Beiyang Xiaoxiong

178 Great Changes in Beijing

When the night Beijing master, a secret report had fallen into the hands of Tieliang!

"There are four people in the secret meeting, Wang Duan, Zhao and Wu, and the discussion is unknown!"

Tieliang looked at it and then looked at the man: "Are you sure it's them?"

The messenger whispered, "This is the news that our imperial intelligence personnel risked their lives. It's absolutely not wrong!"

Looking at the messenger who turned away, Tie Liang took a deep breath and looked at the secret report in his hand again. Although he did not want to believe that the secret talks between the four bigwigs in Beiyang was true, there was no need to deceive himself on that day.

"These Orientals are all looking forward to the chaos of my Qing Dynasty!" Tieliang cursed in a low voice. Naturally, he knew that he had no good intentions to send this news to him these days. Why? Because I couldn't wait for the Qing court to have a conflict with Yuan Shikai, and then let the Qing court kill Yuan Shikai.

In modern times, who most wants Yuan Shikai to die?

This is definitely not from Beiyang.

Although many people want Yuan Shikai to die, they absolutely dare not kill Yuan Shikai, because once Yuan Shikai dies, it represents not only the political turmoil, but also the chaos of the world. Therefore, even if the Qing court hates and guard against Yuan Shikai, it can only play this kind of rising and hidden surrender. Even now, I dare not directly remove Yuan Shikai's official position.

In addition, the very active revolutionaries in recent years actually don't like Yuan Shikai, but it doesn't mean that they are willing to die. In fact, many revolutionaries still have a lot of illusions about Yuan Shikai, hoping that Yuan Shikai can overthrow the Qing Dynasty and re-establish the republic.

So who wants Yuan Shikai to die most these days!

I am!


The reason here is relatively complicated. The first one is Yuan Shikai's employment experience in *. He has killed a lot of him. To some extent, the relationship between Yuan Shikai and Ri himself has not been good.

Secondly, Yuan Shikai played a too big role in the new policy at the end of the Qing Dynasty. He presided over a series of new policy reforms and brought out a new Beiyang army of more than 100,000 people in just a few years. If Yuan Shikai was allowed to govern for more than ten years, wouldn't Japan face a China that completed the reform of the new policy in the future? This is something they absolutely can't accept.

In addition, if Yuan Shikai dies, not only will he die, but more importantly, his Beiyang New Army will be 100% chaotic. Fools can see that once Yuan Shikai dies, Zhao Dongyun, Duan Qirui and Wang Yingkai will certainly not like anyone, and then the Beiyang division will definitely be divided.

Once Beiyang is finished, it can almost be said that most of China's national strength is ruined.

Once Yuan Shikai dies, it will be the most beneficial to Japan.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have sent this news to Tieliang. That day, before I left, I said, "Now Yuan Shikai has thrown himself into the trap. If I release the tiger back to the mountain, I'm afraid it won't take a few days for the Beiyang Army to come to the city!"

Tieliang not only thought about many possibilities, but also began to sweat. He knew and even supported the court to suppress Beiyang and Yuan Shikai, but he did not want to directly force Yuan Shikai back, because once Yuan Shikai wants to fight against the Qing Dynasty, it will be a matter of minutes!

After a long time, Tie Liang took a deep breath and told the slave: "Be proud!"

No matter whether Yuan Shikai is true or not, it is true that several other bigwigs in Beiyang secretly went to Yuguan for a secret meeting. At least it means that Beiyang has already rebelled. Naturally, Tieliang will not sit back and watch the situation uncontrollable. He will go to several other clan ministers to discuss one or two.

The situation in the past few days has been tense enough, but as the secret discussion between the four bigwigs of Beiyang in Shanhaiguan was exposed by those spies, the world suddenly changed dramatically.

The next day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tokyo, Lin Dong, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, listened carefully to his subordinates. After a long time, he said, "How to say, the Qing government has reacted?"

"Yes, according to the telegram we just received, Tie Liang, Minister of the Army of Qing Dynasty, has met with many ministers overnight last night, and they are very likely to take action against Yuan Shikai!"

Lin Dong smiled and raised his two eight-character beards: "Well, you did a good job this time. As long as you can provoke the conflict between the Qing government and Yuan Shikai, and then there will be chaos, the progress of the Qing Dynasty's new policy will be slower and slower, so that we can have more time to restore our national strength!"

After saying that, he continued: "Your recent work is still fruitful, but don't just focus on the Qing government and Yuan Shikai, but also pay more attention to the alliance meeting of the Qing Dynasty and give them more strong support. It's better for them to launch an uprising in the near future. We need to completely disrupt the process of the Qing Dynasty's new policy!"

The Japanese-Russian war caused too much damage to Japan, and the casualties of hundreds of thousands of people are nothing. After all, for a whole country, hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries are actually nothing. It is the economy that caused heavy damage to Japan. In order to fight this Russo-Japanese war, Japan spent billions of military expenses, and this Some military expenses are generally borrowed. Originally, Japan also thought that he could get war reparations from Russia after the war and repeat the old events of the First Sino-Japanese War, but he did not expect that although the navy won a great victory in the war, the army did not achieve a key victory, and Russian Tsar Nicholas II was not Cixi. He was nothing. Mo Ning and the foreign enemy did not have domestic slaves, but a cruel man who shouted that he would not cut an inch of land and was not worthy of a ruble, so in the end of the war, he did not get a dime in compensation, and the only profit was to obtain a trusteeship in Manchuria and Lushun.

However, this trusteeship is a multinational trusteeship, with a total of six countries of 'Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Russia'. Japan is only one of the shareholders at best, and the actual benefits obtained are very limited.

Japan, which has not received any war benefits, has to pay billions of yen in debt, more than ten times the fiscal revenue of Japan this year, and today's Japan's capital is even difficult to pay the annual interest on these debts!

I have to say that as the driving force behind this war, Britain has made a lot of money. It not only suppressed the momentum of Russia's expansion, but also disabled Japan, leaving only the British to laugh arrogantly...

Let's not talk about how to solve the financial problems. In short, the day after the Russo-Japanese War was a tragedy. In history, Japan had to get rid of this dilemma until the outbreak of World War I, and before that, Japan was curled up and secretly licking bleeding wounds.

And the huge financial pressure is also reflected in Japan's foreign policy!

After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Japan's foreign policy was mainly affinity, and its policy towards China was more friendly. Therefore, from 1905 to the late World War I, there was an extremely rare Sino-Japanese friendly relationship between China and Japan.

But this is only superficial, and what is Japan's policy towards China behind the back? That is to use all means to delay and undermine China's new policy reform and unification process.

How did the alliance praised by countless Chinese people come about? It's supported by myself!

I support the Alliance to launch various uprisings. Is it really to help the Chinese people seek national independence and freedom of the people? I don't believe it. The reason why they support the Alliance is very simple, that is, all kinds of uprisings and rebellions will cause great chaos within China and even lead to civil war!

It can be said that the decades of warlord melee in China in history were largely promoted by Japan itself. Japan itself promoted the alliance after N revolutions and then there was a Wuchang uprising. As a result, the Qing Dynasty was killed. Then he saw that Yuan Shikai wanted to unify China, so he supported Sun Wen to play the second revolution. After the failure of the Second Revolution, he supported Cai E and others to launch wars such as protecting the law and protecting the country, and finally supported the People's Party to do something like the Northern Expedition. In a word, the reason why China was so chaotic in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty was inseparable from the Japanese turmoil.

Well, just like the current Arab Spring and Ukraine's independence, those three war scum think that they are seeking independence and freedom, but in fact, they are all used as guns by Western countries.

Of course, this is not to criticize all kinds of uprisings and seek freedom, but to say that these things are often more than just to seek freedom.

Today, I reported the news of the secret talks between the four bigwigs in Beiyang to the Qing court. The reason is simple and the purpose is clear, that the Qing court and Yuan Shikai will turn against each other, and it is best to trigger China's civil war. In this way, it can definitely be called a great victory in Japan's diplomacy!

At the same time, a few Manchu ministers such as Tieliang and Duanfang are secretly seeking to see Cixi!

In 1906, Cixi was already old and collapsed. She could not see that this woman was the actual ruler of the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, her eyes were slightly closed. At first glance, she seemed to think that she had fallen asleep, but when she looked closely, she could find that the gloomy eyes had been staring at Duan Fang and others.

At this time, Tieliang continued to say, "In addition to the news transmitted by my friend, I have received a number of other news. It has been confirmed that Zhao Dongyun did not appear in Jinzhou yesterday, and Wang Yingkai was not in Baoding yesterday!"

has never spoken, but Cixi, who listened quietly, said, "So, the secret talk is true!"

Tie Liang said, "It's true!"

Duanfang also nodded!

At this time, Cixi opened her slightly closed eyes, and then said in a sharp but slow voice, "You have a heart. Go down!"

As soon as he heard Cixi's words, Tie Liang raised his head doubtfully: "Old Buddha, this..."

Duan Fang couldn't help shouting: "Now you can't miss the opportunity!"

Cixi doesn't speak anymore!

Tieliang and Duan went out blankly, but not long after he left the palace, the Empress Dowager handed over: Tieliang was removed from office!

When he heard that he had been removed from the post of Minister of War, Tieliang almost couldn't believe his eyes. What's going on?

However, when he learned who succeeded the Minister of the Army, he couldn't believe his eyes, because it was not the other famous generals of the Manchu clan who replaced him, but Feng Guozhang of the Beiyang faction!

The original transfer of Yuan Shikai from the governor of Zhili to the Ministry of Household was also overthrown in an instant. Cixi not only did not transfer Yuan Shikai from the governor of Zhili, but once again returned many of the original part-time job to Yuan Shikai.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Empress Dowager's decree was once again issued in the palace. Cen Chunxuan was granted permission to serve as governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and Zhao Erxun was transferred to be the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.

What does this series of decrees represent? It represents that the Beiyang army has once again won a huge victory in this life-and-death battle!

Not only forced the court to withdraw the trick of rising and secretly surrendering, but also forced Zhao Erxun back to become the governor of the three eastern provinces, and after the army department was taken back by the Beiyang people, it means that the court had stopped collecting Beiyang military power.

If these are not great victories, then what can be regarded as victory?

The next day, Yuan Shikai went to the railway station and prepared to take the train back to Baoding. He was full of smiles along the way. The world thought that the secret talks of the four bigwigs in Beiyang were to prepare for rebellion, but who knew that the so-called secret talks were not secret talks from the beginning. Even if he did not bring out the news, Yuan Shikai We have to send someone to get the news out.

Once this news comes out, unless Cixi really wants to force Yuan Shikai back, she will definitely choose to give in, so that this political crisis can be dealt with.

"After having such a time, those people in the court should be clean for several years, so as not to be annoying!" Yuan Shikai said to himself with a smile, but then he suddenly heard a few shouts from outside, and then the sedan chair he was riding stopped suddenly. At this time, Yuan Shikai also vaguely heard the words republic, freedom and so on.

At the same time, outside the sedan chair, the scene was already chaotic. Some people shouted 'assasins' and 'protect adults' and so on. More than a dozen people wore regular clothes and rushed out desperately. One person and two pistols were all aimed at Yuan Shikai's sedan chair and fired continuously, while Yuan Shikai's The guards shot back and guarded around the sedan chair with their bodies as a shield. Unfortunately, suddenly, the gunmen's firepower was very dense, and the guards' bodies did not have time to form a dense human shield wall.

Soon Yuan Shikai felt a sharp pain in his body in the sedan chair, and then looked down and found that countless blood had gushed out of his body!