
Chapter 164 Crazy Revenge

Bai Ying also shed tears and patted the body on the shoulder without saying anything, because he didn't know what he could say to comfort his boss at this time.

The body is a very cold gangster boss, just like his nickname, but he also has feelings, but he can't express it. Proudly taken in by him since he was a child. In a real sense, he is the adopted son of the corpse, and the body also regards him as his own son, so he is usually so strict with him, but now Aran suddenly dies, how can he not be sad?

Li Yu suddenly stopped and turned to the two and said, "The people of the Yamaguchi group will find here soon. Get out of here quickly."

"Wouln't you go back with us?" Bai Ying immediately answered.

Li Yu shook his head gently, and then hugged Zhang Aoran's body and swam to the depths of the sea... If you want everyone to leave, you must attract the attention of the big dog Ichiro.

The body took a deep breath and whispered, "Notify Li Dong and the evil spirit to let them come back immediately." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Bai Ying also stared at the place where Li Yu disappeared and left.

I don't know how long it took, Li Yu finally stopped, looked deeply at Zhang Aoran, and smiled softly, "Aoran, as you said, the sea is your ultimate destination, brother, have a good journey." Then he took out the cold golden desert in his pocket and put it on Zhang Aoran's body. "I'll leave you a souvenir. This gun has been with me for so long. Maybe it will guide me to find you."

After a while, Li Yu turned around and swam back...

The residence of the body and others.

"Brother of the body, have you found Brother Yu and Arrogan?" Li Dong and the devil asked in a low voice to the body.

"Stop talking, take the antidote back to J City." The body narrowed its eyes and said lightly.

"What?! Why don't you go back with us?"

Bai Ying shook his head and continued, "Let's go. We still have something to do here."

"I know." When Li Dong and the devil saw that the two bodies were so resolute, they immediately answered, and then took the antidote and ran out with Yang Wei without thinking much.

The body gave a look at the white shadow, and then quickly walked out.

"When did you let me go?" Little Dog Erlang naturally heard the conversation of several people and quickly asked loudly.

"I'll let you go now." Bai Ying replied indifferently with a blank face.

"Really?" The little dog Erlang was overjoyed and replied loudly, but suddenly he saw Bai Ying take out a pistol, his face suddenly sank, and shouted, "What are you going to do!"

Bai Ying sneered and shot several shots directly at the little dog Erlang without talking nonsense.

Before the little dog Jilang could come to shout, he was killed.

Bai Ying looked at his body and then quickly walked out.

The body frowned and said lightly, "We must attract the Yamaguchi group and not let them find Li Dong and others."

After that, the two quickly walked to the street and threw grenades at the residential house next to them...

In less than five minutes, the surroundings became ruins, and many people died directly in their sleep. The frightened crowd immediately screamed and ran out, and the police phone number of Rben DJ City was about to be blown up.

The white shadow stared at the crowd, snorted coldly, and then took out two pistols and fought.

"R bastard, damn it!" The body's eyes turned red. He picked up the grenade and threw it at the crowded place. The few vehicles next to him also exploded, and the scene finally became chaotic.

Two minutes later, the siren of the police car was getting closer and closer, and the body and white shadow also quickly escaped from here.

Finally, the police car and the people of the Yamaguchi group came to this place at the same time and blocked the scene for the first time.

Without saying a word, Ichiro Oguni went straight into the room where the corpse and other people lived, because he had already got the information from his younger brother, and the little dog Erlang was brought here by Li Yu.

"Little dog! Little dog!!!" Ichiro the big dog kicked open the door and suddenly saw the body of the little dog Erlang, and then roared loudly.

When the little brothers behind him heard the boss's cry, their hearts were also slightly shocked, and then rushed in quickly.

Five minutes later, Big Dog Ichiro wiped the tears on his face and said fiercely, "What are you still doing?! Hurry up and find someone!"

"Yes, yes!" The younger brothers quickly retreated, but no one dared to talk more at this time.

"Grass! Li Yu, don't let me catch you!" Big Dog Ichiro watched the crowd leave and said fiercely with a frown.

At this time, Li Dong and the other three also came to the suburban helicopter safely. Without saying a word, they sat up and slowly left...

Now the DJ market of Rben is in chaos. There has been no such a big terrorist attack for many years, and all this is so sudden that many people have no place to go now. Rich people also leave here quickly and even want to go abroad.

Of course, now the important exits of the airport and port have been temporarily closed. The impact this time is too serious. R police directly sent special forces and made up their minds to catch this group of people.

The body and Bai Ying came to the suburbs and saw that the previously hidden helicopter had disappeared. Knowing that Li Dong and the other two had been separated from here, the stone in their hearts also fell to the ground.

" boss, shall we go to the seaside to meet Li Yu now?" Bai Ying said indifferently to the body.

The body shook its head gently, breathed a sigh of relief, and replied, "I don't want to go to that place." The body still did not come out of the shadow of arrogant death. Although he is a gangster, what can he do? White-haired people send black-haired people, and people with strong will will not be able to stand it.

"So where are we going now?" Bai Ying knew him best. The abnormal calmness of the body was the biggest sign before his anger broke out.

"When you go back to the city, the most dangerous place is the safest place. I don't want to find a way back so early." The body frowned and replied decisively.

"Hmm." Bai Ying was immediately relieved, and the boss must want to avenge arrogantly!

Li Yu also came to the city at this time. Looking at the city's martial law, he also frowned. He didn't expect it to be so big. He still didn't know what happened here with the body and the white shadow, so he was shocked and became more careful.

The rain was still raining. Li Yu rubbed his nose and sneezed. He was drenched in the rain for a long time, and he was soaked in the rain for a long time. It was no wonder that he was not sick. Li Yu took off his coat, hid two daggers in his legs, and then walked silently in the direction of the direction of the Yamaguchi group.

At this time, it was late at night. People passing by on the street could be ignored, and there were no vehicles. Instead, police cars would drive several cars from the street every few minutes.

Li Yu frowned and then found an alleyway and plunged in. It can be said that he pays special attention to his safety now, because he can't have an accident and must avenge Zhang Aoran!

I don't know how long it took, Li Yu tentatively took a few steps forward to pay attention to the movement of the Yamaguchi Group, but the surroundings were still very quiet. The door of the Yamaguchi Group was also full of people, and his plan to secretly break into the Yamaguchi Group could not be implemented.

At this moment, suddenly several people came over with flashlights. Li Yu was shocked and immediately found a hidden corner.

"Fure, do you think we can find people like this and suffer one by one." One of them sighed and complained.

"Yes, that Li Yu is really capable enough to take away the teenager in front of the boss. Even if we meet him, what can we do?" The people around him immediately replied.

"Stop talking, the teenager has just died. If these words reach the boss's ears, we will really not be able to live."

"Fra, what are you afraid of? In the middle of the night, it's still raining so heavily. Maybe where is the boss? Besides, I don't think the boss is very sad this time. With such a high status as him, how can there be no illegitimate children and one will die.

"Fure, what are you talking about?! "Pie low!"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, there are only a few of us here."

Li Yu bowed and listened to their dialogue quietly. There was also a trace of evil smile at the corners of his mouth. These people are the Yamaguchi group!

Everyone gradually approached here. Li Yu listened carefully to their footsteps, judged their position, and then smiled, "Big Dog Ichiro, let these people take a little interest from you."