Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 323 Domestic Capital

As a senior government official, Yang Debiao also understands that relying on the current domestic capital and technical capabilities, it is actually difficult to really develop many domestic resources on a large scale. Take this Anshan iron mine as an example, it is useless to develop Anshan iron ore without investing millions in it, which is more difficult than developing Tangshan iron ore. Big.

In addition to this Anshan Iron Mine, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce also has a lot of development plans, and those who have the strength to develop these minerals. To be honest, there is only Tangshan Iron and Steel Company now. There are not only financial restrictions, but also technical restrictions. You don't have money to develop minerals. You also have to have technology, especially It is to develop those low-quality minerals, otherwise the cost of mineral development is too high and the gains will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Tangshan Iron and Steel Company is looking for foreign steel enterprises to jointly develop Anshan Iron Mine in order to raise funds and also to introduce advanced technology.

Zhao Dongyun's attitude is relatively loose. He does not have the kind of xenophobic plot in the hearts of contemporary Chinese people. This investment attraction is a great good thing for the development of the country. Zhao Dongyun has always supported it. You can see that he strongly supports Huludao Industrial Zone and Yingkou Industrial Zone. In order to attract investment, he is exempted The big tax tricks have been released.

In addition, under the planned Jinpu Railway, Longhai Railway and other railways in the Ministry of Communications, they are actually ready to introduce foreign capital for construction. Otherwise, he really can't take out so much money. Even domestic commercial offices can't gather tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in the construction of railway. It will take more than ten years to recover the cost-profit project.

In contemporary Chinese business circles, well, to put it bluntly, although those capitalists also play in industry, basically except for a few enterprises with official scenes, everything else is basically concentrated in light industry, especially in the textile industry. These light industries have small investment, fast recovery costs and high profits. The preferred investment industry in the business community.

It goes without saying that railways, a large-scale infrastructure project that often invests tens of millions of yuan and takes more than ten years to recover costs. Even heavy industries such as mining development and machinery manufacturing are involved, there are very few private capital involved.

At present, in the area under the control of Zhao Dongyun, with the support of light industry, which can be said to be developing rapidly, led by Fuyuan Company, a series of northern capital or independent investments or joint ventures have opened a large number of various enterprise factories in recent years, most of which are mainly light industry, especially It is the textile industry.

There are more than 300 textile companies in the three eastern provinces, Zhili and other provinces. However, as a heavy industrial steel enterprise, there is actually only one steel factory on a scale. In terms of machinery manufacturing, in addition to the subsidiary of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, there are only three or five other companies, and they are all manufactured. Some small things, such as cement, are very polluted, but in modern times, they are a veritable heavy industry. Nowadays, there are only six large-scale cement manufacturers in northern China.

At the same time, the shortsightedness of businessmen makes them rarely go back to invest in heavy industry. Nowadays, the few heavy industries developed in Zhao Dongyun's ruling area basically have either official scenes or the participation of Fuyuan Company.

Of course, this is also related to the large amount of investment required by heavy industry. Take the development of Anshan Iron Mine and Fushun Coal Mine as an example. These investments are often millions or even tens of millions. It is actually difficult for any single domestic capital family to take out so much money. Some projects require extensive fund-raising before they can be successfully started.

Just like the Fuyuan Machinery Factory in those years, the Fuyuan Yarn Factory, which relied on the Zhao family behind the parent company, was absolutely impossible to do it. In order to start the year, the Zhao family was forced to recruit many commercial stocks, and the successive capital increases in the following years attracted many capital from the north. In the end, how did the years have passed? Later, Fuyuan Machinery Factory gradually evolved from a subsidiary of Fuyuan Yarn Factory to an independent capital giant, and its total assets have even exceeded that of the original parent company Fuyuan Company.

Although today's Fuyuan Company still maintains a 16% stake in Fuyuan Machinery Factory, in fact, more shares have been dispersed into the entire northern capital market, and a large number of shares are basically various financial institutions, such as Dingsheng Bank, a private bank that has risen rapidly in China in recent years. It owns more than 10% of the shares in it. These shares are not owned by Hong Xuwei, the sponsor of Dingsheng Bank, but purchased with the funds of bank depositors. Strictly speaking, these shares belong to all depositors in Dingsheng Bank.

Many other banks, ticket numbers and banks also occupy more or less shares in it!

The reason for this situation is that the amount required to increase shares and raise funds of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is extremely large, and the funds raised at any time are several million taels. It is worth noting that due to the continuous stock increase and fund-raising of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, the original shareholders did not allow their shares. If the proportion is reduced, you need to grit your teeth and continue to invest funds to ensure that the proportion of shares in your hands does not decrease.

At the beginning, the board of directors of Fuyuan Machinery Factory successfully reduced the holding ratio of Fuyuan Company from nearly 50% to 16% today. The reason is very simple. The shareholders of the board of directors want to issue more shares. Even the original parent company, Fuyuan Company, can't stop it. They can only raise funds many times to increase capital. However, Fuyuan Company has the profits of many other subsidiaries, but it can't stand the continuous issuance of shares. Finally, It is forced to reduce the proportion of shares step by step.

This massive capital injection allows Fuyuan Machinery Factory to have sufficient funds to introduce equipment, purchase foreign patents, expand technical output, develop new weapons, etc.

And every increase in the shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is a feast for the northern capital market!

However, not every company can have the same strong money absorption ability as Fuyuan Machinery Factory. The reason why people broke the head to buy shares of Fuyuan Machinery Factory is because of the huge profitability of Fuyuan Machinery Factory. The factory began to make profits when it was still in trial production, and with the Russo-Japanese War, China With the outbreak of wars, the scale of the factory is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and the output is getting more and more. The sales volume is large, and the profit naturally makes shareholders laugh.

Especially in the past year, the ordnance products of Fuyuan Machinery Factory are almost out of supply. It can be said that as much as Fengjun is produced. Although Fengjun often owes money and still has millions of yuan to pay back, although the rich Fuyuan Machinery Factory shouts every day The capital chain is about to be broken, but their capital is still extremely rich. After Feng Jun entered the customs, they still used their operating profits to jointly open a Baoding arsenal with the government.

However, although Fuyuan Machinery Factory has made a lot of profits in recent years, in fact, most of its profits have been reinvested. Over the years, the dividends received by shareholders are actually quite limited, but these shareholders do not care. Even if they are short-sighted, they know that it is not the time to take dividends. Instead, when the scale continues to expand, when the Fuyuan Machinery Factory continues to expand, and even reaches the ordnance supply capacity that can meet the millions of troops, I am afraid that there will be no dividends, and money can fall even if you lie on these shares every day.

It's just that there are too few enterprises like Fuyuan Machinery Factory. It is very difficult for you to invest in other heavy industry projects, especially when there is no expected profit!

Relatively speaking, it is helpless to invite foreign capital to invest in these projects. After all, for those super-large international enterprises, such as Bethlehem Steel Company of the United States, they are already engaged in these, and they also have the funds to invest.

Nowadays, Tangshan Iron and Steel Company is short of funds, and their investment center will be located in Anshan in the next few years, so naturally there is a lack of interest in the newly discovered Chahar iron mine, which only means that it has invested 300,000 yuan, but this is far from enough for officials of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Zhao E said, "Some time ago, I have made an appointment with several domestic banks. In addition, I also visited Zhao Lao of Fuyuan Company to see if we can take the lead and then raise a two million share capital for development!"

Yang Debiao listened and said, "If Fuyuan Company takes the lead, it will be easier to raise funds!"

Although Fuyuan Company has gradually lost control of Fuyuan Machinery Factory in recent years, the company's influence is deepening. This influence does not mean how many industries Fuyuan Company has monopolized, but the precise vision of Fuyuan Company's investment in new industries.

At the beginning, when Fuyuan Company pulled the Li family in Jinzhou to engage in the cotton textile industry, in fact, many people were waiting to see jokes. They thought that in the fierce market of domestic machinery cloth such as foreign cloth and Nantong earth cloth, it was too risky to use millions of funds to invest in a super-large-scale textile factory, but later, the two joint venture gourd Ludao Textile Company shined brilliantly. Relying on the opportunity of temporarily withdrawing from the market of the three eastern provinces during the Russo-Japanese War, it occupied more than one-third of the mechanism cloth market in the three eastern provinces, making Li Erjian and his son of the Li family in Jinzhou wake up from their dreams in the past two years.

Later, when Fuyuan Company spent a lot of money to introduce cigarette equipment from abroad to open a cigarette factory, people thought that the domestic cigarette market was only an emerging market, and the market, especially the original northern market, was almost the same imported cigarettes. It is difficult to find a bloody way out of imported cigarettes. You can imagine, but who would have thought that in just one year, Fuyuan cigarettes were rampant in several provinces, killing the original foreign brand of cigarettes, and then competing with Nanyang cigarette companies in southern provinces and becoming one of the two major domestic cigarette manufacturers.

When people were shocked, several other industries of Fuyuan Company, such as soap factories, match factories and other subsidiaries, were not as brilliant as Fuyuan cigarettes, but they were also quite profitable. It can be said that many of Fuyuan Company's investments have not been lost. A failed precedent.

Moreover, Fuyuan Company also has a tradition of finding others to jointly operate and share costs. Compared with Fuyuan Company's own capital, it is also limited, but it has been involved in too many fields at the same time, so whether it is cigarettes, cement or other industries, it is basically led by Fuyuan Company, and then pulls a number of people to work together. After all, when investing in other industries, they need not only funds, but also various channels or technologies. Although Fuyuan Company has a big business, strictly speaking, this is an investment financial company, and they can't play in so many industries by themselves.

If Fuyuan Company can take the lead in investing in Chahar Iron Mine, it can attract other capitalists to join, so that more funds can be raised for development.

Listening to the conversation between Zhao E and Yang Debiao and others made Fang Biyong, a military general, a little boring. If it hadn't been for Zhao Dongyun just now, he wouldn't have joined this small circle. Now Zhao Dongyun has left. After listening to a few words, Fang Biyong consciously left this small circle of civil officials and then walked to Zhao Dongping's side!

"Brother, is this lady?" Fang Biyong did not have the consciousness of being a light bulb at all, but went straight to Zhao Dongping and another young woman!

When Zhao Dongping saw Fang Biyong suddenly coming over, he looked a little embarrassed and introduced, "This is Gu Qingying, Gu Yu's sister!"

Fang Biyong naturally knew that the stork feather was Gu Lanyu's character, but he looked curious. Gu Lanyu had a standard Chinese character face, tall and looked like a tough soldier, but he didn't expect that his sister was extremely beautiful and petite. If not, he really couldn't see that they were brothers and sisters.

It's just that he is more curious. When did Zhao Dongping and Gu Lanyu hook up? Is it possible for the two to get married?