Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 199 People from the Imperial Court

When the cavalry troops went north, Zhao Dongyun also transferred another battalion of the Sixth Association from Tongzhou to the north, and then launched an attack directly towards the east dam area in the northwest.

Although the sixth town opposite reacted in a timely manner and soon sent troops to intercept it, as Yang Deming said before, the sixth town troops who came to intercept it lacked defensive fortifications in advance, and Gu Lanyu was relatively young, his combat style was not so conservative, and he was no longer stubborn in the position. Instead of using its sports tactics on a large scale, and with the cooperation of the cavalry battalion of the third town division, it successfully passed several large-scale roundabout encirclement, forcing the sixth town troops to retreat continuously in order to prevent them from falling into the encirclement.

And this retreat gives Gu Lanyu the opportunity to expand the results of the battle!

In mid-November, Gu Lanyu only led four infantry battalions, a cavalry battalion and an artillery battalion, which was the twelfth cooperation of the sixth town. During this period, Gu Lanyu directly let the two infantry battalions carry out a forced army at night and successfully circled to the twelfth of the sixth town on November 17. After the 23rd side of the association, the troops who cooperated with the frontal attack completely defeated the standard.

After this battle, Gu Lanyu's name almost spread all over the North Sea!

He told the world with facts that although heavy machine guns and trenches have become an indispensable part of modern warfare, sports warfare is still the mainstream of war.

This circuitous combat mode actually has a strong Japanese style. Of course, it is actually a German style!

What tactics is the contemporary German Army famous for? That's a roundabout attack!

The Japanese army in Germany is also very good at circuitous attacks. From the Russo-Japanese War to the Anti-Japanese War in later generations, Japan has played the same game for decades.

In fact, many generals are also good at this tactic, which is also good at this tactic, but in the past two years, due to Zhao Dongyun's heavy machine guns and trenches, and several strategic detours of the Japanese army on the Fengtian battlefield have been defeated by the Russian army, so many people think that the future war mode is only It can be a position battle.

But now Gu Lanyu has told the world with facts that sports warfare is still the mainstream of contemporary wars and is the decisive factor for war victory.

"Good! It's not in vain to expect from him!" Zhao Dongyun smiled when he saw Gu Lanyu's victory report. Although Gu Lanyu was close to his direct line, he could let Zhao Dongyun take him up as the commander of the Sixth Association before entering the customs. Naturally, it was also because of this person's good ability. Otherwise, Zhao Dongyun's direct subordinates had more. How could he choose? Choose Gu Lanyu as the leader of the Sixth Association!

Chen Guangyuan, who was beside him, was very unhappy when he heard Zhao Dongyun's words. His fifth association has been spent in Tongzhou. Although there is also progress, it has also been suppressing the 11th association of the opposite sixth town. However, how to say, he has an advantage but can't change the results, and his failure to take Tongzhou is the most obvious evidence.

Fortunately, Zhao Dongyun did not blame him much. After all, the reason for this situation is not Chen Guangyuan, but many other objective factors. In addition, since the transfer of the Sixth Association to the north, Zhao Dongyun has not expected to make any breakthrough in Tongzhou. He has put his hope in the first place. The Sixth Association and the First Cavalry Association,

And the Fifth Association is qualified to contain half of the strength of the sixth town in Tongzhou.

However, it was because of Zhao Dongyun's lack of hope that Chen Guangyuan felt a sense of crisis!

Whether it is the previous Beiyang system or the current small Soviet system, combat achievements are an extremely important part. If Chen Guangyuan wants to continue to climb up and successfully take over the position of the third town control from Zhao Dongyun, he must show his excellent qualifications and strength.

And nothing is better than combat work!

If Chen Guangyuan was not very worried about the control of the third town before, but now Gu Lanyu's sudden rise has given him a great sense of crisis. The two of them are the two leaders of the third town. If Gu Lanyu plays well in this war and Chen Guangyuan performs well, then he wants to It will be much more difficult to seek the control of this third town.

However, when Chen Guangyuan was full of worry, someone from outside came to report that someone wanted to see him!

After Chen Guangyuan saw Li San leaning over and say a few words in Zhao Dongyun's ear, he saw Zhao Dongyun's face change slightly. Although the process was very short, it was still seen by Chen Guangyuan and others. At this moment, he naturally couldn't help muttering: Who would move the commander!

However, they didn't get the answer at the first time. Zhao Dongyun quickly waved his hand and stood up: "The Sixth Association played well. Tell Gu Lanyu to let him continue to work hard. I'm optimistic about him!"

After saying that, he gently raised his hand and signaled that the generals could leave. Although Fang Biyong, Chen Guangyuan and others looked curious, they did not dare to ask, so they had to go out one after another.

Not long after, Li San personally appeared in Zhao Dongyun's temporary office with another person in a horse coat!

Zhao Dongyun looked up at the visitor. Although he was wearing a casual horse coat, the temperament of a high-ranking official could be seen at a glance. This person has no reputation in later generations, but he is a veritable important minister in modern times. He is the Minister of Military Machinery after the reform of the new official system this year. One: Lin Shaonian.

Of course, at this time, he is still 'learning to walk on the military aircraft minister' and has not officially become straight. He is a junior military aircraft minister, but even the shallow military aircraft minister is also a military aircraft minister, but he is a veritable central minister!

"Lin Shumi!" After seeing the person clearly, Zhao Dongyun just smiled and took the initiative to speak, but he did not get up, but continued to sit. This is not his arrogance, but even if he is not a rebel leader. According to the official system of the Qing Dynasty, his official position is also higher than Lin Shaonian!

Lin Shaonian served as a military aircraft with the rank of waiter, and this military aircraft minister was only a part-time job, so although Zhao Dongyun respectfully called him 'Lin Shumi', Lin Shaonian was strictly a waiter. Zhao Dongyun, who used to be General Shengjing and the title of servant of the Ministry of War, later, in order to attract him, the Qing court awarded him the title of governor of the three eastern provinces and the title of minister of the army.

Although Zhao Dongyun did not thank him, he could not deny the fact that Zhao Dongyun was the governor of the three eastern provinces!

So although Lin Shaonian is the minister of military aircraft, Zhao Dongyun doesn't have to give him face in that aspect!

Na Lin Shaonian's attitude towards Zhao Dongyun was obviously expected. He said loudly, "Yuan Gong called Zhao Butang the hero of the North Sea and was very good at Chinese and foreign military affairs. The world said that Zhao Suqian was the first military man in the contemporary era. In the past, I thought there were many lies, but today It's true that the sergeants in and out of the barracks are all tigers and wolves!"

Lin Shaonian's mouth was patted by a horse. To be honest, it felt very good to let a military aircraft minister flatter himself, so Zhao Dongyun also smiled kindly: "There, it's all the world's false praise!"

At this time, Li San had already brought tea in person, but he did not dare to stop. The current military aircraft minister of the Qing court suddenly appeared in the third town barracks outside Tongzhou, and he still met Zhao Dongyun in person. If there was nothing unseeable tricks here, no one would believe it.

Li San has always been very self-aware. Although he follows Zhao Dongyun every day, he should not read and hide far away from what he should not listen to. Even if he knows some extremely secret things, he keeps his mouth shut, and his caution is also an important reason for Zhao Dongyun's continuous trust for many years. .

After Li* went out, Zhao Dongyun sat down with Lin Shaonian, but before Zhao Dongyun asked what was going on first, Lin Shaonian took the lead.

"Ziyang, do you know that your department is becoming more and more dangerous!" Lin Shaunian's words are alarmist!

However, this is not a Romance of the Three Kingdoms. If it is a Romance novel, Zhao Dongyun will have to be scared or curious to ask, "Why?"

But Zhao Dongyun scoffed at his words. When he came to be a lobbyist, he should be a good lobbyist. Don't do those messy things and directly open the price. I think it's appropriate. Even if I sell Wang Yingkai to you, it's not impossible!

So he is still motionless!

Lin Shaonian did not hear the expected words, and immediately said again: "Now Ziyang, you and Wang Duan are shocked, but they have considered that once they conquer the capital, who will move into the capital? If one of Wang Duan moves into the capital, where should you go then?

Zhao Dongyun looked impatient after hearing this. Is Lin Shaonian in front of him stupid to read? Does he really think that he hasn't considered these gains and losses in detail before entering the customs, or does he think that he entered the customs by patting his head?

Zhao Dongyun knows more about the many troubles and problems he is facing now and in the future than outsiders, so he doesn't need outsiders to remind him that he knows, so he immediately waved his hand: "Secretary, if you just say this today, then I don't think we have anything to talk about next!"

Lin Shaonian did not look depressed when he saw it, but smiled loudly: "Sure enough, Ziyang, you are a man of great wisdom, and you must also see the current situation! In this case, I will be relieved!"

The feelings were just pretending to be stupid. Zhao Dongyun was really speechless about these officials who like to play small plots and tricks!

Lin Shaonian continued, "Since everyone understands, I won't talk any more nonsense. When I come to your side today, I really want to ask Zhao You to withdraw!"

"Oh, reason!" Zhao Dongyun responded casually. In this negotiation, we have to come up with something, right?

Lin Shaonian stared at Zhao Dongyun at this time, then took a deep breath and said two words: "King of Liao"

"Empress Dowager Yi ordered that as long as Ziyang withdraws from the customs, he will make you the king of Liao, the three eastern provinces of the country, and rest with the country!"

Hearing this, Zhao Dongyun, who was drinking tea, sprayed out a mouthful of tea!