Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 74 Explanation, what's the use

Ning Baobao cried out in his last words. This roar successfully attracted the attention of many students. And what's more curious is that these two handsome men are actually because of a woman. There are many people who know Situ Ye, so today's school gossip headlines will definitely cause a sensation again.

Originally, Bo Yifeng was very angry when he listened to what the baby said in front of him, but when the following words reached his ears, he was completely stunned and hesitated in the face of the baby's doubts.

"Baby, I..." Bo Yifeng knew that the baby must have seen this morning's report and wanted to explain, but the baby did not give him a chance at all.

"Bo Yifeng, don't explain. I don't believe you anymore." After saying that, the baby covered his face with his hands and sobbed tremblingly.

"Baby, things are really not what you think." Bo Yifeng wanted to come forward to explain further, but Situ Ye did not stand in front of him.

"Situ Ye, get out of the way." Bo Yifeng looked angrily at Situye with his hands open, blocking between him and the baby.

"Bo Yifeng, don't go too much." Situ Ye is not a vegetarian. How can he retreat because of Bo Yifeng's words?

"It's just a matter for the two of us. Go away." Bo Yifeng has an iceberg face. And such an expression did not repel Situ Ye, but scared away the people who tore away the fun. Joke, who wants to continue to stay when he sees such a murderous face, it must be looking for death.

And Situ Ye is the kind of person who is not afraid of death. Situ Ye has never been afraid of heaven and earth. Bo Yifeng should not think that you are kingly in Ts City, and he will be afraid of you. Although his Situ family headquarters is not in T City, his strength can not be underestimated.

Bo Yifeng saw Situ Ye, but the baby covered his face, sobbed and didn't look at him. Now he was so anxious that he wanted to continue to go forward and beat Situ Ye to the ground.

But last time because Situ Ye was unprepared to give him a chance at will, and this time, he had already expected that Bo Yifeng was now angry and would definitely not let him go. So when Bo Yifeng wanted to hit his fist in front of him, he sometimes caught it.

Bo Yifeng was very angry when he saw that his arm was caught by him, "Situ Ye, get out of here." He said such words angrily.

"Bo Yifeng, don't think you are the baby's husband, I dare not do anything to you, but don't challenge my limits. I'm in charge of what happened between you and the baby today. Situ Ye said that as long as the love was related to the baby, he would never ignore it again.

"What are you? It's not your turn as an outsider to take care of the affairs between my husband and wife." Bo Yifeng is most unaccustomed to Situ Ye, who has to take care of it to the end. What does he rely on?

"Between husband and wife, how can you be a husband? If you really look like a good husband, why do you have to fuck a woman outside and let the baby cry alone? Do you know that the baby has..." Before Situ Ye finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the baby.

"Gor, don't say anything, don't say anything." The baby stood in the middle of the two to stop them from making such a noise. After all, there are so many people coming and going, which makes her continue to live in school in the future. In fact, the most important thing is that she doesn't want the senior to say that she is pregnant.

Ning Baobao has actually been listening to the conversation between the two of them. He doesn't know why the senior helped her so much, but he did say his own heart. Why did Bo Yifeng treat himself like this? So she should never tell Bo Yifeng about her pregnancy before she figured out what kind of heart he was.

"Baby, get out of the way. I have to let him say what he is thinking today. Why do I see you every time? You are all crying for Bo Yifeng. Situ Ye looked at the baby stopped in the middle and really felt sorry for her.

"What do you mean, Situ Ye?" Bo Yifeng was unhappy. "What does it mean that every time you see her, you cry for me? Tell me clearly." Bo Yifeng is like a murderer. Every time they see it, they have seen it several times. Isn't it not allowed for the baby to meet him?

"Bo Yifeng, you are endless." The baby turned around and roared at Bo Yifeng. It was him who did something wrong. What's wrong with him?

Bo Yifeng didn't expect that the baby would roar again and again because of this man and himself, and his anger suddenly broke out, "Baby Ning, what do you mean? Do you like him?" Bo Yifeng uncontrollably pointed to Situ Ye.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you get angry with me every time something happens? This time you slander me like this." The baby wanted to cry again, but reason told her that she should be strong and face Bo Yifeng with dignity. She is not a puppet or his accessory. Her dignity is not allowed to be trampled on by anyone at will.

"slander. Then come with me and ignore him." Bo Yifeng grabbed her arm and didn't want to quarrel any more, otherwise he would definitely give someone a chance to take advantage of it. He wants to find his wife by himself.

"No, I don't want to go with you. You are full of the smell of that woman." Baby Ning shook him away with a little disgust and grabbed his hand and looked at him with aggrieved face.

Bo Yifeng collapsed. It should not be said that he regretted it. Why did he find the witch? Because of her, her family was in crisis. Because of her, the relationship between him and the baby began to waver.

"Baby, stop it and come back with me." Bo Yifeng lowered his tone and knew that he was wrong. He just wanted the baby to listen to all his words quietly, but he didn't say anything, and it became like this. Now there are many things for him to solve. He has to face the company, the media, and even the internal affairs.

"I'm making trouble. Why did I make trouble? The baby asked, "I would like to be like a resentful woman." This time, her tears were really real in front of Bo Yifeng, constantly flowing down.

"You go back with me first, and I will explain it to you slowly." Bo Yifeng began to be impatient. Can the baby not cry in front of Situ Ye? He didn't want to give anyone a reason to treat his wife badly.

"No, go back. I don't want to hear any explanation from you." The baby turned around and stopped looking at him, and then snorted, "Yi Feng, when I want to listen to your explanation, why didn't you say a word, explain now, and then, and then deceive me once."

"Baby, don't do this." Bo Yifeng saw that the baby didn't look at him and knew that she was completely disappointed in herself, but this was not the result he wanted.

"I believe in you again, but I feel your betrayal again and again, so that I might as well stop believing in you at the beginning, so as to save myself from being sad." The baby looked at the sky as if laughing at himself and held back the tears that wanted to flow down.

Situ Ye looked at the two people, especially the baby and looked at her. He had an impulse to hug her and let him forget everything between Bo Yifeng and let him know that he could live a good life without Bo Yifeng. However, although he said such cruel words, he was thinking about the past with Bo Yifeng, otherwise she would not cry.

A gust of wind blew, but it did not blow away the thousands of thoughts of the three people.

"Yi Feng, you go back first. I'll go back to the dormitory first." The baby said dimly. There is no way to stand here all the time.

"No, you go back with me." Bo Yifeng refused. How could he let the baby ignore him?

The baby didn't look at him, but turned to Situ Ye, "Sep, you can go back first." After all, it's Bo Yifeng and his own business. You can't always involve seniors like this.

Situ Ye heard the baby's words and didn't want to leave, but he heard the baby say, "Go back and apply eggs to your face, so that your face will not be red and swollen tomorrow."

Feeling the baby's care, Situ Ye felt a burst of warmth. Well, I'll go first." He looked at the baby a few times and was a little reluctant and nostalgic. Baby, if you can't handle this well, I really want to take you away. Then he looked at Bo Yifeng and wanted to warn him.

Bo Yifeng looked at the affectionate appearance of the two and felt Situ Ye's provocative look. The anger in his heart was almost burning to the top of his head.