Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 149 This belongs to the era of the North Sea!

From Gengzi to the second year, Zengqi has always been relatively unlucky. In the year of Gengzi, the Russian army went all the way west and beat tens of thousands of troops under Zengqi. Then Zengqi left a lot of relationships before he was not removed from office. In the following years, he always wanted to make some achievements to save his political career.

For example, recruiting bandits and training standing troops are all Zengqi's efforts to restore control of the situation in Fengtian, but with the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, everything has come to nothing.

Not only this. After Zhao Dongyun arrived in Jinzhou, he almost included the whole Liaoxi into the defense zone. After 1905, he took over Fengtian's defense almost completely. Not only that, but even Feng Delin and other generals in Fengtian's standing army had to look at Zhao Dongyun's face.

Zengqi, who has no strong military power in his hand, has become a false general Shengjing. What he has been able to do in the past year is to relieve refugees and so on.

After a long-term accumulation, Zengqi, who had nothing to do, naturally made the court dissatisfied and then recalled the capital to report. However, on the surface, this seems to be just a return to Beijing to report, but clear-sighted people know that the court is very dissatisfied with Zengqi's inaction. This time, Zengqi returned to Beijing, it is estimated that there is no hope to be transferred back to Shengjing.

So although there is no talk that Zeng Qi will be removed from office, people who have a peek at the position of General Shengjing have taken action one after another. Among them, the fastest action is naturally Zhao Dongyun, who is close to Jinzhou.

"You should know what you want to do when you go to Beijing this time!" Zhao Dongyun asked Zhao Dongping to sit down and said, "I won't say more, but you have to remember that Beijing is not Jinzhou or Baoding. When you go to Beijing, put away all your past factions. Don't let people think that my Zhao Dongyun's men are domineering."

Zhao Dongping nodded and said, "Don't worry, third brother. This time I go to Beijing, I'm going to pretend to be my grandson to send money. Even if someone slaps me, I will laugh!"

Zhao Dongyun snorted: "I'm asking you to keep a low profile, not to humiliate me!"

Zhao Dongyun continued: "You should always remember that you are on behalf of me in Beijing. You have to think carefully about what you can't do and what you have to do. In addition, you don't have to worry too much. I have sent a telegram to Uncle Chenbin. At that time, he will also go to Beijing with you and learn how to treat people and things!"

Zhao Dongyun knew that his cousin usually relied on his own power. Whether in Jinzhou or Baoding, he didn't have much scruples. Except for a few bigwigs in Beiyang who could make Zhao Dongping afraid, most of the time he didn't pay attention to others. However, this time he went to the capital, he planned to bribe the court. The powerful, so he has to put away his previous arrogance and keep a low profile, but he can't be bullied at the same time. At least he represents Zhao Dongyun's face.

Those powerful people in the dynasty are not good enough but have more failures. If Yuan Shikai recommended him as General Shengjing, those powerful people in the dynasty said a few words such as 'Zhao Dongyun is too young and not qualified', so Zhao Dongyun fed them first.

At the beginning of April, after Zengqi received the 20,000 liang Chengyi given by Zhao Dongyun, Zengqi recommended Zhao Dongyun to take the position of General Shengjing during his return to Beijing. The next day, the court sent an order to reply to his report.

As a result, Zhao Dongyun became the acting general of Shengjing during Zengqi's return to Beijing. At this time, it is worth noting that this 'apportun' is temporary and temporary only valid during Zengqi's return to Beijing. Once Zengqi returns to Shengjing, his department General Shengjing will naturally be invalidated. Of course, the above possibility is too small. The greater possibility is that after Zeng Qi's debriefing, he will be removed from office or transferred to other places, and the court will transfer another member to take office in Shengjing's deadlock.

Historically, during Zengqi's return to Beijing, Tingjie, the servant of Fengtianfu and the servant of Shengjing Household Department, acted as General Shengjing. A month later, he was taken over by Zhao Erxun, the minister of the Ministry of Household. Now Zhao Dongyun actually occupied Tingjie's position.

Similarly, the battle between General Shengjing actually officially began at the moment when Zeng Qi left Fengtian. Previously, Zhao Dongyun's acting General Shengjing was just a prelude.

After Zengqi returned to Beijing, Zhao Dongyun's money-giving plan was carried out as usual, but the prelude to the official battle for the position of General Shengjing has not yet started. They are all waiting for Zengqi to be officially removed from the position of General Shengjing by the court. However, after waiting for more than half a month, he did not wait for Zengqi to be dismissed, but came the news of Zengqi Dingyou.

Well, although this news is unexpected to everyone, whether it is Ding You or the transfer, it is certain that Zengqi will leave.

For a while, there was a rumor in the court to recommend Zhao Erxun to take over as General Shengjing. However, this public opinion trend has not yet formed the mainstream. Yuan Shikai officially recommended Zhao Dongyun to take over the position of General Shengjing. He said: Today, Japan and Russia in the Eastern Province have not won or lost, and they will be inadvertently endangered by the disaster of war. , the new general also suppressed the heavy responsibility of Liaoning and the point guard of Gyeonggi, and he needed to be cautious.

On the surface, it is said that the selection of General Shengjing is very important and needs to be carefully selected, but sometimes politicians can't look at the surface, because the hidden meaning of Yuan Shikai's words is that Liaoxi is guarded by my Beiyang for the imperial court. If this position is not given to my generals, I will withdraw from Liaoxi, and then Don't blame me when the Japanese and Russian armies hit the capital.

Then he directly recommended Zhao Dongyun without hesitation: At the time of the crisis in the Eastern Province, people must be good at military affairs. Zhao Dongyun, an alternate Taoist, has trained 20,000 soldiers since he went to Jin, eliminated bandits and made great contributions to defending the capital in western Liaoning. In this way, the building of the country can be a general.

The purpose of Yuan Shikai's recommendation of Zhao Dongyun is very simple. Just as the later Yuan Shikai vigorously pushed Xu Shichang to be the governor of the three eastern provinces, Yuan Shikai wanted to incorporate Fengtian into the whole Northeast into the sphere of influence of the Beiyang system.

Maybe for Zhao Dongyun, taking office as General Shengjing can make him one of the feudal ministers and gain a territory that can do a big job. However, for Yuan Shikai, Zhao Dongyun's territory is the territory of Beiyang, and Zhao Dongyun's third town and Jinzhou patrol battalion are Beiyang's army, so he supports Zhao Dongyun to take office as Sheng. General Jing is in the interests of Beiyang and Yuan Shikai.

In the face of Yuan Shikai's strong recommendation, there was a lot of public opinion in the court, but later laughed that Zhao Dongyun's 100,000 taels of silver Prince Qing was also seconded by Yuan Shikai's letter, Zhao Dongyun's appointment as Shengjing deadlock became a foregation.

The whole process is much simpler than Zhao Dongyun imagined, and it is not full of intrigues as written in conspiracy novels.

In the process of competing for General Shengjing, in fact, he had little to do with Zhao Dongyun himself. Yuan Shikai played the leading role. To be precise, at first, Zhao Dongyun did not want to compete for the position of General Shengjing, but Yuan Shikai saw the opportunity to integrate Fengtian into the Beiyang system and pushed Zhao Dongyun to the front desk. Compete for the position of General Shengjing.

Even Zhao Dongyun sent people to Beijing to bribe teachers, which was hinted by Yuan Shikai!

When Zhao Dongyun went to Beijing to smash hundreds of thousands of taels of silver and settled the many court magnates who were not enough to fail, Yuan Shikai's recommendation letter was to give this matter without giving Zhao Erxun and other so-called competitors a chance.

It can also be seen how powerful the Beiyang system of this era is. It has not only controlled several provinces in northern China, but also seriously affected various major decisions of the central court.

It was good before the Russo-Japanese War. Although the Beiyang system was strong, it was not enough to determine the feudal ministers of other provinces. However, with the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, the strength of the Beiyang system was almost one step a day. This can be seen from the development of the military strength of the Beiyang system. Before the Russo-Japanese War, the Beiyang system was not After four towns and the new army, but now there are six towns with standing troops. In addition to the Beijing Flag Standing Army, Jinzhou Patrol Battalion and other collateral military forces, Beiyang in early 1905 already has 100,000 combatable soldiers.

Anyone who opposes Yuan Shikai must first consider the strong military power possessed by Beiyang.

On May 7, the court officially approved Dingyou of Zengqi. On the same day, he added the title of right servant of Zhao Dongyun's military department, and was appointed as a general of Shengjing and other places. He also served as the third town control of the Beiyang Standing Army and the supervision office of Jinzhou patrol camp. At the same time, he took over Zengqi and the supervision of Fengtian patrol camp and Fengtian supervision and training office.

At this time, Zhao Dongyun's official position is more troublesome to talk about. He is a 'general of Shengjing and other places', and his additional rank is 'the right servant of the Ministry of War'. According to General Shengjing, his grade is 'from the first grade'. Then he also has a new army rank of 'second rank, the same as the rank of deputy'. In addition, there are a lot of positions. Such as the control of the Third Town of the Beiyang Standing Army, the supervision of Jinzhou Patrol Camp, the supervision of Fengtian Patrol Camp, the supervision of Fengtian Supervision and Training Office, the supervision of the Third Town Suiying School, etc.

Officials at the end of the Qing Dynasty, especially those feudal ministers, generally hold several or even more than a dozen positions. This is true of Beiyang boss Yuan Shikai, and the current Zhao Dongyun is also like this.

The same is true of Liu Yongqing, who was appointed as the minister of Xinjiang at the same time as Zhao Dongyun. The political turmoil in April and May was not only in Fengtian Province, but also in Jiangsu. At the beginning of the year, the court set up Jianghuai Province in northern Jiangsu, but it was opposed by a large number of gentry. Finally, it was Forced to be revoked, followed by the establishment of the position of Admiral of Jiangbei.

When Yuan Shikai pushed Zhao Dongyun to compete for General Shengjing, he also pushed Liu Yongqing, a veteran in the Beiyang system, to the position of Admiral of Jiangbei, and the official was awarded on the same day as May 7.

That is to say, on May 7, two more feudal ministers suddenly appeared in the Beiyang system, which is enough to prove the strength of the Beiyang system during 1905, sweeping the DPRK, but it can already affect the overall situation of the dynasty.

1905 is the era that belongs to the North Sea!

When the imperial edict was sent to Jinzhou, in the face of the congratulations of a large group of subordinates, Zhao Dongyun had already thought about how to clean up the mess left by Zeng Qi.

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