Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 138 Lushun General Attack

Unlike other troops in Beiyang, in the training process of the third town, the recruitment of new recruits belongs to the management of the Recruitment Section of the Education Department, and other institutions and troops cannot recruit recruits privately. The recruits have to go through a month and a half of nutritional supplementation and physical training. This part of the work is under the responsibility of the new barracks of the Education Department. After the preliminary training is completed, the qualified recruits will be allocated to the troops, and the units will carry out follow-up training of military skills and physical fitness.

So for the chief officers of the army, daily training is still an important responsibility for them, but it is not enough to fight with soldiers.

Meng Enyuan said: "Most of the recruits added last month were added to the engineering and the heavy teams. This month, I formed the fourth battalion of the walking team with the newly transferred recruits. Although the combat strength is barely strong, it should be able to barely fight after several months of training!"

"So now we can use three battalions, a cavalry battalion and a cannon battalion?" Zhao Dongyun was a little dissatisfied with the expansion of the Jinzhou patrol camp. It has been several months, but there is still no great results. At this rate, it is estimated that it will not be until the end of the year that it will be completely formed.

Meng Enyuan also heard Zhao Dongyun's dissatisfaction, but he can't do anything about it. This expansion is enough to open his mouth. Not to mention the problem of funds and ordnance, soldiers alone can't be solved in a day or two. You have to recruit soldiers alone. Just gather the newly recruited soldiers from Zhili and Shandong. Together, it will take at least half a month to transport it to Jinzhou, and then the Education Office will have to train new recruits for another month and a half. Two months later, it will take him Meng Enyuan to see the new recruits needed for expansion.

However, he did not delay at all. As soon as the recruits arrived, they were enriched into the troops. They not only established a heavy team and an engineering team, but also set up the 4th battalion of a walking team. This kind of work performance is no longer slow.

However, it is naturally not suitable for arguing on today's occasion. Zhao Dongyun is not unaware of this. He is just dissatisfied with the current small number of troops.

Zhao Dongyun once put his sight back on the map and then said, "You can put a camp on Xinmin's side, a camp in Liaozhong, and another camp on Panshan, which also integrates the three lines. As for the riding camp, stationed in Tai'an as a reserve team!"

This is also a general arrangement. This arrangement is basically the result of helplessness, because in this way, the visitors released the three existing infantry battalions of the Jinzhou patrol battalion, and the main defense line on Jinzhou side no longer has the cooperation of the Jinzhou patrol battalion.

If you want to strengthen Jinzhou's defense line, you can only wait for the infantry battalions after the expansion of Jinzhou patrol battalion.

After saying that, Zhao Dongyun continued, "However, there are still many bandits in the new people's government, and Jin Wanfu is still there, so Lv Shuanggun's riding camp will stay there for a few months for the time being and straighten out the new people's government before leaving!"

Although Zhang Zuolin has been destroyed in the new people's government, hundreds of horse teams under Jin Wanfu and Wang Xiaozhuzi are still there, and the subsequent battle to suppress bandits still requires the cooperation of a large number of cavalry.

Therefore, the stationing and allocation of local troops previously determined by Zhao Dongyun is only a later plan. At present, the main direction is still on the new people's government.

Zhao Dongyun carried out bandits in the new people's government and expanded his territory. At the same time, he also played with the expansion of Jinzhou patrol camp. At the same time, Japan and Russia also fought in Liaoyang and Lushun at the same time.

At the beginning of August, the Russian army's positions outside Lushun had been conquered by the Japanese, and the defenders were forced to shrink into the Lushun Fortress, with a total of more than 40,000 defenders, more than 130 machine guns and more than 600 artillery pieces. The Japanese army that surrounded Lushun reached more than 60,000 people, with more than 400 artillery and more than 70 machine guns.

It is worth noting that although the number of artillery on the Japanese side is not as good as that of the Russian army, it is very targeted, and the siege heavy artillery accounts for nearly half. Although the total number of artillery on the Russian army is relatively large, a considerable part is facing the sea. It is impossible to face all the heavy artillery on the harbor. Land-based.

In terms of machine guns, Russia has an absolute advantage. Originally, the Russian army only had 60 or 70 machine guns in Lushun, but in the past six months, Zhao Dongyun has sold more than 100 heavy machine guns to the Russians. In January and February alone, nearly 100 were delivered successively, and more than 50 heavy guns were delivered in the following months. Machine guns, including more than 70 machine guns and a large number of matching machine gun bullets have been assigned to Lushun.

Simply put, the Russian army in Lushun now has twice as many machine guns as in history, and there is no shortage of bullets.

In addition, due to the weight of the heavy machine guns, the mobility is very poor, so the contemporary heavy machine guns are used for defense, but no one can directly charge the heavy machine guns with the infantry. However, the Japanese army is the attacking side, and the Russian army is not idle to fight back, so the Japanese army is assigned a heavy machine gun in the direction of Lushun. The role that can be played is quite limited.

In contrast, it can be found that the Russian army has a great advantage in machine guns!

Then the logistical supplies of both sides were quite bad, and the Russian army was limited by insufficient preparation time. Although it urgently strengthened its reserves in the first few months of the year, and also obtained a large number of machine guns, shells, bullets and other materials from Zhao Dongyun, except for the relatively sufficient machine guns and machine gun bullets, the shells even Rifle bullets are relatively scarce, and the shells of each gun are less than 500. This is still supported by some of the shells transported by Zhao Dongyun in the early stage. In fact, the Russian army's ammunition reserves are even worse in history!

As for the Japanese army, they can't go there. They are limited by the transportation capacity of the maritime supply line and can't transport all the domestic shells to the front line in a short time. The logistics supply provided by this supply line is not much. In addition, Japan and Russia on the other side of Liaoyang are engaged in a super-large-scale battle, and the shells and bullets The consumption is astronomical, which further squeezes the supply of ammunition available to the Japanese Third Army.

In fact, as long as they do not foolishly launch a general attack on Lushun, but adopt the current siege strategy, and the ammunition and troops will be enough. Sooner or later, the Russian army in Lushun will surrender.

However, can the third army of Nomu Xidian continue to besiege like this without launching a strong attack?



Because the Russian Pacific Second Fleet is about to leave for the Far East, if the Russian Second Pacific Fleet is not pulled out now, after the Russian Second Pacific Fleet arrives in Asia and joins with the First Fleet, and there is Lushun as its home port to rely on, Japan wants to completely control it. The right to control the sea in the Yellow Sea is almost impossible.

If a great battle between the two sides breaks out, it will never be a historical naval battle against Malaysia, but the first and second fleet of the Russians will converge against the Japanese Combined Fleet. It is really hard to say who will win or lose at that time.

Even if the Russian navy can't win, as long as it fights, it is impossible for the Japanese navy to continue to fully control the sea power of the Yellow Sea. Once it loses the full sea control, it will be minutes to cut off the Japanese sea supply line in the western sea with the strength of the Russian navy. At that time, Liaodong will In addition to retreating, it is estimated that the Japanese army can only wait to die.

So for Japan itself, the victory of the army is important, but the victory of the navy is more important. If the Japanese navy can defeat the Russian navy, it can make Japan win a decisive victory.

In order to better prepare for the Russian navy, the Japanese navy repeatedly asked the Japanese army to capture Lushun as soon as possible, so that the Russian fleet and the European fleet in Lushun should work together. At the same time, it can also force the Russian navy to pass through the extremely dangerous Tsushima Strait, thus forcing them to come far away without rest. The Russian Pacific Second Fleet and the Combined Fleet fought a decisive battle and laid the winner in one fell swoop.

Therefore, during the period from July to August, the Japanese navy urged the army to launch a general attack on Lushun almost every day. In the face of strong pressure from the navy, even Dashanyan, the commander-in-chief of the Manchurian army, felt a lot of pressure and specially prepared the Third Army and Naimu Hidian to conquer Lushun. , and at the critical moment of the battle in Liaoyang, he gritted his teeth and ordered the Third Army to launch a general attack on Lushun.

From a tactical point of view, it is very unfavorable for the Japanese Army to launch a general attack on Lushun when the battle in Liaoyang and the Third Army lacks ammunition supply. However, the Japanese Third Army cannot launch a general attack on Lushun, because it is even more difficult to wait until winter, such as If you wait until next year, the Second Pacific Fleet will arrive, and it will be difficult for the navy to completely control the sea power of the Yellow Sea.

Once you can't control the sea power, there is no hope for this war to win!

This is also the fundamental reason why Naoki still launched a strong attack with the so-called meat bullets in the absence of bullets and shells in history. It is not that he likes to play with meat bullets, but that the pressure given to him by his superiors is too great, so that he has to shoot Lushun even if there are no bullets. As for the world's accusations against him, it is not because he stubbornly launched a continuous attack on Lushun, but because his tactics to conquer Lushun are too rigid, resulting in too many casualties.

At the beginning of August, after more than a month of preparation, Naomi's Third Army finally launched a general attack on the Lushun Fortress. The Japanese army launched a strong attack on the Dagu Mountain and Xiaogu Mountain outside the fortress with the strength of a division. The Russian army defended only three battalions, but what the Japanese did not know was that the Russian army of these three battalions had Eight heavy machine guns.

After the start of the war, after a long period of artillery preparation, the confident Japanese army began to launch a charge. The senior Japanese generals led by Nomu Hime were observing the battle with binoculars. However, the next thing once again shocked Nogi and others. Chin, although the Japanese army already knew that the heavy machine guns in the hands of the Russian army were powerful, after all, a division on the other side of the Liaoyang Battle was hit by the fire of the Russian heavy machine guns, and more than half of the casualties in a day have not long passed.

However, Hironori still didn't expect that the soldiers of the first attacking squad had been killed and injured before they rushed to a distance of 100 meters!

Under the scorching sun, Nogi Hidian watched his soldiers keep falling at gunpoint with binoculars. The rest of them also lay on the ground and dared not move and could not rush up at all, but he still did not order to retreat. In the afternoon, he ordered a brigade in the reserve team to reinforce and continue to attack!