Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 174 Dramatastic Changes in the Korean Bureau 1

In the face of the suppression and collection of military power by the Qing court, the Beiyang people led by Yuan Shikai will naturally not sit back and wait for death. For Beiyang, it is nothing to lose a military aircraft minister or a secretary position, but it is absolutely unacceptable for military power.

The rights of the Beiyang faction, whether it is Yuan Shikai or Zhao Dongyun, their rights come to their army. Once they lose the army, they are nothing.

So it is easy for Qu Hongzhen and Cen Chunxuan to suppress Yuan Shikai, but it is very difficult for the Qing court to take this opportunity to recover military power.

In August 1906, almost when the Army Department was established, Yuan Shikai immediately dispatched the fourth town to Shanhaiguan and said that the foreign enemy was still there, and dispatched the fourth town to reinforce Shanhaiguan in order to prevent instability in Liaoxi.

This is a very obvious political signal, which means that foreign enemies refuse to hand over military power as an excuse.

At the same time, Zhao Dongyun also received a secret telegram from Yuan Shikai. The message said that Liaodong, Japan and Russia were still there, hoping that Zhao Dongyun could continue to maintain the stability of Liaoxi. This is nonsense on the surface, but some actions and words between political figures cannot only look at the surface.

Now that the contradiction between Yuan Shikai and the court has become superficial and public, Yuan Shikai suddenly sent this seemingly nonsense secret telegram, and Zhao Dongyun naturally knew what Yuan Shikai's move was for.

I immediately replied to the secret telegram: "Dongyun will not die, and Feng Province will not lose!"

On the surface, this is still Japan and Russia. If Zhao Dongyun does not die for a day, this Fengtian will not fall into the hands of the Japanese and Russian armies. However, both Yuan Shikai and Zhao Dongyun know that this number is Zhao Dongyun's oath of allegiance. The so-called foreign enemies do not refer to Japan and Russia, but to the imperial court!

Immediately, Zhao Dongyun reported to the court, saying that in order to prepare for the westward advance of Liaoning, Japan and Russia, the first town of Fengtian had been sent to leave Jinzhou and stationed in Xinmin and other places.

There seems to be nothing to say about this matter, but after connecting with Yuan Shikai's letter of sending the fourth town to Shanhaiguan garrison, the political meaning is very obvious, that is, Zhao Dongyun is firmly on Yuan Shikai's side.

is the so-called political stand-in and statement!

In this political turmoil throughout the government and the opposition, in the face of almost the war between the Qing court and other governors to suppress the Beiyang system, it is impossible for Zhao Dongyun to walk the tightrope like ordinary ambitious people.

Because Zhao Dongyun himself is the backbone of the Beiyang system, most people in Beiyang know that Yuan Shikai is the leader of the Beiyang faction, but what are the main roles of Beiyang people? There are Xu Shichang, military generals, Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and others, and Zhao Dongyun is a feudal minister, but strictly speaking, he is also a military general.

It can be said that almost everyone knows that Zhao Dongyun is the core figure in Beiyang. The court wants to suppress Beiyang and Zhao Dongyun. If Zhao Dongyun does not clearly support Yuan Shikai at this time, it will be a major blow to the Beiyang faction, which may cause the division of Beiyang. .

And once Zhao Dongyun loses the big tree of Beiyang as a support, unless he is really ready to rely on tens of thousands of troops under him to rebel now, otherwise as soon as Yuan Shikai falls, Zhao Dongyun will immediately have to get out of the position of General Shengjing. At that time, he will only be able to "go home" like Yuan Shikai.

So whether it's for Beiyang or for himself, Beiyang can't fall, and Yuan Shikai can't fall!

No matter whether Yuan Shikai has lost or won in this battle in history, in short, in this era, if anyone dares to pull Yuan Shikai from the position of governor of Zhili, he has to ask him whether the tens of thousands of troops under Zhao Dongyun agree or not!

So in the summer and autumn of 1906, on the one hand, he continued to expand his army. He not only expanded the first and second towns of the Fengtian Standing Army into full members, but also expanded the scale and establishment of Fengtian Patrol Police, and transferred patrol police from many prefectures and counties to train the first, second and third bids of Fengtian Patrol as a supplement. Help the troops to free up more field troops to deal with the situation.

The expansionist also opened his eyes and kept an eye on the domestic situation. Once the domestic situation changes, he needed to respond in time, and even considered it. Once Yuan Shikai made up his mind to turn against the court, Zhao Dongyun immediately led troops into the customs without saying a word, and then pushed Yuan Shikai to the position of Republican president.

At this time, the negotiations between Japan and Russia have also entered a critical moment. Due to the great differences in current situation and history, although the Russian navy has failed miserably, it has not been won or lost on land. If it really continues, it is not known who will win and who will lose.

Based on this, Japan's demand for compensation, land ceding and other demands were rudely rejected by the arrogant Russian Tsar Nicholas II, calling out the slogan of not to pay a ruble and not to cut an inch of land.

Although Lushun is Chinese territory, Russia is also resolutely unwilling to cede it to Japan, and even calls for the export number to return it to China rather than to Japan. This slogan makes many people in China a little excited, but this possibility is too small. If it does not get certain benefits in Manchuria, Japan Hundreds of thousands of people have to die in vain!

This has led to a deadlock in the negotiations.

In July, the two sides had another small fight during the negotiations. After tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, the two countries finally lost their temper. At this time, Britain, the United States, France and other countries put forward a third solution, that is, to propose multinational trusteeship.

That is, the Middle East Railway under the control of Russia should be jointly operated by various countries, and Lushun has become a public concession hosted by many countries.

Naturally, this plan is meant by Americans. Americans have always liked to intervene for various reasons such as opening the door. This time, Americans provide Japan with a lot of money. Although the direct purpose is to suppress Russia, another main purpose is also to carry out economic infiltration in the Northeast. Transparent.

Britain, France and Germany originally had no interests in the northeast, but now when they hear that they can intervene, they can still care about the thoughts of Japan and Russia, and immediately agree with it.

Japan and Russia naturally refuse to agree to this move, but Japan's opposition is more fierce than Russia. Although Russia shouted that it would not compensate for a ruble or cut an inch of land, the situation has reached this point that it is actually very difficult for him to protect his interests in the northeast. And he is even more reluctant to cede most of his interests to Japan.

If it is jointly managed by many countries, Russia can at least divide it, which is much more cost-effective than letting Japan occupy it, so it will casually resist one or two.

However, the resistance of Japan was particularly fierce, because in Japan's opinion, this was completely a replica of the intervention of the Three Kingdoms and the return of Liao. In the First Sino-Japanese War, Japan was forced to redeem the Liaodong Peninsula under the oppression of various countries, but now again, how can we let him We are willing.

However, although Japan is unwilling, there is nothing they can do. In order to force Japan's armistice, the United Kingdom and the United States even completely stopped buying Japanese debts, which makes Japan's economy, which is already extremely difficult, even worse. If it goes on like this, it is estimated that Japan's finances will not take a few months. Bankrupt.

Finally, in the face of the joint oppression of various countries, Japan and Russia succumbed and signed an armistice in the United Kingdom. The general content of the treaty is the armistice between the two sides and the withdrawal of their respective armies from the northeast. The Middle East Railway should be operated and developed by a multinational company. Lushun was changed to a multinational trustee concession and became a public similar to Shanghai. Concessions and free ports.

This treaty is not good for China on the surface, but in fact there are benefits. Multi-nation co-manage means that neither Russia nor Japan can fully occupy the interests of the Northeast, which is good for curbing the infiltration of foreign forces, especially Japan and Russia, into the Northeast.

"Now that their treaty has been signed, it's time to take Liaodong back!" Zhao Dongyun frowned as he spoke: "But we still need to be careful to avoid conflicts with the armies of the two countries!"

The end of the Russo-Japanese War has long been expected for Zhao Dongyun. Although many countries have been in charge of this matter beyond his expectation, the difference is not big. Anyway, after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, neither Russia nor Japan have the energy to launch a large-scale war, and they can rest assured that Fengtian has been operating for several years.

Now Zhao Dongyun's focus is still on the domestic situation!

Today's domestic situation is getting worse and worse for the Beiyang system. Not long ago, Liu Yongqing, one of the bigwigs of the Beiyang faction, died of his death as Admiral in Jiangbei. Before Yuan Shikai could react, the Qing court sent Yingchang to succeed Jiangbei Admiral.

Yinchang, like Tieliang, was a relatively famous Manchu general in the late Qing Dynasty. The Qing court used shade Chang to grab the admiral of Jiangbei, which represented the loss of another position of feudal minister in the Beiyang system.

At the same time, with the end of the Russo-Japanese War, it was rumored that the government and the opposition wanted to build a province in Northeast China. This province was originally nothing. However, as two powerful candidates for the Beiyang faction, Zhao Dongyun and Xu Shichang did not get the support of the government and the opposition. Instead, Zhao Erxun, who competed for the defeat of General Shengjing last year, won a large number of government and the opposition. The minister's support is to prepare for the position of governor of the three eastern provinces after the establishment of the Northeast Province.

"Did they still take us seriously?" In the Fengtian Training Office in Jinzhou, a group of generals under Zhao Dongyun sat together. Their faces were heavy, and Xu Bangjie had a gloomy face: "I just want to send someone to be the governor of the three eastern provinces, and I don't want to see who has maintained the situation in the northeast in recent years. If it hadn't been for our family, if it hadn't been for me, Tens of thousands of foreign soldiers, this Liaoxi has been rotten for a long time!"

Although Fengtian's Standing Army is in the name of Fengtian, everyone knows that this is an army of the Beiyang faction, so Xu Bangjie is not wrong to say that the two towns and the third towns of Fengtian's Standing Army add up to tens of thousands of Beiyang soldiers.

Meng Enyuan also took a deep breath: "In the past two years, the court has indeed passed a little! I waited for the Beiyang soldiers to work hard to protect our country in this cold place, but the Beijing side wants to guard against me every day. At the beginning of the year, Lord Yuan had resigned from many part-time job, but those adults are still not satisfied!"

Although Wang Zhanyuan is not Zhao Dongyun's direct descendant, he is also a direct descendant of Beiyang. Naturally, he is also worried about the plight of today's Beiyang: "I heard that the government and the opposition will not only send Zhao Erxun to be the governor of the three eastern provinces, but also prepare to transfer Lord Yuan to the center to serve as a scholar!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately jumped up: "Brother Zichun, is this true?"

Don't think that entering the center to serve as a minister is a high promotion. For the political world at the end of the Qing Dynasty, local governors are the real power faction, and any real power governors are all real powerful ministers and famous ministers. For example, today's Yuan Shikai, Cen Chunxuan, the older generation of Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong, Liu Kunyi and others all have their every move will affect the national situation.

However, how many of those ministers and even military aircraft ministers know their names?

So the central minister at the end of the Qing Dynasty was nominally pleasant, but for faction leaders like Yuan Shikai, it was definitely a rise and fall.

And even if it rises and secretly falls to the center, this center is also divided into high and low. If it is a leading military aircraft like Yi, or a military aircraft minister like Qu Hongzhen currently serves as a minister, then it can barely be regarded as a central power faction, and the others are scum.

Not to mention Yuan Shikai, even Zhao Dongyun, the general of Shengjing, gave him a household secretary, he refused to change it!

Wang Zhanyuan said, "I just learned about this news. It came from Beijing Normal University. It's not to mention ten true, but there are still seven or eight points!"

Chen Guangyuan opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say. Finally, he could only sigh: "It's really difficult to do something these days!"

Finally, Lin Yongquan said, "You don't have to worry too much about these things. The sky won't fall. Even if it collapses, there are adults above you. What I wait for is to do well, take back Fengtian and Yingkou, and then gradually take over Liaodong and other places!"

At this time, Kong Guanbei suddenly said, "I don't know how the adult is talking with several other adults in Shanhaiguan now!"

After listening to this, Lin Yongquan frowned and immediately said, "Your Excellency went to Shanhaiguan to talk about the secret matter related to the survival of Beiyang. Please be careful!"

Other people also closed their mouths as soon as they heard it. As a few high-level generals of the Soviet system, they naturally knew that since Zhao Dongyun learned that the court bureau had changed, they went to Shanhaiguan to meet Wu Fengling, the second town and Duan Qirui, the fourth town.

What they didn't know was that in addition to Zhao Dongyun who went to Shanhaiguan, other bigwigs of the Beiyang faction also secretly arrived at Shanhaiguan one after another.