Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 77 Memories belong to the past

Baby Ning lay in a daze and looked at the ceiling. Xiangxiang was still in the dormitory just now, but now Xiangxiang has also left, = she is the only one left in the dormitory.

Xiangxiang didn't know about the baby, so when she saw the baby come back, she remembered that she hadn't eaten yet and knew that the baby hadn't eaten. Xiangxiang volunteered to bring a portion for the baby. Xiangxiang is a rotten house. She always eats from time to time. If the baby hadn't come back, she wouldn't have remembered when to eat.

When they eat, they talk most about their own comics and the comics she saw. The baby knows that she not only likes to read comics, but also likes to imitate and design by herself. Many school exhibitions have been decorated with cute comic babes painted by her. Previously, the baby asked her why she chose the English department, but she just said that learning English would be very convenient for her to realize her dream.

At that time, the baby didn't understand, but later she learned that she wanted to go abroad, wanted to see her idol, and wanted to make her dream fly.

Art is Xiangxiang's dream. She always makes good use of this time to improve her painting level, and then she can go out to face her dream. So when she is with her, she talks most about her comic topics, but everyone sounds like they are listening to her dream. In order to follow her dream, Xiangxiang has never stopped keeping up with the latest comics about beauty. Yes, Xiangxiang's dream, what about her dream? The baby meditated in his mind.

Xiangxiang's dinner once again disappeared from the baby's sight. In the deserted dormitory, Sister Lan must have gone out on a date with one of her suitors.

"Hey." She turned over and her head was full of chaos. Ru Ru and Leng Si Ruo are now in Bo's family. What are they going to do? I don't want to go to the afternoon class. I guess there are few people who went today, because it is an elective course, and the old professor will talk boringly. It's useless to go there, so most people would rather choose to sleep for nothing. Therefore, there are only a few people in the classroom every time. Of course, there were babies in class several times before, but this time there were several people missing.

"Oh, it's so annoying. Don't think about anything." The baby covered his head with a pillow to avoid thinking nonsense, but there is no way to say that he doesn't want to.

She thought about it and decided to spend time on the Internet. The baby got up and opened the silver-white Apple computer from her cabinet. The pure color and ultra-thin shape made the baby love it. The best reason why she kept it was that the computer came from thin Yifeng. Yes, it was a gift from her that she entered the college entrance examination that year.

Looking at the black screen brightening under its own startup, the beating screen, like the key to start the memory, reminds the baby of himself at the beginning, tender and pure.

That year, there were many things that were unimaginable. Just like the baby knew for the first time, Yi Feng could also smile so gently. Yi Feng could not ignore himself as before, and Yi Feng could take the initiative to give himself a gift without having to go.

When she happily took her notice and showed it to him, she didn't expect him to praise her baby. It was just a glimmer of hope, but he actually asked himself what he wanted. This sentence made the baby not come to mind for a long time. But when she saw Yi Feng smile at herself without reservation, the baby knew that at that moment, she was completely trapped and could not extricate himself.

In those years, she had only one dream, that is, to become Bo Yifeng's wife. In order to match him, the baby studied hard. She knew that she was not good at math and often stayed up until two or three o'clock to sleep. After all, you will succeed with hard work. The baby will enter T University, the university that everyone dreams of. There is only one reason why many people yearn for the baby, that is, thin and easy wind.

A lot of incredible, but at that time, she was indeed like going to heaven, with a little care and a little smile. She imagined that a clear spring flowing through her heart and wandered for a long time and couldn't move forward.

The baby returned to reality from his memories and looked at the computer screen that had been opened. The computer desktop had not been changed for three years, only because of Yi Feng's back and a secretly taken back.

"Yi Feng, can you take a picture?" The baby asked Bo Yifeng with great interest. At that time, after getting the computer sent by Bo Yifeng, she thought of putting a picture of him on the desktop.

"No, don't take an inch." Bo Yifeng said.

"Is it okay to have just one?" The baby acted coquettishly.

"One piece is not good either." Bo Yifeng did not agree, regardless of the baby's request, but in the end, he did not let the baby take a picture as he wished.

Of course, it is impossible for Bo Yifeng to agree. How could a big man like to take pictures, so he ruthlessly refused the baby, but the baby in those years became more and more brave. If she didn't take pictures, she would secretly take pictures. She didn't believe that she would not succeed.

The baby has tried many times, but failed, mainly because what he was looking for was not a good time. Either he took a picture when he got on the car, or he sat in the car. I stood on the balcony and secretly took pictures, but the effect of each secret photo was unsatisfactory.

And now this photo was taken by her inadvertently at the beginning. What a coincidence. When she tried her best to take it, she couldn't get a good effect. Unexpectedly, she accidentally took his back. Although it's different from the front photo she imagined, it's good, better than nothing.

That time, Bo Yifeng just came back from a business trip, and the baby happened to have no class, so he ran home. She didn't know that Bo Yifeng would come back at this time, so when he heard Bo Yifeng's car, she was as excited as something.

She ran out with interest, but she didn't forget to pick up her camera, which was given by her father and mother. Because Bo Yifeng sent her a computer, but her parents didn't know what to give her, the baby asked for a digital camera. In fact, the baby's main purpose is to take pictures of himself and Bo Yifeng.

The baby took this opportunity to run out. Under the cover of the tree trunk, the baby saw him with a depressed face. What kind of mood was such a thin breeze? Why can he not only see depression but also fatigue on that handsome face?

The baby knew that Bo was only two or three years after being inherited by him. It was a period of instability in his career, and he was asked to deal with one by one inside and outside the company. Such a business trip should not be done by him at all, but in order to let the other party know his sincerity, he deliberately flew here and there. He is not a luxurious person. The planes he takes are ordinary passenger planes. In his education since he was a child, his father has always emphasized not to be extravagant and wasteful when he was young. It is also because of this that she can stand her rigid image in front of the company.

"Yi Feng, I don't want you to be so tired in the future." The baby thought to himself. Yi Feng, my dream.

She picked up her camera and took such a picture of him, but because of the momentary change, the baby took a picture of only him and didn't see the sad face.

At that time, she really wanted to give her all the comfort by his side, but at that time, she didn't know how to stand in front of him. I don't know why he was afraid that Bo Yifeng would dislike himself and her weakness.

It's just that she has a position now, but she doesn't have a chance.

Memories are interpreted in my mind like a movie. The baby pulled back his thoughts, looked at him in the dusty sunset, and looked at his tilted shadow reflected on the ground, a sense of spaciousness like a god falling, and immediately ingested her heart. Not only in those years, every time he looked at this desktop, the baby felt that the dream he was constantly pursuing was slowly approaching like himself.

Yes, it approached slowly, and then finally realized it. However, such a dream actually woke her up. It turned out that all the dreams were illusory, the dust of the past, and who was still waiting in that place.

Wait for the nihilistic dream to slowly disappear and disappear in your own life, and wait for the originally filled heart to slowly be silent and slowly pass away under the ruthless destruction.