Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 126 Draw a Knife

Kong Jingbei is very aware of his task of coming to the new civilian government. The first task of fighting the bandits is only by the way. The first task is to recover the ordnance worth 100,000 taels of silver. You know, it is more than 2,000 three-inch shells and 400,000 7.92 mm machine gun bullets and other bits and pieces. This is nothing for the Japanese and Russian army. This is not the only amount of ammunition consumed in a small battle.

But for the third town with a small business, these 100,000 taels of silver goods are already worth Zhao Dongyun's furious and directly dispatched thousands of troops. If they don't grab them back, it will be equivalent to working for a month, and it will also affect the subsequent arms trade with Russia. If they are robbed in these three days, Zhao Not to mention that Dongyun's desire to make money in the war failed, he also let Zhao Dongyun's strategy of muddy the water. If the water of the Russo-Japanese War is not muddy, how can he fish?

So it is an important political task to take back the stolen goods. Of course, at the same time, he also has another important task to completely control the new people's government, which is not to control how many territories or so on, because Zhao Dongyun can't collect taxes in the jurisdiction like Zhang Zuolin. He wants to control the new people. The government is to ensure that there will be no more problems with the arms trade with the Russians.

Although Japan himself will conquer Fengtian in history, there has been no result in the battle of Liaoyang for a month. On the contrary, the Japanese army was still dead and injured. Zhao Dongyun felt that it was not so easy for Japan to take Fengtian, and at least it would have to fight for more than half a year.

Half a year and the Russian ordnance trade are enough for him to earn millions of taels of silver.

This is Kong Weibei's current task to recover the robbed goods and control the new people's government. As for the extermination of local bandits and so on, it can only be regarded as an incidental product.

"There are so many goods robbed that it is impossible to transport them away in a short time by their means, and our detectives have not found that a large number of goods have been transported out of the new government recently, so these ordnances should still be in the new government, but it will be troublesome to find them out!" Lv Shuanggun said at this time, "Some time ago, I also sent my brothers to explore secretly, but I didn't get much information!"

"Well, what are you afraid of? The new people's government is so big, and there is no dangerous mountains. They can still hide there. Our 3,000 troops push over. As long as we catch people, we can't find ordnance if you don't believe it!" It was Shi Congbin speaking.

This person is the second battalion management belt of the ninth standard. This person was better than Feng Guozhang in his early years. He still relied on Feng Guozhang's efforts to become the original management belt. However, although Zhao Dongyun's establishment of the third town was gradually strong, even Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan all turned to Zhao Dongyun, Shi Congbin and several other factions for Thinking about his past, he also simply transferred to Zhao Dongyun, but he was still not very close to many of Zhao Dongyun's original direct officers, but had a close relationship with Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan and others.

From the internal faction of the third town, Shi Congbin belongs to Chen Guangyuan's faction, and he is not the same as the old machine gun camp as Kong Jingbei and Hua Zhenji.

When Zhao Dongyun decided to send troops to the new people's mansion, a group of subordinates naturally wanted to compete for the opportunity to fight. Lin Yongquan, Kong Guanbei, Pei Lianying and even Chen Guangyuan, Wang Zhanyuan and Meng Enyuan competed for the leading position, but Zhao Dongyun still felt that Chen Guangyuan's position was high enough and there was no need to go to The younger generation have competed for a chance to fight, and Wang Zhanyuan is not his own. He has been giving him small shoes for the past six months, and naturally he will not give him a chance to fight. Meng Enyuan has led two times to fight against bandits. Although he is the best candidate this time, I'm afraid a large group of his men will have to continue to use his words. I have an opinion.

As for Lin Yongquan, he wants to go, but to be honest, Zhao Dongyun does not trust his actual command level. He is more suitable for staff work, training new recruits to study the new establishment and so on, so he chose the four infantry commanders under his command, and this election Naturally, there was also a competition among his subordinates, and finally Kong Guanbei was selected.

The reason why Hua Zhenji was able to serve as a forward commander is due to Zhao Dongyun's need to train direct cavalry officers. There are many cavalry under him, but there are too few qualified cavalry officers available. Meng Enyuan is the only one. The others are half a bucket of water. Although Hua Zhenji is young After all, he has learned modern cavalry fighting in Lu Shi. He not only has a good theoretical level, but also played quite well in the previous two battle against bandits. He is a cavalry talent who

For such talents, Zhao Dongyun will naturally continue to give opportunities for him to grow up quickly.

As for Shi Conbin's ability to lead his troops to participate in the war, this is not the result of Zhao Dongyun's personal designation, but Chen Guangyuan's vigorous promotion. Although the third town is an independent faction in the whole Beiyang system, there is still a factional dispute within the third town. Seeing Kong Guanbei and Hua Zhenji lead his troops to fight, although Chen Guangyuan does not He may have personally taken the lead, but he also sent his proud subordinate Shi Congbin to fight. He can't let Kong Guanbei, Hua Zhenji and others get all the limelight.

Shi Congbin is also an old qualification manager in the third town. At the beginning of the establishment of the Third Association, he was a battalion management belt. Two years later, his qualification is already relatively old among a group of battalion officers. According to the ranking in the third town, after the next batch of positions with unified leadership are vacancies, then it should be his turn. .

So in the face of Kong Guanbei and Hua Zhenji, he did not cring too much, but spoke very loudly: "Although Zhang Zuolin's horse team is stronger than ordinary horse bandits, it is still horse bandits in the final analysis. It should not be a big problem for me to stop them from Brother Hua!"

Hearing Shi Congbin's words, Hua Zhenji frowned slightly. He was quite dissatisfied with Shi Congbin's sudden words, because the hidden meaning of this was that if his cavalry could not stop Zhang Zuolin, he would put all the responsibility for failure on him, but he was a forward commander at a young age. Position, he is also arrogant, and naturally he will not fall into rhetoric: "If you can catch him, it will naturally be no problem to stop these bandits!"

Zhang Zuolin is not a fool. He won't escape when he sees thousands of troops coming. Now what the Liaoxi suppression bandit det detachment in the north is hoping for is to raid and go straight into the new people's mansion as quickly as possible. Zhang Zuolin and Wang Xiaozhuzi reacted to intercept them directly.

Kong Guanbei pretended not to hear Hua Zhenji and Shi Conbin's words. As an old man in the era of the new machine gun camp, he, Pei Lianying and Gu Lanyu are natural allies. The so-called machine gun camp faction dominated by the three of them is also the strongest force in the third town, and the four infantrymen led them to account for three.

And Hua Zhenji is not only very close to several other officers who have returned from studying abroad, but also relatively close to Meng Enyuan, and has no friendship with Kong Guanbei and others.

Not to mention Shi Congbin, the two sides have been fighting since the era of the Third Association!

So he pretended not to see the secret quarrel between the two people, but turned his eyes to Lv Shuanggun: "Brother Lv, what do you think? Are you sure to catch them before they reflect?"

Lv Shuang was born as a bandit and has always been incompatible with a large group of officers from the department. Even he put on the military uniform of the Beiyang New Army, wore long horse boots, and hung a long standard saber at his waist, but he was still significantly different from the people present.

Lv Shuangqiang looked at the people around him, and he could easily find that many people threw contempt, ridicule and other looks in their eyes.

Don't think that diplomas and origins will only be seen in the civil service system. In fact, the Beiyang New Army cares more about diplomas and origins. Most of the officers of the large and small officers in the Beiyang New Army are from Tianjin Wubei School, while some of them are from the Wuwei Right Army School, and a few have no study experience, but He was born in the old Huai army and joined the new army in the small station era.

As for those officers who have not been involved in the new army from the beginning, nor from the professional background, there are really few. As for the bandits who were recruited and became a battalion manager, there is no one in the four towns of Beiyang. Although Lv Shuanggun is also a pipe belt, the Jinzhou patrol battalion is at most a peripheral force of the North Sea, not the direct line of the North Sea.

So from any point of view, Lv Shuanggun is incompatible with other officers present, but Lv Shuanggun doesn't care about it. What his opponents said is: "I'm working for Marshal Zhao. They are nothing!"

So in the face of a little contempt, he just snorted coldly in his heart, and then said, "My battalion came relatively fast. Now the Shiyang Department of the second team of our battalion has detoured southeast. With more than 300 troops of the Shiyang brothers, unless Zhang Zuolin is alone, it is impossible for him to escape to the south with people and horses. Of!

In addition, the remaining two teams of our battalion are resupplying. Later, I will lead the troops to continue eastward and cut off the contact between Xinmin and Fengtian. In this way, the bandits in the new people's mansion can only flee to the north. Even if they flee to the north, they are at most scattered. Under the pursuit of our army, it is absolutely impossible for them to escape with a heavy burden. Even if they gather large-scale horse teams, it is impossible!"

To be honest, if Zhang Zuolin and some other bandit leaders abandon their family business and take a large number of them to escape alone, Kong Guanbei and others really have no choice but to escape alone, so what? These bandit leaders who have lost their guns are bald commanders, which is not a concern. Zhao Dongyun's strategy for Kong Guanbei is only to take back the ordnance and control the new people's government. It is not so important to kill Zhang Zuolin.

Kong Jingbei looked at Hua Zhenji at this time. After all, Hua Zhenji, the forward commander, was the actual commander of the cavalry, and even Lv Shuanggun had to listen to his command. At this time, he nodded and said, "Brother Lv is right. If it's just a scattered escape, we can't stop it, but if they dare to carry a heavy carroar Or if the big troops escape, they will never escape!"

Kong Guanbei said, "So you have to ask Brother Hua and Brother Lu!" After saying that, he looked around at the officers: "No matter how many bandits are destroyed this time, as long as the ordnance is taken back, it will be a great achievement. At that time, I will personally ask for your credit from the command!"

With the end of this temporary military conference, soon the chiefs of each department rode their horses and rushed to their respective troops with their own guards, while Hua Zhenji and Lv Shuanggun crossed most of them with their respective guards and galloped directly to the northeast. Their cavalry troops were still more than dozens of miles ahead!

And they didn't know that at this time, 30 miles east of them, more than 50 cavalry troops in earth-gray military uniforms were leading horses and moving slowly. However, a former leader of the military academy suddenly found something. He took out the telescope on his chest and looked east. There seemed to be nothing in the distance. , but faintly, I heard the sound of horses' hoofs approaching.

He raised his right hand to signal the troops to pause, while continuing to search the distant fields with binoculars. After a few breaths, he had seen more than 200 horses coming slowly nearly a kilometer away from the telescope. They were dressed in a mess and did not have a neat cavalry formation, and they knew at a glance that they were bandits.

The young military academy's face has shown tension, but he still turned on the horse and straightened up. With a firm face, he shouted, "All of them have it. Fight!"

In a short period of time, he had made the decision to give up the step battle and choose to fight immediately. As his order fell, the cavalry behind him quickly turned over the horse.

"Step forward slowly!" The young cavalry officers can already hear the rumble of the horseshoes of the bandits and cavalry in the distance, but it is too early for them to launch an all-out charge!

As the whole team moved forward slowly, the young cavalry officer once again issued an order: "D draw a knife!"

The sound of brushing came, and a bright and dazzling saber was pulled out one after another, and then was directly resisted on the shoulders by the cavalry!

"Run forward!" The calm but trembling voice of the young officer came. As they got closer and closer, they seemed to be able to hear the strange calls of hundreds of bandits in the distance!

The tall war horse began to trot, and the horse knight either showed nervous and fear, or excited and expectant, or prayed something. At this time, the young officer in the front was no longer the previous nervous look, but constantly estimated the speed and distance of the charge between the two sides, when the small After running for a while, he suddenly pointed the knife that had been resisting on his right shoulder forward and shouted, "Kill!"

Before his voice fell, his legs were clamped in the horse's abdomen. Immediately, the war horse changed from a trot state to the final charging state. At the same time, the more than 50 riders behind him also shouted 'kill' and 'rush' respectively urged the front finger of the sabre to drive the horse to run at maximum speed.

For a moment, the silent cavalry instantly burst into the loudest shout and rushed to the bandit and horse team hundreds of meters away from the opposite side with the momentum of the water of the Yellow River breaking the embankment!