of cold sweat immediately gushed out of the young man's forehead and immediately replied, "Now we have 3,000 brothers under the big hands of the West, and the headquarters is..."

"Okay, needless to say." Ichiro the big dog suddenly interrupted him.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief. They don't know who these people are, and now they still sell the boss's residence. In case something happens, they really can't bear this responsibility.

"You take us there!" The big dog Ichiro paused and said lightly.

"What?!" The young man's heart suddenly came up again. Are you kidding? He really doesn't have the courage to betray the boss!

Big dog Ichiro smiled, then lit a cigar and continued, "Don't be afraid. I mean no harm to your boss. I just want to talk to him about a business."

The young man looked at the big dog Ichiro doubtfully and asked tentatively, "Really?"

Big Dog Ichiro didn't say anything and nodded slowly, but the knife in his hand was already on the young man's neck.

The young man gritted his teeth and then said fiercely, "Okay, but if I brought you there, you must let me go!" At this time, the young man also saw countless people in black not far away. He didn't believe that he was here to talk about business at all, but there was nothing he could do. If he didn't agree to him, he would definitely die miserably!

Then the young man took everyone to the headquarters of the Spanish teacher.

Big dog Ichiro smiled gloomyly and then winking at the tolerance.

Ninja immediately met and quietly came to the back of the young man and directly pierced his body with a ninja knife.

The young man stared at the big dog Ichiro with wide eyes, and all kinds of unwillingness!

Big Dog Ichiro never looked at the young man again, and then made a gesture to the crowd not far away.

Then countless people in black dispersed. Ten ninjas in dark purple came over. Without saying a word, they quietly killed the gatekeepers of the Western literati with a hidden weapon.

The younger brother of the Yamaguchi group knew that the task had begun and immediately jumped from the corners of the wall.

Ichiro, the big dog, smoked a deep cigar and quietly watched the door. He couldn't let go of his little brother.

Soon, some of the younger brothers of the Yamaguchi Group had sneaked into the interior of the Western Division. With the screams of several patrolling younger brothers, the fierce battle began!

The younger brother of the Yamaguchi group seemed to be a beast at this time. When he saw that it was not his own, he cut it down.

At this time, it was late at night, and most of the younger brothers of the Western teacher were sleeping, so they were very slow to react.

A group of beasts immediately rushed into each room in batches, killed them when they met them, and threw them out after cutting them.

The people on the side of the Western literati finally heard the movement, quickly put on their shorts, pulled out their machetes, and ran out naked.

However, all the doors have been controlled by the Yamaguchi Group, and a few people will die when they come out, so gradually no one dares to come out.

The Western literary teacher was also shocked. He didn't expect that his side would also be attacked. He quickly dressed and took more than a dozen younger brothers to the gate.

As soon as the two in front opened the door, they saw a lot of machetes split down. The Western teacher suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Without saying a word, he directly took out his pistol and fought fiercely at the door. His body was still retreating, and he took out his mobile phone with one hand, "Flaw! Come to the headquarters quickly, damn it, someone is coming to attack!"

At this time, the younger brother of the Yamaguchi group did not dare to enter, so he stopped at the door and waited quietly.

The big dog Ichiro at the gate looked at the time, frowned slightly, and then walked in. Seeing the scene around him, he smiled knowingly again. "This man is so cowardly that he dares not come out at his door!"

Finally, Ichiro came to the door of the Spanish teacher's room and waited for a minute, but there was still no movement. He hurriedly shouted inside, "Is the Spanish teacher in there?"

When the Western literati heard that someone called his name outside, he became even more nervous. Once this person has a reputation, he will become timid and especially value his life. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him, not to mention that the Spanish literati is naturally timid.

When the big dog Ichiro saw that there was still no movement inside, he was slightly angry, and then shouted, "Fuk, Western teacher, you are a coward. What does it look like to let us be blocked in the room?! Haven't you Chinese always said that you are very strong? In my opinion, you are not as good as our big warrior spirit!" This big dog Ichiro also wanted to provoke the Spanish teacher, but he was really wrong. If he said these words to Yang Wei, he would definitely come out to fight with others as soon as possible, and the Spanish teacher is a seedless person. Whatever you say, as long as he is safe.

Ichiro, the big dog, still didn't respond when he saw it, and then gave a winage to the two younger brothers.

The two little brothers slowly opened the door and wanted to sneak in.

"Dad..." As soon as the two little brothers walked into half of their bodies, a series of bullets sounded in the hall, and the two little brothers were instantly beaten into a sieve.

"Grass!" Ichiro, a big dog, gritted his teeth fiercely and then whispered to Ren standing aside, "Let's see if there are any other entrances here."