Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 79 Super Guard

Since the southern courtyard of Jinzhou Li's Manor was regarded as the headquarters of the Third Mixed Association, dozens of staff of the Third Mixed Association Headquarters have been stationed, which is mainly dominated by various offices directly under the jurisdiction of the Third Mixed Association, such as the chief officers and staff of the Ordnance Section, the Law Enforcement Section, and Zhao Dong. Yun himself and his escort. Lin Lin totaled more than 100 people, among which Zhao Dongyun's escort accounted for more than 50 people.

This personal guard is actually not in line with the regular establishment of the Beiyang Standing Army. As mentioned above, most of the institutions of the Beiyang Standing Army are concentrated at the military level, and there are no military supplies, ordnance institutions at the town and association levels, or even no bodyguards, such as the bodyguards, only in the cooperative headquarters. Or there are relevant horses and guards in the town headquarters.

Among them, the town headquarters has two guards (that is, the main eyes of the escort), the other eight horse soldiers (marry) and 18 guards (infantry), which add up to only 28 people. And there are even fewer in the Infantry Association, with only one eyeguard, four Ma Ben and nine guards, which add up to 14 people in a shed.

The number of escorts owned by the Infantry Association is actually the same as that of infantry, while the number of escorts in the infantry battalion is four less cavalry.

In this way, it can be clearly seen that the two levels of direct escorts of Xie and Town are too scarce to effectively carry out the heavy responsibility of encircling the town headquarters or Xie headquarters, and even the necessary vigilance is difficult to meet.

The establishment of the Beiyang Standing Army had many defects, which became more obvious after Zhao Dongyun led his troops into Jinzhou. The staff of his third mixed association had 60 or 70 personnel, not including the assigned logistics personnel, and the personnel around the third mixed command were high. More than 100 people.

The original guard area of the Third Association is not enough. Therefore, taking the establishment of the Third Mixed Association as an opportunity, it is said that although the status of the Mixed Association is slightly inferior to a town, it cannot be seen by ordinary infantry. There are a large number of institutions directly under the Third Mixed Association. In order to bear the responsibility of guards, a row of guards should be set up.

So in the end, the escorts of the headquarters of the Third Mixed Association are more than the first and second towns of the Beiyang Standing Army, reaching 50 people, with one captain and one captain of the escort, and two cavalry sheds and two infantry sheds.

This can slightly meet the alert requirements of the Third Mixed Association Command. Of course, on the other hand, it can also be said that Zhao Dongyun's personal security has also reached a higher level.

However, it is not possible for so many people to squeeze into the headquarters. Although the south courtyard of Li's Manor is large, it is definitely not possible to live with so many people, so this south courtyard is actually just an office space. Most of the staff still live outside, and some of the guards live outside Li's Manor.

However, although there are not many people who live directly here, many office staff come in and out during the day, so the south courtyard is still very lively. Many rooms in the yard have been changed to be used as offices, which are full of desks, and each number of clear copywriting shuttles through it, and the personnel who pass orders and documents quickly Running, some got the documents and then trotted into the front yard, and then rode a fast horse and ran straight.

Relying on dozens of office workers in the headquarters, many affairs of the Third Mixed Association can be handled one by one to keep the war machine running normally.

As the helm of this war machine, although Zhao Dongyun has given down a large part of his power to various ministries and agencies, many subordinate agencies have dealt with unimportant trifles for him at most, and most important things still need him to deal with and make decisions in person.

For example, the distribution of military salaries is related to the vital interests of the soldiers of the whole army. In order to prevent subordinate supervisors from withholding soldiers' salaries, Zhao Dongyun, on the one hand, divides military salaries into three parts according to the military system, one part is mailed to the families of soldiers, part is deducted for the cost of rations and military uniforms, and the rest is in accordance with the original habits. It was distributed by the chief officers at all levels to the soldiers, but Zhao Dongyun ordered that the quartermasters department of the headquarters of the association directly send personnel to the soldiers of each unit.

On the one hand, it is to avoid the abuse of military pay and empty pay by the chief officials at all levels. On the other hand, it is also to further strengthen Zhao Dongyun's personal influence on the soldiers. He has to let the soldiers know that it is it is Zhao Dongyun who paid you, not the chief officials at all levels.

Even in order to strengthen this influence, Zhao Dongyun will pay troops with the people of the Munitions Department when he has time. Although he has limited time, he can only go to one or two battalions a month for this kind of thing, but it is better than nothing.

"I won't go to the ninth bid this month. I'll go to the horse team, but I'm short of time. Your quartermaster department should hurry up, and it's better to finish it in two days!" Zhao Dongyun said.

Hong Putao, the head of the quartermaster section below, said, "I understand that we will transfer manpower to speed up the pay work on the horse team, and we will never miss the schedule of adults!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded and said, "Well, that's good!" After saying that, he took a look at Hong Putao again, and then said meaningfully, "There are many trivial matters in the quarters department. You should remember to be careful and don't let people outside pick out any mistakes."

Hong Putao said, "Your Excellency, don't worry, I know many people outside are gossiping, but I will never live up to your expectations. I will definitely do this matter of the military department properly!"

Hong Putao used to be one of the copywriters of the newly built machine gun camp. He was more than 40 years old and was an old scholar, but he failed the exam for a long time. His family was also a bitter family. A whole family was waiting for him to make money to support his family. Later, he heard that the salary was good as a copywriter in the Beiyang New Army, so he went to the new machine at that time. I became a copywriter in the gun camp.

Later, the newly built machine gun battalion was disbanded. After Zhao Dongyun was transferred to the commander of the Third Association, he also moved the personnel of the battalion headquarters of the newly built machine gun battalion to the headquarters of the Third Association. Hong Putao continued to serve as Zhao Dongyun's copywriter.

It has to be said that Hong Putao's copywriting is different from the soldiers. What they get is not military salaries, but salaries, that is to say, they are not active-duty soldiers, but employees hired. According to the tradition of the Hunan Army and Huai Army, they are Zhao Dongyun's personal staff, but they are paid by the public. That's all.

With the increasing scale of the Third Association, when the Third Mixed Association was officially established, there were dozens of people in the copywriting of various institutions in the Third Mixed Association, and the largest number of military personnel responsible for the grain and salary logistics of the whole army reached more than 20 people. Naturally, the competition for the Quartermasters Section here is great.

However, Zhao Dongyun chose the quartermaster not only for his ability, but also for loyalty. After picking, he chose Hong Putao. Zhao Dongyun chose him because he had been following him since the first half of last year. It was Zhao Dongyun's subordinate staff who followed the time comparison. For a long time, I am also relatively disciplined. When I was in charge of the military affairs of the new machine gun battalion, I also handled the matter properly. Although I couldn't pick anything good, I couldn't find anything wrong.

To be honest, Hong Putao's ability to do things is average in dozens of copywriting books, but sometimes the employing ability is only secondary. The quartermaster's department, an important department that controls the military's food and salary logistics, must be controlled by his confidants, and it must also be controlled by those who are not so greedy.

The combination of many factors led Zhao Dongyun to choose the not outstanding Hong Putao as the head of the quartermaster section, which naturally attracted many people's dissentment. Every day, they want to pick out Hong Putao's wrong small reports, which in turn can play a role in supervising and promoting Hong Putao, while Hong Putao and his subordinates and colleagues Their discord will also lead him to further strengthen his contact with Zhao Dongyun and rely more on Zhao Dongyun's support to hold the position of Chief of the Military Supply Section.

This is another small means for Zhao Dongyun!

As Hong Putao went out, Zhao Dongyun processed many documents on the desktop again, but soon Li San came in: "Your Excellency, it's time to go to the artillery camp!"

Zhao Dongyun raised his head at this time: "Are you ready?"

"Sarge adults are waiting outside, and the escort is ready!" Li San is now different from before. Now he is dressed as a low-level military officer in the Beiyang Standing Army.

He can be said to be the longest-time confidant of Zhao Dongyun. During the period of the second battalion of the right wing of the Wuwei Army, he was one of Zhao Dongyun's guards, and then he has been following Zhao Dongyun to the new machine gun battalion, the third association and the third mixed association. Now it has been two years.

And this Li San was also promoted all the way, from ordinary guard to Ma Ben, to eye protection, to today's deputy platoon leader of the escort. The reason why he did not directly become the platoon leader of the escort is that he has been with Zhao Dongyun almost all day and to some extent served as Zhao Dongyun's adjutant and secretary.

It is impossible to have too much time to control the whole Guard, so the captain of the Guard is Wei Dazhi, another guard who has followed Zhao Dongyun for many years.

Like Li San, Wei Dazhi also followed Zhao Dongyun's old guard during the period of the Wuwei Right Army, but he was different from Li San's short article literacy. He was a man. He was born with excellent riding skills, and his saber was very clean and sharp, and his combat effectiveness was no less than that in the third standard of the horse team. Sharp cavalry, in fact, this person is more suitable to be a cavalry to attack the enemy, rather than to be Zhao Dongyun's escort platoon leader.

But then again, such a tough elite knight can let Zhao Dongyun give his safety to him. If something happens on the battlefield in the future, Zhao Dongyun will expect him to take himself to a bloody road.

Zhao Dongyun got up. After leaving the office, there were more than a dozen officers waiting in the yard outside. There were Chen Guangyuan, the former fifth standard leader, the ninth standard leader of the current team, Lin Yongquan, the third mixed assistant staff officer and head of the education section, Pei Lianying, the tenth standard leader, and Liu Ting, the third battalion of the third mixed artillery team. You and many other walking teams and riding team management.