Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 196 Han Duotian's Bravery

There was a dead silence around. Han Duotian pulled the knife in his hand from the chest of a soldier in the sixth town. Although the soldier wanted to cover his chest with his hands, he still couldn't stop the blood from pouring out. He didn't even have the strength to stand. He staggered and half-knelt down and still looked up at him. Han Duotian's eyes showed unbelievable.

The power passed away with the loss of blood. When his blood stained the land under him, he could not even maintain this half-kneeling posture, and it was difficult to open his eyelids again. At this time, Han Duotian in his eyes had turned around and shouted loudly while waving his saber to kill another comrade in arms. In the past.

However, he could no longer see the following situation. He closed his eyes and gradually lay on the ground. The originally cold land seemed to become warm, which was the temperature of his blood.

Han Duotian, on the other side, has once again roared and killed another enemy. Han Duotian, like a fierce general in ancient times, trotted over and slashed an enemy who was fighting with one of his subordinates. Although this knife failed to hit the point, this knife was chopper. After the arm of the enemy soldier, Han Duotian's subordinate also stabbed with a gun immediately, and a shot into the man's chest.

He just pulled the bayonet from the enemy's chest, and then saw an enemy soldier holding up the bayonet from behind Han Duotian: "Be careful!"

Remindered, Han Duotian's body was slightly on one side, and the bayonet penetrated directly on the edge of his abdomen. Although he was not stabbed, Han Duotian, who was still in pain, couldn't help screaming, but screaming. He tried his best when he was injured and waved the long knife in his hand to cut back. Looking back, the enemy soldier who attacked from behind had fallen to the ground with his neck covered.

At this time, Han Duotian's military uniform was also stained with blood, with enemies, and more of him.

With the passage of blood, his last strength had been exhausted. He gasped and tried to stand, but his footsteps staggered, which made him almost fall. At this time, he inserted the knife to the ground and relied on the strength of the knife body. He did not fall down, but could only half kneel on one foot.

Half kneeling, he wanted to stand up, but found that he could not stand up slowly. He could only look forward while gasping. In front of him, hundreds of enemy soldiers fought with bayonets. Almost every breath, someone was hit and fell down. The hand-to-hand battle between the infantry with bayonets was It is the most cruel and most test of the combat effectiveness of troops in modern warfare.

The hand-to-hand battle between the two sides lasted less than three minutes, but the ground was covered with corpses!

When Han Duotian began to blur, he saw that the enemy's troops seemed to be scattered, and the remaining 70 of the nearly 100 enemy soldiers who rushed up began to run back, and even the guns in his hand were directly on the ground, regardless of the firing of the rear machine gun bullets.

Before Han Duotian closed his eyes, he knew that they had won the battle!

Half an hour later, in Xi Hezhi's battalion, Xi Hezhi's expression was constantly changing with the content of the messenger's report. When he heard that the enemy launched a bayonet charge twice as much, even he, who had been boasted to be calm, couldn't help trembling, but when he When he heard that Han Duotian personally led the troops to fight back, he could even feel the tension and excitement.

When he heard that Han Duotian led the army to finally repel the enemy, but he was also seriously injured and in a coma, Xi Hezhi's face was happy on the one hand and worried on the other!

"There is nothing to say about Lao Han's bravery!" A military academy next to him said so, not only because he admired Han Duotian for fighting hand-to-hand with the enemy with a few troops, but also agreed. The main reason was Xi Hezhi.

Although Han Duotian's military rank and identity are not high, many people also know that this person is Xi Hezhi's old subordinate, and after such a war, if Han Duotian's life is big enough to survive, then another upgrade is almost certain. In this way, Han Duotian can become a military academy and serve as a team. Officer, it is said in later generations that it is the company commander with the rank of captain.

Although there are so many officers, and what kind of officers, generals and so on, a captain and company commander is already very important in real life. In contemporary China and even for many years to come, this level is the end of the life of most officers from a fast-working class.

Without extraordinary military skills and qualifications, most officers can't cross the rank of captain and become majors.

Xi Hezhi was also a little worried about Han Duotian and immediately asked the messenger, "How is Lao Han now?"

The messenger said, "The platoon leader Han has now been sent to the standard department for treatment, and the situation is unknown for the time being!"

Officers these days are still somewhat privileged. For example, in this era of low level of treatment, soldiers were injured on the battlefield, and people who died of serious injuries were generally directly repaired with bayonets. If the injuries can be saved, they can be directly treated in the field hospital. If they can be rescued, they are immediately sent back to the original army. Those with mild injuries can only be casually bandaged. On the other hand, the officer's words are much better. If they are injured, they will be immediately sent to the rear hospital for treatment. If they are lucky enough to survive, they will generally be sent to various sanatoriums for special rehabilitation.

Zhao Dongyun still attaches great importance to officers. In addition to giving priority to the treatment of officers, he also set up an officer sanatorium in Tangshan.

After all, for a modern army, soldiers are actually a consumable resource, which is no different from bullets and shells. The core of an army is a large number of qualified officers. As long as these officers are still there, even all the soldiers in the third town are dead. Give Zhao Dongyun three months, he You can rely on these officers to pull out a third town, and the combat effectiveness will not be much worse than the original.

Although Han Duotian is only the lowest-level platoon leader, he is at least a deputy military academy, so after being injured and unconscious, he was immediately taken off the front line and sent to the battlefield hospital of the standard department for treatment.

"Now the situation of the prominent part of the first team has stabilized, and more than 50 people have been damaged in this attack on the opposite side. I guess they will not attack again in a short time! However, although the situation of the prominent department of the first team has stabilized, the situation of the second team is still relatively difficult. I think it is better for the two machine guns reinforced by the bidding department to be deployed to the second team." Although Xi Hezhi's tone is calm and discussative, in fact, he is directly ordering the battle order.

A deputy military academy next to him immediately said, "The Ministry of Service is ordered. When the machine gun of the Ministry of Service arrives, the second team will be immediately in front of the deployment!"

Xi Hezhi nodded and then said to another military academy, "Although your first team has repelled an enemy attack, you can't relax, especially in the prominent part. Lao Han's platoon has lost more than half. If you change your platoon, this prominent part must not be lost!"

"The Ministry of Education understands!" That's what the equally young military academy said.

When Xi Hezhi arranged detailed tactics in front of him, in fact, the battle on the whole front had not stopped. The counterattack launched by the sixth town this time revolved around the prominent part of the first team under Xi Hezhi's command, which not only affected the entire second battalion position, but also affected the first battalion and the third battalion next to it. Battle at a standard level.

And on a small mountain far behind the front line, a group of star-shining senior generals are holding binoculars to inspect the unexpected front for several kilometers. These are Fengtian generals who have just been replaced with the new military school logo.

According to the new military rank logo of the Fengtian Army, the epaulettes of these senior generals have been replaced with five-pointed Venus on a yellow background. The uniform level ranges from one Venus to three Venus in turn, and the level of the leader is to add a white strip on the yellow background, which is still ranging from one star to three stars, while the military academy level is two white stripes, still It ranges from one star to three stars. In addition, it is also specially designed for military academy students to set up two white bars without wearing Venus, which can be regarded as a warrant lieutenant in later generations.

It can be seen that Zhao Dongyun only changed the rank logo, but the rank and title have not been changed. The reason is that Wang Duan and Zhao have not officially raised the anti-flag at present. The reason for attacking the capital is not to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish a republic, nor is it is not on the side of the Qing Dynasty. The reason for arrest and killing Yuan Gong's murderer welcomed Yuan Gong's body back.

It's just that the list of murderers almost covers most of the young and strong factions in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the heavyweights of the Manchu people are on top!

If Cixi really agreed to arrest and kill everyone on the list, it is estimated that Man Qing would have to collapse first if he didn't have to overthrow himself!

No matter what the actual situation is, at least at present, Wang Duan and Zhao have not officially rebelled. This war is better than a Beiyang civil war!

So no matter whether it is Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui or Zhao Dongyun, they are talking about Yuan Gong's will and the survival of Beiyang, so many Beiyang traditions cannot be changed randomly, such as the army's town, association, standard and the military rank system of officers, which are not easy to change.

If it was said to raise the anti-flag openly, Zhao Dongyun would have changed the name of the army, the rank of officers and even the establishment.

However, at present, the rank of the Fengtian Army remains unchanged, and it continues to use the nine levels of the chief and deputy association, the three-level of the generals and the military academy, and some military commanders continue to be used, such as first-class quartermasters, second-class medical officers, third-class military horse officers, etc.

Even the current number of Fengtian Army continues to use the former Fengtian Standing Army. The official number of Fengtian Standing Army under Zhao Dongyun is 'Fengtian Standing Army'.

Nowadays, such a large group of senior generals wearing the new military ranks of the Fengtian Army appear here, but if you look closely, you can see that everyone seems to be surrounded by a young man, wearing a dark blue senior general-style coat and hanging a gilded gilded waist. The saber, with white gloves and a telescope in his hand.

When he puts down the telescope, he can clearly see that this person is not someone else, but Zhao Dongyun, who frightened countless people in Beijing!