Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 286 Shiyanglin

Yang Deming was transferred to the 17th Brigade as the brigade commander, which is quite unexpected for many people. Looking at many senior brigade commanders in the Feng army, they almost all rose step by step, from battalion commander to regimental commander, from regiment commander to brigade commander, brigade commander to mixed brigade commander or division commander, step by step Move.

And Yang Deming, although he served as a battalion management belt before studying in Germany, after returning to China, he entered the combat department of the staff and served as the director of the combat department for a long time. Now he has suddenly served as the brigade commander, which can be said to be a lack of a transitional period of "commander" in the middle.

This situation is still relatively special in the Feng army. Even other students who stay in Germany or stay in Japan will not be like this situation. Nowadays, there are still many students staying in Japan and Germany in the Feng army. Most of these people will serve as staff officers when they first return to China, and will fall into the field in the future. The battalion commander or regimental commander of the army.

Yang Deming's situation is relatively special. When he served in the War Office, he was promoted to major general and directly sent to the field troops with the rank of major general.

After Yang Deming was sent to the 17th Brigade as the brigade commander, the vacancy of the chief of the combat department was empty. According to Zhao Dongyun's idea, this position is quite important and even as important as the position of the main division commander, and the quality of this position is very high, so he was appointed after careful selection. Shi Yanglin, the former chief of staff of the First Army, served as the director of the Operations Department.

Shi Yanglin, like many senior generals in Beiyang, was born in Tianjin. He was also one of the first people Yuan Shikai sent to study in Germany that year. Although he was not admitted to the Berlin Military Academy, he also studied in Germany for two years before returning to China. First, he served as the First Section Chief of the Operations Department and entered the training class. During this period, he was transferred. The Chief of Staff of the Third Division was promoted to the rank of Major General this year and replaced Yang Shande as the Chief of Staff of the First Army, while Yang Shande returned to the Ministry of Education as the Chief of Staff. This Shiyanglin has the experience of staying in Germany and is also an advanced student. He is a senior staff-type talent with rich quality and experience in Fengjun.

Especially when he served as the chief of staff of the First Army, he cooperated well with Meng Enyuan and made a lot of suggestions for conquering the capital.

After Shi Yanglin learned the news, he took a train back to Beijing from the Shijiazhuang front line that day, and met Zhao Dongyun as soon as he arrived in Beijing.

"I know your ability. I believe you can handle the work of the combat department well!" Zhao Dongyun did not give Shi Yanglin any majesty or anything like that, but showed kindness and encouraged him.

"Nowadays, the work of the combat department is still relatively heavy. The battles in Shandong and Shijiazhuang need to be planned by the combat office as a whole, especially the battle in Shandong is more urgent now. You still need to pay more attention to it!" Zhao Dongyun continued.

Shi Yanglin said respectfully: "The president can rest assured that the ministry will do its best to help the troops go south to Shandong and other southern provinces as soon as possible!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "Well, it's good to have this determination. You are also a busy person. I won't waste your time. Go back!"

Shi Yanglin immediately resigned. After leaving Zhao Dongyun's office, he exhaled heavily. Although he had only half an hour to meet Zhao Dongyun just now, he did not say anything other than the beginning of greetings and simple debriefing.

Although Zhao Dongyun also maintained a peaceful look in this process, Shi Yanglin could still feel the huge pressure, so that he did not dare to breathe and speak loudly when he met Zhao Dongyun.

Although Zhao Dongyun is a few years younger than Shi Yanglin, no one, including Shi Yanglin, dares to underestimate Zhao Dongyun, who has pulled up a Feng army of more than 100,000 people in just a few years, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Soviet cultural relics officials and interest groups.

In just one year, Feng Guozhang and Wang Yingkai, the two bigwigs in Beiyang, were defeated and went to the field by Zhao Dongyun, and Zhao Dongyun also reached the peak of power step by step and became the president of the Republic, and his presidency was killed all the way. Tens of thousands of people were laid with bones. After being in a high position for a long time, even if you look at you with a smile, you can feel the huge pressure he brings in the bottom of your heart.

This can be seen from the attitude of other people in Fengjun's attitude towards him in recent years. In the past few years, Meng Enyuan and Chen Guangyuan could occasionally shout 'Brother Ziyang' and make a few jokes, but now the people below, including Meng Enyuan, are respectful and dare not dare to go beyond Zhao Dongyun. The more move.

Although Shi Yanglin is young and handsome in the Feng army, it is the same in front of Zhao Dongyun!

After leaving Zhao Dongyun's study, Shi Yanglin looked up and saw Li San. Li San, who wore Western-style clothes and shaved his head, seemed to be a turtle elite studying abroad, but everyone who knew him knew that although this man was in a high position, he was only Zhao Dongyun's own soldier Ma Ben. At best, he could only be the first Tong Wenmo, but no one dares to underestimate Li San like this.

Li San lives in the position of director of the secretariat. For many years, he has almost followed Zhao Dongyun closely and raised his trust. Even Lin Yongquan and Zhao Dongping have to bow down. Usually, most of the other Soviet dignitaries will call him when they see him.

Of course, more people will despise him in their hearts!

Except for Yang Debiao's academic qualifications, the secretaries of this secretariat are either talents who study abroad and return to China or those who have experience in foreign affairs in the former Qing Dynasty, while Li San, a person who is new to literature and ink, became the director. Many people guess that Li San probably can't even understand the public documents!

But no one would say that the contempt in his heart would offend Li San for no reason, so Shi Yanglin smiled when he saw Li San: "Brother Bao Ke, you and I haven't get together for some time. Why, let's have a drink together tonight?"

Li San smiled and said, "If it were another time, I would definitely go to congratulate Director Shi for his promotion, but tonight is unfortunately. I'm going to pick up the president's wife in the afternoon. I have to settle those people from Shenyang tonight. I'm afraid I can't leave!"

Although Li San is very full, Shi Yanglin is not a stupid person. Li Sanyi just understands that it is not easy for Li San to talk as others said. I'm afraid it's not easy to invite him to a meal.

He did not know that Li San also had his own concerns. He has been with Zhao Dongyun all year round. It can be said that his identity is extremely special. If he has close contact with cultural relics officials outside, it is estimated that he will be the director, so he has always been extremely cautious about human exchanges, except for a few Several, such as Zhao Dongping and Zhao Dongzhi, will never meet the rest of the military and political officials in private.

Shi Yanglin did not force it and immediately said, "Then there will be a chance to drink together in the future!"

Then he quickly left the presidential palace and went to the General Staff, where there was still a lot of work waiting for him. After the Second Army entered Shandong, there was an exchange of fire with the troops of Duan Qirui and Zhang Huaizhi. Xu Bangjie called and said that the front-line troops lacked ammunition and troops, and tried to support them. And which troops will be sent to reinforce Shandong? How to fill the original defense gap after the reinforcements are drawn? After increasing the reinforcements, whether the logistics in Shandong can be supported, and how to send ammunition to the front line by relying solely on the canal alone, these matters need to be handled by the combat department and coordinated with other departments of the command.

After Shi Yanglin, who was busy with work, left, Li San went to the door of Zhao Dongyun's office and knocked on the door. After Zhao Dongyun came in, he pushed the door and entered.

"President, Chairman Zhao of Fuchang is already waiting!" Li Sandao.

Zhao Dongyun looked at the documents on the table and said, "Take him in 20 minutes!"

After Li San went out, Zhao Dongyun picked up the pen and instructed the thick stack of documents on the table. There were all kinds of official documents, including the military briefing sent by the Ministry of Staff, the financial budget for this month sent by the Ministry of Finance, and the application report sent by the Ministry of Education requesting the preparation of five official normal schools in Zhili, and said that 200,000 yuan is needed in the early period, and the Ministry of Communications also sent a report requesting the renewal of the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway, with an application for funds, requesting 1 million yuan owed since last winter and 1.5 million yuan this year.

The ordinary official documents sent by these departments will not be sent directly to Zhao Dongyun's desk. They are generally sent to the secretariat, and then the secretary of the secretariat will draw up opinions based on these official documents, and then these reports will be sent to Zhao Dongyun's desk with the opinions of the secretariat. If Zhao Dongyun agrees with the secretary The opinions of the department are basically approved in accordance with the opinions of the secretariat. If they do not agree, they will be rejected and returned to the secretariat.

Of course, if it is a major matter, the head of each department is usually sent directly to Zhao Dongyun, and then Zhao Dongyun personally approves it.

And those things that need to be resolved by meetings are generally major events that affect the situation at home and abroad.

After reading the previous reports, Zhao Dongyun directly approved the words that had been read and then transferred them to the Secretariat, and then the Secretariat sent them back to the ministries for implementation. The Ministry of Education proposed a report on the preparation of a normal school. The opinion drawn up by the on-duty secretary of the secretariat is that the plan can be approved, but the required funds should be funded by Zhili Provincial Finance. And the financial financing of local governments and counties.

In the face of this kind of money-dollar report, Zhao Dongyun can see a lot every day. Except for a few, in fact, most of the secretariats give the same treatment opinions, that is, the plan is good and the prospects are good, but the central government has no money. If you want to do it, you have to borrow funds by the local government or various ministries.

And Zhao Dongyun also approved four words in the same way: it is said that it has been read! If Zhao Dongyun's approval habit has been studied too much, if only two words have been read, it will be approved and implemented on behalf of Zhao Dongyun. But it is said that you have read these four words, that is, in principle, I agree, but the central government has no money, so you have to solve it by yourself.