Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 47 Next Appointment

It's just that the cooperation between the Beiyang armies is more difficult than Zhao Dongyun imagined. He and Yuan Shikai mentioned several times that they would carry out cooperation training between infantry and machine guns with Zuo Town of the standing army, but they were not sure. There are many reasons, but the main reason is Wang Yingkai's side.

Wang Yingkai and Duan Qirui are sworn in the eyes of Zhao Dongyun, but in the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Dongyun is Duan Qirui's direct descendant, so don't want Wang Yingkai to take the initiative to cooperate with Zhao Dongyun for training.

Anyway, for Wang Yingkai, those machine gun troops will always be assigned to various armies. At that time, after the standing army is assigned to the machine gun troops, it will not be too late to train by themselves. There is no need to give Zhao Dongyun a long face now.

This made Zhao Dongyun a little angry, but there was no choice but to transfer some soldiers equipped with rifles in the new machine gun battalion to simulate infantry troops and machine gun troops for running-in training.

Although this is only a simulated unit, most of the large and small officers in the new machine gun battalion are from infantry officers. It is much easier to train an infantry unit than to train a machine gun unit.

Therefore, without the cooperation of the friendly infantry troops, the newly built machine gun battalion was also able to train the cooperation between machine guns and infantry. For this reason, it is said that some officers in Zuozhen of the Standing Army were very unconvinced. They thought that the people of the newly built machine gun camp had crossed the boundary and did not play with machine guns. Instead, they did something. A wonderful simulated infantry team.

In the process of training the new machine gun battalion, there are many similar trivialities, and the new machine gun battalion slowly formed in such an environment.

In early August 1902, Zhao Dongyun and Fang Ruolian officially held a wedding. Since Fang Ruolian was a Catholic, she wanted to hold a Western-style wedding at the beginning, but Zhao's mother resolutely did not allow it and believed that a traditional Chinese wedding must be held. Finally, Zhao Dongyun said a compromise plan, that is, the two merged together, also worshipped, went to the church, and finally got a nondescript Chinese and Western fusion wedding.

The consequence is that both sides are unhappy, and Zhao Dongyun feels helpless about this!

Of course, the wedding process and even marriage itself is not the focus for Zhao Dongyun. For Zhao Dongyun, the appearance of marriage gives people a mature and stable feeling.

On the wedding day, many Beiyang bosses also appeared one by one, and even Yuan Shikai arrived in person. However, as the governor of Zhili, he was also very busy, so he did not stay at the wedding. He just came to show up and left, but Duan Qirui, Feng Guozhang and others stayed until the dinner party before going back.

Another thing that can't be laughed at is that three days before the wedding, Yuan Shikai inexplicably called Zhao Dongyun and Fang Ruolian, and then directly accepted Fang Ruolian as his daughter.

This has lowered Zhao Dongyun's bottom line for Yuan Shikai's hearts again. If you are sincere, you should have accepted Fang Ruolian as a righteous daughter a few days earlier. Isn't it obvious that you want to win me in here three days before marriage?

Although the action is simple, the effect is good for Zhao Dongyun. At least others seem to be evidence that Yuan Shikai values Zhao Dongyun. Not everyone's fiancee will be accepted as a righteous daughter by Yuan Shikai before marriage.

In addition to these bigwigs, most of the Beiyang officers who have a good relationship with Zhao Dongyun are also present, and even most of them will come around. Although Zhao Dongyun has not risen for a long time, he has been receiving Yuan Shikai's attention for more than a year. A well-sighted person can see that Zhao Dongyun has already got on the rocket, and he may not run up at any time.

A week after their marriage, Zhao Dongyun and Zhao Chenliang went to Tianjin. They will go to Tangshan through Tianjin to inspect the Fuyuan Machine Factory, which has already started construction.

Although the ordered machinery and equipment have not arrived so soon, the preparatory work for Fuyuan Machinery Factory has begun!

As a comprehensive Western-style management commercial enterprise, the efficiency of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is far from comparable to those government-run factories in China.

After determining the establishment of a factory in Tangshan, relying on the background of a large number of Beiyang tycoons such as Yuan Shikai, Fuyuan Machinery Factory obtained a large area of land drawn by the local county government to build the factory without difficulty, and immediately invested in the construction of a tense factory.

The construction of the factory will be very fast due to sufficient funds, and the first batch of factories will be put into use within three months, so that after the machinery and equipment are shipped back to China, there will not even be a place to store the equipment.

will also continue to build the second and third batches of factories and accept machinery and equipment one after another. It is estimated that all the equipment will be accepted until the summer of 1903.

However, before that, in fact, the trial production of rifles has been carried out in advance. After the arrival of the first batch of equipment this winter, the engineers of the arsenal will begin to work on relevant technical problems, solve potential problems, and begin to test-proto-pros Type 88 rifles and bullets, and begin to recruit workers on a large scale. Train.

After all, the establishment of an arsenal is not enough with machinery and equipment. Even if people teach you how to do it, it also takes time to absorb it. At the same time, it also takes time to train workers. As long as the engineers are familiar with the situation of the equipment and can maintain the normal operation of the equipment, the workers will also At the level of skilled workers, it can be said that it has reached the design and mass production stage.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun gave two years, that is, before July 1904, the mass production of the Type 88 rifle must be completed.

This time is not only related to the business and capital of the Fuyuan Machine Factory itself, but also to the pace of Beiyang's expansion. You know, the whole Beiyang army is waiting for weapons now.

In order to give Yuan Shikai confidence and let him suspend the large-scale purchase of German Type 88 rifles, Zhao Dongyun also personally went to Tangshan to urge the construction of Fuyuan Machine Factory and met the engineers of Fuyuan Machine Factory.

Although the Fuyuan Machinery Factory has been established for a short time, and even a formal factory has not been built, it does not prevent it from starting to recruit talents on a large scale. In addition to recruiting foreign engineers and management talents, domestic technicians and managers are also the focus of recruitment, and a considerable number of these people recruited are in the past. People from the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau.

After the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau was destroyed by the Eight-nation coalition the year before last, those technicians and workers lost their jobs. Some chose to go to other factories and bureaus to find jobs, while others had to wait for the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau to rebuild.

Now the rise of Fuyuan Machinery Factory and the digging of people everywhere have also attracted their attention, so that many technical talents have been absorbed by Fuyuan Machinery Factory.

In the temporary factory of Tangshan Fuyuan Machinery Factory, Zhao Dongyun took out a few drawings and began to say to a group of engineers, "This is what I told you before* and mortars!"

"First of all, this* is intended to produce a bomb that soldiers can carry and throw with them. The projectile can be made of iron, and the weight must be controlled within the range of throwing!"

Zhao Dongyun's * picture is just an appearance, and this appearance comes from his later war film, that is, wooden *.

A technician from the former Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau came up and said, "This kind of simple bomb should not be a big problem, but the method of shooting is a little troublesome. Whether to adopt a timed delay fuse or a collision fuse is worth considering."

* This thing is actually not difficult. Any manual workshop can make it. Of course, the performance is good or not.

"As for this mortar, we have never heard of this kind of artillery, and there is no sample gun to refer to. I'm afraid it's a big problem to do it. For example, if you want to control the weight, then the requirements for the gun barrel are not small, and the fuse of the shell is also a problem!"

Zhao Dongyun's mortar design drawing also has only one shape. As for the internal design, don't ask him, because he doesn't know.

"I'm just throwing bricks to attract jade and put forward the concept of these two weapons to you. If you want to design it, you have to improve it together!" Zhao Dongyun said to a group of technicians, "As long as it can be done, the factory will not hesitate to win the prize!"

After leaving a lot of problems for the engineers of Fuyuan Machine Factory, Zhao Dongyun patted his buttocks and left!

Fuyuan Machine Factory didn't tell him in advance, but Zhao Dongyun was called by Yuan Shikai not long after returning to Baoding!

"It has been several months since the new machine gun camp. How is it going now?" As Zhao Dongyun expected, Yuan Shikai's concern is still about the machine gun camp.

Zhao Dongyun said, "Since the three battalions have been trained in May, the personnel have also been in place and are in training, and the required machine guns have reached more than 30. At present, they are under intense training and can become an army in a few months!"

Yuan Shikai nodded after hearing this: "Yes, I'm still relieved that you can do things. It's not easy to practice the three battalions of machine gun battalions in a few months." At this point, Yuan Shikai stopped talking and looked at Zhao Dongyun.

"Now the machine gun team has also been completed, and several other armies are also shouting for the machine gun team. It's not good to drag it any longer, so let's start to allocate the three battalion machine gun teams this month!"

Although he had expected this situation for a long time, it was still not good to be in his heart. Those were all the troops he trained with his own hands, one by one. Now they are all scattered and assigned to the armies, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

It's just that he doesn't feel well and he has to listen, because it has been decided from the beginning.

"In this way, the name of the new machine gun camp will no longer be used!" Yuan Shikai continued to say that Zhao Dongyun's face was still normal. Now he nodded secretly and continued, "In addition, the court also said that a training office will be set up, and then a crew member of the military and political department will also fall into the training office."

"But I also know you. You have a way of training. If you go directly to the training office like this, you are afraid of wasting your training talent, so you hesitate for a moment!"

At this time, Zhao Dongyun still couldn't hear it. Now Yuan Shikai is considering his next appointment.