Baby's Daddy is not you

Chapter 176 Meng Yao, a lot of things on your mind

Chapter 176 Mengyao, a lot of things on your mind

"Okay, anyway, I won't worry you." Bo Yifeng said. In fact, he is very happy that the baby can tell him the truth today, so that he will not be confused. Baby, from now on, there is no gap between us, only trust. I will tell you about me, but you should also tell me. We are husband and wife."

The baby is very happy in Bo Yifeng's arms. Some of the things that were pressing on my mind were finally put down. However, now they are facing greater challenges.

The next day, because she had told Qin Mengyao to see her before, she was supposed to make an appointment outside, but Mengyao said that she could go out alone, but she could not go out with Xiaoxing. Meng Yao wanted to quarrel with him, but she resisted. For the future of the two, for the sake of Xiao Xingxing, she had to force herself to bear it.

So the place where we met became the place where Liang Sicheng now lives. Because she promised to take Lele with her before, the baby called Xiao Baili early this morning. Xiao Baili had nothing to do at home, so she happily agreed. Moreover, she also wanted to see the legendary woman who had been with her for five years.

"Lele, you can see the little star in a moment. The little star is very cute, but when you saw him younger, it was really kawaii at that time." Little baby and Lele sat behind the car seat and chatted with each other happily.

Little Lele was a little excited to hold the little star she was going to give to the baby. After all, she had no brothers or sisters, and the baby was her good friend and a good sister, so the little star was the baby's younger brother, that is, her younger brother. Hey hey, this morning she asked Mommy to take her to buy a little bear.

Little Lily drove the car, and Ning Baobao listened to the two children chatting happily, not to mention how happy they were. Bo Yifeng does not allow Ning baby to drive, and as far as he knows, Little Lily's driving skills are really much better than Ning Baby's.

"It's almost there." Little Lily looked at the luxury villas in front of her and asked. Liang Sicheng is really close-minded and also a luxurious villa. He insisted on looking for such a hidden place.

"En, it's right in front. Sister Mengyao is standing outside." Baby Ning's eyes were bright and snowy, and it was still far away from here, but she saw Qin Mengyao standing at the door at a glance.

"Sister Mengyao." The first thing after the baby got out of the car was to hold Qin Mengyao. The first time he saw Qin Mengyao, the baby felt that she had lost a lot of weight, and she didn't know her.

Little Lily looked at them and was not idle. She got the two children out of the car and then walked to Ning Baobao and Qin Mengyao.

"Hello." Little Lily greeted with a smile. Nangong Li once said that Xiao Baili's smile was like a hot spring, and people who saw her could always feel an affinity. And her personality is also like her name, as warm as jade.

"Hello, you are Lily." Meng Yao herself has a careless personality, but because of years of loneliness and the injury brought to her by Liang Sicheng, she is no longer reckless when she was 18 or 9 years old. Seeing Lily, she knew that Ning Baobao was very suitable for letting her know this friend, which could make everyone feel at peace.

"Yes, I've heard about you a long time ago. It's nice to meet you." Little Lily smiled sweetly, and Mengyao gave her the impression that she was not like the sister next door as the baby said, but a sister with similar interests.

"Auntie, the baby is here, and aunt can't see the baby." Seeing that everyone was chatting happily, the little baby directly ignored her and Lele and quickly made a sound, trying to tell everyone about her existence.

"No, why didn't my aunt see you?" With that, he kissed the baby's pink little face a few times. Oh, this is." Mengyao saw a child standing beside her, who was as pink and tender as a baby.

"This is my daughter." Little Lily picked up Lele and continued to say to Lele, "Lele, like the baby, call me aunt."

"Good night, auntie." Although Lele was a little shy, she still called gently according to Mommy's instructions.

"It's so cute. I didn't expect your daughter to be so old. Do you have a big baby?" Meng Yao really couldn't see that the woman in front of her was a child's mother. She seemed to be a flower hidden in the greenhouse, and she couldn't see her actual age at all.

"Cough, Lele is a few months bigger than the baby." When the baby saw Meng Yao's surprised appearance, he couldn't help reminding her.

Sure enough, the baby saw surprise on Mengyao's face again. Little Lily also knows her situation. Obviously, she and Ning Baobao are 27 years old, but the baby has been independent and self-reliant outside in recent years, and his whole body has emitted a mature atmosphere.

And I was really raised in the greenhouse as everyone said. However, it was all Nangong Li's fault. She protected her so well that she didn't know whether the outside world was good or bad at all, and she could become the principal of the kindergarten. This was a long time before she was opposed to Nangong Li, and finally let herself know that this society was actually not It was her imagination, so she knew that she must work hard.

"Okay, I won't talk about it. The first room, Liang Sicheng is not here, and he won't let me go out with the little star." Meng Yao complained. But the baby can see that Mengyao is happier than before. In the past, Mengyao was not very good at laughing, except for something particularly happy.

And now, she is full of confidence from spirit and momentum. Although she complains, Ning Baobao can no longer see her once melancholy.

Sure enough, some things can only be solved when two people get along with each other, and being alone will only increase sadness.

"I really don't know what he is doing outside. He came back so late all day and sent so many people to watch." Meng Yao walked and stamped her feet while holding the baby in her hand.

But the baby was very happy and didn't pay attention to Aunt Mengyao being angry at all. All she knew was that aunt could love the baby again.

In fact, after getting along with Bo Yifeng for such a long time, the baby feels that if a man loves a woman, he does not say it by mouth. In the past, he always thought that Bo Yifeng never said he loved her and must not take himself seriously. However, it turns out that every man loves a woman in a different way.

For example, Liang Sicheng, if he doesn't love Mengyao at all, he won't let Mengyao live here. If he doesn't care about Mengyao, then he won't care too much about Mengyao's children.

And Meng Yao told herself that she could go out, but she could not go out with the little star. In fact, according to her knowledge of Mengyao, she will never leave Xiaoxing alone. Liang Sicheng also grasped her point, making her mistakenly think that he only cares about the children and not her.

The baby doesn't know what Liang Sicheng wants to do, but she knows that some things are not what Sister Mengyao told her. Because in it, she did not see Liang Sicheng's love for her.

Meng Yao muttered and took everyone into the room. The house is exquisitely decorated, but something is missing. In the words of the baby, it is not popular. In fact, it's also true. However, Liang Sichen only came here to deal with things and would not live there at all.

If you live often, will Sister Mengyao go back with them? Then, I won't be able to see her or the little stars for a long time.

"Aunt Li, I'll greet the guests for me, and I'll go up and hug the child." Meng Yao said to the servant brought by Liang Sicheng. Liang Sicheng is very cautious. If the people around him don't trust him, he will never put it in his own place. And this Aunt Li Mengyao already knew her in those years. When she was disfigured, she had been taking care of herself and was also a woman who watched Liang Sicheng grow up.

Liang Sicheng once said that he had lost his mother since he was a child. His father was very busy and basically took less care of himself, and Liang Sicheng himself did not complain. After all, born in such a gangster family, he had no right to think too much. Although this Aunt Li was a servant, she took care of him like a mother. Same.

Aunt Li took the guests to the living room, sat on the large luxurious sofa, and then made tea for everyone. Because Mengyao told herself before that the baby liked juice, she gave the two children juice.

Soon, Meng Yao came down with the little star in her arms. Xiao Xing just woke up, but as soon as she heard that Ning Baobao and baby were coming, she got up happily.

"Auntie, sister." Before Meng Yao came down, Ning Baobao and the others had heard a milky business, accompanied by a giggle.

"Little Star, my sister is here." Of course, the most excited thing is the baby. She has been buying and seeing the stars for a long time and waved to him happily.

Meng Yao walked among everyone and then put down the little star. Xiaoxing was politely called Ning Baobao and Xiao Baili by Mengyao. Then let him play with his baby and Lele.

"The little star grows so fast." The baby looked at the little star playing while, and then said to Meng Yao.

"Yes, I think I was still a baby at the beginning." At this time, Mengyao looked a little touched. In those years, it was really an untieable fate for everyone to meet. Maybe it will be another scene if you don't leave Liang Sicheng, or maybe you will be more unhappy.

However, she is really glad for her decision. Leaving is for a better rebirth.

"Look at my little Lele, in order to let Xingxing admit that she is her sister, she also bought a little bear, but the boy should not like the little bear." Little Lily looked at Lele handing the gift in her hand to Xiao Xingxing, and then said to everyone.

"No, Little Star likes it, you see." Baby Ning pointed to the star holding the bear and kissing him, and said with straight eyes.

"Xiao Xingxing said that his father was like a bear and was very powerful, so he liked bears very much." Meng Yao explained. She already knew that Liang Sicheng had approached the little star just a year ago. In those years, she also bought a bear for the star. That is, since then, the little star has regarded the bear as a treasure.