Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 157 The First Epiphany of the Sovietxi

Since the beginning of Xin Chou, China's new policy reform has lasted for four years. With the vigorous implementation of Han powerful ministers such as Yuan Shikai and Zhang Zhidong, China in the late Qing Dynasty is changing at a speed unimaginable for thousands of years. Especially after the imperial examination was officially abolished, it has announced that China has officially entered a new era. .

In 1905, although Japan and Russia in the northeast were still carrying out a cruel war of attrition, and many people in China still had public opinion about it, but the Russo-Japanese war in the northeast did not affect China's new policy reform. On the contrary, it further stimulated the domestic new policy reform.

Under the circumstances of implementing the new policy in all provinces in China, Zhao Dongyun, who became General Shengjing, is no exception. As soon as he took office, he promulgated many measures to reform the new policy.

In order to develop the economy, he has successively established the State Administration of Finance, the State Administration of Salt Affairs, the State Administration of Agriculture and Forestry, the State Administration of Mining and Commerce, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and Fengtianguan Silver.

Subsequently, in order to cooperate with the economic reform, he successively rectified the affairs of other original institutions belonging to General Shengjing's mansion to prepare for the subsequent further abolition and streamlining of administrative institutions.

There are also extremely important military reforms in parallel with economic reforms!

In mid-May, Zhao Dongyun established the General Directorate of Patrol. The general office was Wang Zhixin. This person had organized patrol police in Tianjin with Zhao Bingjun the year before last. He was not only experienced but also a serious Beiyang native. After Zhao Dongyun became General Shengjing and had to handle the patrol police, he took the way of Zhao Chenliang to recommend himself. Zhao Dongyun saw that his ability was not bad, so he accepted his application and appointed him as the General Office of the Patrol Police Bureau.

The meeting was held by Zhu Qiling, the adopted son of Xu Shichang, who was also from the old Beiyang faction. Zhu Qiling could come to Fengtian Patrol Police Station to serve as the result of Xu Shichang's personal recommendation. Xu Shichang's face, Zhao Dongyun was naturally not easy to retreat, so she asked him to serve as the meeting.

After the establishment of the patrol police station, Zhao Dongyun ordered all kinds of old-style military forces in Fengtian Province, such as the chaotic eight-flag soldiers, defense forces, piracy camps, county teams, etc., to be merged into the patrol police station for rectification and training, and all the old and the weak should be abolished without mercy. After the rectification, he trained all the teams and stationed in Fuxian County to maintain public security.

In order to avoid such a big thing as group training in the local area, Zhao Dongyun's special patrol police must be uniformly trained and dispatched by the patrol police bureau, and the required funds and equipment are also uniformly allocated and distributed by the patrol police bureau.

In order to reduce financial pressure, the patrol officers under the jurisdiction of the patrol bureau are relatively relaxed when recruiting soldiers, and the money will be reduced. The equipment is temporarily subject to the inventory in Fengtian Province and the collected old guns. The main models are mainly single-packed old Mauser and Martini rifles, and other messy models are not Continue to use it.

In addition, this patrolman seems to look like a later policeman, but in fact it is not. The patrolman in the late Qing Dynasty is actually an auxiliary military force. In addition to maintaining local security, he also needs to deal with bandits of all sizes in Northeast China.

If the third town and Jinzhou patrol camp are field troops, then this patrol is a local garrison and can also assist the field army to fight when necessary.

The main purpose of training patrols is not to obtain thousands of patrol officers, but to lay off a large number of old troops in Fengtian Province in the name of training patrol police, so as to free up the funds of these old troops, and then Zhao Dongyun can train the new army.

After eliminating these messy old army, it can not only formalize Fengtian's military system, but more importantly, it can save at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver every year, which is enough for Zhao Dongyun to practice a mixed association.

Zhao Dongyun dared to eliminate all the old army with such a big action. In the preparation of the new army, Zhao Dongyun's action is also very big.

First of all, he reported to the imperial court, saying that in response to the call of the provinces across the country to train the new army, Fengtian expected to prepare two towns, but Fengtian was barren and had no money and no food, so he was going to make two mixed partners first.

"The Jin camp can be changed to the first mixed association without much action. The original part of the Feng camp can be reorganized into the new military system and get one cavalry battalion, two battalions and one team of the artillery team. It is planned to be transferred to the third town step team, one battalion, one team of the artillery team, and then the first battalion of the new recruitment team, the artillery team, one team of engineering, heavy and military music, so that it can become the second mixed association."

It can be said that it is difficult for Zhao Dongyun to make two Fengtian mixed associations. Naturally, there is no problem with the first mixed association, but the second mixed association is more difficult.

First of all, the reorganization of the Fengtian Patrol Battalion is also troublesome. Although the original army of the Fengtian Patrol Battalion is not very good, at least it is an army that Zengqi has worked hard to get. It is still possible to fight bandits, so it can't be abolished like other old troops.

If you pick and practice, it is estimated that several battalions can also be integrated. According to Zhao Dongyun's plan, there were four routes in the Fengtian patrol camp before, but one of them is that Zhang Zuolin has now been killed by Zhao Dongyun, and one of the remaining three roads is empty, so in fact, only Feng Delin is the way. There are more than 3,000 people on the way.

Feng Delin's horse team can be transferred to set up a cavalry battalion, and then the rest of Feng Delin's steps and the other steps can be reorganized, and barely two battalions can be made out.

In addition, there used to be eight artillery guns in the Fengtian Patrol Battalion. Although they are all old retreat guns, they can barely be pulled out to make up for a gun team to use first, and then replace them with new guns one after another.

In this way, a cavalry battalion, two infantry battalions and a gunnery can be organized from the Fengtian patrol battalion. Of course, they alone can't form much combat effectiveness. In order to make this mixed association become an army as soon as possible, Zhao Dongyun intends to transfer an infantry battalion and a gun team from his third town, so that he can rely on Relying on this infantry battalion and artillery team to form the core combat effectiveness, and then slowly train and recruit new infantry battalions, it is expected that by the second mixed association of Fengtian will be able to come out by the second half of the year.

"Brother Xu, I'm counting on you for this second mixed association!" Zhao Dongyun held Xu Bangjie's hand and said in a cautious voice.

"Don't worry, I, Xu Bangjie, will not let you down. As long as the funds are sufficient, I can train a strong army for you in half a year at most!" Xu Bangjie looked at Zhao Dongyun, who was much smaller than himself. Although he sighed that everything was changeable, both of them were still under the command of the right military guard in 1901, but the opportunities of the two in the following years could be described as very different.

In 1902, he had the push of Duan Qirui and Zhao Dongyun, and failed to become one of the leaders of the Third Association. In 1903, the third town was established. Zhao Dongyun once again wanted to invite him to become the leader of the Fifth Association, but he was seized by Wang Zhanyuan. Years later, although he also became a leader in the sixth town. It's a unified belt, but it's still aggrieved.

Zhao Dongyun has actually always wanted to push him to the top, but he has never been able to make it. As for the reason for wanting to win him, it is not because of his military training and fighting, but Xu Bangjie is the backbone of Zhao Dongyun's faction!

In 1901, the two were brothers and maintained a good relationship in the following years. Especially after Zhao Dongyun led his army to Jinzhou, Xu Bangjie, who stayed in Baoding, sent a secret telegram to Zhao Dongyun almost every time something happened. And he has also been suppressed because of Zhao Dongyun. Otherwise, with his profound qualifications in the North Ocean, it is estimated that he can become a leader earlier than Chen Guangyuan. Why did Cao Kui and Wang Zhanyuan become the leaders, and he is still a leader?

As the saying goes, Zhao Dongyun will hold him up no matter what his ability is!

So this time he personally sent a telegram to Yuan Shikai, saying that he lacked a general commander Fengtian's Second Mixed Association and asked Yuan Shikai to let him go. Naturally, Yuan Shikai would not oppose these matters. With a big stroke, he transferred him to Fengtian Marquis, so that Zhao Dongyun promoted him to Fengtian's Second Mixed Association. Commander.

In today's Beiyang, many people have privately said 'Soviet' and 'Zhao'. From these names, it can be seen that this is the Beiyang internal faction led by Zhao Dongyun. Just like Duan Qirui, who is an Anhui native and is called the Anhui line, Feng Guozhang is a Zhili person and called the direct lineage. Zhang Zuolin is a Fengtian person and is called the Feng lineage. Zhao Dongyun is a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, and his faction will naturally be called the Soviet line.

Therefore, according to the current development, Zhao Dongyun and others, who will occupy the northeast in the future, will not be called the Feng system, but will be called the 'Su system'.

And what are the people in the Soviet system that are not obvious now? Chen Guangyuan, the leader of the fifth association in the third town, and the officers at all levels, Meng Enyuan of Fengtian's first mixed association, Xu Bangjie of Fengtian's second mixed association and other personnel, such as Zhao E and Lin Yongquan. Zhao Dongping is of the Soviet Union.

These words are all served in Fengtian, but as one of the internal factions in Beiyang, in fact, the Soviets are all over the Beiyang system.

For example, Cao Kun, who served in the Standing Army of Beijing Flag, was very close to Wang Yingkai in his early years, but after Xinchou, he often hanged out with Zhao Dongyun. Although this person's long-term stay in Baoding seems to have nothing to do with Zhao Dongyun, in the eyes of other Beiyang people, even in Yuan Shikai, this Cao Kun is Zhao People from the Dongyun faction.

Then there are many young officers in the towns of the Beiyang Army, especially those who study abroad and return to China. Most of the officers are led by Zhao Dongyun, thus forming the 'young faction' within the Beiyang, and the young faction in the Beiyang system is almost equivalent to the 'Soviet'.

In the civil service system, in addition to Fengtian, there are also many people in Zhili who have a very close relationship with Zhao Dongyun, such as Zhou Xuexi, who presided over the organization of many new enterprises such as Tianjin official bank accounts, who is very close to Zhao Dongyun.

This does not mean how much personal relationship the two of them have, but that their cooperation is very close.

You can see from the business between Zhou Xuexi's foreign industry and Fuyuan yarn factory!

Tianjin Official Silver has lent at least one million taels of silver to Fuyuan Yarn Factory. Who is the second largest shareholder of Fuyuan Yanghui Factory? It's Zhou Xuexi! In addition, this year, Yuan Shikai asked Zhou Xuexi to organize the Luanzhou coal mine. Zhou Xuexi, who had no money in his pocket, directly went to the Fuyuan yarn factory to prepare for a joint operation between officials and businessmen. That is a big business with an expected capital investment of up to millions of taels of silver. If this relationship is not closely linked, can it be made together?


It can be said that in the economic field, the cooperation between Zhou Xuexi and Zhao Dongyun is very close, so although the two of them don't even meet much, it does not hinder their alliance, so in the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Xuexi is actually a Su who wears the same pair of trousers as Zhao Dongyun.

The above people are led by Zhao Dongyun and the third town as the core, forming the Soviet system in the Beiyang.