Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 131 Reply to the oracle

This makes it difficult for Wang Zhanyuan to refute, because everyone knows that although the standing army of the Beijing flag is under the name of a flag man, the court has actually begun to be surnamed Yuan since the day he asked Yuan Shikai to help train. Even Tieliang, a Manchu officer, a Manchu officer, has a strong Beiyang. Back view.

However, Wang Zhanyuan also said, "Can Zengqi let me wait to control the large and small military positions of Fengtian Patrol Battalion? If so, I would support it! But..."

If anything is followed by a but, Wang Zhanyuan stood up and looked at Chen Guangyuan at this time: "Brother Xiufeng, do you think it's possible?"

Chen Guangyuan looked at Wang Zhanyuan and cursed coldly in his heart: "Damn Wang Zichun, sooner or later drive you out of the third town!"

At the beginning of Wang Zhanyuan's visit to the third town, he was very low-key, but after half a year, he gradually made his own voice after he stood firm. He had already opposed Chen Guangyuan in many meetings.

At the beginning, he saw that Zhao Dongyun did not kill all the people of other factions like Duan Qirui. In addition, he and Cao Kui had a close relationship. Through Cao Kui, he quietly expressed to Zhao Dongyun that I was a mixed seniority and left in a year and a half. In addition, he has always been a member of the young and strong faction, so he got along well with Zhao Dongyun and did not What kind of conflicts have broken out?

Of course, he was able to take root in the third town and was not driven away by Zhao Dongyun in the first place. The main reason is that although he is from Wang Yingkai, he usually treats things from the perspective of the interests of the third town and does not do anything inside or outside.

This made Zhao Dongyun accept him and let him slowly integrate into the third town.

In addition, as one of the two major infantry commanders, either of them and Chen Guangyuan's good performance represents the poor performance of the other. Coupled with the hostility of their political factions, it naturally makes him and Chen Guangyuan a natural political opponent.

Wang Zhanyuan and Chen Guangyuan made their heads, and several other people naturally joined the debate. At the same time, they were constantly proposing other methods. For example, Meng Enyuan proposed to follow the previous method of compiling and training the old army to misappropriate funds and propose to reorganize other old armies in Fengtian to obtain funds, but this must be agreed and supported. In fact, it is no different from letting Zengqi take the money directly. After all, the expenses of those old troops are the same as that given by Zengqi.

Hong Putao of the Quartermaster's Office said that he could appropriately reduce the salary and training intensity of Jinzhou patrol battalion, which could save tens of thousands of yuan at once, but as soon as he said it, he was criticized by Meng Enyuan, and Chen Guangyuan and other unit chiefs naturally did not start this. Now it is said that Jinzhou patrol battalion, if Later, when it comes to the third town, you can't cry to death, so cutting the money and reducing the intensity of training cannot be a precedent.

The meeting was noisy for more than two hours, and I didn't come up with any good idea. Fortunately, the third town now has a sufficient small treasury, and there are more trade profits with Japan and Russia, so I don't have to worry too much about military spending for a while.

But Zhao Dongyun hasn't solved the funds needed for the expansion of Jinzhou patrol battalion, but Zengqi has caused a lot of things for him.

It is said that Zengqi has tried to set up a regular army in Fengtian in the past six months, but there are many difficulties. Once again, when he saw Zhao Dongyun's Jinzhou patrol camp, he couldn't help thinking about this Jinzhou patrol camp.

In mid-July, he reported to the imperial court that the Jinzhou patrol camp was under the jurisdiction of Fengtian, and most of the funds were also borne by Fengtian, and the Jinzhou patrol camp should be under the jurisdiction of Shengjing General's mansion.

At the same time, Zhao Dongyun, the general manager, is also in charge of the third town. In order to relieve the burden and pressure on Zhao Dongyun, he said that he could help manage the Jinzhou patrol camp, and replayed the old tune. Once again, he asked for the establishment of the Fengtian Standing Army, and this time he came up with a detailed plan, that is, the Jinzhou patrol camp. With the Sky Patrol Defense Battalion as the core, as long as it is integrated, it can immediately get tens of thousands of troops in a town.

At the same time, as long as Fengtian's standing army is established, the lack of military expenses of the original Jinzhou patrol camp will also be solved independently by Fengtian.

Then he wrote a private letter to several bigwigs in the court, saying that there was a third town in Fengtian. If Zhao Dongyun set up another Jinzhou mixed association, Fengtian would probably become Fengtian in Beiyang.

The court is quite interested in Zengqi's proposal. They believe that the Jinzhou patrol battalion has been trained anyway, so that Zengqi's jurisdiction will not affect the training of the troops. After the integration of the two patrol camps of Jinzhou and Fengtian, they will be able to get a new army, and they can also solve the rather difficult problem of military expenditure. It is a very attractive thing for the court to train the new army.

In addition to these superficial reasons, this move can also cut off a hand extending from Beiyang to Fengtian.

Although the Jinzhou patrol battalion is a private army made by Zhao Dongyun, it still has a great relationship with Yuan Shikai. In the eyes of outsiders and even Beiyang insiders, this Jinzhou patrol camp is a collateral army belonging to Beiyang.

Now Yuan Shikai's momentum has soared, especially after training the four Beiyang towns, which makes many Manchu nobles in the court feel quite complicated. On the one hand, he hopes that Yuan Shikai will train more troops to defend the court and guard the capital, but on the other hand, he is also worried that Yuan Shikai will not plan after controlling more troops. Rail or something.

Although Yuan Shikai's argument against the embankment did not appear, many actions of the court were still based on supporting Yuan Shikai, but they also made a certain advance layout. For example, the establishment of the Training Office was promoted by Yuan Shikai, rather than the Qing court's attempt to concentrate the national army and weaken the military power of Xinjiang ministers. A try.

Of course, this kind of defense is impossible to be public and superficial. The current Qing court is extremely dependent on Yuan Shikai, and it is impossible to make some public defense against Yuan Shikai.

Therefore, although the court was very interested in Zeng Qi's proposal, it did not directly refuse or reject it. Instead, it sent the article to the training office and took out a handling charter for the training office.

And who is in charge of the current training office? Isn't it Yuan Shikai, so the court clearly asked the training office to give an opinion. In fact, it is to ask Yuan Shikai what he means. Can Fengtian's standing army do this or not? What should I do if I want to do it? If you want to transfer the Jinzhou patrol camp to Fengtian, do you have any objection?

Zengqi once again submitted a request to start the Fengtian Standing Army. If it was put in the past, it was not a big deal at all. Even Zengqi could actually start the Fengtian Standing Army without the approval of the court. After the event, just told the court how many new troops I had trained, but the reason why he publicly reported was to The control of Jinzhou patrol camp was seized, and Fengtian's standing army was set up as an air.

After hearing the news, Zhao Dongyun's face was a little ugly. Although the Jinzhou patrol battalion nominally belonged to Fengtian's local troops, everyone knew that this was Zhao Dongyun's private army. Even Yuan Shikai would have admitted this, otherwise he would not have approved Zhao Dongyun. All the chiefs of the troops of the First Mixed Association of the Jinzhou Patrol Battalion have been appointed.

This is actually a manifestation of Yuan Shikai's admission that this army belongs to Zhao Dongyun's private army.

However, now Zengqi still dares to pay attention to his own private army!

"Does he think the people in our third town are easy to bully?" Zhao Dongyun hasn't lost his temper yet. Chen Guangyuan, who was beside him, shouted: "According to me, you don't have to give the old man any face. This time, after waiting for Zhang Zuolin, we will also destroy Feng Delin!"

Zhang Zuolin and Feng Delin mentioned are both officers and soldiers of the Fengtian Patrol Battalion, but since Zhao Dongyun publicly said that Zhang Zuolin robbed his own weapons, Zhang Zuolin's headquarters has been set up of the Fengtian Patrol Battalion, but Feng Delin is still wearing the skin of Fengtian Patrol Battalion.

Lin Yongquan, who was beside him, said, "This time, his calculation is loud. In the name of the shortage of food and salary of our Jinzhou patrol camp, he has promised the benefits of expanding a new army town to the court. It is normal for the court to be moved!"

And Wang Zhanyuan said, "Well, what he thinks is beautiful. No matter what, the Jinzhou patrol battalion is the army of our Beiyang people. He is not afraid of choking to death if he wants to swallow it!"

After these people said this, they looked at Zhao Dongyun together: "Your Excellency, what should we do now?"

Zhao Dongyun had recovered his previous anger at this time, and his face returned to calm and said indifferently, "What's the panic?"

After saying this, Zhao Dongyun paused for a while and then said, "Let's be relieved. As long as I am here, no one can take away our army. No one can do it, and the court can't!"

This kind of words may be similar to conspiracy in other dynasties, but in the late Qing Dynasty, such words were extremely normal in the mouths of feudal officials or army commanders. In the hearts of Chen Guangyuan, Wang Zhanyuan and others, Beiyang is Beiyang, and the court is the court, and the two are not one.

Whether it is Zhao Dongyun, Chen Guangyuan or Lin Yongquan, they are not loyal to Guangxu or Cixi in the Qing court, but Yuan Shikai, or even Yuan Shikai. In fact, they are only loyal to the Beiyang system!

On the same day, Zhao Dongyun sent a telegram to the training office in Beijing. After talking about a lot of nonsense about Fengtian training the new army, he inserted this sentence in the middle: In the year of Gengzi, there were more than 100,000 soldiers in the general's mansion, but he failed to stop the Russian soldiers from questioning the moon. The camp he trained in the past year has been in vain, and this summer has resurrence...

This is almost ** naked saying that Zeng Qi is mediocre and incompetent, and he can't use troops to train troops. If more than 5,000 new troops from the Jinzhou patrol battalion are handed over to Zeng Qi, I'm afraid it will be a repeat of Gengzi's years ago!

Zhao Dongyun's telegram will not be surprising. His opposition was expected by everyone, so it did not cause much waves.

In fact, people are more concerned about Yuan Shikai's reaction!

July 18, Yuan Shikai replied to the imperial edict: Fengtian should be encouraged to train the army, but there are many direct soldiers in the Jin camp, and many soldiers in the Feng camp, and the two battalions may not have the habit of working together.

As soon as this came out, many bigwigs in the court couldn't smile bitterly. Yuan Shikai was arrogant, not talking about military expenses, politics, let alone officers, military training and other problems. He just said that he was worried about integrating Jinzhou patrol battalion and Fengtian patrol camp. I'm afraid that the living habits of the soldiers on both sides are different, and they can't eat well and sleep well...

This is pure bullshit!