Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 352 Whoever wins and loses

In the sixth brigade of the 3rd Division of the Feng army, Gu Lanyu was the best at roundabout attack during his tenure as the brigade commander, and he was a well-deserved elite force in the Feng army.

The 7th Brigade of the Fourth Division of the Anhui Army, as a member of the Fourth Division, was also one of the seven towns of the old Beiyang in those years. It has been trained for many years. The quality of both officers and soldiers is not weaker than that of the three main divisions of the Feng Army. The department is well equipped with all kinds of 88 rifles, Germany's most advanced field guns and mountain guns, and German-made heavy machine guns. Because he is the direct main force under Duan Qirui's command, the soldiers' salaries have always been paid in full, and the morale and loyalty of soldiers and officers are very high.

After the department went south from Zhili at the beginning of the year, it moved to the five provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangxi. After the Feng army entered the customs, the headquarters went north to fight in northern Jiangsu and fought well in Xuzhou and the 3rd and 1st divisions of the Feng army. Although the department retreated from Xuzhou, it was also a strategic active retreat, which was not defeated and fled by the Feng army.

From last year to now, the department has experienced dozens of battles, and has not been defeated. At the beginning of the year, it defeated more than 100,000 troops of the Southern Federation in the direction of the two rivers with the strength of one division alone. Speaking of the achievements, it is actually more dazzling than the three main divisions of the Feng army!

Although Tang Tianxi, the commander of the 7th Brigade, is not famous among many contemporary generals, he can climb up step by step as the brigade commander in the main force of Duan Qirui, the fourth division, which must have his excellence.

All the warlords who have left such a great reputation in history are not simple roles. As for those talented ordinary people who have long been destroyed among all sentient beings in the melee of warlords, there may be a famous history book.

When the two most elite troops in the two armies of Fenghui collided with each other like a tide, they burst into stormy waves!

On a hill outside Chuzhou, Pei Lianying was wearing the blue-gray combat uniform unique to senior generals of the Feng army and a tweed coat outside. At this time, he was taking more than a dozen men to patrol the front line.

A young correction next to him in a blue-gray school officer's combat uniform said, "Just now, we have determined through fire reconnaissance that there is at least one enemy battalion under the low slope opposite. Two hours ago, they tried to bypass us to attack our flank and were blocked by our battalion. Now the department has been suppressed by us. Under that low slope. The Ministry requested to reinforce our department. As long as our department has enough machine guns to suppress, and then send troops to occupy this small highland on the right wing of our position. If heavy machine guns are deployed there, we can get enough machine gun shooting, and then completely annihilate the enemy of the battalion!"

While listening, Pei Lianying looked at the temporary hand-painted battle map in his hand, and then took out a telescope to observe the surrounding situation. After a long time, he put down the telescope and looked at a colonel next to him: "Xunrong, what do you think?"

The colonel was about 34 years old, wearing the same blue-gray uniform as other officers of the Feng army, wearing an officer's coat, long combat leather boots, a command knife hanging around his waist and a 1905 pistol imitating the Browning 1900 pistol.

This person's name is Lv Jiantang, whose name is Xunrong. He was born in the tenth phase of Lao Wubei. The place where the Third Mixed Association was established was to serve under Zhao Dongyun. He has served as an infantry team officer, an infantry battalion management belt, an assistant to the supervision office, and a deputy director of the supervision and training department of the staff department. He is one of the early important staff officers under Zhao Dongyun and has participated in the Feng army. Multi-new tactical preparation.

Last year, he began a large-scale expansion of the Feng army. Like many intermediate officers, he was promoted. First, he was transferred to the commander of the 5th Mixed Brigade and this year, he was transferred to the 12th Regiment of the 3rd Division. Although this transfer is equal, the head of the 3rd Division and the commander of the 5th Mixed Brigade cannot be said on the same day. Such a transfer can barely be regarded as a half-step promotion.

This man is an old-qualified colonel-level officer in the Feng army, and his performance in the customs is quite good. He has entered Zhao Dongyun's vision with many senior colonels. As a general candidate, if nothing unexpected happens, as the scale of the Feng army gradually expands, he will soon serve as a brigade. Long.

He is different from Zhao Dongzhi, who also served as the commander of the 11th Regiment in the Sixth Brigade. Although Zhao Dongzhi was promoted to the commander of the 11th Regiment of the 3rd Division in the Battle of Jinan, the reason why he was able to hold the position of the main regiment as a junior lieutenant colonel was not because of how excellent he was, but because his back scene was too deep. As Zhao Dongyun's cousin, his promotion is much easier than Lv Jiantang.

But after all, Lv Jiantang, who is also the head of the regiment, as a senior colonel, has already stepped into the threshold of the major general, and Zhao Dongzhi's words, even if everything goes well, it will be several years away from the young general.

Lv Jiantang heard Pei Lianying's question and immediately said, "The Ministry thinks this is feasible. The 7th Brigade opposite is more difficult than we expected. In the previous battle between our regiment and the enemy on the opposite side, although the overall progress was relatively smooth, the progress was not big. Now one of their battalions rushed into our eyes. If you can take the opportunity to launch a counterattack, there is a great possibility that the battalion can be severely damaged or even annihilated.

He didn't finish his words, but paused for a moment and continued: "Even if the enemy perceives our intention to send to rescue, according to the terrain here, it will be more difficult for them to rescue, and it won't help much if they come, but if the enemy withdraws more than two battalions, then It is equivalent to weakening the troops in other directions, and then our army can find opportunities to break through the enemy's front in other directions!"

Pei Lianying nodded slightly when he heard this. Although he did not think that he could surround and annihilate the opposite battalion in one fell swoop, he should have a chance to cause chaos in the dispatch of the enemy front, thus creating a breakthrough for troops in other directions.

The duration of the battle between the 6th Brigade and the 7th Brigade was not long, and it was only a few hours, but the battle between the 3rd Division and the 4th Division was not a day or two. At the beginning, they fought several small battles in Xuzhou. During the war, Pei Lianying also found that this fourth division is worthy of being the number one ace main force under Duan Qirui's command. Whether it is the quality of soldiers or the tactical quality of officers, it is completely inferior to his own side. Although his side occupies the weapon advantage of mortars and light machine guns, it is still comparable on the whole.

Such a strong enemy deserves its own attention!

Pei Lianying and Gu Lanyu are different people. Whether Gu Lanyu is arrogant or confident, in Gu Lanyu's eyes, the Fourth Division is the same as those units of the First Division, the Fifth Division, the Sixth Division, the Seventh Division and other units. No matter how strong it is, it will become its own defeated, so Gu Lanyu will not hesitate to die. Make the troops attack the Fourth Division!

In terms of mortars, only Fuyuan Machine Factory is currently mass-produced in the world, but Duan Qirui has ordered the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and Jinling Manufacturing Bureau under his control in the past few months to begin to imitate mortars. Although the output and performance are unsatisfactory, there are also two or three Ten 60 mortars manufactured by the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau were successively equipped with various divisions of the Anhui Army, among which the fourth division was more equipped. In addition, when they fought with the Feng army for many hours, they also captured some of the weapons from the Feng army, which naturally included weapons unique to the Feng army such as mortars and light machine guns.

Therefore, although mortars and light machine guns are extremely rare in the Anhui army, it can't be said that they are not, and most of them were taken by Duan Qirui to the 4th Division. After all, this fourth division is Duan Qirui's direct line. Naturally, what good things are given priority to the 4th Division.

However, the number of mortars and light machine guns of the 4th Division is really small, especially compared with the main force of the Feng army such as the 3rd Division, there is no way to compare it at all. One battalion of the 4th Division opposite is only two or three 60mm mortars, but there are three 60mm mortars in one company of the Third Division of the Feng Army.

In this way, the Third Division of the Feng Army has a great advantage in natural firepower!

Only in the face of such a strong army as the 4th Division, the firepower advantages of mortars and light machine guns are difficult to transform into tactical advantages, let alone strategic advantages, because the 4th Division and the 3rd Division are the main force, and there are dozens of artillery guns that can provide fire support in normal combat.

However, in today's narrow-road battle, and in this battalion-scale small-scale battle, the firepower advantage of the 3rd Division has been fully reflected. Under the firepower cover of 60mm mortars and 80mm mortars, the infantry has fought against the enemy again and again under the fire support of light and heavy machine guns. The mountain of the army's defense started to attack.

When evening approached, the first battalion of the 12th regiment of the Feng army had already planted the battle flag of the Feng army on this small hill on the right wing!

Then, on the one hand, they organized troops to strengthen the fortifications and prepare to intercept the enemy's counterattack, and on the other hand, they rudely set up four heavy machine guns directly above.

On the north side of this hill is a small flat land. In a large open area 500 or 600 meters away, 700 or 800 Anhui soldiers lying in the trenches and temporarily excavating trenches have been directly exposed to the heavy machine gun fire of the Feng army!

With the unique rattling sound of Mark Qin's heavy machine gun, the light bombs drew a faint light in the evening air, guiding countless bullets to spray on the infantry battalion of the Anhui army.