Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 155 Huludao Industrial Zone

"I think you have heard more or less about the intention of inviting you today!" After opening his mouth, Zhao Dongyun did not speak quickly. Instead, his speaking speed was relatively slow, and he only paused after speaking at the beginning. Naturally, he did not speak for a good sound, but a skill of speech.

Speaking slowly means that the words that are about to exit will stay in your mind for a few more seconds, and speaking slowly means that the possibility of making mistakes will be small. In addition, this kind of speech is very conducive to driving the audience's atmosphere and easy for others to immerse themselves in their own speech.

After a slight pause, Zhao Dongyun continued to say, "Yes, I invite you to come here for money, but you can rest assured that today we will not talk about donation but investment!"

Since Zhao Dongyun started, he naturally talked about the investment promotion plan he conceived, and what is Zhao Dongyun's core for the investment attraction of many businessmen here? It's nothing more than two words: policy!

"As we all know, the Japanese-Russian melee has had a great impact on my people's livelihood. I heard that merchants from all over the country, especially those in Yingkou and Shengjing, are even more so. For the sake of people's livelihood and in order to let you merchants have a safe and convenient production and operation area, I have asked the court to take the Hulu Island of Ningyuan Hall The site is set as 'Huludao Industrial Zone', and the industrial zone is specially requested to be a trade port, allowing foreign businesses to enter and exit the port to purchase goods.

When everyone heard that there was a so-called trade port in Huludao Industrial Zone, to tell the truth, they only understood the first three words, but they didn't understand the three words in the back. As for the so-called trade port, they didn't care much about the so-called trade port. Li Jian, who was on the side, gave full play to the role of supporting role: "I don't know this industrial zone. What is the constitution?

Zhao Dongyun said, "As the name implies, this industrial zone is naturally a place to handle industry. Of course, you may ask where to run an industry, but why come to this industrial zone?

First of all, I want to say that it is tax-free. As long as any merchant comes to set up a factory in this industrial zone at home and abroad, it will be exempted from any taxes and fees in the first three years. In the fourth and fifth years, only 30% of the rated tax will be charged, and only half of the tax will be charged in five to ten years!

Not only is it tax-free, but the General's Mansion will plan and build transportation, water conservancy and other supporting facilities in the entire industrial zone. As a supporting role, the industrial zone will start the construction of the branch railway from the industrial zone to the railway inside and outside the customs within three months. At the same time, the construction of Hulu Port will start within half a year, and the last time it will be able to dock small and medium-sized sea ships next year!

At the same time, in order to avoid that the factories you set up cannot recruit enough workers, the General's Mansion will also send commissioners to Fengtian prefectures and counties to recruit workers. If it is not enough, it will also send staff to Zhili, Shandong, Henan and other provinces to recruit enough workers.

The merchants who help recruit workers don't care much. These days, it is not a big problem to recruit people with full wages, but the tax exemption in Zhao Dongyun's mouth can't be ignored.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was not the end of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that merchants did not have to pay a dime of commercial tax, but in the end of the Qing Dynasty, the taxes of merchants were very heavy. From the production to transportation and sales of a commodity, the court would collect a large amount of taxes from it. Now Zhao Dongyun shouted the slogan of tax exemption, which naturally moved them.

In addition, they are also a little surprised. Although the branch railway from this industrial zone to the inside and outside of the customs does not cost much, it can't be repaired without hundreds of thousands of taels. In addition, the Huludao Port, even if its original conditions are better, it wants to swallow modern freighters and Passenger ships have become a modern port, which can't be done without hundreds of thousands.

And this money is taken out by the general's mansion?

At this time, businessmen have questions. When did the court become so good? It's okay to throw out at least millions of silver to support merchants in business, but they don't collect taxes? In this way, the court must not die at a loss?

This is not that their understanding of economic theory is not enough, but that it subverts the traditional image of the court in their hearts. According to people's ideas, when the court wants to do this kind of thing, it must be greedy for the money in the merchant's pocket. It will try its best to let the merchant donate and also levy heavy taxes. There will be inverted money and no taxes. A good thing?

But they don't know that Zhao Dongyun's vision is not only looking at this industrial area, and he does not plan to directly invest in the construction of the Huludao branch railway and Huludao port. Whether it is a railway or a port, these are large projects that can make long-term profits. Many large domestic merchants invest in railways in railways. There is a lot of interest in large-scale projects, and it will be enough to issue bonds for construction.

As for not collecting taxes, he can also sell land without collecting taxes. For example, you businessmen have to sell the land for the construction of factories in industrial zones. Even if it is not for money, Zhao Dongyun will build the factory first and then rent it to merchants. Anyway, whether it is rented or sold, it requires money.

Secondly, once the industrial zone develops, more workers will naturally drive the commercial development of the surrounding areas. The residential land in the industrial zone and the residential land in the surrounding areas can also make more or less money. Of course, if you engage in real estate in the late Qing Dynasty, unless you go to the Shanghai Concession, it will be difficult to make a lot of money. The head still comes from taxes.

Zhao Dongyun gave those factories tax exemption, but he was not prepared to tax exemption for various shops and service industries in the industrial area. On the contrary, he not only did not tax but also prepared to levy heavy taxes.

As long as tens of thousands of workers pour in the industrial zone, plus their families, it is possible that 50,000 to 60,000 or even more than 100,000 will develop. At that time, these people will have various expenses every month. These expenses represent the consumer market. At that time, Zhao Dongyun will be able to eliminate these workers. Taxes are collected in the fee link.

If you have a little understanding of the economy, you will know the price of a commodity you buy, about half of which are taxes of various purposes, such as business taxes of production enterprises, tariffs in transportation links, business taxes of sales merchants, etc.

So as long as there is consumption, Zhao Dongyun can collect 100% of taxes!

Zhao Dongyun's set of doing in Huludao is to drive the development of the primary industry and the tertiary industry by developing the secondary industry. Of course, this is an official language. In fact, what he plays is the trick of empty gloves and white wolves, exchanging policies for solid taxes!

After Zhao Dongyun made comments on the Huludao Industrial Zone that night, Zhao Dongyun announced the official establishment of the 'Huludao Industrial Zone' the next day. The square circle of the district will be separated from the local government and county management and is directly under the jurisdiction of the general's government. Zhao E, who has a close friendship with Zhao Dongyun, will serve as the general office. At the same time, Xiong Xiling, who has rich experience in foreign affairs and new policy It will be handled by Renhui.

Once the industrial zone is established, there will naturally be a lot of follow-up content!

includes the announcement of comprehensive preferential policies, whether it is domestic private capital, foreign capital, or government capital, as long as all types of enterprises settle down in the industrial zone and can enjoy a rich tax exemption policy.

With the support of these policies, there must be supporting support. After all, Huludao is only a large wasteland now.

The supporting construction is mainly handled by Fuyuan Construction Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fuyuan Yarn Factory. The enterprise will be fully responsible for the leveling of Huludao Industrial Zone, plant construction, port construction, Huludao Branch Railway and surrounding residential construction. Basically, all infrastructure projects in the industrial area are directly transferred to Fuyuan. As for the construction company, whether it is outsourced or not depends on the situation.

This is directly left to his own Fuyuan Construction Company. On the one hand, Zhao Dongyun really can't find other people or enterprises to raise millions of silver for the construction of Huludao Industrial Zone. On the other hand, these construction projects are very profitable. It's better to let others make money than to let their own enterprises make money. .

In order to pay these construction funds, the industrial zone specially issued construction bonds. In order to get the trust of the business community, the issuance of these bonds and the custody of funds after issuance were handed over to the newly established Fengtian Official Silver to avoid being swallowed up by the government office of Huludao Industrial Zone.

As for playing construction projects and getting kickbacks, you should know that Zhao Dongyun's Fuyuan Construction Company is responsible for the construction. If anyone dares to take kickbacks, he will know it immediately, and then he will not hesitate to wave a big knife to cut off his head.

The repayment of bonds will be reimbursed by the future profit of Huludao railway operation, the operating income of Huludao Port, the rent and sale income of land in the industrial zone, and other tax revenue of the industrial zone government!

Also as a supporting facility, there is a 'labor office' specially set up by the government office in the industrial zone, which will publicize and recruit rural personnel from Liaoxi and even Zhili to solve the most basic labor needs for the occupied enterprises. As for technical talents, it is more troublesome. In addition to promoting as much as possible, the labor office can only rely on enterprises to dig by themselves. The wall foot or self-cultivation.

With these, although Huludao is a wasteland, it can be regarded as a shelf. In order to further stimulate these businessmen, under his instructions, Zhao Chenliang, the general manager of Fuyuan yarn factory, is Zhao Dongyun's third uncle, officially signed a contract with Li Yujian, the head of the Li family in Jinzhou, and the two sides will work together. Invested in the construction of 'Huludao Textile Company' in Huludao Industrial Zone. The initial investment amount is as high as 400,000 taels of silver, which will cover the two major businesses of spinning and weaving, becoming the first super-large enterprise to enter the industrial zone.

It's not a day or two that the Li family wanted to cooperate with Fuyuan Yarn Factory to invest in the textile industry. It was planned in 1903, but it has never been successful. This time when the Huludao Industrial Zone was opened, Fuyuan Yarn Factory had to take out money to invest even if it lost blood. However, Fuyuan Yarn Factory has invested too much in recent years, especially from last year to this year, in order to support the affiliated steel mill of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, it occupied a large amount of funds from Fuyuan Yarn Factory, so this investment in Huludao naturally attracted the Li family, who has always wanted to get involved in the upper class of the textile industry, and agreed that Fuyuan will provide technology and management And technicians and a small part of the funds, while the Li family is responsible for sales channels and most of the initial capital investment. With 49 percent of the Fuyuan yarn factory and 51 percent of the Li family, they jointly established the Huludao Textile Company.