Free Life in the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 193 Mysterious People

Zhou Zhangshi was holding the soles of shoes with Zhou Xiaomei in the room. Zhou Tangshi and Fang Fang went to the store, and there were three of them left in the house. In the sultry summer, Zhou Xiaomei's eyes were a little bleaky. Just as she was about to put down her work to rest, she suddenly heard a panicked footsteps. Looking back, I saw several people coming in a hurry.

Zhou Xiaomei fixed her eyes and saw that the two people were carrying stretchers. Song Keren was still holding a pile of traditional Chinese medicine wrapped in yellow paper in his hand, and the group of horses came in such a hurry in the direction of the room.

Zhou Xiaomei unconsciously put down her work and quickly called Zhou Zhang. After a while, Song Keyen and the stretcher came to her. Looking at it again, Zhou Xiaomei and Zhou Zhang were dumbfounded. Isn't it Zhou Heng on the stretcher?

"Is that what it is?" Zhou Xiaomei quickly asked.

Song Keren didn't have time to answer, so he only asked the pharmacy staff to help carry Zhou Heng to **. He called the maid to pour water and ordered his mother to get silver for the guys. Song Keren personally pulled the quilt and covered Zhou Heng, and then he was relieved.

Zhou Zhangshi hugged his son, looked at Song Keren in surprise, and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Song Keren shook his head and said, "I don't know. I fell down while walking on the street. Look, my face is broken. Fortunately, it was not far from the medicine hall. I went to the doctor and scratched the medicine. I even smelled the musk, but I didn't wake up. The doctor couldn't see any illness. He said that fear was crazy. But I haven't seen a fainting madness. That's right, this is medicine. Hurry up. Little sister, go ahead. Look at these drugs and don't let others touch them.

Zhou Xiaomei immediately walked out with the medicine in her arms, and Song Keren kept wiping Zhou Heng's sweat in the room. Zhou Zhang cried out with a "wow" and shouted, "My son!"

Song Keren frowned and said in his heart that what's the use of crying now. Why don't you find a way to see him?

The wound on Zhou Heng's face has been treated in the hospital, and Song Keren is still worried that it may leave scars in the future. While thinking about it, Song Keren was stunned when he saw Zhou Xiaomei come in again.

"How do you..."

"Xiaorou said she would help me cook." Zhou Xiaomei said.

Song Keren immediately stood up and said to Zhou Xiaomei, "Look at your brother. I'll look at the medicine. If anything happens, you can call the maid to come to me."

With that, Song Keren went out.

In the kitchen, the medicine was found. Before the bags of medicine were opened, there was only Xiaorou in the kitchen. Song Keren hurried in, which scared Xiaorou and almost broke the medicine.

"Less...Grandma." Xiaorou stably said.

Song Keren nodded and said, "You go down. I'll just come here."

"No, this is rough work. Our servants should do it." Xiaorou said.

Song Keren went straight to the front of the medicine and was relieved to see that the medicine had not been opened. She turned her head and said to Xiaorou, "It's okay. You go down. I'll do it here."

Xiao Rou dared not argue and immediately retreated.

Xiaorou went straight to Aunt Zhao's room, and Aunt Zhao was anxiously going back and forth in the room. Seeing Xiaorou coming back, Aunt Zhao quickly closed the door.

"How about it?" Aunt Zhao asked anxiously.

Xiaorou took out a small paper bag from her waist and said annoyedly, "Young grandma insisted on watching by herself. I can't do it."

Aunt Zhao sneered, but this time she didn't blame Xiaorou. Instead, he comforted Xiaorou and said, "Well, it's enough to boil medicine for wild men, and it's enough to be punished!"

Zhou Heng's fainting immediately attracted everyone's attention. With the passage of time, Zhou Heng's fainting time increased little by little, and Song Keren's heart became more and more nervous.

Vegetative, she has heard that Zhou Heng this time... No, I don't think so. The vegetative person suffered the sequelae of a car accident or severe head injury. How can Zhou Heng not touch anything... Wait, no, will Zhou Heng hit her head when he rescued her from the horse's hoof?

Song Keren's heart suddenly seemed to be held by a child's hand. Could it be said that... If this is really the case, she is extremely guilty!

The medicine in the medicine gudu and gudu exudes a bad smell, and Song Keren is more and more uneasy. Not to mention this era, even in the era she came to, there are few cases of vegetative healing. In this era, there are only chronic herbs, and Hua Tuo has not been born again. How to cure Zhou Heng?

"Young grandma, the medicine is almost ready!" The old mother suddenly reminded.

Song Keren couldn't help but be excited and broke away from his thoughts. The old mother picked up the medicine and went everywhere with dark soup, and Song Keren quickly walked out of the kitchen with a bowl.

Infusion of medicine is also a troublesome matter. Zhou Heng's mouth is tightly closed and can't be pried open. Zhou Tang fed Zhou Heng spoon by spoon, and the result spilled more than he drank. Song Keren said, don't you want to feed him mouth-to-mouth like in Qiongyao's novels?

Thinking about it, I heard Zhou Heng coughing, and everyone became nervous.

Cough seems to be a normal reaction, and Zhou Heng did not wake up. Song Keren frowned again, and his heart seemed to have been caught.

"Oh..." Zhou Zhang sighed.

Zhou Tang immediately gave her a white look and scolded, "Lao San hasn't done anything yet. What are you doing with sighing!"

Zhou Zhang was also anxious (of course, her son was more anxious). She had tears in her eyes, her lips trembling twice, and then said, "If it doesn't work, just find a fairy to have a look. I think she must have bumped into evil."

Zhou Tang frowned and shouted gently: "Lao San, Lao San."

Seeing that Zhou Heng did not answer, Zhou Tang turned his head.

"Hurry up and find out what well-known immortals Jingzhao has. Whether it's gods or Buddhas, demons or ghosts, as long as we can ask for, let's try. Why did this child suffer so much? Why did such a thing happen when he saw that he was about to be released from office? Zhou Tangshi said and shook his head.

"Don't say this. Hurry up and find a big immortal." Zhou Guangyi said aside.

Zhou Tang's tears were about to flow down, but she muttered, "Where should I find this?"

As he spoke, he saw the maid running into the house in a hurry. Song Keren immediately turned around and said anly, "Why are you panicking!"

The maid felt rude and looked guilty and quickly said, "Young grandma, there is a woman holding the child outside, saying that she can treat the third young master."

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other. Zhou Heng's illness has spread all over the city in such a while? Song Keren took a look at Zhou Zhang. After all, he was his mother. Zhou Zhang was in a panic and said nervously, "Then please come in quickly!"

The maid was ordered to go out, and Zhou Tang was silent. Zhou Guangyi looked at his mother's face and scolded, "You are just too anxious. There are many liars these days, in case people cheat..."

"It's better to be cheated than to die!" Zhou Zhang's robbed Bai Dao.

The family's hope rests on the woman who can cure Zhou Heng in the future. Waiting is the most annoying thing. The gate is about five minutes away from the house, but less than a cup of tea makes everyone in the room anxious.

It was already night, and the maid quietly lit the candle. Three or four candles were lit in this room, and the yellow light set off the room.

Several people were sitting or walking, and the anxiety on their faces was displayed in front of everyone without exception.

I was anxious, but I saw the maid walking in with a small step. From afar, I could only see the man's pale face, and his hair was intertwined with the night. With her black clothes, it always made people feel like a face was walking, adding countless thrills to the night.

When the man came forward, everyone couldn't help taking a cold breath.

"Xiaoxiao?" Fang Fang shouted out.

The person who came was Zhou Xiaoxiao. Zhou Xiaoxiao's face was pale, dressed in black, and he held something wrapped in black cloth in his arms. From a distance, he looked like a pipa. When he walked in, he could see that it was a waning man.

I haven't seen her for a few months. Zhou Xiaoxiao has obviously lost a circle, and her eyes emit a unique green light from the female wolf, as if she were going to eat people.

"Xiaoxiao, you... are you back?" Zhou Tang immediately stood up and burst into tears.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was very indifferent. She looked at her family coldly and asked, "Where is the patient?"

Fang Fang unconsciously pointed to **. Zhou Xiaoxiao saw Zhou Heng and immediately walked over. Fang and Zhou Tang looked at each other in consterrow. Not to mention that Zhou Tang and Fang Fang were surprised, even Song Keren was at a loss.

Is the person in front of you Zhou Xiaoxiao? Why is her feeling completely different from Zhou Xiaoxiao? She seems to be a complete stranger and has nothing to do with this family.

Zhou Xiaoxiao went to Zhou Heng's bed and sat down, held the puddle in his arms in one hand, and stretched out a hand to give Zhou Heng's pulse. At this time, Fang Fang suddenly remembered something.

"Xiaoxiao, don't mess around. Your third uncle is sick. Don't mess around if you can't see a doctor." Fang Fang kindly persuaded.

Zhou Xiaoxiao sneered and glanced at Fang Fang indifferently.

"If I don't see a doctor, all the people in Beijing should die." Zhou Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Fang Fang spit out her tongue, and her heart is really too direct.

But Fang Fang's sentence reminded Zhou Tang that someone was going to see Zhou Heng just now? Is it Zhou Xiaoxiao? No way. Can this girl who hasn't studied for a few days see a doctor? Isn't this a fantasy?

Zhou Tang gave Zhou Zhang a wink. Just as Zhou Zhang was about to open his mouth, he heard Zhou Xiaoxiao say first: "It's Gu, Daji Gu. I don't think there are any capable people here who can do this.

After saying that, Zhou Xiaoxiao looked around and finally looked at Song Keren.

"Third aunt, it's you." Zhou Xiaoxiao said.

Song Keren couldn't help but say, "What?"