Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 194 Do not retreat 1

Han Duotian looked at the faint enemy's figure in the telescope, and he realized that the enemy's counterattack was about to begin, but at this time, his troops did not all get up and shoot to stop it, because the enemy's shelling is still continuing, and it is not a good idea to rush out of the gunhole. In addition, The enemy is also far away. Not to mention the infantry shooting, the heavy machine guns on the side are not going to fire.

Although the range of the heavy machine gun can easily reach thousands of meters, the accuracy after the distance is shocking. In addition, the heavy machine gun consumes a lot of ammunition. Zhao Dongyun's Fengtian Army is not a powerful force. Bullets can be shot out for free. The bullets that can be rationed by this heavy machine gun are Limited.

So usually, the heavy machine guns in the third town are generally suppressed at a distance of 500 or 600 meters. Sometimes, in order to save bullets and kill more targets, they even take the initiative to put them into a distance of about 400 meters.

According to the effective range of contemporary rifles and the effective range of heavy machine guns, the best firing distance of heavy machine guns is between 350 meters and 400 meters, because it happens to be the effective range of heavy machine guns at this distance. Although the accuracy is still poor, it does not need to be too high accuracy to hit a series of bullets. However, At a distance of 350 meters, it is difficult for the attacking infantry to use their rifles to fight back.

Considering the effective range of heavy machine guns, this is the main reason why Zhao Dongyun requires 60mm mortars to have an effective range of 500 meters, in order to fire shells outside the effective range of heavy machine guns.

This attack in the sixth town, in the eyes of many officers observing the battle with binoculars, is a standard attack that can no longer be standard.

Xi Hezhi at the back looked and said, "It seems that Wang Shizhen is still a little capable, and the practice in this sixth town is not bad!"

Xi Hezhi did not despise the enemy he faced, because not to mention the opposition battle in the past few days, the level of artillery coordination shown in the sixth town alone can no longer be made by other troops in China.

"The artillery support before the attack is about a battalion's artillery. Judging from their ballistics, it should be wild guns!" Wu Peifu in the rear also looked at it with a telescope. It was a pity when he said this. If the sixth town was supported by mountain cannons, he said that he could fight another anti-gun war.

As for now, don't think about the anti-fire. The long-range field artillery in the sixth town can't fly over his head unless the shells are winged after at least ten kilometers away from Wu Peifu's artillery position.

However, it can't hit the artillery of the sixth town, but it can't sit and watch the play. Therefore, when the sixth town fired artillery to bombard the front line of the third town, Wu Peifu's artillery battalion also immediately fired artillery to suppress the soldiers of the sixth town who were preparing to attack.

For a while, the artillery deployed in the rear of the two sides fired one after another, and the battle was line by point. The sixth town should attack the prominent part controlled by Handota. Since it is necessary to launch a companion attack on the front line around the prominent part to contain the other troops in the third town, and the scale of the battle is from the team. The level and rank were suddenly expanded to the battalion level.

And battalion-scale battles are bound to involve artillery troops and heavy machine guns. At the same time, it will also affect the nearby friendly forces, which will also have a certain impact on the front lines of several nearby battalions.

So Han Duotian only saw that two or three hundred people were preparing to attack him, but in Xi Hezhi's view, the opposite sixth town had mobilized at least two battalions of troops.

Since entering the customs, they have also fought with the sixth town in Tongzhou for so many days, but to be honest, it is the first time that such a large-scale battle has been fought. Previously, both sides were based on artillery battles and occasionally played small-scale sneak attack battles.

However, Xi Hezhi was slightly relieved that the artillery behind him soon launched a shelling of the offensive forces in the sixth town.

For a while, although the infantry officers on both sides were extremely nervous, they were mainly engaged in artillery battles in the early stage of the battle. The sixth town tried to reduce the subsequent resistance for the attacking troops by firing dense shells.

And Wu Peifu's artillery force also fired a large number of grenades, and the purpose is also quite clear, that is, to suppress the enemy.

At this time, it has to be said that at this moment, the shells fired by the artillery forces of both sides are mainly grenades. What is grenades? In short, they launch shells over the enemy and explode, and then the shells throw a large number of small steel balls around the ground to kill and kill living targets.

Because this kind of shell explodes directly over your head, whether you lie down or stand, it is actually unavoidable. Even if you stay behind the bunker or under the trench, as long as the enemy's shell explodes overhead and there is no shelter above you, you will not be spared.

During the Russo-Japanese War, a large number of soldiers from both sides died under this grenade. It can be said that the military role of grenade in modern times is no less than that of heavy machine guns.

So at this moment, the infantry on both sides are trembling and hiding in the cannon holes in their own trenches. Although the cannon holes they built are very simple, they just add a civil layer on the trenches or simply dig another earthhole to drill in. However, this kind of fortifications is still relatively good for grenade. Effective.

In fact, it was also the development of this kind of artillery fortifications, which led countries to give up the use of grenades when attacking trenches, and then use simple grenades, which directly rely on the impact formed by the huge explosive power to destroy the trenches and kill the enemy.

But that's all after World War I. Now, the trenches have only appeared for a year or two, so when the artillery launches shelling, they are still used to using these grenades.

After dozens of long-range guns on both sides fired one after another, Xi He knew that the two 80mm mortars under his hand also fired in time. These two 80mm mortars fired traditional grenades. Naturally, the killing of exposed personnel is naturally far less than those grenades, but due to the bending characteristics, The shells of the mortar can directly hit the enemy's trenches and explode, and the lethality is also considerable.

Of course, the lethality of mortar shells has never been its main selling point, and its curvature ability as well as maneuverability and speed of fire are the selling points.

For the current Beiyang Army, the maneuverability of mortars is actually more important for 60 mm mortars, but it is not much important for 80 mm and 120 mm mortars. The most important thing is the curvature and rate of fire.

The shooting speed of the two 80mm mortars at the beginning reached more than 15 rounds per minute, and then the firing speed decreased a lot due to factors such as overheating of the gun barrel and insufficient ammunition, but there were also more than eight rounds per minute.

It can be said that this rate of fire is more than twice that of the contemporary tube anegun. At present, the maximum rate of fire of the most advanced German tube field gun equipped in the Beiyang army is only about eight rounds per minute. If you want to maintain a long period of shelling, the rate of fire will be further reduced, and the actual combat rate of fire is generally between three to four rounds.

As for the more old-fashioned retreat, not to mention, there is no comparison at all.

Therefore, the number of artillery in the artillery battle above the surface is similar, but the number of shells dropped per unit time is more in the third town than the sixth town opposite.

This extra part also made several sixth town officers on the opposite side frown: "It seems that it is true that the third town is equipped with a large number of small guns. Look at this situation, in addition to a artillery battalion, there are at least four mortars on the opposite side!"

In the artillery battle, the shells fired by the third town are obviously different from those fired by Wu Peifu's first artillery battalion, which can be easily distinguished in the eyes of experienced officers.

"Maybe there are no four. Isn't there only two in one battalion? I think there should be two mortars. You don't know the speed of these mortars. It's easy to shoot out more than ten shells a minute!" An infantry officer next to him also frowned.

"It's a pity that if we can buy a batch first, it will be much more convenient to use!"

"It doesn't matter. Although this mortar is light and easy to use, it is a small cannon. Naturally, we have to rely on our long-range artillery!"

More than ten minutes after the artillery battle before the attack, the soldiers of the sixth town who were preparing to attack in front rushed out of the trenches with a bronze whistle.

Wu Peifu also ordered his artillery troops to shrink the distance of the shelling in time and no longer shell the direction of the trenches, but prepared to intercept between the trenches between the two sides.

At this time, Wu Peifu's artillery force showed its due value. A large number of grenades fired continuously exploded on the head of the charging enemy, and then knocked down the enemy.

At the same time, Li Yuanjun also blushed and waved the command knife in his hand to order his two heavy machine guns to shoot!

"Ap: 235, distance 200, long point shot!"

At this time, a bomb suddenly exploded near the heavy machine gun fortifications of this sandbag pile. Although the shock wave of the explosion was not large, a fragment of a bomb still flew in, and then harvested the lives of two heavy machine gun soldiers in a row, especially the first shot ammunition hand, and the whole chest He was cut open, and before he fell to the ground, he had lost his life.

Li Yuanjun reached out and touched the blood splashed on his face, and then opened his eyes to look at several soldiers who were already stunned. He shouted, "Bak, what are you doing? Replenish ammunition quickly and continue to shoot. Don't stop!"

Li Yuanjun's heavy machine gun position can be said to be the core target launched by the sixth town this time, and the heavy machine gun position has always been the focus of the artillery of the sixth town artillery. However, don't expect any accuracy for long-range shelling, but the dense shells fell one after another, even if they were not directly hit, but it is still Li Yuanjun's heavy machine gun unit caused certain casualties.

At the same time, Handotan has also taken back the telescope, and then passed through the trench with his waist, and shouted: "Brothers, get ready to beat me!"