Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 32 Back to Baoding

This return to Baoding is an important opportunity for Zhao Dongyun to really gain a foothold in Beiyang, but how can he fully seize this opportunity?

How can Yuan Shikai really value himself?

In addition to doing a good job in machine gun affairs and satisfying Yuan Shikai, Zhao Dongyun will face many other problems when he returns to Baoding this time, such as avoiding unavoidable factional conflicts.

If Zhao Dongyun was only a small leader before, it was still insignificant, but now Zhao Dongyun's status is different from the past. He is no longer the unknown person who needs to follow the way of Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai and others to get promotion. Since last year's winter exercise, especially Since being personally named and supervised by Yuan Shikai to supervise the new machine gun camp, Zhao Dongyun has gradually become famous in the Beiyang system and is regarded by many people as the leader of the young generation in Beiyang.

At that time, Zhao Dongyun had vaguely surpassed Xu Bangjie and other ordinary commands in terms of status, and also attracted Wang Yingkai to attract him.

Fortunately, not long after the beginning of the year, Zhao Dongyun led his army south to Guangzong, which also avoided many troubles in Baoding. However, taking a step back, the reason why he was able to go to Guangzong also has a lot to do with Duan Qirui.

Although Duan Qirui didn't say anything and no one else said, Zhao Dongyun was able to lead his army south to suppress the rebellion and make contributions. Duan Qirui exerted a lot of strength in the middle. Otherwise, there were 40,000 to 50,000 troops in Beiyang, dozens of unified belts and tube belts. It was his turn to be his first to lead the army south, and went to the core Guangzong as soon as he went south. The area.

To some extent, Zhao Dongyun went to Guangzong to suppress the rebellion, which was an opportunity given to make contributions to him by Duan Qirui. Of course, there are also factors that Yuan Shikai deliberately cultivated. If Yuan Shikai hadn't taken a fancy to him and wanted his resume to be optimistic about it, no matter how Duan Qirui pushed it, it would be difficult for Zhao Dongyun to lead the army to Guangzong. .

With these factors, it is not difficult to understand that the Dukes in Beiyang regarded him as a member of Duan Qirui's faction. Even because of the suppression of the Guangzong's uprising, Zhao Dongyun took the lead under Duan Qirui's command and directly inserted into Guangzong's riot army, which led some good people to call him the number one general under Duan Qirui's command.

Although the personal relationship between Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun is not too deep from beginning to end, Zhao Dongyun has never expressed anything to Duan Qirui, and Duan Qirui has not applied obvious means of solicitation to him, but some things do not need to look at the appearance, even what Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun think. It's not important.

The important thing is that Zhao Dongyun is Duan Qirui in the eyes of others, and in fact, he can indeed think so.

What will others think when they return to Baoding with such an identity? Especially Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang, Wang Shizhen, Liu Yongqing and others, what will they think of themselves? Will you be suppressed because you have Duan Qirui's back?

It can be said that the above problems have been bothering Zhao Dongyun since Guangzong's return to the north. The reality and urgency of these problems have forced him to spend a lot of effort to analyze many associations and try to find the best way.

In the train dining car going north, Fang Ruolian did not wear the previous gray nun's robe, but changed into a light blue dress, and there was no turban on her head. Her soft hair shawl went down. At this time, she seemed to have no trace of nuns at all.

She looked much old in a nun's robe before. If she is not careful, she will mistakenly think that she is in her twenties. However, now she has revealed her true face. No matter how you look at it, you can know that this is just a girl about 28 years old.

The trees and clouds outside the window kept rowing back, and the sunset also passed through the gap between the trees on both sides of the railway and penetrated into the carriage through the glass window.

And Fang Ruolian, who was bathed in the sunset, looked particularly beautiful, and the tip of her nose seemed to be more upturned than usual. At this time, she was very ladylike holding her chin with her hand. She was not shy and lowered her head as usual, but threw her eyes on Zhao Dongyun naked.

Zhao Dongyun sat in her sight, holding a glass in his hand. The blood and red wine in the glass was half empty. Although his body was sitting upright, his eyes obviously shifted to the left. His eyes shifted through the glass window on the left hand side. Those fields, mountains, forests and rivers that quickly swept back kept appearing in his pupils. .

He looked at the scenery outside the window, while she looked at the scenery in his eyes!

It is said that the eye is a window of a person's heart. Why can't you see anything from his eyes?

Why did he look at it for so long? Is the scenery outside the window beautiful? But I don't think it. The fields outside are all over and over again. Aren't you tired of watching it for a long time?

Are you thinking about something? Well, yes, he must be thinking about things, but what is he thinking? Are you thinking about those national events? Are you thinking about your family?

Also, did he think of me?

While watching, countless thoughts flashed in her mind. Gradually, she was also thinking about many messy things like Zhao Dongyun.

Just as she thought, "When she went to Baoding, she would stay there. If Zhao Dongyun asked her to live with him, should she agree, or should she refuse first and then agree?" Suddenly, her eyes darkened, as if something had covered her eyes, and she was shocked.

I instinctively leaned back and avoided the thing that blocked my sight in front of me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Zhao Dongyun shaking his hand in front of her eyes at this time

I also heard him say, "What are you thinking, so fascinated!"

Hearing the question, the honest girl subconsciously answered that I was thinking of going to live in your house, but I didn't feel that it was appropriate, so the little nun once again meditated in her heart that 'God will forgive me' and lied: "No, I don't think anything!"

Zhao Dongyun naturally did not break the hobby of asking the casserole to ask the end. Seeing that she came to her senses, he withdrew his hand. After pouring himself a glass of wine, he refilled half a glass of Fang Ruolian's cup, and then looked for trouble: "I've known you for a long time, and I don't know where you are?"

Fang Ruolian muttered in her heart: That's because you have never asked. You have never asked anything else except that you like to take advantage of me.

This is actually a habit brought by Zhao Dongyun in his last life. Relatively speaking, he prefers to discuss various illusory topics with women, such as movies, novels and even national events or the advantages and disadvantages of various postures, the difference between cheating and cheating. However, it is rare to ask various practical questions, such as family, work and so on.

In fact, there is another point that can clearly reflect his handling and attitude towards men's and women's affairs.

That's because he prefers to take women to the hotel than home!

Although it has been more than a year since he came to this era, and his personality and behavior have changed greatly due to many things he has experienced, but he has not changed much in his treatment of women.

So he often talks about various topics with Fang Ruolian, but he never asked where she is from, and he doesn't even know how old she is.

However, today, he unconsciously broke his previous conversation habits and took the initiative to ask her where she was from!

Fang Ruolian was also slightly surprised to hear his question today, but soon replied, "I'm from Xiangzhou!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "Oh, Xiangzhou, but why did you come to Zhili? There are also many churches in the south of being a nun!"

"Although I am from Xiangzhou, when I decided to dedicate my life to God, I went there when God needed to teach the people, so last year I went to Guangzong to preach with Father Henry!" Fang Ruolian talked about religion and inexplicably incarnated as a nun, looking extremely sacred.

And her expression is the most attractive to Zhao Dongyun. Whenever he sees her worshipping the word God, he can't wait to tear her clothes on the spot and then jump on it to 'whip' her fiercely!

It's a pity that it's hateful. Now it's in the dining car in public, otherwise Zhao Dongyun will definitely lose his temper.

quickly changed the topic and talked about other things. In addition, there was no illusory topic like the past, which made Zhao Dongyun understand her more deeply.

This girl was born in a buying family. Her father worked in a French-run foreign bank and was seduced by those priests to join Catholicism, and then married an equally religious woman. As a result, Fang Ruolian became the child of two Catholics in this era.

Because her parents are Catholic, she began to come into contact with Catholicism since she was a child and became a Catholic. Then at the age of 14, she was seduced by several priests and nuns, and then she often went to the church as a nun.

So at that time, the delicate girl was determined to dedicate her life to the old Jesus who died for many years.

When she said this, Zhao Dongyun couldn't wait to be Jesus. How many young and beautiful nuns have to come to her every year!

But even if you are not Jesus, you have to deceive this Fang Ruolian anyway!

The distance from Shijiazhuang to Baoding is not hundreds of miles, and the train arrives in the morning and evening. When the sunset completely sets, the train also stops at Baoding Railway Station.

Next, Zhao Dongyun also has no time to fall in love with Fang Ruolian. There are still hundreds of big soldiers waiting for him.

The soldiers of the machine gun battalion came down from the train one after another, and then lined up and began to leave the railway station with more than 20 machine guns and various equipment. Baoding people also saw the new army, so although the people at the railway station were curious, they would not appear in other places to point out and stop and watch. Things.

"You take people back to the camp first, and you should take no trouble and disturb the people along the way!" Zhao Dongyun carefully ordered Lin Yongquan to bring his troops back to the barracks first.

Zhao Dongyun himself will not return to the barracks. He has to visit Yuan Shikai in Baoding City, and then go to the Military and Political Department to take office. Of course, he will meet Yuan Shikai and take office. That's already tomorrow's business. Tonight he has to go home first and take Fang Ruolian, the girl home by the way!