Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 88 Jinzhou suppression of bandits 1

In September of the year of Kui Mao, although the eastern three provinces and other northern regions maintained high temperatures during the day, the temperature at night dropped very fast. In addition, after the autumn wind swept from the north yesterday night, the temperature in Jinzhou dropped several degrees out of thin air.

Zhao Dongyun, who got up in the morning, had already put on his coat. Looking at the vegetation in the window, he saw that they also seemed to feel the bleakness of the autumn wind and blew off a lot of yellow leaves, making the branches look much dry.

As usual, after having a meal, Zhao Dongyun began to deal with business in his office. His office habit is to finish processing documents in the morning, and then start to meet people, hold meetings, etc. However, it won't happen every day. Sometimes after approving a few documents in the morning and then seeing a few people again, it often ends in less than an hour, and the rest of the time can be arranged separately.

Zhao Dongyun is not like Yuan Shikai. His schedule is not full of affairs. Although there are still many things that Zhao Dongyun needs to worry about, he usually directly instructs his subordinates to do it, and he doesn't have to do it himself, so it seems easier in terms of schedule. To see, in fact, Zhao Dongyun is still very leisurely as the leader of the Third Mixed Association.

After dealing with a day's routine affairs, Zhao Dongyun will naturally not go back to sleep or something, but continue to write something in the study. During this period, he has been busy writing new infantry tactical exercises. Nowadays, the infantry exercise adopted by the Beiyang New Army is the infantry exercise edited by Feng Guozhang. However, the tactical idea of this infantry exercise still stays before the year of Gengzi, with intensive formation and firepower as the core way, and this tactical thinking is naturally far behind the world in Zhao Dongyun's view.

Although he has no right to change the training practice of the whole Beiyang Standing Army, his third mixed association does not care how others practice. Previously, his third mixed association also added a large number of new infantry tactics in the training, but they are all fragmented things. The results of the training and the commander of the unit have a great understanding of the new tactics. The relationship also leads to the troops of the third mixed association, but the understanding of the new tactics of infantry battalions is very large.

Now Zhao Dongyun just wants to combine these bits and pieces to get a complete infantry tactical exercise, so that his officers can train step by step. Otherwise, he can't go to the barracks to train those soldiers in person.

Looking here, you will find that Zhao Dongyun is not a brother with middle and low-level officers like many time travel predecessors, and even eats and lives with soldiers in the barracks all day long. Those are the work of low-level officers, but it is not the work that senior officers should have.

In any normal army, the superiority and inferiority must be strict. As a senior general who controls 7,000 or 8,000 troops, Zhao Dongyun is no longer qualified to be brothers with low-level officers and soldiers. Those low-level officers dare not even breathe in front of Zhao Dongyun, and they will be excited to be praised by Zhao Dongyun. Compared with a famous historical general like Wu Peifu, he was very excited after getting Zhao Dongyun's words, "Do well, I'm optimistic about you."

So it is so different from many time-traveling predecessors who personally train soldiers, and even live together with soldiers every day. Zhao Dongyun's time-travel life is still relatively extravagant, even depraved.

The new infantry exercise is naturally not so easy to complete. He only writes a little a day, and he generally only focuses on the core thinking of the new tactics. He doesn't care about the details and fragmentary things, just let the following groups of officers write and improve them separately.

But when I was writing, I heard Li San's voice outside: "Your Excellency, Miss Li is here again!"

Because there is a word 'aga' in Li San's words, Miss Li has run to the south courtyard since the banquet. The south courtyard is said to be big or small, but Miss Li naturally can find someone. At the beginning, the woman seemed to want to argue with him.

But Zhao Dongyun will take care of her. Naturally, he will give her good words and turn around and leave.

Later, he learned from Zhao Dongping that the Li family seemed to be worried that Zhao Dongyun would be dissatisfied with the Li family. Zhao Dongyun smiled at this. He was not a chicken belly. Although he watched the stage play that made him sleepy at the Li family that night, he did not blame the Li family so much.

As for the words that Miss Li scolded him as a fake foreign devil, he is only used to being that girl, and he is not her father, so naturally he does not have to discipline other people's daughters.

Generally, Zhao Dongyun is slightly dissatisfied. Although he will not retaliate against those stingy people, it is impossible to help the Li family seek to invest in Fuyuan Weaving Factory.

At first, Li Wan seemed to want theory, but later became pawning. Although Zhao Dongyun didn't pay much attention to her in this process, she went back and forth more times, as if she had become a habit. In the past month, she ran to the South Courtyard when she had nothing to do.

Zhao Dongyun put down his pen and said, "Let her in!"

Although Li Wan's temperament is very different from the so-called lady, she is just an ordinary girl in Zhao Dongyun's eyes, and there is nothing like rebellion. She is just a woman who has read too many books.

Like those ancient girls who like to watch the Western Chamber, modern women who like to watch Qiongyao dramas and Korean dramas, she read so many foreign books when she has nothing to do. After freedom and women's rights are lifted, she naturally trapped in it.

Zhao Dongyun hangs out with a group of big men every day. It feels good to occasionally talk to a young and beautiful girl and occasionally talk about American romantic novels.

He is busy with military affairs every day, worrying about the situation in the northeast, and occasionally needs some adjustment for fear of the Russo-Japanese war.

When Zhao Dongyun and Li Wan talked about Nathaniel Hawthorne, Cuiyan Town, more than ten kilometers north of Jinzhou, ushered in unprecedented excitement.

Cuiyan Town is located about 15 kilometers north of Jinzhou. Of course, this is about a straight line distance, and the specific distance is much farther. After about 20 kilometers north along the Xiaoling River, you can reach Cuiyan Town.

Because the terrain on both sides of the Xiaoling River is relatively flat, the area from Jinzhou to Cuiyan has become a northern channel. If the enemy climbs over the series of mountains in the north of Jinzhou, for example, you can reach the gentle terrain area of Cuiyan Town through the Tiger Valley, and successfully cross the Xiaoling River, and then you can go all the way south. Go straight to Jinzhou and the daughter township area outside Jinzhou.

To some extent, Cuiyan Town is also a strategic support point for the northern defense line of Jinzhou, which is as important as Songshan Town in the south. Even if Zhao Dongyun did not intend to strictly guard Jinzhou, there were still necessary military deployments, so he sent a group of troops to the Cuiyan area.

At the beginning, the number was not large. Only two cavalry and one infantry were stationed, and the places where they were stationed were not all in Cuiyan Town, but in the east, and Dasheng Fort was an important tactical support for guarding the tiger communication channel in the northern mountains of Jinzhou.

A five-kilometer radius of Cuiyan Town is actually not enough to station a walking team and two cavalry teams. However, considering that Zhao Dongyun did not regard this as a strategic defense line, he just served as a warning and prepared for enemy sneak attacks. In case of unfavorable war, he can retreat calmly.

However, since late August, the number of troops in Cuiyan Town has begun to increase, and the number of cavalry has increased. By now, Cuiyan Town has gathered two cavalry battalions, an infantry battalion, a machine gun team, and a mortar unit.

In the temporary bid of the third standard of the cavalry, the middle and senior officers of the third standard of the cavalry sat together, not only them, but also several infantry officers and Zhao Dongping, the head of the Ordnance Section.

As the highest official here and the top commander of the suppression of bandits in northern Jinzhou, Meng Enyuan naturally deserves to sit at the top.

"Before you came, you have also heard the leader's instruction. Everyone knows what we are going to do this time. The main purpose of our purpose of suppressing bandits this time is to give the people a clear world, and the second purpose is to train soldiers!" Meng Enyuan continued, "Everyone knows the purpose, but we have to think carefully about how to do it properly!"

Meng Enyuan did not say another purpose, that is, one of their main purposes of suppressing bandits is to seize the bandits. Otherwise, Zhao Dongping, the section chief of the ordnance department, would not have appeared here. He came to prepare to accept the captured property. Everyone knows this purpose, but there is no need to say it on today's occasion.

The third and first battalion management of the cavalry team first said, "Before I came, the commander told me that most of the bandits in Northeast China were bandits, and they came and went without a trace, so the most important thing is to collect their information, find their nest, and then destroy them!"

Hua Zhenji, as Zhao Dongyun's direct officer, was personally mentioned by Zhao Dongyun before departure, warning him that the most important thing to suppress the bandit is not how to fight, but how to find it.

I'm afraid it's not easy. The Third Mixed Association is a visiting army, and it's only been three months since they came to Jinzhou. Although some information about bandits has been collected, they are all information that can be collected publicly, which can only give them a general understanding of the Northeast bandits, and their attention is generally focused on those in the early stage. Big bandits, such as Feng Delin and Du Lisan, don't care much about those small and medium-sized bandits.

In order to solve the situation of unfamiliarity, Zhao Dongyun specially transferred several officers familiar with the local people's conditions in Jinzhou. Not only that, he also transferred two teams familiar with the local people's conditions from the Jinzhou patrol camp as guides, so as not to turn into the mountains and get out.

If the back scene is changed to the period of the Anti-Japanese War, then the Beiyang New Army, which is preparing to suppress bandits, is undoubtedly the Japanese imperial army, and the Jinzhou patrol battalion is the imperial army.

Of course, this more than 1,000 people will not stay in Cuiyan Town doing nothing. Soon after the preliminary rectification arrangements, Meng Enyuan sent several troops north at the same time and rushed to many bandits in the north of Jinzhou.