Domineering president's otaku wife

7, the most deadly accident

When Lin An'an returned home, Gu Mingjun was sleeping on the balcony in the morning. She put the two full supermarket shopping bags in her hand on the coffee table, turned out all the high-calorie things in the refrigerator, set a table, and then sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket, watching Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf while eating.

Gu Mingjun woke up and looked at his watch. It was almost four o'clock and hurried to get up. I was shocked when I walked into the living room. The table was full of empty bags, and the sofa and blankets were covered with food residues. The TV is still singing "Don't look at me, I'm just a sheep", and the people watching the TV have fallen asleep on the sofa.

"Hey." He kicked the sofa, but it didn't work at all.

He reached out and pushed her shoulder again. Lin An'an turned over and still didn't wake up.

Gu Mingjun pulled out the sofa cushion she used as a pillow, and her head fell heavily on the sofa, which made a reaction.

Lin An'an half-opened his eyes, looked at Gu Mingjun, and slowly sat up.

"If you make your own room like a pig's nest, I won't say anything. Why do you make the living room so dirty? With so many empty bags of potato chips, you don't have to buy every flavor. Oh, my God, this white lover chocolate was specially mailed to someone by a friend in Hokkaido, and you actually ate it all!" Gu Mingjun threw an empty box in front of Lin An'an.

"I'm trying a different life! This one." Lin An'an stretched out his neck and looked, "It's too sweet. It doesn't taste good. Ask your friend not to buy it next time. The chairman's wife is so fat that it's easy to eat three highs.

"You, you, you..." Gu Mingjun was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

At this moment, their mobile phones suddenly rang at the same time. At a glance, one was called by Mu Yan and the other was Du Yue.

"President Gu, come to the company, something big has happened."

"An'an, come to the company quickly. Something big has happened."

In the office, four department directors and other colleagues who could be contacted came. Everyone is talking around a magazine.

"What's wrong?" Gu Mingjun strode in, and Lin An'an behind him trotted after him all the way.

No one spoke, and everyone in a circle gave room to give room to him. Gu Mingjun looked forward and found that the employees were reading Qgirl, another women's magazine that formed a competitive relationship with Perfect Lady. The page opened looks particularly familiar.

"Ah, isn't this the same theme as our special blockbuster this month?" Lin An'an couldn't help shouting out. Turning his head, Mu Yan was frowning and looking solemn.

Gu Mingjun turned a few more pages. Although the clothes and sets are different, they are obviously a theme. He sighed: "This is also inevitable. Qgirl is two days earlier than our release date, and now our photos are useless."

"What should I do now? All the content will be sent to the printing house tomorrow. You can't open the skylight. Du Yue's words expressed everyone's voice.

Gu Mingjun looked at the time. It's already 4:30: "Go and contact the model first."

"I've just called." Mu Yan's voice was as cold as the weather outside. "They all said that they did not dare to take over the work privately without the company's permission. And if you want to pass the modeling company, it will have to be tomorrow at the earliest.

Gu Mingjun put his hands on his chest, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment: "Let's just do this. Kong Yier, you go and prepare for it. You will be the model. Others are looking for makeup artists and photographers they know well and ask them to do them a favor. Just report the fee to me then. Mu Yan, go and borrow your clothes quickly.

Kong Yier is a model! Everyone was shocked by Gu Mingjun's decision, but after thinking about it, Kong Yier was definitely the best choice instead of grabbing a model. Her face and temperament are not inferior to that of professional models at all.

"Okay, I'm going to start preparing." Kong Yier's serious tone made everyone busy all of a sudden.

Xiao Ling looked around and found that the editor-in-chief of the clothing department had not come here because she lived too far away, so she proposed, "Let Lin An'an go with Mu Yan. She can't help here. Besides, she went there last time. She is more or less familiar with it.

Lin An'an was shocked. Now she doesn't care about the idea of small women such as traveling with Mu Yan alone, but she just wants to help more. So he nodded, grabbed his hat and scarf and was about to go out with Mu Yan.

Gu Mingjun stopped her.

"Don't go, stay here as a model."

If you are shooting a movie, the picture at this time should be a burst of dark clouds outside the window, thundering, and a flash of lightning across the night sky, illuminating everyone's face charred by thunder!

The IQ in Lin An'an's mind turned to zero and pointed to himself and said, "I, be a model?"

Gu Mingjun nodded with certainty, and everyone's mouths in the room were "0" ⊙o⊙!

A few seconds later, Mu Yan, standing by the door, seemed to understand and said excitedly, "I understand. I'll be back soon."

What is this and what?

"Why do you want me to be a model?" Lin An'an sat in front of the temporary dressing table and still didn't figure out what had just happened.

Du Yue stood beside him and handed the makeup artist a foundation brush while answering, "The president may be worried about the ten-page special. Kong Yier can't take it down alone. This is the first issue of the Lunar New Year. Anyway, it must be perfect.

"That is to say, in such an important issue, why did you ask me to be a model? Ah, I'm sorry." Lin An'an was so excited that her head shook so much that the makeup artist had to hold her face desperately with her hand holding the powder puff.

Du Yue suddenly put her face in front of her: "That's right. Why are people like you who have no breasts, no brain, no waist, no buttocks, no height, no education and no boyfriend? But Ann, you have to believe me, some things look useless, but they may not really be useless. For example, you."

Lin An'an grabbed something and threw it over. Du Yue was short and deftly dodged it. At the end of this parabola, he actually stood at Mu Yan who had just borrowed his clothes and came back.

A small glass bottle broke at Mu Yan's feet, and in an instant, the whole office was full of suffocating perfume. Qin Luo, the art director, rushed over and shook Lin An'an's neck desperately and cried, "This is the CHANNE5 I bought for my mother!"

Lin An'an's face turned red, but he still squeezed out a sentence: "Fighter in perfume."

All the windows were opened, and the fierce north wind roared in the room, playing with everyone's body to their heart's content. Lin An'an could clearly see that there was a burning murderous atmosphere behind everyone, so he dragged Du Yue into the toilet compartment to change clothes.

"It's so cold." She shouted as she stuffed her chest pad into her underwear.

"If it's cold, put on the warm clothes selected by Mu Yan for you."

"Don't talk nonsense. What if you are heard!"

"It's okay. Didn't we see it just now? There is no one in the toilet."

"But..." Before Lin An'an finished speaking, he heard the sound of flushing next door. It was terrible. The two quickly opened the door and saw that Kong Yier was washing his hands by the sink. She looked up and saw them in the mirror and said with a smile, "Hurry up, they are urging, as if we are going out to shoot outdoor scenes."

After saying that, she went out. Lin An'an was so annoyed that she squatted on the ground and refused to get up: "What should I do? She must have heard it."

"Miss, we spoke so softly just now that she couldn't hear us." Du Yue reluctantly found a word to comfort her. In fact, she was also worried and said quickly, "Change your clothes quickly. They are all waiting for us."

Outside, everyone is discussing where the nearest studio is. Gu Mingjun came out of the office with his coat: "Anyway, it's so late. Why don't you go out and shoot the night scene? There is a light festival on the other side of the Blue Harbor. The whole street is full of colorful lights and a light corridor. I have contacted them. Who can drive?

"Light Exhibition! Good place." The photographer nodded and praised.

The group stopped three taxis and rushed to Chaoyang District.

I didn't know why Gu Mingjun chose here until I arrived at the place. His eyes were full of lights, and there was a New Year atmosphere. The two models randomly put on a variety of shapes according to the photographer's requirements, looking like a picture taken by a pair of good sisters who came to play.

Shen Ruo, who arrived late, later looked at the photo and said, "It feels like I have had such a photo at home. It looks very kind."

The whole shooting process went smoothly. After taking a group photo of the two, it's time to prepare to take a single photo. Soon, Kong Yier's group was filmed. When it was Lin An'an's turn, she suddenly found that she was very nervous.

Just now, because it was a group photo, she thought that she was going to be a foil for Kong Yier anyway, so she didn't pay much attention to it. When I took a picture alone, I suddenly felt that my heart was pounding and I couldn't even laugh.

After reluctantly taking a few photos, the photographer found that the photos looked like ID photos.

Everyone also saw her nervousness and shouted for her to relax. Suddenly seeing that everyone was worried because of himself, Lin An'an was even more at a loss and stood there in a daze without moving.

It really can't go on like this. The photographer held up the camera and was at a loss.