Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 142 Baby calm down and meet strangers

Chapter142 The baby calms down and meets strangers

Originally, I wanted to get together with the baby and Ru Ru today, so that every time I came to find Leng Si Ruo, Ru Ru would look at herself with a resentful look. Although she didn't care, Leng Si Ruo couldn't stand it anymore. The woman she loved looked at other men and used this kind of eyes. It's like being abandoned.

"Well, it's my treat. Let's go together." Bo Yifeng decided. Leng Siruo, don't say that I'm not righteous enough.

As soon as Ru Ru heard it, well, Bo Yifeng invited him. It would be nice if he could get together as a baby. The two of them were already unclear. He was an outsider and couldn't help anything.

However, the baby has been seen for so long, and Bo Yifeng is embarrassed to grab this time with her.

When the sun was shining, the group ate directly in the hotel left by the imperial dynasty. The reason was that Leng Siruo felt that there was no reason for them to go to other places to eat on his territory.

And Lin Ruru saw his little thought. She just wanted to do something after dinner and couldn't go anywhere, and looking at Bo Yifeng, she must have run away with her baby after dinner.

However, Lin Ruru doesn't buy Leng Sruo's account, because she has already thought about it and promised the baby to go to the store with her yesterday, so Leng Sruo's trick is useful.

After dinner, the baby wanted to take the baby and Ruru out together. By the way, they called Sister Mengyao. Later, they picked her up to come out to see the store, but because of Bo Yifeng's temptation, the baby was finally taken to the company by Bo Yifeng.

The baby knows that Bo Yifeng must want everyone in the company to know the existence of the baby, and looking at the joy on the baby's face, he really can't stop it.

But this is also good, so as not to make the baby tired of walking with them for a while.

Lin Ruru and Ning Baobao drove to the Ning family. Ruru's driving skills have once again increased a lot in the past five years, and she also drove the car given to her by Leng Siruo, which made her look more handsome.

"Sister Mengyao, I'm back." The baby opens the door, comes in directly, and then changes lanes.

"Why is there no one?" Ruru looked at the empty room, but no one responded to the baby and said doubtfully.

"I don't know either. Sister Meng Yao is not familiar with this place. She should be at home." The baby also looks confused. Where is Sister Mengyao going back?

"Baby, call and ask." Ruru thinks it's better to ask in advance. After all, a big living person will not disappear for no reason.

"Okay." The baby nodded. Ah, the mobile phone is out of power. The baby looked at the black screen and was speechless. She was sure that Sister Mengyao must have called her.

The baby was afraid that there was really something wrong with Sister Mengyao, so he hurried upstairs to change the battery, afraid that she would get lost because she was not familiar with the place.

But as soon as the baby ran to the door, he saw a note. After watching it, the baby's tears were like a stream. It turned out that Sister Mengyao went to look for her mother.

The baby knew that Mengyao's father died in a car accident, and her mother also passed away because she gave birth to her. The paper said that she was going to find the memories of her mother and father and feel their existence. She had never seen a picture of her mother in her life, but just wanted to see the place where her mother had lived with her father.

The baby doesn't know what kind of setback Mengyao has suffered, but she can't stop the decision she made. Moreover, there are many things in Mengyao's heart that she can't see clearly.

However, she is a woman with a child, how to find it. In fact, she didn't have to worry about Sister Meng Yao, because her self-improvement ability is stronger than herself, and although she grew up in a foreign country, her own patriotic complex has stained her.

If she wants to do anything, she will definitely be ready. Even if there is a thorny road ahead, she will face it.

"Baby, where did your friend go?" Ru Ru walked to the baby and asked.

"Sister Mengyao left with her child." The baby sat down**, looked at Ru Ru helplessly, and then handed the letter in his hand to Ru Ru to see.

Ru Ru knew that when the baby was in France, she had always lived with Mengyao. She knew that Mengyao was very important to the baby and was also a very important relative.

And her departure will definitely make the baby uncomfortable.

"Sister Mengyao, something must have happened. It's all my fault. I didn't notice her last night." The baby is very self-blaming. Maybe she usually pays more attention to Mengyao, and Mengyao will tell the scruples in her heart.

But whether it was last night or this morning, she just left in a hurry, leaving her alone and the little star. Originally, in this strange environment, as the only relative she could trust, she should be by her side and then familiarize her with the environment here. At least not like now, Mengyao disappeared and didn't know where to find it.

"In a while, everything will be fine. Mengyao will definitely be very happy." Ru Ru sat next to the baby and comforted him. Maybe she doesn't know Qin Mengyao very well, but she knows the baby's character. Anyway, she is the baby's friend, that is, her friend.

"Yeun, she will be happy." The baby is very sad. She feels the pain of a single mother. Now Mengyao doesn't know that she is going to take root in a place.

I just changed my battery and saw several messages and phone calls about her on my mobile phone, and the last one was like this. "Baby, when I know what I want, I will come back. Don't worry about me."

The baby cried completely. Compared with Meng Yao, she is much happier. Although her father is sick now, her parents are still there, and Bo Yifeng is also by her side now. Compared with Meng Yao, she is much happier.

Sister Mengyao, I hope God will take care of you and make you happy all your life.

"Then I'll go out with you." Ru Ru also saw the text message. Looking at the baby's pain, she didn't have a good time, but everyone had their own lives, just like between her and Leng Siruo, but she couldn't figure it out.

Sometimes, people are like this, the combination of loneliness and fullness. Therefore, there are so many people who would rather indulge than be lonely.

Under Ru's comfort, the baby went out for a walk. In this season, he was lost and gathered, and was staged in every corner, just like falling leaves, looking lonely and quiet, but as long as there is someone and laughter, he will definitely be lively again.

The baby looked at the leaves on the ground, picked up a piece, and then looked at the group of playful children in front of her. It was also such a time. She just watched the little star born and Mengyao's mother's smile for the first time.

At the beginning, I didn't know how happy I was with the little baby. Although the little baby was only a little big, after seeing that Xiaoxing and Sister Mengyao were safe, the first thing the little baby did was to take Mengyao's hand and shout happily, "Auntie, the baby has a younger brother."

Then, everyone became a whole family in that strange country.

"Hello, are you Baby Ning?" A strange man's business appeared in front of the baby and Ru Ru.

They looked alertly at the man in front of him, wearing black sunglasses and a black suit, no, two men, and then the baby calmly replied, "I am, what are you looking for?"

The baby is actually a little scared, because she doesn't know if it was sent by Baifoxin. Based on the fact that the man who had been sent by Baifoxin almost raped, the baby is a little afraid.

"Our boss is looking for you." The man with sunglasses still answered blankly.

"Who is your boss?" The baby must ask clearly that he can't be bullied for no reason.

"You just need to come with me." Another man was very impatient. Although he was also wearing sunglasses, the baby saw the fierceness at a glance.

"Tell me to go with you." Ruru didn't look like a good person. She hugged the baby defensively and was afraid that they would take the baby away.

"What are you talking about?" The man in sunglasses scolded the wicked man angrily, and the man was really obedient and didn't speak. I'm sorry, Miss Ning, please forgive me for my bad attitude. However, our boss said that what he wants to talk about is related to Qin Mengyao. I hope you can cooperate. After all, we are just doing things.

This man has a good attitude and is a qualified person at first glance. However. Despite this, the baby didn't want to follow, but he mentioned Sister Mengyao. The baby was a little worried. Is Sister Mengyao on their side?

"Sister Mengyao is on your side." The baby asked.

"Miss Ning will know when she goes there." The man with sunglasses still said angrily.

"Okay." The baby nodded. Even if Sister Mengyao is not there, it must have something to do with Sister Mengyao. In fact, the baby breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is not Baifoxin. Baimoxin will definitely not know the name of Sister Mengyao, not to mention the joint surname.

"Baby, you're crazy, so you just followed them." Ruru grabbed the baby's arm and was so angry, "You are not afraid of being sold."

"Please rest assured that we will never do anything to Miss Ning." The man with sunglasses explained.

But of course, Lin Ruru will not easily believe what a strange man said, "No, if you want to go, I will go too." Ruru is very resolute and can't watch the baby go into danger alone.

"Okay, Ru Ru, you go back first." The baby doesn't want Ru Ru to worry, but if there is really any danger, she can't follow Ru Ru.

"Baby." Ru Ru shook her hand, why didn't you let yourself follow?

But the baby gave her a winch. Now Ruru didn't hold on, but watched the baby get into the car with the two men and then galloped away.

Ruru knew that the baby had just blinked with herself without interruption. The former Ruru knew that she wanted her to find help, because what she did was short, which happened to be the expression of SOS. What she means is that if something happens to her, she can still find a helper.

Ru Ru did not dare to neglect and quickly called Bo Yifeng. Originally, she wanted to call Leng Siruo, but it was better to call Bo Yifeng. If Bo Yifeng did not know about this kind of thing, he would definitely give up.