Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 128 Jinzhou Mixed Association

Hua Zhenji's cavalry was closely monitored almost all the passages on the four sides of the new Minfu. It didn't take long to report to Zhao Dongyun in Kong to the north and Jinzhou that the new Minfu had been under the control of several departments to ensure that a single shell would not be transported away.

Looking at Hua Zhenji's report, Zhao Dongyun nodded with satisfaction: "This Hua Zhenji has done a good job!"

Meng Enyuan also agreed: "Although Zhenji's use of troops is still slightly immature, it has everyone's demeanor. It is rare to block such a big new people's house just by relying on thousands of horses, making it difficult for those bandits to fly!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "It seems that your teaching to him is also good. How about it? According to you, does he have the ability to manage a standard?"

Meng Enyuan was stunned in an instant after hearing this. What does Zhao Dongyun mean?

If this is about a standard, Hua Zhenji will either sit in his position as the leader of the cavalry standard of the third town, or the cavalry battalion on the side of Jinzhou patrol battalion will be expanded to the standard, and then transfer him to the standard.

But Meng Enyuan also knew that Zhao Dongyun had been experimenting with the cavalry system of the brigade in Jinzhou patrol battalion, trying to find a cavalry formation that more meets the needs of modern combat. Therefore, the cavalry establishment of Jinzhou patrol battalion and the cavalry establishment of the third town are different. The third town is the standard of the Beiyang Standing Army. The establishment is one standard to have four battalions, one battalion has four teams, one team has four sheds, and one has 1,300 cavalry.

On the other side of the Jinzhou patrol battalion, there is no establishment at this level. There is only one cavalry battalion and three teams under the cavalry battalion, but each team has nearly 200 cavalry, and a cavalry battalion has more than 650 cavalry, which belongs to the typical Dalian small battalion system of Western cavalry.

So if Zhao Dongyun wants to let Hua Zhenji take the lead, the greatest possibility is to give him his position, but what about himself? Where to go?

At this time, Zhao Dongyun glanced at Meng Enyuan. Naturally, Meng Enyuan's worry and doubts were also clearly seen by him. He put down the war report in his hand: "Brother Meng may have guessed it. I plan to wait for the new people's government affairs and let him take your place!"

"As for you, go and help me manage the Jinzhou patrol camp!" Zhao Dongyun said with an expected look.

You have to use your hands and gain the trust of your subordinates. Naturally, you can't rely on the so-called majesty alone. You have to make him feel your expectations and importance to him.

When Meng Enyuan heard Zhao Dongyun's words and looked at Zhao Dongyun's expected look, he felt quite complicated in his heart. After serving in the Third Association, he had always maintained a relatively friendly relationship with Zhao Dongyun in the early stage, but since the establishment of the third town, he has also completely defected to Zhao Dongyun like Chen Guangyuan. He also fantasized about the positions of the Fifth Association and the Sixth Association at the beginning, but with Chen Guangyuan, Lin Yongquan and others, he had no chance at all.

According to his own thoughts, if he wants to get a step up, he will either establish a cavalry association in Beiyang and then be promoted to the leader of the cavalry association, or he will break the boundaries of arms and be promoted by Zhao Dongyun to serve as an infantry association. In addition, he can also take the path of the training office and transfer to the training office to the training office. After a year, he was sent to a unit as the commander of an association or even a town control.

As for the Jinzhou patrol battalion, to be honest, he did not expect it, because although that level has been improved, the Jinzhou patrol battalion is not a direct force of Beiyang. If he wants to climb out of the Jinzhou patrol battalion and transfer to a town control of the direct troops of Beiyang in the future, that possibility It is very small.

This is also because many middle and low-level officers in the third town are looking forward to the position of Jinzhou patrol battalion, but the middle and high-level officers are more repulsive. It is also because the officers in the third town are generally promoted and appointed. The third town is a team officer, so there must be at least one management belt in the past. As for the original management belt So far, no one has served in the past.

Zhao Dongyun saw that he did not say anything and knew that he also had some concerns. After all, the status of Jinzhou patrol battalion was a little poor. Although it is now under Zhao Dongyun, it is still a local force of Fengtian on the surface. It is normal for a decent Beiyang direct officer like Meng Enyuan to have concerns about this.

Zhao Dongyun continued: "You know, I plan to practice a few more battalions for the Jinzhou patrol battalion and form a mixed association at that time. I'm going to let you be the leader of this mixed association, but I don't know what you think?"

When Zhao Dongyun finished saying this, he had secretly decided that if he refused him, he would only stay in the position of cavalry for the rest of his life. A person who could not consider his future for his boss could not win the favor of his boss.

And now Meng Enyuan's hesitation has made Zhao Dongyun slightly dissatisfied. Of course, he will not show this dissatisfaction!

Meng Enyuan is really hesitant to go to Jinzhou patrol camp to be the commander of the mixed association? This seems to be a step up to the sky, but the benefits are actually not as big as it seems. Not to mention that the Jinzhou patrol battalion is not a direct force of Beiyang, and no matter how this unit changes, he is a unit supervised by Zhao Dongyun himself. That is to say, even if he becomes the leader of the mixed association, he is also very likely to become a puppet.

They are also the leader of the Mixed Association, but the current leader of the Jinzhou patrol camp mixed association and Zhao Dongyun's third leader of the mixed association are completely uncontrast.

However, looking at Zhao Dongyun's expected gaze, although Meng Enyuan had some scruples in his heart, he knew that he could no longer hesitate so much. Not to mention that Zhao Dongyun let him be promoted to be the leader of a mixed association, even if he was transferred to be a leader, he did not say anything to refuse.

Immediately showed caution: "As long as the adults need me to go there, I will go there far away!"

Zhao Dongyun was quite satisfied with Meng Enyuan's attitude and immediately said, "You have handled the work of the cavalry standard during this period, pay more attention to the affairs of the Jinzhou patrol battalion, so that you don't know anything about the past!"

Meng Enyuan said, "Of course I know this, but..."

Meng Enyuan knew that going to the Jinzhou patrol camp had become a for conclusion, and it was impossible to change it without a big accident, so he soon entered the role state: "I have heard a little about the expansion of the Jinzhou patrol camp, but how to expand it? Will the establishment, tactics and training imitate the third town side?"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "On the whole, it is naturally imitating the third town side, um, but the cavalry side does not need to learn from the third town side, continue to use the current brigade battalion system, but although Lv Shuanggun's cavalry battalion has been seen in the past, there are many problems. You can deal with one or two after you go there! At the top of the infantry, I have asked Lin Yongquan of the Education Office to recruit soldiers. It is estimated that they will initially arrive this month. What you have to do is to set up the shelf first and then accept the recruits from the Education Department!"

Meng Enyuan continued: "If it's a mixed association, you need at least two infantry-marked shelves. Your excellency, you have to give me a few people, otherwise it's up to me..."

Zhao Dongyun smiled and said immediately, "Don't worry, I have prepared the two belts for you. The first standard is Lin Pingxiong, and the second standard is Sun Hanchen. As for the two gangs and the management belt of the new battalion, you can go and give me a candidate list at that time!"

According to the old rules of the Beiyang New Army, the appointment at this level is naturally solved by Zhao Dongyun, the general office. As for the following appointments, they have to be handed over to Meng Enyuan. On the one hand, he is allowed to win over his own faction, and on the other hand, he is also released for his subordinates to compete.

Although Jinzhou patrol battalion is not a direct force in Beiyang, and it is not a good place for people like Meng Enyuan who have entered the ranks of senior officers, the position of unified belt is still a rare promotion opportunity for middle and lower-level officers, especially in the third town, which is not possible in a short time. In the case of too much change, I don't know how many years it will take for the boss to transfer himself and then get promoted.

Now there is a chance to be promoted to the first level to work in the Jinzhou patrol camp, which is also something that many middle and lower-level officers are looking forward to.

Meng Enyuan heard the names of Lin Pingxiong and Sun Hanchen, and also felt Zhao Dongyun's attention to Jinzhou patrol camp. Sun Hanchen and Lin Pingxiong are both one of the earliest pipe belts in the third town, and Lin Pingxiong is still a direct subordinate brought by Zhao Dongyun in the new machine gun camp in his early years. It can be seen that Zhao Dongyun We still attach great importance to the Jinzhou patrol camp.

Otherwise, he would not have sent Lin Pingxiong, a decent direct line, here.

Meng Enyuan is still relatively satisfied with these two people, but since he talked about it, Meng Enyuan will naturally not give up today's opportunity. He immediately said, "The recruitment speed of the Education Office is obvious to all. It is estimated that I can accept these soldiers within two months, but I don't know the guns?"

Hearing Meng Enyuan's question, Zhao Dongyun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Is it possible that I still plan to let the expanded new army take wooden guns? Don't worry, the rifles have placed an order to Fuyuan Machinery Factory. Although the output of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is tight in the first half of the year, it is still the rifles in the fourth town of my third town. It has been made up, and the rest of the list is from other provinces. I have wrote to them to give priority to squeeze out the output to supply us. Before the new gun arrives, you should train with the old gun first!"

The cost of the expansion of Jinzhou patrol battalion this time is actually not too much, at least not much for ordnance. Because of the artillery, war horses do not need to be purchased separately. As long as three battalions are recruited, and about 2,000 rifles are basically almost enough. The rest of the command knives, telescopes and so on. You can misappropriate part of the third town first, and then slowly buy them, which will not affect the speed of formation.

When the anti-bandit campaign on the new civilian government was still in progress, Zhao Dongyun had already submitted a report to the court, which generally meant that he had worked hard and had trained more than 5,000 people of the new army in the Jinzhou patrol battalion, compiled into a mixed association, and attached a list of the chief officials of each ministry. Of course, the most important thing is to ask the court to give Financial support!

This chapter naturally attracted the attention of Yuan Shikai and many bosses in the court!