Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 99 Expansion of the Third Town

arranged outside Chen Guangyuan, and then came to be his two direct officers, Pei Lianying and Kong Weibei. These two also followed him during the new machine gun camp, and they both served as gang positions. Now it's just right for them to transfer, so Kong Guanbei served as the ninth standard commander, and Pei Lianying served as the tenth. Standard belt.

Again, Gu Lanyu was the original 10th standard first battalion management belt. This person is also Zhao Dongyun's direct line. Naturally, he has to bring it up and let him serve as the 11th standard unified belt for the supplementary standard adaptation.

Then there is Liu Fufu, who has a good ability to train soldiers and is also good at fighting. He has made great contributions in the battle against bandits in September, which can be mentioned as the new 12th standard belt.

As for Lin Yongquan, although Zhao Dongyun is dissatisfied with his ability, at least he is the number one general under his command. Naturally, he can't leave it alone, so he is directly nominated as the Sixth Association, but his qualifications, age and ability are not excellent. It is a question whether Yuan Shikai will approve it.

The original departments of the Third Mixed Association, such as the Education Section and the Law Enforcement Section, are all upgraded to the department, and the section chiefs are promoted to the general office of each department.

In addition to the two co-leaders and six leaders, the remaining 20 management leaders Zhao Dongyun decides part of it by himself, and then asks his subordinates to recommend a few people to come up. After all, it is impossible to control all the personnel power by themselves. It is necessary to decentralize part appropriately. After all, Chen Guangyuan and others will be the co-chief in the future. Well, it's not good if you can't get a promotion.

The next day, Zhao Dongyun recommended the appointment of the chief officials of the third town through a long telegram. Yuan Shikai approved most of them, but rejected Lin Yongquan's recommendation as the commander of the sixth association, and claimed that he would send another member from the Beiyang generals to serve as the commander of the sixth association.

Zhao Dongyun is not surprised by this result. Lin Yongquan's qualifications and abilities are not very good. Now there are a large number of officers with profound qualifications and outstanding abilities in the Beiyang Army waiting to take office. In fact, if it hadn't been for Zhao Dongyun's recommendation, Pei Lianying and Kong Guanbei would not have been able to successfully become a bid. It is rude to say that even Liu Fufu and other battalion officers are more qualified to be a standard belt than them.

"Don't be discouraged. Maybe there will be a chance in the future this time. Later, I will recommend you a position as a town staff officer, and then you will continue to be in charge of the Education Office, accumulate a year or two years of seniority first, and then you will not be afraid of what others will say!" In the face of the extremely depressed Lin Yongquan, Zhao Dongyun also had to comfort him.

But he can't change Yuan Shikai's decision. He can still decide on the leadership and management, but he only has the right to recommend this position. With Lin Yongquan's qualifications and ability, it is normal for Yuan Shikai not to approve.

Although Lin Yongquan was unwilling, he could only sigh: "I'm sorry to bother you!"

Since he has no hope of becoming the leader of the Sixth Association, Lin Yongquan is curious about who can come to the third town to be the leader of the Sixth Association: "I don't know who came to serve as the leader of the Sixth Association?"

Zhao Dongyun shook his head: "I'm not very clear about this matter. I guess it will take a few days to know. Now Baoding is very messy!"

This can be chaotic. In the plan to expand the army of the four towns, although Yuan Shikai quickly determined the control candidates of the third and fourth towns, Yuan Shikai generally let go of his subordinates for the positions of unification and leadership.

Due to the special situation, the third town was expanded from the Third Mixed Association. Coupled with the self-contained system far away in Jinzhou, there was no outsiders coming to compete, because they knew that they could not compete.

But the fourth town is different. Although this newly established fourth town is controlled by Duan Qirui, it can't prevent the competition of wolves. Just like Zhao Dongyun's Third Association at that time, although the third association was Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun's faction, Wang Yingkai and Feng Guozhang did not come to fight. The position of the belt and tube belt.

So Baoding has been very lively these days, basically focusing on competing for many positions in the fourth town. Now the third town has also vacavated a position in the Sixth Association, which has further stimulated the competition of various factions.

As the head of the third town, Zhao Dongyun naturally can't stay out of the matter. Since he can't find anyone who can serve as the commander of the Sixth Association in the third town, he should find someone who is good friends with him. His first choice is Xu Bangjie. He is Zhao Dongyun's old colleague in the Wuwei Right Army, and he has maintained a personal relationship in recent years. Yes, this person is old Beiyang and fully qualified. However, there are also shortcomings, that is, this person is a traditional officer, not a new officer cultivated in Beiyang in recent years, so it is difficult to transfer him as a leader.

The second consideration is Cao Kuan. Yes, it is the famous Cao Kuan in history. Although this person nominally belongs to Wang Yingkai's faction, Cao Kuan and Zhao Dongyun's personal friendship is quite good. Zhao Dongyun's many young and strong officer gatherings held in Baoding, Cao Kuan must come every time, and he will also help invite him. Colleague, and to be honest, Zhao Dongyun feels quite good about him and thinks this person is refreshing enough. However, this man climbed much slower than Zhao Dongyun. Now he is the leader of the First Association of the Standing Army of the Beijing Flag. It is very difficult for him to give up his efforts to come to the third town of the Beijing Flag Standing Army, and Cao Kun's every move will also affect Yuan Shikai's layout of the Standing Army of the Beijing Flag, so it is very difficult to dig it.

The third consideration is He Zonglian. Like the first two, this person has also maintained a good personal relationship with Zhao Dongyun. He Zonglian also has the ability, and he has not climbed to the position of assistant like Cao Kuan, so it is very feasible to dig this person to serve as the sixth leader of the association.

The advantages and disadvantages of the above three people are different, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they all have good personal friendship with Zhao Dongyun, which is very important, and their ability is secondary.

When Zhao Dongyun recommended the list of these three people, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he could only do this, and the next thing had to be decided by Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai did not let Zhao Dongyun, Duan Qirui and others wait for a long time. In a few days, they quickly identified the candidates for the three associations. Not to mention the fourth town, but the candidates for the sixth coordinator of the third town are not any of the candidates recommended by Zhao Dongyun, but Zhao Dongyun who did not think of anyone before. He is Wang Zhanyuan!

Who is Wang Zhanyuan? Wang Yingkai's number one direct line is similar to Zhao Dongyun's previous position in Duan Qirui's faction. Hearing that this person came to be the commander of the Sixth Association, Zhao Dongyun suddenly turned black. It seems that there are still many people in Baoding who don't like me.

Despite the discordant factor of Wang Zhanyuan, the progress of the expansion of the Third Mixed Association into a third town has not slowed down at all. Almost just received the order to expand, and even Yuan Shikai's military expenditure has not been allocated, Zhao Dongyun has begun to expand the editing. Do.


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