Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 115 New Military Ranks and International Students

In the early summer of Jiachen, the snow a few months ago had already melted, and even the spring cold had passed away. With the night when the south wind came, people on the streets had changed into cool thin clothes.

However, among the people coming and going in the headquarters of the third town, especially a group of officers, are still wearing a coat, especially those officers waiting for Zhao Dongyun to meet. In order not to lose their appearance in front of Zhao Dongyun, they are wearing a complete set of officer dresses. There is no air conditioning, no In the era of fans, even in this cool house, their foreheads sweated slightly.

Zhao Dongzhi's forehead also sweated a little. After taking out his handkerchief and gently wiping his forehead, he also looked at several other people in the other rooms. One of the people sitting opposite him was about the same age as him, only about 223 years old. The epaulettes and armbands on his head showed that he was the infantry platoon commander. Identity, according to the latest new military rank issued by the Training Office in May, is the rank of the second-class third-level and the assistant military academy, and the second lieutenant in later generations.

The head of the young deputy military academy was a co-can can ling of about 356 years old, and the rank of later generations was about a major. Zhao Dongzhi was slightly known as Lv Jiantang. He was born in Tianjin in his early years and is currently in charge of the supervision office.

At Zhao Dongzhi's upper left head, sitting is a regular military academy. The red epaulettes and badges indicate his arms and his troops. This person is an infantry officer, and then he is also an artillery officer who is also a regular military academy.

Now the military uniform and rank logo of these people have been improved much more than before, just like the military uniform. Last year, Zhao Dongyun deeply felt that the ranks of his troops in the anti-bandit operation were not much different, causing great obstacles to command. Therefore, he also put forward another proposal to Yuan Shikai to improve the rank system at that time. Of course This is not proposed and perfected by Zhao Dongyun. In fact, Yuan Shikai has already done these things, but now it is only a few months ahead of schedule with Zhao Dongyun's influence.

Therefore, in the latest military uniforms, ranks, staffing and a series of national new military regulations issued by the Training Office in May, the military rank system is officially stipulated. Officers are third-class, second-class, second-class, and each grade is divided into three levels. At this time, the new military ranks are generally similar to Western-style military ranks. The specific comparison is: Zhengdu (general), deputy general (middle general), Xiedu (major general), Zhengtong (capolonese), deputy general (lieutenant colonel), associate commander (major), Zheng Military Academy (captain), deputy military academy (lieutenant), associate military academy (second lieutenant). In addition, there are also 'additional officers' (signor officers) under the official officers, and there are also three-level non-commissioned officers, namely sergeants, sergeants and corporals.

In addition, it is worth noting that the new army at the end of the Qing Dynasty, especially the Beiyang New Army, adopted a strict official position. It can be said that there is a position before there is a matching military rank. There is only one deputy in a town, and there will be no more nor less.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the ranks of military officers in the late Qing Dynasty, especially the new army officers, are relatively chaotic and complicated.

takes Zhao Dongyun as an example, the 'Jili alternate Taoist' is his official, 'plus the second grade' is his official grade, the third town control, Jinzhou patrol camp supervision office is his task, and the upper second-level/deputy is his new military rank.

In addition, there is the line 'Ge Tong governor and governor who also serve as the servant of the Ministry of War, Zheng Erpin'. However, this line does not have practical significance. The same meaning is to treat the member according to a certain level of official. In short, Zhao Dongyun can be treated as a governor, governor and servant of the military department in some treatment and etiquette, but it does not mean that Zhao Dongyun is the governor and governor who also serves as a servant of the military department.

Similarly, Zhao Dongyun's series of complex official names shows the political influence of a town's new military control in the late Qing Dynasty.

If Zhao Dongyun's age and qualifications are not taken into account, then if the court considers raising him to a higher level after a few years of office, it is estimated that he will be the admiral of a province. Judging from the sphere of influence that the Beiyang system can control, it is either the admiral of Jiangbei or the admiral of several northern provinces, but now With the new army first, neither Yuan Shikai nor the court will transfer a young and future new army officer to a province as a admiral to lead the green battalion and defense army.

Therefore, it is most likely that he will continue to serve as a regular envoy of a department of the training department as the third town control, such as Duan Qirui, who also serves as the military order department of the training department as the fourth town control.

If the character is explosive and the operation is good, then you will be able to serve as the governor of any province, and then you will be able to serve one of the nine governors like Yuan Shikai for a few years.

Of course, the above possibility is too small, not to mention for the time being. According to the practice of officialdom at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the influence of Beiyang, Zhao Dongyun is most likely to add a part-time job in the training office with Duan Qirui in the training office, and a military serviceman or something. It is unlikely to be realistically promoted.

However, just the hope of being a governor and the governor is enough for countless officials to see through. I have to say that the advantages in the North Sea these days are too great. As long as you have the ability, the promotion speed is very fast, and the most important thing is that the road has even been paved in front of you.

Don't worry about whether you are from the middle and lower class and have no interpersonal relationships, and don't have to worry that the Qing nobles don't like you. As long as your ability is valued by Yuan Shikai and Yuan Shikai also trusts you, it is not uncommon to be a provincial governor or even several provincial governors.

In the historical Beiyang New Army system, in addition to Yuan Shikai, the leader from the rise in 1900 to the demise of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, there was Xu Shichang, who was the governor of the three eastern provinces and served as a number of Shangshu. Duan Zhigui, who served as the governor of Heilongjiang and the acting governor of Huguang, once served as Zhili during the years. Jiang Guiti, the governor, and as for the position of Jiangbei Admiral, Liu Yongqing, Feng Guozhang and others have taken turns many times.

In the early and middle stages of the rise of the new Beiyang system, a group of Beiyang bigwigs were quite extravagant.

Among this group of bosses, although Zhao Dongyun is the youngest and the least senior, he has barely stepped into the ranks of the bosses. In addition, Zhao Dongyun has vigorously solicited young and overseas military officers in recent years, and has formed a power faction with young and overseas students as the core, despite the faction power. It is far less than the influence of Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai and others, but it is supported by a third town, so it is not too bad, at least it can make its own voice in many interest struggles.

Zhao Dongyun, who is barely one of the bigwigs in Beiyang, has been relatively comfortable recently, especially after the outbreak of the war between Japan and Russia in 1904, his status in Beiyang and China has risen sharply.

In particular, his influence among the young and overseas officers was already great. Many overseas officers regarded as a successful example of military service. After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, many foreign students even returned directly to China and found Zhao Dongyun to join the army.

However, unlike many people who returned to China after entering foreign military schools, although Zhao Dongzhi only returned to China last month, he did not study military!

He went to Japan to study after Gengzi, but he did not study military, but a self-funded student studying medicine. He went to a local middle school in Japan. Last year, he failed to apply for Kyoto Imperial University and was forced to return to China.

In the Meiji period, it was difficult for Japan to be admitted to universities by himself. The famous universities in the early period, such as Tokyo Imperial University and Kyoto Imperial University, were all famous Japanese and contemporary universities, which were similar to the difficulty of applying for Lushi and naval soldiers, and among the many international students in China in the late Qing Dynasty Basically, not many people can be admitted to the Imperial Universities and Lu Shi. They are basically local schools, and some are not even universities. They just went to a middle school with Zhao Dongzhi like this...

So in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, don't think that students studying in Japan were very awesome. In fact, only those international students from famous schools, such as several imperial universities or Lu Shi graduates, and most of them were vulgar people. Many of them have been staying in language schools like Zhenwu School for several years, and two I don't think I even learned Japanese after returning to China for three years.

Zhao Dongzhi is the second son of Zhao's parents. He is one year younger than Zhao Dongyun and ranks fourth among many cousins of the Zhao family. The reason why he went to Japan to study is influenced by Zhao Dongyun.

After Gengzi, Zhao Dongyun returned to China. Although he was not developed at that time, he at least entered the Beiyang system. At that time, he persuaded his mother to send his brother Zhao Dongquan to study abroad. Because he was not an official, it was difficult to enter famous European and American schools, especially military schools, so he chose to go to Japan first. After a few years of middle school, he tried to apply for several emperors or Lu Shi in Japan.

At that time, Zhao Dongzhi was also sent by Changfang, so the two brothers went to Japan to study together. Today, a few years later, although Zhao Dongyun's younger brother Zhao Dongquan failed to be admitted to Japan as expected by Zhao Dongyun and one of the two emperors, at least he was admitted to the early one of the two emperors just a few years after its establishment. Inada University, studying in the School of Political Science and Economics.

Since Zhao Dongquan was only admitted to a private university that had just been established, which made Zhao Dongyun quite disappointed. At the beginning of the year, he even wanted to take his younger brother Zhao Dongquan back to China. He first went to the Beiyang Army Rapid Military Academy and then sent him to Lu Shi to study in a few years. However, considering that Zhao Dongyun was not young, After a few years, it is estimated that it will take five or six years to return to China to join the military world. In addition, Zhao Dongquan called himself and said that he wanted to learn politics and economics, so he was not very interested in the army.

So this idea was given up, so only Zhao Dongzhi, who had not been admitted to any university, returned to China at the beginning of the year, while Zhao Dongquan went to Waseda University this year.

If Zhao Dongzhi's resume is vague, he can also pretend to be an elite in the encyclopedia of later generations, but in fact, he only graduated from middle school...