
Chapter 145 Dog Treatment

Zhang Aoran glanced at Li Dong. How could this boy's plan not know? He quickly changed the topic, "I have something to say. When it's over, our brothers will have a good drink!"

Li Yu frowned slightly, which could make Zhang Aoran say that it was an urgent matter, which was definitely not simple. Then he did not say anything and quietly waited for his follow-up.

Zhang Aoran looked at the crowd and then said, "Just now, the field of the Western Wenshi was taken."

The wine glasses in everyone's hands almost fell to the ground and quickly asked, "Isn't it?! Are those old guys going to eat black?!"

Zhang Aoran shook his head, "It doesn't look like the people who attacked them in our J city, but who would have such a great power? At first, I thought it was you, so I immediately ran over to have a look, but now it seems..."

Li Yu touched his nose and then said indifferently, "Is it the R Ben Yamaguchi Group coming?"

"Hmm." Zhang Aoran nodded and then said, "I think so, but when I think about it carefully, I don't think it's right. Is their Yamaguchi group really so rampant? Bring people directly to our country to smash the scene?"

Li Yu lit a cigarette, "Aoran, you have been in contact with Ichiro Odog for a long time. Do you think it's possible?"

Zhang Aoran sighed, "It's hard to say. Now the Western literati seems to have been stimulated. He is still in the hospital and asked him nothing."

Li Yu frowned and said, "It's chaotic again. J City is not very big. Where can they go with so many people? Didn't anyone find out?"

"Yes, it's getting more and more messy." Zhang Aoran continued.

Soon, a week passed, and the state of the Spanish teacher finally recovered, but I still couldn't see his smile every day.

"Western literati, I'm Ichiro Big Dog. Come to the barren mountain in the suburbs immediately. I have something to tell you." At this time, the Western literati received a phone call from the big dog Ichiro.

"Okay, I know." The Western literati was really afraid of the Yamaguchi Group and quickly replied. Of course, he was more concerned about his performance. If he really exploded, he would really be finished.

In less than half an hour, the Spanish teacher came to the barren mountain alone.

Big Dog Ichiro immediately laughed, "I didn't expect you to be such a good dog, hahahaha."

The Western literati also smiled bitterly, and then bowed down to the big dog Ichiro, "What do you want to ask me for something?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Ichiro the big dog replied irrelevantly, and then suddenly stabbed the poison needle hidden in his hand into the Spanish.

"Ah!" The Western teacher screamed, "You, what are you going to do!"

"Haha, don't be nervous. I won't kill my loyal dog. By the way, I didn't mean to spread a new virus to you just now. You wouldn't mind?"

"What, what virus?" The Western teacher was shocked and sweated coldly all over his body.

Big Dog Ichiro smiled and then said, "Actually, it's nothing. It's just a drug-like drug. You have to receive a new virus every day, otherwise..."

The Western literati stared at the big dog Ichiro fiercely, "Why, don't you believe me?"

Big Dog Ichiro smiled gloomily and replied loudly, "Xin, why can't I believe you? I just think this will cultivate the relationship between us more, doesn't it? Oh, by the way, you can go to the hospital to ask them to study this virus. We are still very confident in it.

The Spanish teacher sighed again, and the big dog Ichiro strengthened his potential. Now he also hates himself very much. Why didn't he leave J City after the last accident? What can he do if he doesn't become the boss? At least he can live freely, but now it's too late for what he thinks.

Ichiro Big Dog caught a cigar and then said, "Now in order to prove your loyalty, won't you show it?"

"How to express it?"

Big Dog Ichiro snorted coldly and said indifferently, "Ap here with several bosses in your J city, and then spread the virus to their bodies, so that we can unite the front."

The Western teacher was shocked and quickly replied, "No, I can't do this. Isn't it enough for me to help you?"

"Bang!" Ichiro, the big dog, slapped him directly in the face, "Fude, you don't look at your virtue!" How can you help me? Now your task is to make an appointment with Tian Feng and Ji Ying!"

The Spanish teacher bowed his head and did not speak or act.

Big Dog Ichiro didn't care either. He directly asked the two little brothers to drag the Spanish teacher to an abandoned cabin, "Are you disobedient? This is really not a good dog. You can spend it here tonight. I hope you can stick to your principles tomorrow. Ichiro Odog said coldly, and then took someone away.

The Spanish literati are puzzled. Is it over if they pull themselves here? I thought I was going to hit myself again! Then he touched his head and sat on the thatch beside him.

The night passed quickly.

The Western literati finally woke up and got up and stretched his waist. Suddenly, his body seemed to be out of control. He immediately fell down again, and his hands and feet also slowly twitched. The Western literatiman was shocked. Is what Ichiro said yesterday true?

"Ah!" The Spanish teacher suddenly screamed, and his body began to be unable to move. His whole body was twitching, and there was an indescribable sense of suffering. Now he really wanted to die! His mouth also began to foam.

At this moment, the big dog Ichiro came in, snorted coldly, and asked faintly, "How's it going? Isn't it cool?"

"Ah, please...please, give me...give me a shot!" The Western teacher kept roaring and shouted bitterly to the big dog Ichiro.

Oichiro smiled and then said, "Don't worry, according to common sense, you won't die until an hour later."

"I, I will listen to you in the future, quickly... save me... ah! ......”

"Don't worry, I won't let you die, but you seem to be very disobedient, so I have to give you a small punishment. Well, I'll give you the virus in half an hour."

At this time, the Western literati was already speechless in pain, but kept moaning.

I don't know how long it took for the big dog Ichiro to take out another needle and stick it on the Spanish teacher's body, and said faintly, "Fuz, a needle is a thousand dollars. What a waste."

A minute later, the Spanish teacher finally stopped screaming and lay on the ground and kicked his breath.

Big Dog Ichiro looked at him coldly and then said, "Don't pretend to be dead. Do you know the pain now?"

The Western literati immediately gathered all his strength, knelt down beside the big dog Ichiro, and said weakly, "From now on, I will be your dog. I will do whatever you say. Please don't torture me like this."

"Haha, that's so good. Don't worry about being a dog. People in R country treat pets much better than people. Now you can call Tian Feng and Ji Ying."

"En." The Western teacher quickly answered, and then took out his mobile phone and called Ji Ying.

"Hey, Lao Xi, what's the matter?" Soon, the phone was connected.

"Yes, Ji Ying, you are coming to the barren mountain in the suburbs now. I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? I have to go there."

"It's inconvenient in the city. You'll know when you come. You must be fast!" The Western teacher said quickly.

Ji Ying listened to the Western literati's tone and seemed to be in a hurry, and immediately said, "Okay, okay, I know. I'll be there right away."

The Spanish literati just hung up the phone.

Big Dog Ichiro nodded with satisfaction and then said, "Okay, it's time for Tian Feng."

The Spanish literati didn't reply and called again.

"Hey, Lao Xi, where did you go yesterday? I have something to ask you." Tian Feng took the lead.

"Well, I had something to do yesterday, so I left for a while. Didn't you come to me for something? Then come to the barren mountains in the suburbs.

"The barren mountain? Grass, what are you doing there?!" Tian Feng frowned and then asked.

When the Western Wenshi saw that Tian Feng was aware of it, he quickly continued, "Didn't I tell you? I have something to do here. Don't ask so much. Just come quickly." After saying that, I hung up the phone.

Ichiro Big Dog patted the Westerner on the shoulder with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."