Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 217 Northeast Patrol

When Wang Yingkai was sworn in as president in Beijing, Zhao Dongyun was also sworn in as vice president in Tangshan. At the same time, Wang Yingkai nominated a former Qing military minister in Beijing. Lu Chuanlin, one of the few important Han ministers in the world who can affect the national situation, was the first cabinet prime minister and was immediately approved by the National Assembly.

Then, like many Beiyang military and political dignitaries, Lu Chuanlin, who had shaved his braids, wore a Western-style dress, then sworn in as the first prime minister of the Republic of China, and immediately began to form the first cabinet.

Naturally, the list of the first cabinet was decided as early as the Tianjin talks. Among them, the chief of the army department is Duan Qirui and the deputy chief is Wang Shizhen. In addition, in several important positions, he has a lot of relationship with Zhao Dongyun, but he also expressed his loyalty to Wang Yingkai and wandered Zhou Xue on both Zhao Dongyun and Wang Yingkai. Xi served as the chief of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce; he founded China's first police agency, and Zhao Bingjun of Tianjin Police served as the chief of the patrol department.

Tang Shaoyi, another foreign and financial dignitary in Beiyang, was appointed as the Minister of Finance. This person can become the crucial Minister of Finance. In addition to his ability, it is also related to his neutrality in the Beiyang infighting. After all, the key position of the Ministry of Finance, neither Wang Yingkai nor Zhao Dongyun wants to be right. Fang Ranzhi chose many neutrals.

This situation is not only reflected in the above three people, Lu Chuanlin, Zhou Xuexi and Tang Shaoyi. In fact, most of the general offices of the first cabinet have similar situations, such as Lu Weixiang, the chief of foreign affairs, who is a pure diplomat. In fact, this person is still in Europe. Zhang of the former Southern Federation Zhidong has invited him many times to serve as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Federal Empire, but he refused.

This time, Wang Yingkai, Zhao Dongyun and Lu Chuanlin launched a joint telegram inviting him to return to China as the government of the Northern Military Alliance, that is, the Director General of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Republic of China. Lu Weixiang has agreed, but he will not return to China for the time being, but will continue to support diplomatic activities in Europe for the Republic. Seek diplomatic and even financial support from European powers such as Britain and France.

In addition, there is the general director of the Ministry of Communications. This person is either someone else, or Lin Shaonian, who was ordered by Cixi to attract Zhao Dongyun with the confusion of the king of Liao. To some extent, this person is a royalist of the former Qing Dynasty, but the politicians's ideas will definitely change. No, he can't wait to raise it as soon as the Qing court fell. The reputation of the republic, coupled with this person and Lu Chuanlin, have a close relationship, of course, more importantly, this person has nothing to do with Wang Yingkai and Wang Yingkai, so Lu Chuanlin's recommendation, they are also accurate.

In addition, the commander-in-chief of the navy is Liu Guanxiong. As for Sa Zhenbing, another important member of the navy, he has been recruited by Zhang Zhidong of the Southern Federation and became the naval minister of the Imperial Government of the Southern Federation. He also took more than half of the maritime power of the Chinese navy today, resulting in the naval headquarters of the Northern Republican Government. There were only a few warships before.

The above cabinet chiefs have several common characteristics. The first is that they are either former important ministers of the Qing Dynasty or foreign ministers in the Beiyang system in Yuan Shikai's era, and the second is that they have not completely fallen to either Zhao Dongyun or Wang Yingkai.

As for the direct civil servants under Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun, not even one of them took the position of chief of the cabinet, such as Xu Shichang under Wang Yingkai, who was also pressed to enter the cabinet this time. In the end, Wang Yingkai could only give him a direct governor to come to peace. Exhaust.

And many civil officials under Zhao Dongyun can't get into the cabinet. For example, Xiling, who is famous for founding Huludao Industrial Zone, has not even won the position of a deputy director of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and others have no similar opportunities.

But Fortunately, Zhao Dongyun's territory is not small, and there is enough space to arrange them!

After the cabinet was established, it still changed a series of names according to the previous Tianjin peace talks. For example, the title of governor of the former Qing Dynasty could not be used anymore, but had to be used to reflect the republican nature. In addition, it had to respect Chinese traditions and so on, so the two titles of 'tolling envoy' and 'the governor' were created. To replace the former governor and governor of Qingdao.

So in the following series of central appointments, the official titles of each person changed.

The Central Cabinet appointed Vice President Zhao Dongyun as the 'Governor of the Three Eastern Provinces' and presided over the military and political affairs of the three northeastern provinces.

Duan Qirui was appointed as the inspector of the two rivers and was fully responsible for the military and political affairs of the three provinces of the two rivers.

Wang Shizhen was appointed as the inspector of Huguang, who is fully responsible for the military and political affairs of the two provinces.

In addition to the appointment of the above four giants of Beiyang, there are also several second-tier warlords in Beiyang, such as the appointment of Zhang Huaizhi as the governor of Shandong, Wang Ruxian as the governor of Henan, and Wu Fengling as the governor of Shanxi.

At the same time, there is also Xu Shichang, the governor of Zhili with a false name!

Of course, as a central government that boasts the rule of the whole of China and regards the southern federal imperial government as a rebel, the northern republican government has also shamelessly appointed new inspectors and governors of southern provinces, such as Zhou Fu, who has been deprived of his position by the southern federal imperial government, as Liangguang. The inspector, the appointment of Jiang Gui, who has retreated to Shandong, is entitled Governor of Jiangbei and so on.

Here we have to talk about why Zhou Fu was kicked off the stage by Zhang Zhidong? The reason is actually very simple to know that he used to be the governor of Guangdong and one of the main founders of the Southern Federal Empire, because he is Zhou Xuexi's father!

Zhou Xuexi is a core member of Beiyang. Although Zhou Fu's political opinions are different from Zhou Xuexi, Zhang Zhidong and Duan Fang will reassure him. As soon as the southern federal government was established, Zhou Fu was expelled from the position of governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Although he is Zhou Xuexi's father, the father and son have different political opinions. In addition, he is also the main advocate of the southern federal government, but he is very unfriendly to several bigwigs in Beiyang, so he did not dare to return to Beijing. Instead, like many military and political dignitaries who were ousted, he went to the Shanghai concession as an apartment.

However, in line with the attitude of pulling over Zhou Xuexi, and at the same time, in order to disgust Zhang Zhidong, they simply carried out Zhou Fu, who lived in the Shanghai Concession, again and appointed him as the inspector of Liangguang.

It's just that these actions are meaningless, just to show the outside world that the Beiyang Republican government still declares sovereignty over the above regions, just like the future Taiwan still has a 'Fujian Provincial Government'!

The Beiyang republican government has taken frequent actions, and countless edicts from the cabinet are issued almost every day!

It has to be said that these edicts are not presidential edicts, but cabinet edicts, that is to say, these orders were not issued by Wang Yingkai.

In fact, since Lu Chuanlin became the prime minister, Wang Yingkai has lost the central administrative power. In fact, the territory he can manage is only one Zhili province, and he can barely exert influence on Shandong and Henan, but he absolutely does not have the power to appoint a provincial governor or several provincial inspectors.

But then again, this republican government cabinet is just a superficial product of the withdrawal of Beiyang generals. In addition to making a false name, it actually does not have national executive power.

For example, the three eastern provinces? Although Lu Chuanlin is the prime minister, he can't control Zhao Dongyun, let alone the military and political affairs of the three eastern provinces!

It is also because of knowing this that Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun did not compete for the positions of so-called president, prime minister or even cabinet chief, because before the actual unification of Beiyang, this republican government was used for viewing and had no practical effect.

So although the outside world is frequently concerned about the actions of the republican government in the north, for Zhao Dongyun, everything has been decided since the end of the Tianjin talks. The next thing he needs to do is to implement the agreement with Wang Yingkai, Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen.

Standing on the square of Tangshan Railway Station, Zhao Dongyun looked at the city under his feet and took a deep breath: "One day, I will come back!"

Then he turned around, and Li San beside him also quickly followed, and the casual military and political officials also followed Zhao Dongyun on the special train, and there were several military trains with Zhao Dongyun.

Zhao Dongyun is going back to Fengtian, and a large number of main troops he brought into the customs will also go back with him!

With the start of the train, Zhao Dongyun's mood was also a little messy. What happened during this period was one after another, which was almost breathless. Moreover, many things happened suddenly and were not expected in advance. For example, the foreign intervention army, which worried everyone most after entering the customs, did not come, but It was Zhang Zhidong who created a southern federal government, which became the confidant of the Beiyang generals.

Finally, Zhao Dongyun, Wang Yingkai and others, who were preparing for a war, were forced to put down their internal fights and began to gather forces south to suppress the Southern Federation.

These unexpected things made Zhao Dongyun feel very uncomfortable. In the past, Zhao Dongyun has always liked to do well-planned things in order to gain strategic initiative. However, in the past two months, he felt that he was led by the situation and could only deal with it, which was exhausting. End.

Fortunately, this wave of changes has finally been dealt with. In the future, at least before the Southern Federation is destroyed, the conflict between himself and Wang Yingkai can be eased, and he can continue to implement his economic development and military expansion plan.

Beijing, Wang Yingkai said, "Is he really leaving?"

"It's true that he left. His special train left for Fengtian this morning!" Xu Shichang said, "Now that Marshal Zhao has left the customs, should we also transfer some troops to the south? In the past two days, I heard that the troops in several other provinces in the south have been reinforced to Huguang and Liangjiang, relying only on the First Army and the Second Army. I'm afraid they will not be able to catch it!"

Wang Yingkai shook his head: "Don't worry, I know the ability of Zhiquan and Pingqing better than you. With their current strength, you can't suffer!"