Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 208 Tianjin Talks 1

After Zhang Zhidong and the governor of the south came up with a so-called Chinese federal empire in early December, they poured a basin of cold water into the very fierce Beiyang inner struggle!

Especially after Zhang Zhidong took office as the Prime Minister of the Chinese Federal Empire, the first policy proposed was to organize the Northern Expedition of the Southern Federal Army to cater to the Holy Drive, which made the situation in China appear unprecedented chaos.

For a while, even the gun between Zhao Dongyun and Wang Yingkai, which had been noisy, quietly stopped!

Originally, at the end of November, that is, on the 29th, the Li Chun Third Association of Fengtian Second Town under Zhao Dongyun had launched a sneak attack, thus attacking the mouth of Linting, and prepared to work together with the Fourth Association of the Second Town to conquer Baodi.

However, after the southern provinces launched the Chinese Federal Empire, Zhao Dongyun ordered the front-line troops to postpone the scheduled offensive.

On Wang Yingkai's side, Zhang Huaizhi's fifth town and Wang Ruxian's 29th Mixed Association, which were originally going north to reinforce the capital, also suspended their going north, thus quickly aiming to the south!

On December 3, Wang Yingkai issued a strong condemnation in the face of the establishment of the so-called Chinese Federal Empire in the southern provinces, saying that the governors of the southern provinces ignored the overall situation of the republic and tried to subvert the overall situation of China's republic, which was actually the enemy of the country and the nation!

However, power-on is just a statement, and in fact it has no effect!

On December 4, the gloomy sky finally fluttered with light snow. In the Beiyang Standing Army Command, Wang Yingkai wore a dark blue general coat and looked at the branches of snowflakes hanging outside the window!

"Why is it so difficult to do something!" Wang Yingkai sighed in a low voice, took his eyes back from the window, and then looked at Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen beside him: "Do you think it's really wrong for us to drive the emperor out of power and seek republic for the country and the nation?"

Duan Qirui said with a cold face, "We are not wrong. What is wrong is Zhang Zhidong, those ancient governors in the south!"

"They are all eternal sinners!" Wang Shizhen also rudely criticized the southern governors: "Look at what they have done, they not only want to trample on the republican process of our country, but also provoke a civil war!"

Wang Yingkai glanced at Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen, and then threw his eyes to the dead branches and white snow outside the window. For the first time since the incident, he felt confused. At this time, he thought, if Yuan Gong faced his own situation, what would he deal with it?

If Yuan Gong is still there, do the governors in the south still dare to do so?

He continued to look out of the window and continued, "What about Tangshan's reaction now?"

Duan Qirui said, "Ziyang has issued a telegram, saying that he will resolutely not recognize the Southern Federal Government!"

"So, Ziyang still takes care of the overall situation!" When Wang Yingkai spoke, the hand in his hand was unconsciously clenched, and then said, "Contact Tangshan and say that I want to sit down with Ziyang and talk about the future of our Beiyang!"

After listening to this, Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen's faces changed, and Qirui said, "This..."

Wang Shizhen also sighed with a flash of face and then said, "I didn't expect that this time our families scrambled, but let Zhang Nanpi make wedding clothes!"

At this time, Wang Yingkai turned around and said, "If Yuan Gong is still there, if I were in Beiyang or Beiyang a few months ago?" Do the southern provinces dare to rebel?"

Before Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen answered, he said to himself, "The reason why Zhang Nanpi dares to do this is nothing more than that my Beiyang is now without leaders and infighting!"

Wang Yingkai tightened his tight coat, and then came: "You, I still have Zhao Dongyun. Together, this is Beiyang!"

Tangshan, Zhao Dongyun looked at Zhou Xuexi and couldn't help smiling bitterly. Wang Yingkai chose a lobbyist!

Zhou Xuexi and his Zhao Dongyun have a relatively close relationship, but after Yuan Shikai's death, Zhou Xuexi, like other Yuan Shikai's staff, chose to turn to Wang Yingkai instead of Zhao Dongyun.

Look at Zhou Xuexi again today, as if many years have passed!

"Ziyang, you know that I, Zhou Xuexi, am not a simple politician. My favorite is to run an industry. If I don't have to, I don't want to interfere in your fight!" Zhou Xuexi said, "If there is no matter in the south, you will fight. In the end, whether it is you or Wang Shaochen, someone will win and clean up the mess and continue to lead us and other Beiyang people to fight. But now you have also seen this situation. With Zhang Zhidong's shout, almost all the southern provinces have chosen to turn to this pseudo-federal empire.

Now they even say that they want to go on the Northern Expedition. In fact, they have become the life-and-death enemy of our Beiyang and the great enemy of the Republic. In this situation, do you think that if our Beiyang families still do their own thing as before, isn't it cheaper for Zhang Nanpi?

Zhou Xuexi saw that Zhao Dongyun still didn't speak, so he took a deep breath: "Even if you don't like Wang Shaochen, once Wang Shaochen and others are defeated, I'm afraid that you can't save your Northeast!" My lips are dead and my teeth are cold!"

When Zhao Dongyun heard this, he reached out and waved his hand: "I know this big truth, but Wang Shaochen can't open his mouth and let me go!"

"Now that you are not an outsider, I will tell you the truth. I am not satisfied with the current situation, and the tens of thousands of soldiers under me are also not satisfied. If Wang Shaochen wants to stop the truce, it is naturally okay, but is this condition?"

Zhou Xuexi looked happy after hearing this: "As long as you have this new one, it's easy to talk about. As for the conditions, I can't say anything. You can talk about it in person at that time!"

Zhao Dongyun is also thinking about it at this moment. Obviously, Wang Yingkai is now facing the enemy on both sides. Even if his allied forces are more than himself, it is absolutely impossible to fight on the south and north!

Zhang Zhidong's Northern Expeditionary Army is about to go north. He must first stop the war with himself, and then make every effort to deal with the governors in the south, and may even unite with himself to go south to suppress the governors in the south.

In this case, it is not easy for Zhao Dongyun to directly join the southern governor and Wang Yingkai to fight, because it involves a matter of a righteous name. The Beiyang brand on Zhao Dongyun's body goes deep into the bone marrow, and the bones are not clean. Even the three-year-old children in China know that Zhao Dongyun is a Beiyang boss. If you betray the cooperation between Beiyang and the Southern Federation, it is not a matter of interests, but a big problem. The low-ranking civilian generals will never allow themselves to make such a choice.

And to be honest, Zhao Dongyun doesn't want Wang Yingkai to fall like this. At that time, without Wang Yingkai, he will have to face the Southern Federation directly. At that time, it won't be fun.

Today's best strategy is to take advantage of the current situation to cut the greatest benefit from Wang Yingkai, and then expand the army while doing things, Wang Yingkai and Zhang Zhidong will kill you to death, and wait until the time is ripe to clean up the mess.

So after thinking about it, he said, "Well, you reply to him and say that I can sit down and talk with him!"

Zhou Xuexi listened and looked happy: "So good!"

Under the great threat that the Northern Expeditionary Army in the south is being formed and will not take long to go north, the meeting between Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun was arranged very quickly. Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen, and even Xu Shichang, Zhou Xuexi and other Beiyang civil servants all arrived in Tianjin within two days. They were all waiting The same person, that is Zhao Dongyun!

On December 8, on the railway outside Tianjin, a slightly different train from ordinary buses was spitting black smoke and heading for Tianjin. In this train, which seemed to be no different, there were a large number of soldiers wearing dark blue military uniforms and wearing the military rank mark.

In one of the carriages, Zhao Dongyun, who was still dressed as a soldier, criticized various reports sent from Fengtian. Soon after, the door of the carriage was knocked, and then Li San came in.

"Commander, we are about to enter the station!"

Zhao Dongyun then put down his pen: "You can arrange someone to send these approved documents back to Jinzhou. You can't delay my official business because I'm going out!"

Li San nodded and said, "I understand, it won't delay!"

At the same time, a large number of people have gathered outside Tianjin Railway Station, and a large number of police forces are guarding and on duty everywhere. Since Yuan Shikai was openly assassinated on the streets of Beijing, Beiyang bosses, including Zhao Dongyun, have increased their security forces one by one!

This time to come to Tianjin for talks, due to the Xin Chou Treaty, it is impossible for Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun to bring a large number of personal guards, but it does not prevent the use of a method. Tianjin can't garrison troops, but it doesn't say that it can't garrison police!

Under the Beiyang system, there is such an armed force as the Tianjin police. The police armed out and the armed guard right army is a typical Beiyang system army that can no longer be.

Zhao Dongyun came to Tianjin to avoid diplomatic trouble, so he asked all his guards to change into the clothes of the Tianjin police force. He did not come alone, but with a guard of more than 300 people. In the suburbs of Tianjin, the Fengtian First Association was staring at him. Zhao Dongyun was in Tianjin. Once in danger, the First Association will immediately come in to rescue. At the critical moment of life and death, who else has nothing to do with the Xinchou Treaty, diplomacy and so on?

Of course, Wang Yingkai's Beiyang Standing Army First Mixed Association is also in the horse factory in southern Tianjin, and Duan Qirui's Beiyang Standing Army Second Mixed Association is in Langfang and can be killed at any time.

Qin Longbiao, who arrived at the front station in Tianjin in advance, stood together and said something in a low voice with Qin Longbiao and several people who came to welcome Zhao Dongyun.

"Mr. Zhao, this time is tight, thanks to your strong support, otherwise I'm afraid it's not even easy to find a place to stay now!"

Zhao Chenliang laughed loudly and said, "Qin will be polite to you. Dongyun is my nephew. Naturally, my uncle has to be prepared to come to Tianjin. Don't worry, the hotel where he stayed is ready, and it will never delay the trip of the big guy, let alone lose the face of my Zhao family!"

Zhao Dongyun is coming to Tianjin to talk with Wang Yingkai and others. Not only are the people in the Soviet system busy, but also many people in Fuyuan Company are busy!

In order to arrange a place to stay for Zhao Dongyun, Fuyuan Company directly gave the whole package of Li Shunde, the most luxurious hotel in Tianjin. Even Wang Yingkai can't enjoy such a handwriting. There is nothing he can do. Who can let Wang Yingkai not have a super-large enterprise with tens of millions of dollars in his hands?

Just as Qin Longbiao was talking, a soldier trotted ahead and said to everyone, "The commander's special train is coming into the station!"

At present, Qin Longbiao began to look serious. Even Zhao Chenliang, who was beside him, couldn't help caressing his dome hat, and then looked to see if there was anything inappropriate about his dress!

As time went by, in the expectation of everyone, there was a whistle in the distance, and then a special train drove into the platform.

After hearing about the special train, nearly 100 members of the Zhao Dongyun Guard in Tianjin police uniform came down. After they alerted the surroundings, Zhao Dongyun got off the train with thousands of eyes and stepped on the red carpet.