Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 308 Anton Security Command

"Today's Fengtian defense is still too empty. There is only one patrol regiment on the side of Andong, which is not enough. Two more patrol regiments are stationed there, and the 10th Mixed Brigade also dispatched an infantry regiment to Fengcheng!" Zhao Dongyun continued:

"In addition, don't be idle all the time on Anton's side. Usually, we should dig for the field fortifications in advance and strive to build a permanent fortification!" Zhao Dongyun looked up at Hong Putao: "The quartermaster's department looked at the distribution of some cement, barbed wire and other materials in the direction of Andong!"

Zhao Dongyun has no money to hire tens of thousands of people to build a permanent fortifications in Andong for many years, but the soldiers in the patrol regiment are originally auxiliary soldiers, and it is actually the same for them to switch to work as engineering troops to dig trenches.

If he is not afraid of causing a dispute with Japan and triggering Japan's vigilance, he wants to directly send the tenth mixed brigade to Andong, but the place in Andong is too **. If he directly deploys a mixed brigade, he must know that he is on guard against them. At that time, he will have Causing diplomatic quarrels.

As for the patrol force, this unit is not only within the Feng army but also in the eyes of foreign troops. There are only more than 4,000 people who sent three regiments to the edge of the Yalu River. I can bear it.

Anyway, there is the Andong Railway that I built at the beginning. If Sino-Japanese relations are tense, his army can gather in Andong in two days. At that time, with the assistance of a large number of fortifications, he wants to see how Japan himself breaks through his Andong defense line.

"Not only Anton, but also the defense of the two border towns of Manzhouli and Suifenhe also need to be strengthened. Although our army's current field strength is tight, it is still possible to send more patrol troops to repair the fortifications in advance, so that we can cope with many changes in the future!"

Zhao Dongyun did not directly say what the future changes are, but the fools present were not. Today, Zhao Dongyun talked about the defense of the three eastern provinces, and they also heard more or less about the seizure of the weapons ordered by the Soviet system. Obviously, Japan's move stimulated Zhao Dongyun's defense.

And the more they listened to Zhao Dongyun, the more they felt that Zhao Dongyun was preparing for the Japanese and Russian intervention army!

"Although the previous three major defense headquarters of Harbin, Shenyang and Jinzhou have been abolished, there are still many merits for similar institutions!" Zhao Dongyun said, "I plan to set up several police headquarters, mainly under the jurisdiction of the patrol police force. In addition to maintaining local public security, I also have the responsibility of border patrols!"

Zhao Dongyun suddenly said today that this security headquarters is not a sudden statement. The establishment of this security headquarters is only secondary. The key is that he intends to adapt the existing patrol force!

Today, the patrol system under the Soviet system is actually abnormal. In the view of military generals, the patrol force is a second-line force and needs to be pulled up as cannon fodder when necessary. However, in the view of cabinet officials, these patrol forces are military police that suppress places and maintain public security. This is accepted by the patrol forces in the Soviet system. It can be seen from the dual leadership of the command department and the cabinet police department.

And Zhao Dongyun is actually very dissatisfied with this situation. On the one hand, the police department of the cabinet involves military power, and military power has always been attached great importance to by Zhao Dongyun. The separation of military and government is a principled policy under his administration.

Look at several military bosses in the Soviet system, such as Meng Enyuan and Xu Bangjie, who have all supported tens of thousands of troops, but have you ever seen Zhao Dongyun appoint them as 'superintendent, envoys, envoys of the army, patrol envoys' and so on? None!

In the early stage, he also considered completely changing these patrol forces into police, but later found that this was a waste. Although the patrol forces are a little poor in combat effectiveness, at least they are also an army. There will be some daily training. You won't let them go to the street to catch thieves!

In addition, after last year's Republic, the police system, including the three eastern provinces and Zhili, has actually begun to implement the police system. All prefectures and counties have officially established police. No matter what these police capabilities are, whether they will be corrupt or not, but after all, there are already policemen. If the patrol police are directly adapted into police In fact, it is not easy to arrange personnel.

After thinking about it, Zhao Dongyun felt that since these patrol forces are armies, they should be used to let them bounce out of the place on weekdays and give them other tasks. For example, in the Battle of Tangshan, the patrol cavalry battalions in several patrol forces performed quite well. These patrol cavalry battalions are Directly cooperated with Cao Kuang's fourth mixed brigade and fought several battles in Chengde, and its combat effectiveness was not much worse than that of the formal cavalry.

In addition, several patrol regiments stationed in Tangshan and Shanhaiguan before are actually barely of good quality. The patrol regiment in Tangshan has fought with the direct army, and these patrol regiments are now also an important force to defend Tangshan.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Dongyun felt that it was necessary to further strengthen the combat effectiveness of the patrol force and let them undertake more important tasks.

And acting as a border force is a good choice!

When everyone heard Zhao Dongyun say the word "police headquarters", their faces also changed slightly, which is a relatively big change for the existing Fengjun system.

"From now on, an Anton Garrison Command will be established to be responsible for border patrols on the front line of Andong. In addition, Manzhouli and Suifenhe have also set up a police headquarters to take charge of local border patrols!" Zhao Dongyun set up this police headquarters only because the above three places are about to gather two or three patrol regiments. If these patrol regiments are gathered together without unified command, I'm afraid there will be some unnecessary problems. However, Zhao Dongyun has no intention to set up patrol divisions and brigades for the time being. It's easy to talk big, but it's easier to manage the scale of scattered groups and camps now.

It's just that if three patrol regiments are concentrated on Anton's side, if they are not merged into a patrol division, then an alternative command structure will be needed, so that the Anton Garrison Command will be out.

After hearing Zhao Dongyun say this garrison headquarters, many senior generals present were relieved. They thought that Zhao Dongyun was going to get a headquarters that was fully responsible for the defense of the Yalu River or Fengtian or even the three eastern provinces. If it was really such a position, they would have to be introduced in the Feng army again. There is a bloody battle!

is the same as there were many factions in Beiyang in the Yuan Shikai era. In fact, there are also many small hills in the contemporary Feng army, such as the so-called old direct faction represented by Lin Yongquan. This part of the three team officials who followed Zhao Dongyun during the Wuwei Right Army in that year Yes, and Hong Putao, the head of the quartermaster's department, is also from this faction. In addition, the famous Gu Lanyu is actually close to Lin Yongquan. The two are children's in-laws.

Then it was born in the era of Lao Wubei. In the era of the Third Mixed Association, they began to follow Zhao Dongyun, and this group of people are also the strongest in the Fengjun system at present. They really hold the position of real power, and they have won the position of the three military commanders. They are Meng Enyuan, Chen Guangyuan and Xu Bangjie. Among them, Xu Bangjie is the third town. The times have only been transferred to the position, but he is old enough to have a good relationship with Meng Enyuan.

Again, there is the so-called overseas study school, which is mainly German students, and there are also some Japanese students. Although this group of people is not large and the general military rank is not high, they have been greatly valued by Zhao Dongyun and has long controlled key positions in the command department such as the Operations Office and the Strategy Department.

And many things in Fengjun are actually the responsibility of these underreputed overseas students. Fengjun's modern logistics system was established by the German faction, and it is controlled by the overseas students from the establishment of troops to tactical improvement. More importantly, due to the combat office, the officers of the overseas students Although the military rank is generally not high, it actually controls the strategic direction of the Feng army. From the entry into the customs to the present, almost all large-scale battle plans of the Tangshan Campaign, the Battle of Bazhou and the Jinan Campaign are handled by these overseas students. Even military bosses like Meng Enyuan cannot intervene.

In addition to the above three factions, there is actually a more special system, that is, advanced students. Some of these students are from armed training, some have studied, and some are from veteran camp, but they all have the same characteristics, that is, they all refer to be Zhao Dongyun's students, and usually take Zhao Dongyun's direct It is self-contained, and this group is relatively exclusive. Although they are still wandering at the level of school officials, they generally look down on generals from other factions.

There are many factions in the Feng army, which has led to some important high-level changes in the Feng army that will directly affect the influence of these factions!

Although Zhao Dongyun's control of the army is not weaker than Yuan Shikai's. Chen Guangyuan's position of division commander to the 13th division commander, Chen Guangyuan did not dare to fart, but even if he is as strong as Zhao Dongyun and Yuan Shikai, he will not interfere with these subordinates when he is free. They only exist as an arbitrator and will never personally play a game of power with their subordinates.

This also leads to this. In fact, there is a strong sense of factional struggle in the appointment of many officers in the Feng army. Even if the appointment power of senior generals above the infantry brigade has always been controlled by Zhao Dongyun himself, but to be honest, low-level people have too many ways to influence Zhao Dongyun's decision.

If this newly established police headquarters has great real power, I'm afraid it will cause a competition among the internal factions of the Feng army, but now, the police headquarters that only governs a few patrol regiments is not worth the competition of those senior army generals.

Zhao Dongyun did not worry about the thoughts of too many subordinates. He continued, "In addition to the border defense mission on land, this coastal defense mission is also not light!"