Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 310 Wang Zhanyuan Reappearance

On October 3, in Xiao County, Xuzhou Prefecture, a large army gathered in this former quiet small county town, and Feng soldiers in blue and gray military uniforms could be seen everywhere.

Since September, Meng Enyuan led the First Army from Zhengzhou and went all the way east along the unfinished Bianluo Railway, and then captured Kaifeng, which was the meeting of Henan Province at that time. It is worth noting that although Kaifeng was the meeting of Henan Province at this time, the economic, political and military influence of Zhengzhou with the opening of the Beijing-Han Railway has greatly increased. Sheng, because Zhengzhou is located at the pass of the Beijing-Han Railway, Wang Ruxian, the governor of Henan, was nominally in Kaifeng, but in fact, he has been working in Zhengzhou for a long time. In addition, Zhengzhou is also the main gathering place of Wang Ruxian's troops. At the beginning, Wang Ruxian even gave up sending troops to defend Kaifeng.

After the Feng army captured Zhengzhou, Kaifeng was actually in a state of military vacuum, so after the Feng army effortlessly controlled Kaifeng, it continued to move east to return to Defu. Although it encountered several small-scale unknown armed resistance and met Wang Zhanyuan's seventh division that fled all the way south in Guide, it finally did not There is a delay in the pace of eastward.

Since Wang Zhanyuan led the 7th Division failed in the Battle of Bazhou, he fled all the way south with the main force of the 7th Division who broke through the siege. At the beginning, he did not even go to Jinan, Shandong Province, but fled all the way to Guide, Henan Province. Originally, he planned how to get a piece of land from Wang Ruxian, but he didn't think about it. Wang Ruxian couldn't help beating more than he thought. Before he could speak, Wang Ruxian was arrested alive.

Later, he saw the Feng army march eastward. Although Wang Zhanyuan did not know that the Feng army's eastward advance was to enter northern Jiangsu to participate in the battle of Xuzhou, he was also scared. The strength of the first army led by Meng Enyuan was as high as 40,000 people, far from his seventh division of 10,000 people could resist. Besides, he was What do you want to resist?

So he simply gave up Guide again and continued to go south!

At this time, the Feng army marched into northern Jiangsu and set out a decisive battle with the Anhui army in the Xuzhou area. Even Zhang Huaizhi's remaining more than 10,000 Lu army participated in it and stationed in Suzhou. Therefore, this huge rear of Anhui is actually very empty, and this makes Wang Zhanyuan find an opportunity. No matter what the three armies of Anhui and Lu are doing in Xuzhou, now it is a great opportunity to occupy the territory. He can't let it go, so when Xuzhou is fighting, Wang Zhanyuan is also sneaky. It occupies a large map of Yingzhou, Anhui Province, and also controls some counties and towns in Chenzhou, Henan Province.

That's not to mention that Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division is still continuing to go south. Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division fled thousands of kilometers in confusion and fled all the way from Zhili Bazhou to Anhui. Now it is hard to have the opportunity to occupy the territory and search for local cultivation and recuperation. From Wang Zhanyuan to ordinary soldiers, their eyes are all hungry. Like wolves, every place is to scrape money, and then use this money to do what every warlord is doing: recruit troops and horses!

Wang Zhanyuan took the opportunity to occupy the territory at the junction of Anhui and Henan. To be honest, whether it is the Feng army, the Lu army or the Anhui army, there is no intention and strength to deal with him.

Although the seventh division is a homeless dog, its strength was not damaged in the First World War. The more than 10,000 people of the seventh division are no worse than any old Beiyang army. To be honest, the group of more than 10,000 people in the hands of Zhang Huaizhi, the original owner of Anhui, may not be able to He fought against Wang Zhanyuan's seventh division.

And the Feng army's energy is now contained by Duan Qirui. The army gathered in Xuzhou. Before Duan Qirui is solved, it is impossible for them to enter Anhui, while the third army of the Feng army in Henan has only two divisions, but it has to control the four wars in Henan. There are more than 20,000 Hubei troops under Wang Shizhen in the south. People are staring at it. In the west is the Southern Federation of Shaanxi-Gansu Region. At this time, although the Feng army has not been in contact with the Southern Federation, the two sides have actually had border contacts. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of fighting, and the east is now Wang Zhanyuan.

With the strength of the Third Army of the Soviet Army, which is less than 30,000, it is relatively reluctant to maintain the situation in Henan. It is difficult to deal with Wang Zhanyuan. After all, Wang Zhanyuan has a lot of troops. If you go to the army, there are fewer people. For example, if there is only one division, you don't know who will win and who will lose, but many can't be sent. Therefore, Chen Guangyuan, the commander of the Third Army of the Feng Army, could only turn a blind eye to Wang Zhanyuan, but after capturing Guide, Runing and other prefectures, he did not continue eastward into the border areas of Henan and Anhui provinces. Otherwise, without Wang Zhanyuan's 7th Division, Chen Guangyuan's Third Army would have attacked Anhui. The hinterland.

Therefore, although Wang Zhanyuan had an attitude of watching the hegemony between the Feng army and the Anhui army and wanted them to lose both, it is undeniable that Wang Zhanyuan himself had a certain impact on the war in northern Jiangsu, and he may not have noticed this impact, but the high-level generals in the Feng army I frowned at this!

In a courtyard in Xiao County, Xuzhou, this house of the former landlord Lao Cai has been requisitioned by Feng and served as the former enemy headquarters. There is a sign hanging at the gate of this courtyard. The first one is the "Xuzhou Former Enemy Command of the Command of the Command Department".

In the headquarters, in addition to seeing a large group of Feng army officers busy green, the stars flashed in the main hall conference room at this time, and a large group of senior generals of the Soviet Feng army sat together.

More than a dozen senior generals sit on both sides of the square table. Each of them is wearing the blue-gray officer's ordinary uniform unique to Fengjun. The epaulettes on their shoulders are not the vertical epaulettes of other warlords in the country, but horizontal epaulettes. Some of these people are lieutenant generals with two Venus, and some are wearing a few Venus. Meng Enyuan, the leader, and Xu Bangjie, the first on the left, have three stars on their shoulders, representing their general rank.

Although many of these people are added to the title, for example, Xu Bangjie is the lieutenant general and the general, but the meaning of this addition is that the member can enjoy the courtesy of the general level and do the work that the general should do, but the salary is still paid according to the rank of the lieutenant general, and the case is recorded in the narrative office. The military rank is still a lieutenant general. Therefore, there will be no difference between the officer's dress, epaulette and Meng Enyuan.

The additional rank system of the Northern Republican military was extended from the pre-Qing and Wang Yingkai era and was used on a large scale by Zhao Dongyun. At the beginning, Zhao Dongyun used the additional rank system to show that his position as president was formal. Although he used force to drive Wang Yingkai out of power, his general The unified position was automatically promoted by the vice president after Wang Yingkai took the initiative to resign. In order to reflect this orthodoxy, many of his etiquette policies in Wang Yingkai's era have continued. On the other hand, it is also to control the number of senior generals in the army.

After all, there are only a dozen or 20 generals in those millions of troops. However, now, the major warlords of the Northern Republican Government have added up to seven or eight serious generals, and Zhao Dongyun and Duan Qirui are fighting, these two are at best. The internal struggle is completely different from the relationship between the Northern Republican Government and the Southern Federation. Whether it is the Wang Yingkai era or the bureau under the control of Zhao Dongyun era, in fact, they all recognize the superior general ranks of Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen. Of course, don't expect Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun to pay them.

There have been so many senior generals, and now Zhao Dongyun doesn't want to get out more than a dozen generals at once. The war has only begun for less than a year. If the war continues, the senior generals will not fly all over the sky in the future. How can he upgrade his ranks to his subordinates at that time? That's why he used the additional rank system. It can be regarded as an artificial increase in the rank of military rank, which increases the difficulty of ordinary lieutenant generals to be promoted to generals, and the same is true for the promotion of generals.

However, this situation can only be seen in official documents, but it is difficult to distinguish between a regular general and a general, so in today's conference room, you can see two generals, and then five or six lieutenant generals.

These people are naturally the main senior generals of the First Army and the Second Army of the Feng Army today. Since the two main forces of the Feng Army successfully met in the north of Xuzhou a few days ago, Meng Enyuan has held such a strategic meeting between the two armies to discuss the specific combat plan to attack Xuzhou.

Meng Enyuan looked at many subordinates and colleagues below, then looked at Yang Deming, and then said, "Deming, talk about it first!"

Although Yang Deming is only a major general among the people present, everyone here knows that Yang Deming is not simple. Previously, this person has been the director of the combat department for a long time and is a junior of his school that the general attaches great importance to. Although he is low in rank and young, he actually planned to enter the customs. Many subsequent battles, including the Tangshan Campaign, the Jingshi Campaign, the Bazhou Campaign and the Shijiazhuang Campaign, can be regarded as this person's handwriting.

Although the above battles are all fought by the generals in the field army, the early planning and strategic arrangements are all about the combat department. Even Meng Enyuan, the leader of the army, is just following orders!

Now Yang Deming was sent by Zhao Dongyun to be the brigade commander, but people with a clear eye know that this brigade commander is just a gilded position. With a little mixed qualifications, it is estimated that he will rise immediately.

After Yang Deming became the commander of the 17th Brigade, with the outbreak of the Xuzhou Campaign, Zhao Dongyun was also worried that there was no qualified senior staff in the former enemy headquarters, so he personally appointed Yang Deming as the chief of staff of the former enemy headquarters in Xuzhou.

Please pay attention to this appointment. He is not transferred, but concurrently! That is to say, he was mixed with qualifications and gold on the position of the commander of the 17th Brigade, but on the other hand, he was also continued to be reused by Zhao Dongyun.