
Chapter 169 Be a friend?

Yang Wei gritted his teeth, and then made two fierce strokes on the Western literati before he stopped and continued to scold, "Fuck your mother! You didn't expect me to come back alive, did you?!"

The Western literati moved his body and suddenly raised his teeth again. He didn't know how many wounds he had touched, and then said weakly, "Am I... still... not dead?"

Yang Wei smiled twice and then said, "Do you want to die? It's not that simple. If I don't torture you, I'm not fucking human!"

The Western literati looked at Yang Wei and immediately replied, "Lao Yang, in view of our love for many years, can you... let me... eat something first?"

"Bang!" The evil spirit slapped the Westerner's face directly, and then shouted, "I'm a bloody mother!" If it weren't for you, could his big dog Ichiro kill so many brothers here? Now I still have a fucking face to eat! Eat your mother!" After saying that, he didn't understand the hatred and directly grabbed the Western literati's collar, "Bang! Bang! Pa..."

Several people did not stop him. They quietly looked at the beaten Western literati and fooled around on the road. The most important thing is to be loyal. More importantly, his Spanish literati and treason!

The brothers who live on the road are very bold and bolder. If you are unhappy, they will do it to you!

Soon, the Western literati's cheeks puffed up, as if he were stupid, looking at the devil quietly.

"Look at your mother!" The Spanish master jumped up directly and cut his eyes with a blade.

"Ah~~~~~~~~" The Spanish teacher screamed, covered his right eye with his hands and rolled on the ground.

Everyone also frowned, but no one spoke. This was asked by the Western teacher. If it hadn't been for the body, the current J city would have been controlled by the Yamaguchi Group.

After a while, Li Dong coughed twice and said, "Okay, don't fight, so it's really cheap for him." Then he said to the little brothers next to him, "Go and take him to our hospital for treatment. In addition, give him something to eat. Don't starve to death."

"Yes!" Several younger brothers quickly agreed, and then carried the Western literati and went out.

"Damn it! This thing is not fucking human!" Yang Wei saw that the Western literary master had left and cursed in anger.

At this moment, the younger brother ran over again and said with a smile, "My sister-in-law and Boss Jiying finally woke up."

After hearing this, several people quickly ran out.

Yang Wei went to Jiying's room alone.

"My sister-in-law, how are you feeling now?" Li Dong, as soon as the evil spirits arrived, they shouted loudly.

The nightingale frowned, then sat up slowly and whispered, "It seems that the antidote is real. I just don't have any strength in my body now."

Li Dong smiled and said, "That's good, that's good. Come and get something for your sister-in-law."

Zhang Feng also laughed and then said, "Haha, the boss's efforts have finally not been in vain."

"Rain, yes, where is the rain?" The nightingale glanced around and hurriedly asked.

The evil spirit stared at Zhang Feng fiercely. Damn, why didn't this guy lift the pot? Then he immediately whispered to the nightingale, "Sister-in-law, the boss has something to do in R, so he won't come back a few days later."

"Grass! Don't you say that the rain has come back?!" The nightingale coughed a few times and said weakly.

"You were not in good health at that time, so we lied to you." Li Dong frowned and immediately replied.

"What else does he have to do with R? Is something wrong with him? The nightingale continued to ask.

Li Dong and the evil spirit sighed, and then turned their eyes elsewhere. Zhang Feng and others frowned tightly. Did something really happen to the boss?

"Ty!" When the nightingale saw the two avoiding her, she shouted again.

Li Dong frowned and then shook his head helplessly, "Sister-in-law, the boss stayed there in order to make us come back smoothly!"

"What?!" The nightingale asked a question, and then fainted in **.

"Grass! Go and call a doctor!" Several people shouted together.


R this DJ city.

"Big boss, do you think the rain is still DJ now?" A burly man in a white suit asked in a low voice.

Another person shook his head, and then said faintly, "Li Yu is strange and difficult to estimate."

"What should we do now? If you stay here all the time, you will definitely be found by the Yamaguchi group.

"Shad, didn't you expect that we were so brilliant at the beginning, even the boss of the security group, but we didn't expect to get this in our later years, and we couldn't even protect our adopted son, hahaha, hahaha..."

Yes, the two were the corpse and Bai Ying. They saw the corpse laughing at this time. This is the first time that Bai Ying has seen the corpse laughing so miserably, smiling so helplessly and laughing so desolately...

Then both of them were silent, with only a trace of light in their eyes. At this time, they were also angered by hatred, and Zhang Aoran's death gradually made them lose their minds.

"Yes, boss, the newspaper said that the little dog Jiro will hold a funeral at the gate of the Yasukuni Pig Club in two days." Bai Ying narrowed his eyes and said indifferently.

The body moved its stiff neck and said coldly, "I didn't expect his big dog Ichiro to have such a big face."

"Isn't that..."

"Hmm." Before Bai Ying finished her words, she was interrupted by the body. The two have been together for so many years and have a tacit understanding.

At this time, on the other side of the DJ city.

Li Yu also secretly hid in a dark corner and did not dare to move around. He has now entered the city and dare not be careless at all. There are constantly people patrolling here.

I don't know how long it took, Li Yu slowly took out the cigarette box from his pocket, but suddenly found that there was no smoke. He shook his head helplessly, threw away the cigarette box and walked to the alley.

"The person in front of me, stop!" Just then, a loud cry suddenly came from the distance.

Li Yu's heart trembled and quickly climbed up to the wall next to him without hesitation and jumped down.

Gradually, more than a dozen people slowly walked this way.

A frowned doubtfully and said, "It's strange that there was a figure just now. Why did it disappear so quickly?"

"Meow~" Just then, a black cat called and came out of the darkness.

More than a dozen people next to him quickly laughed, "Fuck, are you fucking scared by Li Yu? It's just a cat."

"Hahahaha, Li Yu may have gone somewhere. I don't believe it. There are so many people who came out to find him, so we just let us catch up."

The little brother also breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced around. Suddenly, he saw the cigarette case just thrown by Li Yu and quickly shouted, "Look, there is a cigarette box here!" Prove that someone was really here just now!"

A dozen little brothers hurriedly looked at the place of his fingers, "Fuck, it's just a cigarette box. Is there really no problem with your fucking nerves?! Shocked!"

Everyone didn't take this little brother at all and left slowly.

The little brother touched his head and seemed to be getting more and more **. Then he didn't think much about it and left with the crowd.

Li Yu took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

Suddenly, a palm rested on Li Yu's shoulder.

Li Yu's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he bowed slightly and turned around with a straight fist.

This man dodged step by step and said quickly, "Friend, what do you mean?"

Li Yu finally saw this man's appearance and saw his face full of stuffy face. In such a cold weather, he was still naked and immediately frowned, but fortunately, he was the only one next to him.

Li Yu did not answer him, and then directly took out the dagger and prepared to attack again.

The man quickly retreated and shouted in a low voice, "Friend, why do you still want to do it when you visit me late at night?"

Li Yu pulled an evil smile in his mouth, and then said faintly, "You have to die."

The man also took a breath of cold air. The man in front of him was so arrogant that he wanted to decide a person's life and death. It seemed that he was not an ordinary person. Then he whispered to Li Yu, "Friend, I don't mean any harm. If you don't mean to come here, then I don't think I see anything. Of course, if you If you want to be friends with me, I'm very welcome.