Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 92 Han Duotian's War 1

"Damn, I know that there is no good fruit to eat from this side. Damn, now I'm fine, and I dare not raise my head when I'm beaten." In the sparse woods, a Beiyang soldier wearing a gray military uniform, a headscarf, red epaulettes, and two red lines at the cuffs was crawling on the ground quickly. While opening his eyes wide to check out the location of the bandits opposite from the cracks in the woods, while cursing.

The man's clothing has clearly shown that this man is a deputy infantry officer, which is roughly equivalent to the deputy squad leader of later generations and a backbone soldier in the Beiyang New Army.

Although the man scolded, he was dissatisfied with his actions. He used both hands and feet and quickly climbed straight to the front right on the ground. Because the man's position was quite close to the periphery of the low forest, even if he was lying down, it was easy for the bandits in the distance to find him, so soon bullets were excited to him one after another. Shot, bullets fell beside him one after another, hitting the smoke and dust, and more of them hit the trees next to him. The bullets still splashed after hundreds of meters of flight, and he could even faintly hear the sound of bullets flying over his head and cutting through the air.

He was hit by the enemy's concentrated fire and faced the threat of direct death. For those ordinary soldiers who had just been trained for a few months, they would probably have to pee in their pants, and even stand up in panic and turn around and run away. In that case, not to mention 100%, 90% of them will have to die.

But at least that man is a veteran who has been in the army for many years. As the backbone of the soldiers, he was not as panicked as the rookies, but cursed: "Damn, you son of your mother..." At the same time, his hands and feet were getting faster and faster, and he didn't even care about the sharp stones on the ground. Pick up and climb over.

He can't stay where he is. The place he is now is too close to the edge of the low forest. Without the dense low forest to cover the enemy, he can see much at a glance. Even if the enemy will not hit him for a while, he will be hit sooner or later if he continues to stay, and it is impossible to turn around and run. The best thing is to do it. The method is to cross the open area of five or six meters and then enter the ditch, so that you can save your life.

The bullets are still flying, and more bandits have found him, and the bullets have become more dense. The open area of five or six meters seems to have become a shooting range. Countless bandits' guns are aimed at here. The short distance seems to have become far away, and it will take a century to protect them before climbing a meter.

When Han Duotian finally climbed to the ditch, he didn't care about the mud and dirty water in the ditch at all. He just leaned against the ditch and gasped to calm his heart, which had been beating hundreds of times every minute.

After half a day, he calmed down, and he began to shout again with a cold sweat behind his back: "Haha, I'm not dead. How dare the bastard beat me? Let's see if I don't break you bandits one by one!"

Then he took the rifle in his hand and once again carefully poked his head out of the ditch. Although it was not easy to find the enemy's position from the muzzle flame during the day, the firepower of the bandits was so dense that there must be a lot of people. He soon found many people shaking behind a row of low walls. At a glance, there must be at least *10 people!

"Good boy, these bandits are bold to give up horses to play foot battles!" Han Duotian continued to talk to himself, and then aimed at a bandit's head and shot him.

After the gunshot, it didn't hit! However, Han Duotian doesn't care. He is not a sharpshooter. It is quite difficult to hit the enemy from more than 300 meters away, but if he doesn't hit one shot, he will shoot two shots. With so many enemies in front of him, he can always kill a few.

When Han Duotian climbed into the ditch in order to protect himself, the others were still in the low woods behind. At first, they were not so close to Han Duotian. Most of them were still in the depths of the low woods. After being hit by the fire of the bandits, they quickly lay down according to the infantry code. Avoid standing and being targeted, and also looking for the enemy's position.

However, before they dodged the fire and found a shelter, many people had been hit. They began to walk with Han Duotian in the front of more than ten people, that is, at least five people were hit, and the remaining few could only lie on the ground, and the suppressed ones did not even dare to raise their heads.

They can't cross the open area and enter the ditch directly like Han Duotian. They can only lie on the ground, and then crawl to a low-lying place or behind the tree trunk to find a shelter while shooting back.

Although the soldiers behind them were not seen by the enemy, the bullets flew over. Even if they did not hit the people in front of them, they were a great threat to the soldiers behind them, so they quickly lay down or looked for cover.

At the same time, they also shot back against the enemy's approximate position. For a while, there was also a lot of gunfire in the low forest. However, to be honest, the counterattack effect of the second row of the left team was relatively limited. Due to the hasty incident and the distance at the same time, it was difficult for them to shoot accurately for the time being, and they could only suppress it with dense firepower first. In order to get rid of the current situation of being suppressed.

After the second row of Han Duotian's left team was suppressed, it immediately caught fire in the low woods and the bandits behind the low wall opposite, and there was a lot of gunfire in the small Hongjiatun.

Outside the temporary command post of the first battalion of the walking team in the distance, Liu Fu stood behind the bunker with a telescope and kept observing that the second row of the left team was blocked so quickly that he could not even reach the predetermined ditch, which surprised him.

It seems that the bandits on the opposite side are not fooling around. There are still some insightful people inside, at least they know how to arrange fire to intercept the open area between the low woods and ditches.

However, if they want to intercept their own attack more than 300 meters away just by splicing this firepower, it is impossible, but this is suppressing bandits, not fighting with foreign foreigners, so there is no need to risk increasing casualties to forcibly attack, so he did not order the second row of the left team to attack forcibly. .

Anyway, the bandits inside have been surrounded. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of annihilating them. There is no way to fight with them. Since they are defensive in the low forest, they will choose other directions as the main direction of attack. I don't believe that the hundreds of bandits can defend all places. With this ability, they don't have so much. People.

This time, the number of people participating in the suppression of Hongjiatun's northern detachment is as high as 1,300, and there are only 300 bandits in Hongjiatun. Even with their old and weak teenagers and men and women, there will not be more than 500 people available, so this time the suppression of bandits, Meng Enyuan and others It occupies an absolute military advantage.

suppressing bandits is also a war, and the first priority of war is to always maintain the advantage of strength to fight against the enemy's inferior forces. The so-called victory over many will never be respected by military scientists. What real military scientists admire is that ten of us will always do you alone.

Why are outstanding military strategists praised because they can always create strength and weapon advantages. Even if their overall advantage is not as good as their opponents, they can also create strength and weapon advantages locally.

Meng Enyuan is not an outstanding military man, and Liu Fu is not a famous general. However, as a professional background, he is one of the few modernized officers in China these days. Even if they follow the book, they know what to do.

Maybe it takes talent to be a famous general, but as a qualified officer, you only need to copy the propaganda department. It doesn't matter if you don't have talent? As long as the things learned in the military academy are used, they are generally qualified officers. Otherwise, there are millions of officers from various countries in World War II. How can there be so many war-talented officers? They are basically officers who follow the book.

Meng Enyuan is such a person. He doesn't need to understand why he concentrate his troops to fight other people's inferior forces, let alone what they don't win or not, and use bull knives to kill chickens. He only needs to concentrate his superior forces and then fight the inferior forces of bandits, so he concentrated on the generals in order to encircle and suppress Lv Shuanggun. The strength of nearly 1,300 troops is not only ten-to-one, but it can also be four-to-one.

Not to mention that Meng Enyuan's troops still have weapon advantages!

Just as a force that launched the main attack from the south, there are at least 800 people. With such an advantageous force, Liu Fu, who is responsible for the southern attack, will not be impatient, let alone exchange unnecessary casualties for several hours of progress.

So after Liu Fu saw that the second row of the left team was suppressed in the woods, he did not order them to continue the attack, but kept the firepower suppressed. At the same time, he ordered the first row of the left team to continue to attack.

The battle has just begun. Although the beginning was not very good, it did not affect the optimism of the officers of the northern detachment. Not to mention Liu Fu, who commanded the battle on the front line, even a group of officers watching the battle on the rear mountain were still relaxed.

"I'm afraid that the second row of the left team will be suppressed. The bandit firepower on the opposite side also has at least hundreds of guns, but judging from their shooting speed, there are not many new rifles, and most of them are old guns!" A young officer put down the telescope and said to another officer beside him.

Another person replied, "Brother Fang is right. Judging from their speed of fire, their new guns should be only about 20, but the people opposite are also a little discerning and chose a good position to suppress them. Now hundreds of people are defending. I'm afraid it will be much more difficult to attack through the northern ditch from the low woods. !"

The officer surnamed Fang, known as Brother Fang, said, "Although this has become more difficult, there are opportunities!"