Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 163 Unknown Secret

Chapter163 Unknown Secret

When Bo Yifeng saw the baby shake off her hand, she hurried to the room and shook her head. If she didn't force her, she didn't know how long she would hide. However, it seems that his own method is still effective. The baby doesn't care about him now and stares at him when he has nothing to do.

However, it seems that she is self-abuse. I hope she will stare at you more if she has nothing to do.

"Daddy, it's time to eat." Bo Yifeng was still in a daze. At this time, the little baby washed his hands and saw that his father had not come in yet, so he volunteered to run out and shouted at his father standing far away at the door.

"Yeun, here it comes." Bo Yifeng heard the baby calling himself, quickly walked to the baby, picked her up and entered the room together.

It can be said that today is still a relatively peaceful day for Bo Yifeng. At night, looking at the sleeping baby and baby Ning, he is also at ease, and he doesn't have such a feeling.

However, when he thought of the eyes of the old fox today, he was still unconsciously afraid. He is not so afraid of things. It's not that he hasn't seen it before, but when he thinks of his parents, wife and children, Bo Yifeng always feels numb, as if something is about to happen. I really hope he thinks more about it.

The night went down. Tonight, the baby had to sleep with his father and mother, and Bo Yifeng did not stop him. However, the baby slept too naughty to kick around, and Ning Bao seemed to be used to it and fell asleep without any movement. It seems that he is tired enough today.

He didn't ask about the baby and Situ Ye, because he began to choose to believe that today, the baby did not find an opportunity to tell him about this. He believed that the baby would tell him. Sometimes, his intuition is very good.

The next day, Bo Yifeng made an appointment with Liang Sicheng. Of course, the other three will definitely appear. This meeting is very hidden, especially when Liang Sicheng came, he came almost alone. It seems that Liang Sicheng is very reassuring them, or he is afraid that someone will find his whereabouts in order to hide his eyes and ears.

If you bring several people, you will definitely be found by the old fox. Bo Yifeng has heard his men say several times that he saw suspicious people wandering around the company, but in order not to scare the snake, he still did not move.

Although the place where Liang Sicheng currently lives is not very hidden, the old fox must not dare to investigate. However, it is hard to guarantee that he will send someone to follow Liang Sicheng.

Therefore, when he saw Liang Sicheng this time, he only appeared alone, and his solo appearance must have expected that Bo Yifeng and his party were not like the old fox.

To be honest, when Liang Sicheng came to T City, he already knew that Bo Yifeng and others lived again. This time, in addition to finding Meng Yao, he came to copy the bottom of the old fox.

Mengyao left herself because she was too dangerous around him, and he also knew one thing from Mengyao. His brothers were also in such a danger and didn't know like Mengyao.

Today's gangsters are different from before. The father did a lot of things in order to put his brothers on the right path and not involved in crime. When I met Bo Yifeng and others in Japan, my father was doing business with Black Dragon, the boss of the Qinglong Gang, and it was a very white business.

At that time, I was young and didn't think much about it. After inheriting my father's position, I found that it was not easy to lead a group of brothers on the right path, especially when someone was right.

And the person who opposed it at that time happened to be Bai Qilong. Bai Qilong relied on his high achievements and fought against him everywhere, but at that time, he was just in power unstable and didn't want to cause trouble at all, so he put up with it again and again. If it hadn't been for Mengyao's disfigurement, he wouldn't know how long he would have endured it.

It's actually very simple for the five of them to meet. It's a charming box at first sight, a very hidden box. The most important thing is that there are guards outside, and ordinary people can't get in.

"Sicheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to inherit your father's position." Leng Siruo was very happy to see Liang Sicheng and thought that although he had never been born and died together, the boldness of that year still made everyone have a good impression on him.

"Yes, a few years have passed." Liang Sicheng hasn't met anyone he can make friends with for a long time. After spending more than half a year in Japan, he was really surprised to meet these four people. They used to be a legend in the mouth of the invasion, and even his father only learned it from the mouth of the Black Dragon.

Black Dragon has a good relationship with his father. If it hadn't been for the regional differences, both of them would have felt that they would go out to play chess, fish and fish every day, and his father also hoped to live such an ordinary life.

But after all, it is true that my father has worked hard all his life, but he still can't suffer from illness.

They chatted a few words, which were all irrelevant topics, and Bo Yifeng also seemed to be relatively calm, because some things that he didn't ask, and people would say it. After all, after all, after so many years, it was not so simple. Even if he still trusted Liang Sichen, he may be for some reason. Have some scruples.

"By the way, Liang Sicheng, how did that old fox provoke you and let us deal with you?" Nangong Xing is not a calm person. Listening to boring topics really makes him uncomfortable, so he asked, he is very honest. If he is not happy to read, he will always be pleasant to see who is pleasing to the eye.

Liang Sicheng knows that in other people's territory is to help each other, otherwise it will certainly be inconvenient for him to implement the plan on other people's territory.

Since the four of them asked for an appointment, it was definitely not just to catch up, and he just wanted to cooperate with them, because according to his understanding of them and his investigation, if Bo Yifeng and others really help themselves, it would be easy to deal with the old fox.

"To be honest, we just want to know what the old fox is guarding against you. Since there is a knot between you two, he said that he should be taboo on you, but now he still openly comes to Bo Yifeng to talk about cooperation." Nangong Li is actually the best at talking about ideas, and that's where he usually is, because the problem he said is more deterrent.

However, of course, this place is not to deter anyone, but to really want to know. After all, no one is used by the enemy in a muddle, and such a passive state is not very good.

"Didn't you investigate? Don't you know that he did such a big thing on your territory?" Liang Sicheng obviously looked at Nangong Li in surprise. According to his thoughts, if he was invited to come now, it should not be that they knew everything and wanted to cooperate.

"What do you mean?" Bo Yifeng didn't calm down. What is such a big thing? Don't they know what it means? Did the old fox do something that they couldn't find? Or did he ignore something? Bo Yifeng felt that he seemed to know too little, but he didn't know where he was missing.

"You really don't know, or you didn't check it." Liang Sicheng is a little unthinkable. He knows about it in France, and there is no reason why these locals don't know it.

Bo Yifeng's nerves again when he heard it. It seemed that what the old guy did would definitely make him angry, otherwise Liang Sicheng would not be so surprised at all.

"Can the old fox still sell drugs under our eyes?" Leng Siruo casually said that these days, the strict beating of government officials and their cooperation are definitely impossible for such a thing to happen in T City. He is very confident.

"That's right." Liang Sicheng said solemnly. If it hadn't been for such a serious thing as drug trafficking, he wouldn't have come here in person. Although there are still many factors mixed in the middle, the beginning and end of the matter is still because of the old fox selling drugs.

"True or false." Leng Siruo's chin was about to fall off after hearing this, which is impossible.

"Really, I have evidence here." Although Liang Sicheng did not expect that they would not believe it, he would find all the evidence to bring in order to let them know the seriousness of the matter. First, it is easy to talk about cooperation, and second, it is also to express your sincerity

Bo Yifeng obviously can't believe it. After all, after investigating Bai Qilong for so many years, he only knew that he had a problem with the European gangsters, but he would not have thought that this old thing would be smuggled.

He picked up the information in front of him. Shit, it was still Myanmar, and it was actually smuggled to foreign countries. It seems that the old fox's claws were long enough. Where did they come from? How can they be transported out?

Bo Yifeng was angry, and these things he didn't know. No wonder the old fox would be afraid and sad that he would come to find him. He had already thought about it and would not investigate this at all.

"Of course it's easy. If he uses Liang Sicheng's name, it won't be simple." When Liang Sichen said this, he obviously felt his helplessness.

If it hadn't been for this reason, he would have let his younger brothers solve it, but it is related to his reputation, and the European gangs have just been whitewashed for several years. Now if something goes wrong, his father and his efforts will be in vain.

Bo Yifeng and his party fully understood that if they were in the name of Liang Sichen or European gangsters, their own people would not care about anything, because as early as many years ago, the Qinglong Gang and the European gang made a treaty to complement each other.

No one will break this rule for no reason. Otherwise, it will not cause a personal battle, but a battle between two gangs, which no one wants to see.

Bo Yifeng felt that his scalp was numb in an instant. No wonder the five-year-old guy took five years to gain a foothold in the city. He had already had a complete plan.

It seems that there are still many things that he can't think of.

"So, Yi Feng, Si Ruo, and the Nangong brothers, let's cooperate with the South Gate." Liang Sicheng also knew that if he violated anyone's territory, he would do this, not to mention Bo Yifeng.