Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 58 The emperor is not in a hurry

Last year, Zhao Dongyun felt that the winter at the end of the Qing Dynasty was colder than that of later generations, especially on snowy days, even if he wore thick clothes, he could not stop the cold from attacking.

After a year, I may have gotten used to it. Maybe the temperature this year is indeed higher, or maybe it's because there is one more person in the room.

It made him feel that this winter doesn't seem to be so cold!

In the morning, I stood in a loose nightgown and stood in front of the window, looking at the snowflakes falling last night outside the yard. The cup in my hand kept coming from bursts of warmth, driving away the only chill left in my body.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Ruolian's voice came from behind him.

Looking back, she was still lying in the soft quilt, showing her head. Maybe it was because of the dazzling light outside the window, or because she didn't wake up, she just half squinted at him.

Without waiting for Zhao Dongyun to answer, she saw the snow strips hanging on the tree outside the window and immediately showed lazy surprise: "It's snowing!"

However, even with the first snow this year, it did not dispel Fang Ruolian's habit of continuing to rely on **, and once again said to Zhao Dongyun: "Breakfast in ** is her privilege for a married woman!"

Well, this is really weird. It doesn't matter if you believe in Catholicism, but you are not those aristocratic wives in Europe. You have nothing to do to learn from other people's living habits!

In Zhao Dongyun's view, Fang Ruolian is completely different from other women she saw and knew in this era. This has nothing to do with her religious beliefs and family scenes, but her personality is too fast.

At first, he just thought that she was only a nun, at most a beautiful nun. However, after she followed her to Guangzong, the nun's identity quickly disappeared, and then she became an unrestrained woman without God's restraint.

From Guangzong to Baoding, Zhao Dongyun saw a free and brisk girl on her, which exuded an intoxicating fragrance in the morning like a green apple, and she did everything she wanted to do. When she was interested in horseback riding, she dared to ride a fierce horse out of the city every day regardless of the girl's reservedness. When she heard Zhao Dongyun say that she wanted to get married, she thought that marriage was not bad, so she nodded without any hesitation.

However, after marriage, her whole body changed greatly, and she changed from a cheerful girl to a lazy young woman almost overnight.

She no longer rides out, no longer wanders around, and even has the past pitiful look when she sees those beggars and hungry people on the road. In the past, she would always say the word God and ask her servants to distribute food or copper dollars to them. However, now she can sit in a carriage and not even look at them. They took a look.

And then the biggest change is that she has become bedside!

After winter came, she didn't even want to go downstairs to eat breakfast, but stubbornly stayed in ** to eat.

After Zhao Dongyun changed his clothes, Fang Ruolian's personal maid also quietly came in, ready to serve Fang Ruolian, who was still in **, to wash and eat.

Zhao Dongyun himself went downstairs alone. After arriving at the restaurant, housekeeper Xu came forward and delivered the ironed newspapers. There were several of these newspapers, which were all local tabloids. After Zhao Dongyun roughly turned them over, except for the same advertisements and Western anecdotes, most of them were still dominated by current affairs.

Most of the content has nothing to do with Zhao Dongyun, and he naturally does not care, but today's newspaper says that Russia ignores the Treaty on the Collection of the Three Eastern Provinces and, after implementing the first phase of the withdrawal, various delays for the second phase of the withdrawal, which should be opened in October. The second phase of the withdrawal has not moved yet.

After seeing the news, Zhao Dongyun frowned. It seemed that the situation in Northeast China was getting more and more tense day by day!

During the Gengzi Incident, the Eight-Nation Alliance marched into China, most of which were mainly focused on the war near Zhili. However, for Russia, the Northeast was the focus. Before and after the Gengzi Incident, the Russian army marched into the northeast with more than 100,000 troops, with the intention of directly occupying the northeast to establish Yellow Russia.

In 1901, China and the great powers signed the Xinchou Treaty. After the signing of the treaty, countries withdrew their troops one after another, but the Russian army did not leave, which not only aroused strong opposition in China. Last winter, when Zhao Dongyun held a banquet with Cao Kuan, Wang Zhanyuan and others, Cao Kuan, Wang Zhanyuan and others shouted about Russia. If people don't retreat, they will train ten towns to recover the Northeast.

However, with China's own weak strength in this era, opposition is useless. It is Britain, Japan and the United States that really caused further changes in the situation in Northeast China.

Russia's ambition for China's northeast territory has undoubtedly aroused strong opposition from Britain, Japan and other powers. This opposition is not because they want to help China resist Russia, but because Russia's Far East expansion strategy has greatly threatened the interests of Britain and Japan in northeast China, * and other places. It directly led to the signing of an alliance treaty between Britain and Japan in January 1902.

The signing of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty and the diplomatic pressure of the United States forced Russia to sign the Treaty on the Reconcession of the Three Eastern Provinces with China. The content of the treaty generally has four aspects. In terms of the detailed rules, it is generally the return of the three eastern provinces to China; the Russian army took six months as a phase in 18 months. Withdraw from China in three phases; before the withdrawal of Russian troops, China is not allowed to train new recruits in the three northeastern provinces. After the withdrawal of Russian troops, the number of Chinese troops stationed in Northeast must also be told to Russia at any time. After the Russian army returned the railways along Shanhaiguan, Yingkou and Xinmin Hall, the Qing government will compensate.

In the above content, the most important thing is that the Russian army must withdraw on schedule. However, within the first six months after the signing of the treaty, the Russian army also withdrew according to the treaty, but after October 1902, the Russian army suspended the second phase of the withdrawal. Now two months have passed, the Russian army still has not withdrawn at all. Jing, this has caused a lot of domestic discussion for fear that the Russian army will not go away from breach of contract.

In fact, it's not just China that is extremely nervous, but Japan itself is more nervous!

Due to Japan's ambition for China and *, they could not allow the Russian army to occupy the northeast, so after the Russian army refused to implement the treaty of the three eastern provinces, the Japanese government was more nervous and anxious than the Qing government, and there was a posture that the emperor was not anxious about the eunuch.

Maybe for a group of Qing nobles in the Qing court, China's territory is very large, and it's nothing to lose millions of square kilometers. What about the Longxing land in Northeast China? If you say you don't want it, you don't want it. It's not painful at all. Generally speaking, the capital has been broken twice in just a few decades, the royal garden has been burned several times, and countless treasures have been robbed. What is a northeast? How much is it worth for Cixi?

But for Japan, the northeast is an important way for it to enter the Asian continent. When they get the bridgehead, almost every day they want to cross the Yalu River and occupy the northeast. As long as they can control the northeast in their hands, it will be destroyed in March. It's not difficult for the country.

Therefore, the Russian occupation of the northeast was not a matter for the Qing court at that time. Anyway, the northeast was still hundreds of kilometers away from Beijing. Even if they came to Beijing, they could run to Xi'an. Well, they called it "Western Hunting", which literally means to hunt auspiciousness in the west. It's running away!

However, the emperor is not in a hurry. You, the prodigal son of the Qing court, don't want the Northeast, but Japan can't leave the Northeast. Next, according to the historical trend, the most wonderful war in the world's history broke out in 1904.

Japan and Russia fought for the Northeast of China, but China also declared neutrality and put on a posture of Northeast China in my hands, who will take it!

I have to say that the Manchu regime is an incomparable regime. First, it made an ugly money rat tail, and then these barbarians still guarded the idea of fishing and hunting, threw away the cannon and picked up the knife and bow. When it came to the war, they became stupid.

Of course, these are nothing, at most small national characteristics! There are many more national examples than this. For example, in the year of Gengzi, Cixi actually declared war on all the world, which is more domineering than the modern * declaration of war on the world. People who don't know think that there is a group of aliens standing behind her to support her.

As a result, the old lady Cixi took Guangxu's little hand to Xi'an to catch birds.

But to be honest, the above is nothing. After all, it has not done anything about the Manqing regime. Fortunately, it continues to exist. The most important thing is that it is still playing the reform of the New Deal, and finally it was eliminated by the new generation of elites it cultivated.

This is a typical example of not dying.

So the reason why the Manchu regime will perish is not because of any nation, class or other messy things, because it is stupid...

It's far away. To get back to the main story. The situation in the northeast in 1902 became tense due to the delay of the Russian army to carry out the second phase of withdrawal.

Japan, which once set off an atmosphere of arms expansion last year, was once again provoked and accelerated the pace of arms expansion. It has to be said that Japan's arms expansion also affected the procurement of weapons by the Beiyang New Army in the process of military expansion. Yuan Shikai can't continue to purchase cheap cannons from Japan, so he can only import them into Europe at a high price.

After all, even if there is a Fuyuan machine factory that can provide rifles, the expansion of the army requires not only rifles, but also artillery!

On the other hand, the continuous tension of the situation in the northeast also gave Yuan Shikai the opportunity to expand his army. Only when the situation in the northeast is tense can Yuan Shikai say that his troops are not enough. He must expand his army and expand his army again. In the process of military expansion, he should use other funds or even directly abolish those old troops to move. No one dares to say anything with the old military spending.

And the expansion of the army has many benefits for the whole Beiyang system, not to mention anything else, but Zhao Dongyun himself has been promoted and promoted!

Therefore, from Zhao Dongyun's personal point of view, it is very beneficial for the Russian army to refuse to withdraw from the northeast, which provokes the situation in the northeast more and more tense!

After the Japanese army launched the July 7 Incident and invaded China in later generations, some people in China raised their guns to fight to death, some people left to avoid the war in private countries, and some people shouted for a good opportunity to encourage and celebrate.

One thing is good or bad, and different people are different from different perspectives.