Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 213 Shanxi Battle 1

If we just say that two or three months ago, that is, before the end of the Qing Dynasty, the number of new troops in the south is actually not large, and many of them are in vain, but no matter how many there are in the actual battle, from the document, there are still many new armies in the southern provinces!

For example, under Zhangzhidong, Hubei, there are the eighth town, the 21st Mixed Association, the ninth town controlled by Duanfang, the Jiangnan Mixed Association, the Jiangbei Mixed Association under the shade Chang, the 23rd Mixed Association of Jiangsu, the 27th Mixed Association of Jiangxi, the 31st Mixed Association of Anhui, the Shaanxi Army Mixed Association, and the tenth town of Fujian. Wait.

The above is still the kind that is relatively full of personnel, and there are many new armies in various southern provinces that are short of personnel, such as the 25th Mixed Association in Hunan, which has only one infantry standard; Sichuan also has a 32nd Mixed Association, but the association is less than half of the rated, the fourth in Shanxi. The 13 Mixed Association also has only one infantry standard; Zhejiang Mixed Association has only four infantry battalions, and although most of the new armies in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other provinces have the name of a mixed association, in fact there is only one standard of troops.

And the above is only infantry. As for the technical arms, such as cavalry and artillery, there is a general lack of cavalry troops in the southern provinces. The troops in Hubei and the two rivers such as the Eighth Town, the Ninth Town and the 21st Mixed Association are better. Although cavalry is scarce, they can barely be matched. Up.

However, most of the cavalry troops in other provinces are in vain. For example, in the tenth town of Fujian, the cavalry troops are only one team, not even a hundred horses.

The situation of the artillery is similar, and the artillery in the eighth and ninth towns can handle it, but most of them are equipped with 57 mm of Hanyang factory self-produced ballast guns, not to mention the three-inch tube anes installed by the international powers, including the Beiyang armies, even with a caliber of 70 There are not many fivemm guns.

As for the new army in other provinces, it is even more tragic. Take Fujian's tenth town as an example, which is one of the few three towns with temporary names in southern provinces. He only has 12 old artillery. This tenth town is said to be a town, but in fact, the actual force is just a mixed association that is not satisfied.

And other provinces are even more tragic, and there is no need to mention it!

The above is the situation of the southern armies before Yuan Shikai's death. However, since Yuan Shikai's death, the situation in the north has been turbulent. After the uprising in the north, the southern governors, especially Duan Fang, who are loyal to the Qing Dynasty, have vigorously expanded their armies, and even do not hesitate to reuse those international students with the background of the revolutionary party.

Basically, those new officers in the south, as long as there is no Beiyang back scene, have basically been reused in a short period of time. To some extent, Sun Wen and other revolutionary parties also borrowed the spring breeze of Zhao Dongyun and others, otherwise so many revolutionaries would not have sneaked into the new army in the south in a short time.

However, let's talk about the revolution party later. At least for now, the expansion of the new army in the south is rapid and powerful. In just two months, the troops under the governors of the southern provinces have increased a lot.

When Zhang Zhidong united with the Chinese Federal Empire in the city and formed the Northern Expeditionary Army with a unified number, the number of the town was as high as 26 towns. No one knew how many of them could be fought, and even Zhang Zhidong himself did not know.

But I don't dare what the actual situation is, but the number of these 26 towns is still very scary to scare everyone, especially when Zhang Zhidong claims that he will gather the army of 20 towns to the north to fight against the Beiyang generals and welcome back to the holy driver, it also scares Wang Yingkai and others in the north, otherwise he would not be in a hurry. Busy convening an armistice conference for negotiations.

If Zhang Zhidong hadn't made such a big momentum in the south, which seriously threatened the overall survival interests of Beiyang, it is estimated that Zhao Dongyun, Wang Yingkai and others would have continued to fight. How could they have gone to Tianjin for armistice negotiations?

And there are two other reasons for letting Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and others put down the conflict and hold peace talks, that is, the Southern Federation has an advantage that Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun do not have. What is this advantage?

One word: money!

Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong and even Sichuan, these provinces are all major domestic provinces. If Zhao Dongyun's territory is in Jiangsu, he dares to force more than ten divisions. If he let him occupy Jiangsu and Zhejiang at the same time, he doesn't have to bother to directly attack hundreds of thousands of troops in China. Many warlords.

It will be the same as it is now. It will be very difficult to raise these three divisions and brigades in the bitter cold land of the northeast.

Although the southern governors are not good enough to make money and do foreign affairs, it is not a big problem to make money to expand a few divisions, so the longer it takes, the more time it is left for Zhang Zhidong, the more unfavorable it will be for Beiyang.

This is one of the reasons why Wang Yingkai and others are eager to negotiate, because there is not much time left for Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and others. Once it is delayed, let the Southern Federation gather financial and manpower to really bring out the '26 Town Northern Expedition Army', not to mention Wang Yingkai will cry to death, Zhao Dongyun will have to jump into Liao. In the river.

The current Beiyang is not the Beiyang between 1911 and 1913 in history. Although the Beiyang in this period in history has begun to become rigid and degenerate, at least Yuan Shikai is still there. He said that to the east, Feng Guozhang and Duan Qirui absolutely dare not go west, but the current Beiyang is divided. Light, in fact, they have already fought two wars with each other.

In the southern provinces, after 1911 and even until the 1920s, the southern provinces were actually scattered. Although the provinces held Sun Wen's banner, in fact, few southern governors listened to Sun Wen's dispatch. Otherwise, the Nanjing provisional government in history would not have been so tragic.

But what about the southern provinces now?

Who is Zhang Zhidong, the leader of the southern governor? He was one of the few important Han ministers worthy of a big book at the end of the Qing Dynasty. In terms of fame, he was at the same level as Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang. He immediately responded to many Han governors in the south. With the support of the Manchu governor led by Duan Fang, it can unite to create a 'Chinese Federal Empire' in just two months.

Under the framework of this federal empire, the relationship between the provinces and the federal government is similar to that of the previous Qing Dynasty. Although the provincial governors have certain local autonomy, they are at the disposal of the federal government, especially in terms of military and politics. Here, Zhang Zhidong came to power. It can be seen that the independent rights of the governors of the southern provinces cannot be compared with the warlords of the northern provinces.

If the military and political appointment can't explain anything, it can also be seen from Zhang Zhidong's transfer of the new army of Jiangxi to the north that the southern federal imperial government still has a strong control over the provinces, at least much stronger than the northern republican government made by Wang Yingkai and others. Zhang Zhidong can mobilize Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yungui and other provinces. The troops went north, but did you ask Wang Yingkai to mobilize Zhao Dongyun's troops to try?

And Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and others are not all fools. Naturally, they can see the great threat of the Southern Federation. Naturally, they also know that Beiyang continues to fight like this. It is estimated that it won't be long before the Northern Expedition in the south will have to kill the capital. At that time, everyone will be fooled up!

Under such a huge threat, this Tianjin negotiation took place. It was precisely because of the threat from the south that Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun could make certain concessions in order to reach an alliance agreement to jointly deal with the huge threat of the Southern Federation.

"After the unified number, we will also go south to fight. If we go south, we will go all the way south to Jiangsu and Jiangning and other two rivers.

The second road goes south along the Beijing-Han Railway and goes straight to the three towns of Wuhan to break through the puppet capital of the Southern Federation!

There is a third way to go west to Shanxi to ensure the safety of the west!"

As soon as Wang Yingkai finished talking about the unified number, he began to talk about the southward battle. After all, for the people here, the most important thing is to fight south, and the previous so-called preparation of the republican government and the unified number were actually prepared for the southward battle.

Hearing Wang Yingkai say this, Zhao Dongyun did not speak immediately, but listened quietly!

Wang Yingkai continued: "This all the way south to the two rivers is for the first army, and you will command it. Brother Zhiquan will command it. This army to the south to Huguang will be the second army, and you will command it!"

The appointment of the First Army and the Second Army is not open now, but was discussed before Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen came to Tianjin. If Wang Yingkai refuses to give them a chance to go south, it is estimated that Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen will have to turn against Wang Yingkai and then support Zhao Dongyun to enter the capital. .

"As for this third road, there are not many enemies on the other side of Shanxi. At most, it is a new army around. In this way, there is no need to go there too many people. Just let Wang Zhanyuan take the 7th Division there!"

Wang Zhanyuan was originally under house arrest by Zhao Dongyun in Jinzhou, but since the two sides started negotiations, Wang Yingkai personally opened his mouth to ask Zhao Dongyun for someone, and also expressed his willingness to exchange more than 20 Soviet officers who were also under house arrest by him. In order not to disrupt the negotiations, and in exchange for those Soviet officers who were under house arrest by Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun released Wang Zhanyuan.

Wang Zhanyuan just returned to the capital the day before yesterday, and Wang Yingkai immediately appointed him as the new seventh town system. Now after the unified number and title, that is, the division commander of the seventh division.

As soon as Wang Yingkai said this, Zhao Dongyun, who was opposite, coughed again: "Brother Zhiquan and Brother Ping Qing each led an army south. According to the ability of the two brothers, this southward battle was naturally captured, and everyone was relieved, but on the side of Shanxi, as far as I know, Shanxi Governor Enshou, has been here for two months. There are a lot of soldiers trained, not thirty or fifty thousand, but there are still ten thousand, which is no longer the situation of two or three thousand people in the past. Not long after this seventh division suffered a heavy hit, I'm afraid it will take some time to rebuild its combat strength. I'm afraid it will not be able to recover its strength!"